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National Capacity

Workshop on the
of the Convention
on the
Safeguarding of
Cultural Heritages

A Report on the Logistics


Amalekh Weekly

Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1
Background .................................................................................................................................... 1
Time and Venue ............................................................................................................................. 1

Participants Profile ............................................................................................................ 2

List of Participants ........................................................................................................................ 2

Event Proceedings .............................................................................................................. 5

Pre-Event (Until 15 April 2012, Sunday) ........................................................................................ 5
Event Planning ............................................................................................................................. 5
Inauguration Ceremony (16 April 2012, Monday) ......................................................................... 6
Day 1 (16 April 2012, Monday) ..................................................................................................... 7
Day 2 (17 April 2012, Tuesday) ..................................................................................................... 7
Day 3 (18 April 2012, Wednesday) ................................................................................................ 8
Day 4 (19 April 2012, Thursday) .................................................................................................... 9
Day 5 (20 April 2012, Friday)..................................................................................................... 111
Closing (20 April 2012, Friday) ......................................................................................................11
Post-Event Documentation (20 April 2012, Friday onwards) .........................................................12

Appendices ........................................................................................................................... 13

Acknowledgements and Credits

List of Tables

Table 1 : List of Participants .............................................................................................................. 2

Table 2 : Group Presentation on Day 2 (17 April 2012, Tuesday) ........................................ 8

Table 3 : Group Presentation on Day 4 (19 April 2012, Thursday) based on the field
excursion previous day ................................................................................................................ 9

Table 4 : Group Presentation on Day 4 (19 April 2012, Thursday) on Safeguarding

Action Plan for 3 years ............................................................................................................ 10
Nepal has myriad heritages in both the tangible and non-tangible forms. Of them, tangible ones have
had quite a greater recognition at different levels, from local to the international level and non-
tangible ones, however, have been less talked of. Few, if any, were concerned of such living
heritages as significant to the community and the nation.

In regard to the UNESCO's step to identify the intangible cultural heritages and to safeguard them,
Nepal too has ratified the Convention on the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritages 2003.

The National Capacity Building for the Implementation of the Convention on the Safeguarding of the
Intangible Cultural Heritages, 2003 is an outcome of Nepal's strives to safeguard and promote its
intangible cultural heritages. The program is a part of the UNESCO/Japanese Funds-in-Trust Project
for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritages through the Strengthening of National Capacities in
Asia and the Pacific.

Nepal now stands as one of the eight countries in Asia to ratify this convention. Other countries to
ratify this convention are Bhutan, Cambodia, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Sri Lanka and
Timor Leste.

Time and Venue

The workshop entitled National Capacity Building Workshop on the Implementation of the
Convention on the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritages 2003 was a five-day program held
from 16 April 2012 (Monday) till 20 April 2012 at Hotel de l'Annapurna, Durbar Marg, Kathmandu.

The inauguration ceremony was conducted on 16 April 2012 from 9 a.m. Workshop timings for all
the days were 9:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. The workshop concluded with a closing ceremony on 20 April
2012 at 8:00 p.m. alongside a dinner program.

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Intangible Cultural Heritages : A Logistics Management Report
Participants Profile

Altogether 48 participants attended the program. The participants represented important positions
from the ministry, departments related to this sector, organizations working in this sector and local
traditional performers (the bearers of ICH).

The participants have been mostly divided under the following categories (in respect to the
organizations or communities they represent):

1. Civil Services (under the Government of Nepal)

2. Autonomous Research Institutions (supported by the Government of Nepal)
3. Trusts and Councils (Autonomous localized bodies run by a Board under the chairmanship of
Minister of Culture)
4. Local Municipal Bodies
5. Academic Institutions
6. Government Corporations
7. Representatives from different active organizations working in sector of culture
8. Media organization
9. Other active ICH practitioner / Community Representatives

The following is the list of all the participants alongside their portfolio. The list accords to the
participants' registration list collected by UNESCO as a part of the proceedings of the workshop.

Table 1 : List of Participants

S.N. Last Name First Name Organization Designation

Government of Nepal
1 Bhandari Manju Singh Department of Archaeology
2 Hartamchhali Narad Mani Intangible Cultural Heritage Council, Ministry of Member
Federal Affairs, Constituent Assembly,
Parliamentary Affairs and Culture
3 Manandhar Prativa National Archives
4 Pudasaini Raju Babu Nepal National Commission for UNESCO
5 Rai Karuna Regional Museum, Gorkha Chief
6 Shrestha Jayanti Ministry of Federal Affairs, Constituent Archaeological
Assembly, Parliamentary Affairs and Culture Officer
7 Shrestha Jayaram Ministry of Federal Affairs, Constituent Under-Secretary
Assembly, Parliamentary Affairs and Culture

Autonomous Research Institutions supported by Government of Nepal

8 Kapari Ram Bharos Nepal Academy
9 Maskey Karna Prasad Nepal Academy of Fine Arts

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Intangible Cultural Heritages : A Logistics Management Report
Trusts and Council (Autonomous localized bodies run by Board under the chairmanship of Minister of Culture)
10 Acharya Govinda Pashupati Area Development Trust

Local Municipal Bodies

11 Dhakhwa Pravin Laltipur Sub-Metropolitan City
12 Pradhan Anuj Kirtipur Municipality
13 Pradhan Shriju Kathmandu Metropolitan City
14 Prajapati Krishna Bhaktapur Municipality
15 Suwal Indra Man Kathmandu Metropolitan City

Academic Institutions
16 Rana Poonam R.L. Department of Nepalese History, Culture and
Archaeology, Tribhuvan University

Government Corporations
17 Pokhrel Mitra Mani Cultural Corporation
18 Subedi Hem Raj Guthi Sansthan

Representatives from different active organizations working in sector of culture

19 Gandharba Binod Gandharba Cultural Art Organization Advisor
20 Gandhari Suresh Gandharba Cultural Art Organization
21 K.C. Bishwo National Heritage Preservation Movement –
(Pokharel) Nepal
22 Pariyar Meghendra Nepal Folk Instrument Museum
23 Pradhan Bijaya Nepal Heritage Society
24 Rayamajhi Durga Music Nepal
25 Shakya Dharma Raj Federation of Handicrafts Association of Nepal Vice-Chairman

Media Organization
26 Lamsal Navaraj Radio Nepal Deputy Director

Other active ICH practitioner / Community representatives

27 Awale Sarita Jyapu Society Member
28 Chaudhari Surat Tharu Painter
29 Danuwar Jitendra Danuwar Jagaran Samiti
30 Dhimal Som Dhimal Caste Development Nepal
31 Gopali Rup Chandra 12 year Swet Ganesh Dance Performer
32 Gurung Kishor Nepali Folklore Society Ethnomusicologist
33 Jha Rupa
34 Limbu Ramesh Nepali Folklore Society Scholar /
Kumar Researcher
35 Magar Pabitra Rana Nepali Folklore Society
36 Manandhar Shyam Rastriya Bibhuti Sankhadhar Sakhwa Academy Chairperson
37 Meche Santa Lal Council of Meche Language, Literature and
38 Munikar Chandra Jyapu Mahaguthi Coordinator,
Man Culture
39 Payangu Yam Kirat Yakthung Chumlung

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Intangible Cultural Heritages : A Logistics Management Report
40 Rai Chandra Researcher
"Hatuwali" Kumar
41 Rai Tirtha Raj Chomolungma UNESCO Centre Executive Board
42 Shrestha Hariman Kartik Naach Management Committee Manager
43 Shrestha Juju Bhai Tongue Piercing Festival Performer
44 Tharu Ashok Nepali Folklore Society
45 Yonjan- Amrit Nepal Tamang Ghedung

Trainees selected from inventorying workshop 2010 organized by Government of Nepal

46 Basnet Duryodhan
47 Gautam Sushil Kumar Archeologist Society of Nepal

48 Nepal Bhim

* Disclaimer: This list is adapted from the participant list prepared by UNESCO Kathmandu Office for the
purpose of the workshop only. Use of this list elsewhere requires the prior permission of UNESCO. UNESCO has
the full authority to annul such use wherever or whenever it deems necessary.

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Intangible Cultural Heritages : A Logistics Management Report
Event Proceedings

Pre-Event (Until 15 April 2012, Sunday)

As per the agreement signed dated 11 April 2012, preliminary works before the workshop were
conducted. Collaborations were made with UNESCO Kathmandu Office, Ministry of Federal Affairs,
Constituent Assembly, Parliamentary Affairs and Culture and resource person, Bhim Nepal.

By then our team had already had materials to prepare a vision with how we should move ahead for
the success of the workshop. Pre-event facilitations with banner printing, photocopies preparation
of training and other support materials, invitation letter distribution for participants and invitees for
the inauguration and closing ceremony, invitation for media houses and journalists for coverage of
the inauguration, workshop proceedings and closing ceremony were made by the team.

Invitation to media houses were sent personally by an email from the personal yahoo account Abhas
D. Rajopadhyaya, i.e. to almost over hundreds of national, regional and local
print, radio, TV and online media. Even most journalists were sent messages over social networking
site from a personal profile in facebook. Phone contacts and SMS messaging were also done to invite
journalists for the coverage of the event.

Works of translations and typing of media advisory in Nepali language were performed before the
event. Most of such translations were completed before the event, save the translation of a seven-
page document of an ICH-01 form that was provided only on the second day of workshop by the
resource person.

The team too made a visit to the venue before the workshop days along with representative from
UNESCO Kathmandu Office, Ms. Neerena Shakya, to coordinate all the requirements and the
logistics management for the workshop tenure. Seating arrangements, podium, sound and recording
system, registration desk, overall layout of the hall for the workshop days, power supply and other
logistics were decided thereof.

As required by the UNESCO office, a set of working plan was prepared pointing out the major list of
tasks to be done on each day before the event. The working plan has also been attached in the
appendices section for reference.

Daily meetings were conducted among the team of Amalekh Weekly to decide the work divisions for
the program and set of action plans for the event days were developed regarding logistic supports.

Event Planning
To ensure the effective proceedings of the event from the very inauguration, our team was
mobilized from the early morning at the registration desk and the overall arrangements at the
venue. Registration desks were assigned to handle by Ms. Pratibha Sharma (Rajopadhyaya) and Ms.

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Sudha Sharma. Alongside they too were assigned to help in distribution of workshop materials and
other necessary supports.

Coordination with the hotel staffs and our team plus other necessary on-spot logistic management
were all headed by Mr. Nutandhar Sharma. Translation and program facilitation was assigned to
Abhas D. Rajopadhyaya. Account preparations were assigned to Mr. Birendra Rajopadhyaya.

Work plans for all the team were developed from 16th April to 20th April 2012 to maintain the daily
proceedings of the workshop. Arrangements were made to ensure timely arrangement of lunch,
tea/coffee etc as per the schedule of the program.

Inauguration Ceremony (16 April 2012, Monday)

The national workshop on the implementation of Convention on the Safeguarding of Intangible
Cultural Heritage (ICH) 2003 commenced on 16th April 2012 at Banquet Hall at Hotel de l'Annapurna.
Our team reached the venue sharp at 7:00 a.m. and assisted the venue management, banner
placement, projector connection and sound checkings along with the seating arrangements.
Registration sheets were prepared for participants, visitors and media-persons to attend the
inauguration function. All arrangements of writing sheets and pens were made from Hotel de
l'Annapurna, which our team helped place in front of all the seats.

The registration begun at 9:00 a.m. and the inauguration program started at 9:30 a.m. Registration
desks were handled by Ms. Pratibha Sharma (Rajopadhyaya) and Ms. Sudha Sharma. The traditional
oil-lamp (panas) was managed along with cotton wicks, oil and auspicious sukunda for inauguration.

Veteran culture-expert and vice-chairman of Intangible Cultural Council, Mr. Satya Mohan Joshi,
Japanese ambassador to Nepal Mr. Kunio Takahasi and UNESCO Nepal Representative Mr. Axel
Plathe inaugurated the ceremony by jointly lighting the traditional oil-lamp.

Mr. Axel Plathe asked the workshop participants to think on how to safeguard these intangible
cultural heritages of Nepal.

Ms. Shubha Chaudhuri, one of the two regional experts, provided an overview of the workshop.

Expressing his delight to have assisted the program, Japanese ambassador Mr. Kunio Takahasi said
that ICH can develop tourism of a country. Veteran culture-expert Mr. Satya Mohan Joshi said the
workshop shall benefit to create awareness and consciousness regarding ICH.

Joint secretary of Ministry of Federal Affairs, Constituent Assembly, Parliamentary Affairs and
Culture, Mr. Bishnu Raj Karki said that the National Cultural Policy, 2067 BS focused on social access
to the heritage and on unity in diversity. He added that this workshop shall be fruitful for capacity
building to safeguard ICH.

Similarly, secretary-general of Nepal National Commission for UNESCO, Sushil Raj Pandey said that
the intangible cultural heritage demonstrates self-identity.

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The inauguration program ended with a vote of thanks from acting joint secretary from the ministry,
Jhamak Prasad Sharma.

Day 1 (16 April 2012, Monday)

The day actually began with the inauguration ceremony; however, the workshop proceedings
started only at 11:30 a.m. when the participants introduced themselves to each other.

Bhim Nepal, the observer of the program, presented on the title "Background paper on the
intangible cultural heritage of Nepal". He explained about some government, non-government,
semi-government and community entities working in sector of culture and especially intangible
cultural heritage. Complementing his presentation, Tulasi Diwas, President of Nepal Folklore Society,
added information on concepts of ICH.

After lunch, Ms. Shubha Chaudhuri explained the key concepts of the Convention on Safeguarding of
the Intangible Cultural Heritages 2003. Ms. Suzanne Ogge-Milou, another of the two regional
experts, explained about specific components of the Convention.

The team busied themselves in making notes of important things talked of and in collecting
photographs of the event. Nutandhar Sharma took charge of the entire backstage proceedings and
in supporting Ms. Nipuna Shrestha and Ms. Neerena Shakya in her works. Abhas D. Rajopadhyaya
helped to translate the discourses by experts in English language into Nepali and vice versa, and in
making notes of the entire presentation key-points.

The day's program wrapped up with an overview of the next day.

The team then arranged for the following day's procedure guiding the venue manager to make few
necessary changes in regards to the daily proceedings. Before leaving we checked the entire hall
once again and found that one of the participants and performer of the Tongue Piercing Festival, Mr.
Juju Bhai Basan Shrestha had missed a bundle of photographs under his table. They were kept safely
by our team for returning back to him the next day.

Day 2 (17 April 2012, Tuesday)

The group began their day with collection of all the newspapers for the news about the event the
previous day.

The second day began with a review of the day before.

Ms. Shubha Chaudhuri began her presentation on "Who does what? : The role of states parties, and
other stake holders in the implementation of the Convention", citing some examples from some of
her own works in India. She elaborated the roles of states parties, NGOs and the community as
stakeholders. Key-points were collected regarding the presentation in English to be translated into
simple Nepali language by our team. Bhim Nepal, a resource person for the program too helped a
greater deal in explaining and repeating all the slides in Nepali all over once again.

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Ms. Suzanne Ogge-Milou talked about international legal instruments, viz. Intellectual Property
Right, Trademarks, Patents and indigenous rights.

Our team coordinated with hotel staffs to manage the tea/coffee and lunch in time as per the
schedule of the program. Initial typing in Nepali language of the translation of the ICH-01 form by
Bhim Nepal was done in the lunch time, but since the translation itself was only half finished the job
rolled over the next day. Necessary follow-ups were maintained with the resource person for the
completion of the job.

After lunch, a group exercise was conducted dividing the participants into eight different groups. Six
groups managed their discussions inside the Banquet Hall, whereas two groups found space in the
lobby for the discussion. Each group was headed by cultural practitioners belonging to different
communities. The exercise was chiefly to identify the cultural heritages and to describe them under
the domains of the Convention.

The groups were communicated of the tasks they need to handle individually by our team alongside
the experts and UNESCO Kathmandu office staffs.

The following were the groups divided thereof:

Table 2 : Group Presentation on Day 2 (17 April 2012, Tuesday)

S.N. Name of the Presentation Presentation By

1. Kartik Dance Hariman Shrestha
2. Tongue Piercing Festival Juju Bhai Basan Shrestha
3. Charya Dance Chandra Man Munikar
4. 12 years Swet Ganesh Dance Rup Chandra Gopali
5. Tharu Art Surat Bahadur Chaudhary
6. Saprulung Narad Mani Hartamchhali
7. Panchai Baja Meghendra Pariyar
8. Sarangi Suresh Gandhari

Groups presented their descriptions of the elements. The copies of their presentation materials
were requested from each group and the copies have been documented in the appendices section.

The day ended with an overview of the next day. Our group was the last one to leave after making
sure entire arrangement of the belongings of UNESCO Kathmandu office were safely locked in one of
the office rooms at the hotel. Three micro-buses were booked for the tour to Patan next day.

Day 3 (18 April 2012, Wednesday)

The day began with arrangements at a different hall, the Arch Hall at Hotel de l'Annapurna. Seating
arrangements were tried to make almost the same as on previous days. The hall interestingly had
separate partitions suitable for group discussions, which were later to be used within Day 3 and Day
4 for such group works.

Day 3 began with a review of the day before.

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Ms. Shubha Chaudhuri began her presentation on "Introduction to Inventorying : Identifying and
Inventorying ICH". It was immediately followed by questions-and-answer (Q/A) sessions. She further
presented on involving the communities concerned in the inventorying work citing some examples
from her own work in Indian communities.

The session after the lunch was followed by an excursion to Patan. The transportation cost was
covered by the ministry. Three standard vehicles were managed and three groups were constructed
with an expert in each, viz. Ms. Shubha Chaudhuri, Ms. Suzanne Ogge-Milou and Mr. Bhim Nepal.
The team also had at least one local person from Patan city in each and equal participation of those
who are familiar to Patan area was managed.

The excursion first began with first stop at Pulchowk in Patan, where the chariot of Lord Rato
Machhindranath (Aryavalokiteswor) was under construction. The groups then involved in digging out
and penning down information of the Rato Machhindranath festival from the locals of Patan in the
group as well as the locals present in the area (the community or the ICH bearers).

Next, the groups were dropped at Sundhara, Patan whence they were taken first to Bhinchhe Bahal
after a short walk. The area is traditionally famous for stone arts with some of them actually
practicing the tradition since ancestral times with traditional skills. Few have joined commercial
ventures, however, continuing the traditional skills of craftsmanship. The groups interestingly
interviewed probably the only female traditional practitioner of stone art, Ms. Vajracharya.

The groups were then led to view the metal workshops at Okubahal, Patan where they could reach
after yet another short walk. Amidst most finished metal arts display, the excursion team also found
some traditional craftsperson undergoing their traditional master-arts.

The groups were to make a presentation on all these three elements of ICH the next day, i.e. Day 4.

Our team returned back to the hotel and ensured every materials of UNESCO Kathmandu office
were placed again safely in a locked room at the office of the hotel. Payment for the three micro-
buses for the tour was made.

Day 4 (19 April 2012, Thursday)

Our team first provided a list to the experts on the ones presenting on specific topics. The groups
were also asked to be ready with their presentation materials based on the Convention on the
Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritages 2003.

The day's sessions began with a brief review of the discussion and the field excursion the day before.

Following were the presentations made from the previous day's field trip and the presenter.

Table 3 : Group Presentation on Day 4 (19 April 2012, Thursday) based on the field excursion previous day

S.N. Name of the Presentation Presentation By

1. Rato Machhindranath Anuj Pradhan
2. Stone Carving Ashok Tharu
3. Rato Machhindranath Som Bahadur Dhimal
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4. Stone Sculputres/Art Poonam R.L. Rana
5. Metal Crafts Raju Babu Pudasaini
6. Rato Machhindranath Hari Man Shrestha
7. Stone and Metal Art Shriju Pradhan
8. Metal Art Sarita Awale

The two regional experts, viz. Subha Chaudhari and Suzanne Ogge-Milou gave their feedbacks on the
presentations the participants had made. They appreciated the way each group presented the way
they see their ICH in variant ways in lieu with the Convention on the Safeguarding of the Intangible
Cultural Heritages 2003. However, they suggested being more specific on descriptions of the

The next session was entitled "Safeguarding ICH : An Overview" presented by Shubha Chaudhuri.
She pointed out the need of promoting safeguarding measures with the participation of the
community concerned.

The following session was on the "Awareness raising of ICH". The presentation also focused on the
role of inter-governmental committee, UNESCO secretariat, state parties, media, institutions and
organizations in the awareness raising.

The participants were then asked to design a three-year plan on the safeguarding exercise including
the activities to undertake, stakeholders, costs/needs and the expected outcomes.

Amalekh Weekly team was involved in distribution of the materials after making necessary copies of
them. We took charge of updating all the fields in the list of participants for the record of the
UNESCO office.

The following were the presentations on the safeguarding exercises:

Table 4 : Group Presentation on Day 4 (19 April 2012, Thursday) on Safeguarding Action Plan for 3 years

S.N. Name of the Presentation Presentation By

1. Me Pwa Ya Shyam Krishna Manandhar
2. Kartik Naach Ashok Tharu
3. Charya Dance Som Bahadur Dhimal

The next session was focused on sustainable development. Presentation on the title "ICH and
Sustainable Development" was made by Ms. Suzanne Ogge-Milou.

The team was provided a final list of all the participants, the allowances to be given and certificates
to be provided. The final draft of all the participants' details and individual certificates designs were
assigned for the night to the team.

All the invitees for the next day’s conclusion program were reconfirmed, including the performers.
Necessary follow-ups were made for the media as well.

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Day 5 (20 April 2012, Friday)
Upon reaching the venue the first, our team started preparations for the final day and the closing
ceremony. The certificate designs were rechecked and approved only at the beginning of the first
session and immediately they were sent for printing amidst an hour of closure. Mr. Jayaram
Shrestha, the under-secretary of Ministry of Federal Affairs, Constituent Assembly, Parliamentary
Affairs and Culture, took it to the secretary Tana Gautam for his signature. He arrived in Kathmandu
late night a day before and left the city immediately after signing the certificates on Day 5.

The focus on the day was on nominations and funds. The day began with the sessions on the
submission for nominations for the lists, viz. the USL (Urgent Safeguarding List) or the RL
(Representative List). Ms. Suzanne Ogge-Milou presented on the topic "International Cooperation
and Assistance", which was focused on shared heritage and awareness raising.

Our team this day was largely involved in distribution of expenditure for lodging, food and local
transportation for the participants. Participants out of the valley and staying in a local hotel had their
expenditures covered based on the bills they presented. This is furthermore clarified in the financial
report submitted along with this.

Ms. Shubha Chaudhuri's report on summary and conclusion was in a Q/A format and the participants
were asked to answer them. The presentation slides were then distributed to all the participants
within an hour.

Evaluation forms were distributed and later collected from the participants and were handed over to
the UNESCO staff. Next the team was asked to distribute all other relevant materials regarding the

Closing (20 April 2012, Friday)

The five-day national workshop on the implementation of the 2003 Convention on the Safeguarding
of the intangible cultural heritage concluded this day after a closing ceremony.

Speaking at the closing ceremony, senior culture-expert Satya Mohan Joshi expressed his gratitude
to the first of its kind program in Nepal.

Axel Plathe, UNESCO representative to Nepal, talked about the need to safeguard the intangible

Some of the participants shared their experiences of the workshop, viz. Suresh Gandhari, Rupa Jha
and Navaraj Lamsal. Ms. Suzanne Ogge-Milou too shared her experience from the side of the

Cultural shows were organized as follows:

1. Sarangi Play by Buddha Gandharva and team

2. Lakhe Dance by Kancha Kapali and team
3. Kal Bhairav Dance by Sudan Man Munikar and team
4. Nagacha Pyakha by Pusta Raj Maharjan
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Certificates were handed over to all the 48 participants jointly by the Japanese Ambassador to
Nepal, Mr. Kunio Takahasi and senior culture-expert, Satya Mohan Joshi.

Expressing that Nepal has already promulgated the National Cultural Policy, Bishnu Raj Karki, joint
secretary of Ministry of Federal Affairs, Constituent Assembly, Parliamentary Affairs and Culture,
said that Nepal shall move forth to implement the cultural policy through continued community
support. He added that the government is planning of national inventory that shall include planning
multi-communities to inventory at the regional level.

The closing program ended with a dinner.

Post-Event Documentation (20 April 2012, Friday onwards)

Immediately after the event, the team set to prepare the report. All the collections of the materials
of the workshop made for the workshop were made immediately and the audio files of the
recordings only on 24 April 2012, Tuesday.

The press clippings of the news from all the major newspapers were collected and were compiled for
an overall report.

All bills were filed in order and preparation for the financial report was performed.

Similarly, the team too provided photographs of the event to the UNESCO Kathmandu office.

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The following section is a compilation of all the relevant documents obtained in course of and
related to the proceedings of the workshop.

Appendices | National Workshop on the Implementation of the Convention on Safeguarding of 13

Intangible Cultural Heritages : A Logistics Management Report
Safeguarding Nepal’s Intangible Cultural Heritage: Capacity building to start
next week in Kathmandu

UNESCO Media Advisory

Nepal’s traditions, performing arts, festive events and the skills of its people to
produce traditional crafts are as precious as its many heritage buildings. But often,
the capacity to safeguard this intangible heritage is low. UNESCO therefore initiates
on 16 April a series of workshops on the implementation of the 2003 Convention for
the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, which Nepal has ratified in
The first workshop in this capacity building initiative is being organized in Kathmandu
from 16 to 20 April 2012 jointly by the Ministry of Federal Affairs, Constituent
Assembly, Parliamentary Affairs and Culture and the UNESCO Office in Kathmandu.
The workshop will mainly focus on building capacity for Nepal to meet its obligation
as a State Party to the Convention, which was adopted in 2003 by UNESCO’s
General Conference. Some 40 participants from communities and groups that
create, maintain and transmit intangible heritage as well as government departments
are expected to participate in the event.
Next week’s workshop is the first among a series of training events over the next 18
months. The other workshops to follow are on community-based inventorying of
intangible cultural heritage and elaborating nominations to the Intangible Cultural
Heritage List.
The workshop is a part of the regional capacity building project “Safeguarding
Intangible Cultural Heritage through the Strengthening of National Capacities in Asia
and the Pacific” funded by the Government of Japan within the framework of
UNESCO’s global capacity-building strategy for the implementation of the 2003
Convention around the world.
Nepal is among the eight countries in Asia and the Pacific to participate in
UNESCO’s capacity building initiative for the implementation of the 2003 Convention.
Other countries in the region participating are Bhutan, Cambodia, Mongolia, Papua
New Guinea, Samoa, Sri Lanka and Timor Leste.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Nipuna Shrestha
Culture Unit
UNESCO Office in Kathmandu
Tel: +977 1 555 4396, Ext: 26
Fax: +977 1 555 4450
Kathmandu, 12 April 2012
Appendices | National Workshop on the Implementation of the Convention on Safeguarding of 14
Intangible Cultural Heritages : A Logistics Management Report
Press Release UNESCO/KAT 03/2012

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Appendices | National Workshop on the Implementation of the Convention on Safeguarding of 15

Intangible Cultural Heritages : A Logistics Management Report
Program Schedules for five days

UNESCO/Japanese Funds-in-Trust Project for

Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage through the
Strengthening of National Capacities in Asia and the Pacific

Within the framework of UNESCO’s global capacity-building initiative for the implementation
of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

National Capacity Building Workshop on the

Implementation of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

Kathmandu, Nepal
16 to 20 April 2012
9:00 am – 5:30 pm


Time Monday, 16th April Tuesday, 17th April Wednesday, 18th April Thursday, 19th April Friday, 20th April

9:00 to 9:30 am Registration Review of Day 1 Review of Day 2 Review of Day 3 Review of Day 4
Who does what? The role
of states parties, and other
stakeholders in the Introduction to Inventorying Implementation at the
implementation of the : Identifying and Safeguarding ICH - An International Level -
Inauguration Convention Inventorying of ICH Overview Nominations
9:30 -11:00 am
11:00 - 11:30 am Hi-Tea Tea Break Tea Break Tea Break Tea Break
Introduction of Intangible heritage policies Inventorying -Involving the Implementation at the
11:30 - 11:45 am participants and institutions communities concerned Awareness Raising of ICH International Level :
Introduction to ICH in International Cooperation and
11:45 - 12:00 pm Nepal contd. contd. contd. Assistance

12:00 - 1:00 pm contd. contd. contd. contd. contd.

2:00 - 2:30 pm of workshop Group Exercise Group exercise Group exercise Summary and Conclusions
Introducing the Final questions/feedback from
2:30 - 3:30 pm Convention contd. contd. contd. participants
3:30 - 4:00 pm Tea Break Tea Break Tea Break Tea Break Tea Break

Group exercise and

Key Concepts of the Group exercise - interactive session/Field ICH and Sustainable
4:00 -5:00 pm convention presentation Excursion Development contd.
Wrap-up/overview of Wrap-up/overview of the Wrap-up/overview of the
5:00 - 5:30 pm the next day next day next day Break

5:00- 7:30 pm Closing Program

7:30 - 8:30 pm Dinner

Appendices | National Workshop on the Implementation of the Convention on Safeguarding of 16

Intangible Cultural Heritages : A Logistics Management Report
Acknowledgements and Credits

We extend our sincere thanks to UNESCO Kathmandu Office. Axel Plathe, UNESCO representative to
Nepal and head of UNESCO Kathmandu office must be thanked for an opportunity to work with
UNESCO. We also extend our gratitude to Ms. Nipuna Shrestha and Ms. Neerena Shakya from the
UNESCO office.

Ministry of Federal Affairs, Constituent Assembly, Parliamentary Affairs and Culture must be
acknowledged for their support in the program. Mr. Jayaram Shrestha, under-secretary of the
ministry and Ms. Jayanti Shrestha, archeological officer must be extended due regards for their

Senior culture-expert and vice-chairman of Intangible Heritage Council Nepal, Satya Mohan Joshi
must be highly acknowledged for his inspiration throughout our work. His continued dedication in
this field at such an age of 92 and his motivational words has always guided us to work in this sector.

Our team member, Mr. Birendra Rajopadhyaya, Ms. Pratibha Sharma (Rajopadhyaya) and Ms. Sudha
Sharma must be extended sincere gratitude for their support throughout the program.

We should also not forget to thank all the participants who had their calm for five day long sessions
despite their busy schedules, media-persons who attended and provided coverage of the ceremony,
friends and supporters who have always helped us both directly and indirectly in making our
assigned tasks a success.

The list of participants must be credited to UNESCO Kathmandu office, alongside the press releases
both in English and Nepali compiled in the appendix section. All the copies of the materials compiled
as a part of the presentation by the participants must also be given due credit to the ones who
prepared it. Use of these materials has been made for this report only as a part of the post-event
documentation. Since this is only a rough draft and the probability of errors can be realized thereof,
it shall be deemed that no disputes or claims can be made under the grounds of these compilations.
Amalekh Weekly team can be consulted to rectify such probable errors under a separate agreement

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