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Electromagnetic waves are a form of energy waves that have both an electric and

magnetic field. Electromagnetic waves are different from mechanical waves in that they can
transmit energy and travel through a vacuum.
As the wavelengths of electromagnetic waves get shorter, their energy increases

Gamma rays: These are the most energetic and dangerous form of electromagnetic
waves. They are more penetrating than X-rays. Gamma rays are generated by
radioactive atoms and in nuclear explosions, and are used in many medical applications.
Gamma rays originate though in the nucleus of atoms, not by electron
X-ray production whenever electrons of high energy strike a heavy metal target, like
tungsten or copper. When electrons hit this material, some of the electrons will
approach the nucleus of the metal atoms where they are deflected because of there
opposite charges (electrons are negative and the nucleus is positive, so the electrons are
attracted to the nucleus). This deflection causes the energy of the electron to decrease,
and this decrease in energy then results in forming an x-ray.
When the electrons strike the target, X rays are produced by two processes. One
process occurs as the electrons are slowed down and deflected by the atoms of the
target; the kinetic energy (energy of motion) of the electrons is converted directly into
X-ray radiation. The radiation, called bremsstrahlung, contains X rays of all wavelengths
above a certain minimum wavelength. The higher the voltage of the tube, the greater
the kinetic energy of the electrons that strike the target, and the shorter the minimum
wavelength of the X rays that can be produced.
The other process involves the electrons of the atoms that make up the target. The
electrons can be thought to be arranged about the nucleus, or core, of the atom in a
number of shells, or layers, one within the other. The larger the shell, the greater the
energy of the electrons that form it. When a high-speed electron from the cathode
strikes an atom of the target, it sometimes knocks an electron from out of one of the
inner shells. The ejected electron is immediately replaced by an electron from a larger
(higher-energy) shell. The energy lost by the electron's dropping down to a shell of X-
rays have even shorter wavelengths than ultraviolet rays. At this point in the
electromagnetic spectrum, scientists begin to think of these rays more as particles than
waves. X-rays were discovered by German scientist Wilhelm Roentgen. They can
penetrate soft tissue like skin and muscle and are used to take X-ray pictures of bones in
medicine. lower energy is given off as an X ray.
Thermal radiation is electromagnetic radiation generated by the thermal
motion of charged particles in matter. All matter with a temperature greater
than absolute zero emits thermal radiation. When the temperature of the body is
greater than absolute zero, interatomic collisions cause the kinetic energy of the atoms
or molecules to change. This results in charge-acceleration and/or dipole oscillation
which produces electromagnetic radiation, and the wide spectrum of radiation reflects
the wide spectrum of energies and accelerations that occur even at a single
Examples of thermal radiation include the visible light and infrared light emitted by
an incandescent light bulb, the infraredradiation emitted by animals and detectable
with an infrared camera, and the cosmic microwave background radiation. Thermal
radiation is different from thermal convection and thermal conduction—a person near a
raging bonfire feels radiant heating from the fire, even if the surrounding air is very cold.
 Infrared is the region of the electromagnetic spectrum that extends from the visible region to about one
millimeter (in wavelength). Infrared waves include thermal radiation. For example, burning charcoal may not
give off light, but it does emit infrared radiation which is felt as heat. Infrared radiation can be measured
using electronic detectors and has applications in medicine and in finding heat leaks from houses. Infrared
images obtained by sensors in satellites and airplanes can yield important information on the health of crops
and can help us see forest fires even when they are enveloped in an opaque curtain of smoke.
Infrared: Just beyond the reddest light we can see, with a slightly shorter frequency, there's a kind of
invisible "hot light" called infrared. Although we can't see it, we can feel it warming our skin when it hits our
face—it's what we think of as radiated heat. If, like rattlesnakes, we could see infrared radiation, it would be
a bit like having night-vision lenses built into our heads.

 Visible light. The rainbow of colors we know as visible light is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum
with wavelengths between 400 and 700 billionths of a meter (400 to 700 nanometers). It is the part of the
electromagnetic spectrum that we see, and coincides with the wavelength of greatest intensity of sunlight.
Visible waves have great utility for the remote sensing of vegetation and for the identification of different
objects by their visible colors.

 Ultraviolet radiation has a range of wavelengths from 400 billionths of a meter to about 10 billionths of a
meter. Sunlight contains ultraviolet waves which can burn your skin. Most of these are blocked by ozone in
the Earth's upper atmosphere. A small dose of ultraviolet radiation is beneficial to humans, but larger doses
cause skin cancer and cataracts. Ultraviolet wavelengths are used extensively in astronomical
observatories. Some remote sensing observations of the Earth are also concerned with the measurement of
Ultraviolet: This is a kind of blue-ish light just beyond the highest-frequency violet light our eyes can detect.
The Sun transmits powerful ultraviolet radiation that we can't see: that's why you can get sunburned even
when you're swimming in the sea or on cloudy days—and why sunscreen is so important.

Microwave wavelengths range from approximately one millimeter (the thickness of a

pencil lead) to thirty centimeters (about twelve inches). In a microwave oven, the radio
waves generated are tuned to frequencies that can be absorbed by the food. The food
absorbs the energy and gets warmer. The dish holding the food doesn't absorb a
significant amount of energy and stays much cooler. Microwaves are emitted from the
Earth, from objects such as cars and planes, and from the atmosphere. These
microwaves can be detected to give information, such as the temperature of the object
that emitted the microwaves
Microwaves are shorter than radio waves with wavelengths measured in centimeters.
We use microwaves to cook food, transmit information, and in radar that helps to
predict the weather. Microwaves are useful in communication because they can
penetrate clouds, smoke, and light rain. The universe is filled with cosmic microwave
background radiation that scientists believe are clues to the origin of the universe they
call the Big Bang.
Radio waves are used to transmit radio and television signals. Radio waves have
wavelengths that range from less than a centimeter to tens or even hundreds of meters.
FM radio waves are shorter than AM radio waves. For example, an FM radio station at
100 on the radio dial (100 megahertz) would have a wavelength of about three meters.
An AM station at 750 on the dial (750 kilohertz) uses a wavelength of about 400 meters.
Radio waves can also be used to create images. Radio waves with wavelengths of a few
centimeters can be transmitted from a satellite or airplane antenna. The reflected
waves can be used to form an image of the ground in complete darkness or through
When a direct electrical current is applied to a wire the current flow builds an
electromagnetic field around the wire. This field sends a wave outward from the wire.
When the current is removed, the field collapses which again sends a wave. If the
current is applied and removed over and over for a period of time, a series of waves is
propagated at a discrete frequency. If the current changes polarity, or direction
repeatedly, that could make waves, too. This phenomenon is the basis of
electromagnetivity and basically describes how radio waves are created within
In wireless communication alternating current (AC) is used for the creation of radio
waves. This type of current constantly changes direction because the poles that create
the electric current are constantly switched at a very high frequency. These changes in
direction occur 60 times per second, or, if you want to sound more sophisticated you
would say the AC frequency is 60 Herz (Hz).
The changing direction of the electric current causes an oscilating magnetic field which
produces radio waves.
So, if we summerize this we can say that radio waves in wireless communication are
generated by an alternating current that is applied to a wire. This changing current
creates an oscillating magnetic field which results in a radio wave.

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