Communicative 1 B

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Nota: las respuestas son orientativas y ¡cuidado con ellas!, pues puede haber numerosos errores
1.- What does your mother look like?
My mother is medium height and slim. She has short straight white hair and she has brown eyes,
like me.
2.- How many brothers and sisters do you have?
I have three brothers, I don't have any sisters.
3.- What do you like to do in your free time?
I like reading, specially detective and historical novels. I like walking with my dog and playing the
board games.
4.- How often do you go to the cinema?
I go to the cinema a few times a year. I prefer to see the films at home because is more comfortable
than the cinema.
5.- What's your town like?
It's a small town but it's quiet, safe and clean. Sometimes it is a bit boring.
6.- What do you usually have for breakfast?
I usually have white coffee and cupcakes for breakfast.
7.- What kind of music do you like?
I like classical music and relaxing music.
8.- How do you come to class?
I normally walk to class because everything is close in Huesca.
9.- What's your house like?
For me is comfortable, medium size, because there are three rooms and two bathrooms, besides a
big living room and a kitchen.
10.- Where do your parents live?
My mother lives in Huesca, in the centre city, near here.
11.- How often do you use English?
I often use English when I surf in the Internet but I speak it very little.
12.- What do you do to relax in the evenings?
Having a relaxing bath or reading a good book
13.- What's TV like in your country?
It's very bad. It is better no to watch it
14.- How many languages do you speak?
I can speak some French and I'm learning English at the moment.
15.- What sport or exercise do you do?
Nothing. At most, I go for a swim in the summer and I go for a walk if it's warm
16.- Where do you work or study?
I don't work at the moment. I'm an unemployed. But I'm studying for the civil service exam and
English in the EOI
17.- Who do you get on with best in your family?
I get on very well with my oldest brother
18.- Who do you look like in your family?
I looked more like my father when I was younger, now I look like my mother.
19.- What apps does your mobile phone have?
It is a old mobile but it can take photos, send messages and, of course make a phone call
20.- What time does this class finish?
At nine p.m., at nine o' clock

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