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Subject Proposal for Boxing Sports Development Programme

Approved by:
National Commission for Protection of Child Rights, Govt. Of India (NCPCR)
Department Of Child & Women Development, Govt of NCT of Delhi (DCWD)
Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights, Govt of NCT of Delhi (DCPCR)

Regd. Under Indian Trust Act Vide R.No 4/316/1718
Address: Block P-4, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi 110017
Contact No: 9810739659





▪ Sports for development and crime prevention

▪ Key Principles



▪ Project Budget and Sustainability



▪ NCPCR - National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (Govt. Of India)
▪ Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights (Govt Of NCT Of Delhi)
▪ Department of Women & Child Development (Govt Of NCT Of Delhi)




Quality physical activity is fundamental to child development - cognitive development, motor skills, emotional and mental growth. We
can’t just leave this to chance and expect our children to obtain the physical literacy they need for life. Being physically active is not
just about burning calories or kids letting off steam - it is fundamental to their development

Outside of academic achievement, we also know that sports is essential for kids to grow, think, engage and be part of their community
and wider society. There is a broad and growing evidence base for this. Importantly, when we don’t support youth to be involved in
sport, then the next generation will not only miss out on the physical, academic and social benefits, but they also pass their behavior
and attitudes on to their own children.

The number of juvenile delinquents has risen in the last few years. “According to the National Crime Records Bureau,” the
Education & Family Background of Juveniles Arrested in Metropolitan Cities - 2016, the UT Delhi ranked highest with the total
number 3610 juvenile amongst the Metro Cities. Out of 3610 juveniles, 1007 are illiterate, 1463 attained Primary Education, 1065
attained above Primary but below High Secondary, and 75 attained Higher Secondary & Above.

Juveniles in Conflict with Law

I. Maximum number of cases under juveniles in conflict with law were reported in Delhi (35.6%) followed by Mumbai (14.2%)
and Pune (11.3%) during 2016.

II. A total of 9,341 juveniles were apprehended in 6,645 cases, out of which 8,971 juveniles were apprehended under IPC cases
and 370 juveniles were apprehended under SLL cases during 2016.

III. Majority of juveniles in conflict with law apprehended under IPC & SLL crimes were in the age group of 16 yrs. to 18 years
(73.7%) (6,881 out of 9,341) during 2016.

If youth in Observation Homes start receiving regular, quality physical literacy for professional sports i.e Boxing etc, then
rehabilitation programme will become career oriented to change their mindset and reducing recidivism. Boxing Sports Development
Programme in Observation Homes will become a life changing experience, and a great opportunity to develop self-discipline and
provide the ground for youth to make career in boxing sport, and earn for their living.


“Children in conflict with the law are called by many names: criminal, thief, murderer, rapist. When people look at them, if they look
at all, all they see are the faces of young criminals - fierce, vicious, and rough. When people speak of them, their voices are often full
of contempt, scorn and even condemnation. These children are given names that speak only of their crimes and not of their intrinsic
humanity. What many do not know, or do not care to know, is that these wicked faces are, sadly, often only masks— masks that
children have put on themselves to hide their pain, anger, and fear, or masks that we, in our indifference and even revulsion, have
actually put on them. Because we mistake their masks for their faces, we forget who these children are. We forget that they are children,
who have much to learn, much to do, and much to hope for. In believing the masks to be real, we undermine children’s capacity for
growth and change.”

Since Observation Homes are like transit points for such offenders, Boxing Sports Development Programme in Observation Homes
will be a great opportunity to develop self-discipline and provide the ground for youth to make career in professional boxing sport, and
earn for their living.

Boxing is globally the most popular combat sport in the world. It has been recognized as a sport in the Olympics, Commonwealth and
Asian games for more than two decades.A boxer has been the highest paid athlete globally for 3 consecutive years - Floyd
Mayweather (World Boxing Champion)

In India, the professional boxing avenue has been opened through Vijender Singh and the glorious victory of MC Mary Kom in
Olympics. Boxing like any other combat sports attracts significant number of young population. In such a scenario, Boxing has a huge
scope in India due to maximum youth population is under 25 age. Down the ages, the popular mindset has been that sports are good
for the mind and body but it cannot help you earn your daily bread. The professional sports league in India & worldwide have created a
platform for sportsperson to make career in sports as professional player, and earn for their living. Professional boxing league has also
become a platform for maximum skilled players to showcase their talent to the world and earn for their living after them achieving
medals for nation.

Sports for development and crime prevention

“The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development underlines the growing contribution of sports as a tool for peace in its promotion
of tolerance and respect. It also highlights the contributions that sport can make to the empowerment of communities as a whole, to
individuals (particularly women and young people) as well as to health, education and social inclusion. More specifically, sports offer
an important opportunity for building life skills of at-risk youth that allow them to better cope with daily life challenges and move
away from involvement in violence, crime or drug use. - United Nations Office On Drugs and Crime (UNODC)”
Boxing for the Youth:

The Boxing Sports Development Programme is inspired from the vision set forth in the National Youth Policy-2014 as envisioned by
the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India which aims to accomplish the following goals for the Youth of India

1. Developing a strong and healthy generation through Sports and Healthy lifestyle
2. Support Youth at Risk and create equitable opportunity for all, through Inclusion and Social Justice
3. Facilitate Youth Engagement
4. Promote social values and community engagement
5. Create a productive workforce through education, entrepreneurship, employment and skill development.

The Boxing Sports Development Programme is a step in this direction where we aspire to contribute to the development of children in
Conflict with Law through boxing for youth at risk in juvenile prisons, in order to develop a healthy lifestyle and support equitable
opportunity for them through Inclusion and Social Justice.

The program thereby is a comprehensive physical education curriculum for children in juvenile prisons to promote Youth
development, Health, Education and skill development through the sport of boxing.
Engaging the Youth is essential to achieve the goal of Crime Prevention and this program aspires to achieve it through promoting the
sport of boxing in juvenile prisons across the country.


Boxing Sports Development Programme in Observation Homes meant for the training of young talent, and it shall be a continuous
process of identifying, training and creating passion for Boxing and train them to participate in future professional boxing

As more and more Indian sports persons gaining fame and recognition through professional boxing competitions, the objective of the
project is to offer an opportunity for maximum development of boxing talent in youth at Observation Homes through training and
nurturing of their skills in this emerging sport in India. This project proposal also seeks to build Boxing Training Facility for training
young talent for professional boxing competitions and making their career in Professional Boxing.

Rehabilitation programme in Observation Homes are key to protecting society from crime and reducing recidivism.

For the purposes of this strategic plan, we define SPORT as all forms of physical activity which, through casual or organized
participation, aim at improving physical fitness and mental well-being, forming social relationships or obtaining results in competition
in all levels. This broad-ranging definition of sport includes active play, physical education, physical recreation, exercise and
competitive sport.

Key Principles

Equality and Inclusion:

We will involve and serve all people equally, irrespective of age, ability or background.

We will promote the enablement and empowerment of individuals who seek to learn & grow.

We will support the sustainable development of sport.

Added Value:
We will seek, through our interaction with other agencies, to add value to current sport provision.

We remain open to change, and committed to change where the need demands.


1. BSDP is expected to develop skilled boxing player to make them participate in boxing competition for building their career as
professional boxer.
2. BSDP is expected to provide a life changing experience through Boxing Skill Training Programme.
3. BSDP is expected to develop sportsmanship, and develop positive attitude towards life & reduced recidivism rates once they're
4. BSDP initiative seeks to positively influence behavior and attitudes of at-risk youth and prevent anti-social and risky behavior.
5. Strengthening the life skills of youth is a key objective in order to minimize risk factors and maximize protective factors related
to crime, violence and drug use.


There are a number of key considerations in developing Boxing Sports Development Programme to achieve maximum effectiveness.
Youth who are engaged in organized sport are not participating in criminal activities. To do this, Amjad Khan Boxing Foundation will
create training environment within Observation Homes for daily boxing training practices. It includes;

⚫ Develop the necessary infrastructure to conduct professional boxing training.

⚫ Develop the Boxing Sports Training facility with advance training accessory and equipment.
⚫ Provide best training coach for everyday training to develop self-discipline and self-confidence.
⚫ To create interest in participation and involvement in boxing sport.

Project Budget and Sustainability

We aim to create Boxing training facility to avail training equipment, professional coaches, diet for providing world class training to
youth with support of Corporate partnership under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for its sustainability.

Necessary Training accessories to be used for everyday training: Boxing Gloves, Hand Wraps, Mouth Guards, Protective Headgear,
Groin Protectors, Punch and Heavy Bags, Boxing Bags, Footwear, Clothing and other necessary supplies for best training practices.


“Physical education exposes young people to a range of experiences that enable them to develop the skills and knowledge they need to
make the most of all opportunities today and to shape new forms of global citizenship” - World Health Organization

Boxing Sports Development Programme could be a game-changer for youth in Observation Homes to help build confidence and
extend social networks, improve health, reduce anti-social behavior and re-offending and develop skills and goals for moving towards
better life. We ultimately want every child to have equal opportunity to be active in sport for learning and achieving goals.

The Amjad Khan Boxing Foundation will monitor the project to achieve below outcome:
⚫ Are physically literate
⚫ Are Self-disciplined and full of self confidence
⚫ Can access play, sport and physical activity opportunities
⚫ Understand and maximize the value of sport appropriate experiences
⚫ Are empowered to lead for better life
⚫ Are motivated to choose boxing as career


The Cost of Project includes;

1. Training equipment and accessories
2. Training Infrastructure
3. Daily Diet & Nutrition
4. Salary & Allowance
5. Monthly Maintenance
6. Event Expenses

S.No Particulars Requirements Quantity Unit Price Total Amount

Boxing Ring 1 500000 500000

Boxing Punching Bags 25 kg 10 2000 20000
Punch Bag Sealing Mount 10 200 2000
Elastic Speed Ball 10 700 7000
Boxing Gloves 50 1500 75000
Boxing Pads 50 800 40000
Hand Wraps 50 100 5000
Head Gear 20 700 14000
Groin Protector 50 150 7500
Foot Guard 10 900 9000
Chest Guard 10 500 5000
Training Accessories
1 Skipping Rope 50 150 7500
(One Time Investment)
Adjustable Handgrip 10 250 2500
Push Up Bar 10 350 3500
Weight Ball - 1 Kg 10 250 2500
Weight Ball - 2 Kg 10 350 3500
Weight Ball - 3 Kg 10 550 5500
Weight Ball - 5 Kg 10 900 9000
Yoga Mats 10 1000 10000
Mouth Guard 100 100 10000
T-shirt, Shorts & Shoes 50 5000 250000


Construction of Training Facility with Metallic Shed 15,00,000
Shelves for Accessories 100000
Training Infrastructure
2 Branding, Creative Painting and Art Work, Posters 3,00,000
(One Time Investment)


Eggs Diet: 4 Eggs / Day

4 X 365 = 1460 Eggs (per year per person)
50 X 1460 Eggs 73000 5 365000

3 Milk Diet: 0.5 Liter Per Day
(Annual Expenses)
0.5 X 365 = 182.5 Liter (per year per person)
50 X 182.5 Liter 9125 50 456250


Boxing Coach Salary & Allowance:

Coach – 1 12 50000 600000
Coach – 2 12 40000 480000

Physiotherapist Salary & Allowance:

Physiotherapist - 1 12 40000 480000
Salary & Allowance
(Annual Expenses)
Legal Counsellor Salary & Allowance:
Legal Counsellor - 1 12 40000 480000

Project Supervisor Salary & Allowance: 12 50000 600000

Project Supervisor - 1
Maintenance of Training Facility 12 20000 240000
Kitchen Management etc 12 20000 240000
5 Other Expenses


Total Expenses: INR 68,29,750

Permission Letters

Appreciation & Recommendation Letters


AMJAD KHAN BOXING FOUNDATION is not profit organization, registered under Indian Trust Act. It is promoting fitness through
boxing as its mission and training world class boxers for State, National, International and ProBoxing Championships. AKBF boxing
players have represented India in International Training Competitions & Championships in Bangkok, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Uzbekistan,
Dubai, Armenia, Dubai, Bangkok, Singapore. Our Gold, Silver & Bronze Medal champions including Saif Ali Khan, Rakesh
Lochav, Satish Kartik, Hemant Singh, Manoj Chouhan, Mohammad Islam.

Amjad Khan boxing Foundation mission is to run a consistent sustainable sports development program providing youth with
opportunity to participate in recreational and competitive sporting activities while contributing to the social upliftment of the
community. It aim to encourage sportsmanship and healthier lifestyles amongst youth by teaching the fundamentals of boxing for
participation in boxing training & championships.

About Founder, Amjad Khan:

Amjad Khan is the first youngest Indian boxer promoting boxing being philanthropist through Amjad Khan Boxing Foundation and
inspiring young generation to opt boxing as a career, and training them for championships & professional boxing competition

Amjad Khan (born 2 nd July 1994) is a former professional boxer & International Boxing Promoter from Uttar Pradesh, India. He is a
born fighter, served in Indian Army as boxer for 3 years. As an amateur boxer, he won gold medal in various national championship
including Youth National Boxing Championship, Inter Army Boxing Competition, Rajiv Gandhi Boxing Competition, All India Inter
SAI Boxing Championship. Indian Amateur Boxing Federation (IBF) sent him to Participate in International Training Competition at
Kazakhstan 2008. He also represented India in Professional Boxing Training Competition Bangkok 2009; Baku, Azerbaijan 2010;
Turkey 2011; Uzbekistan 2012; Dubai 2013; Armenia 2014, Dubai 2015, Bangkok 2016, Singapore 2017.

Amjad Khan is the first young Indian boxer promoting boxing being philanthropist since the age of 23 and inspiring young generation
to opt boxing as a career, and training them for professional boxing competition worldwide. World fastest boxer Amir Khan, Athens
Olympics Silver Winner is an inspiration to Amjad Khan and first time he came to India in 2014 for inguarating Amjad Khan Boxing
Training Center at New Delhi. He is the Founder of Amjad Khan Boxing Foundation; Vice President, Indian Professional Boxing
Association; Director, Amjad Khan Boxing Training Centre, Delhi and Talent Director, Super Boxing League & Super Fight League.
He is being awarded with Rajiv Gandhi Excellence Global Award 2015.



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