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| Derarrwunror | CeaRwiNe AND TeaciNe University | | Soe Sestn | Some chawoave | Rtcyennrs Serna : Jane 2018 ‘To Whom it May Concern— ‘tis a distinct pleasure to support the carcer aspirations of Matthew Patrick, I had the pleasure of interacting with Matt when he -was a student inthe Master’s Credential Cohort (MCC) program at the University of San Diego, which he completed in July 2014, ‘ia my capacity as the Associate Professor of School of Leadership and Education Sciences, I observed Mate thrive on a igorous teacher preparation program that allows candidates to earn both a credential and a master’s degree in twelve months. The [program requirements are intense-- MCC candidates student teach for rwo semesters, take coursework concurrent with classroom, responsibilities, complete the Performance Assessment for California’s Teachers (PACT), conduct classtoom based research to support their master’s action research thesis, and are expected to maintain high professional and academic standards throughout. ‘Mate was an exemplary member of the 2013-14 MCC cohort and has become an exceptional educator. For his student teaching, ‘Mate spent the fll semester in a middle school English/ Language Arts classroom at Einstein Academy and the spring semester in a Humanities classroom at High Tech High (HTH). ‘Through these experiences he was able to gain experience and demonstrate success working with both middle and high school students. These experiences have positioned him well to support students from 2 wide range of demographic backgrounds and engage them in leaming both within and across the disciplines. Asa result, hhe was offered employment as a Humanities teacher at HTH, where he remains to date. ‘Matt consistently received strong endorsements from teachers and administrators as well as his university course instructors. He is very knowledgeable in his discipline and creative in his ability to make content meaningful for his students. He takes time to get to know his students and to tailor lessons to heir interests and abilities. He is particularly concerned about working to engage students and ensure that they have access to the literacy skils needed for lifelong success. Jn my role as Director on the High Tech High Board, I'm aware of Mates groweh as an educator. He has designed a series of interdisciplinary, collaborative projects, promoting social justice. Whether it be combating food insecurity in a local community, raising awareness of the plight of refugees, or designing solutions to problems identified in urban areas, Matt creates authentic ‘opportunites for students to think critically and creatively. At che heart of exch project remains Mat’s commitment to developing literacy skills. Students analyze complex texts and exhibit their thinking ina variery of writing styles and products - from published works of fiction to historical research papers summarized on laser-cut wooden plaques. In his coursework Matt consistently demonstrated a thoughtful ability to make meaningfal connections between theory and practice. His years of experience in e-commerce prior to entering the education field help to give depth to his thinking about the goals and constructs of teaching. He readily took a lead in classroom conversations and is respected by his peers. For his action research, Matt explored the impact of writing alongside his students. ‘This is a strong demonstration of his engagement as a Jeamer who is dedicated ro transparency and working to ensuee the best for students, Additionally, as a father himself, Mart brings 1 greater appreciation for the value of educating the whole child to both his coursework and his teaching, ‘Mate is a thoughtful and dedicated educator. His fanure students, colleagues, and school community will greatly benefit from his leadership in the classroom and beyond. He has my highest recommendation. Please feel free to contact me if you have ‘questions or would like additional information. Sincerely — eo low ‘Heather Lattimer, EdD Profesor of Kaci Executive Director, Jacobs Institure for Innovation in Education Jarier heather@gmailcom

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