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Nanochips and Smart Dust: The Dangerous

New Face of the Human Microchipping

The human microchipping
agenda has a new face:
Nanochips & Smart Dust.
What are they? Are you
being set up to be a node
on the grid? What can you

and Smart
are the new technological means for the advancement of the human microchipping agenda. Due
to their incredibly tiny size, both nanochips and Smart dust have the capacity to infiltrate the human
body, become lodged within, and begin to set up a synthetic network on the inside which can be
remotely controlled from the outside. Needless to say, this has grave freedom, privacy and health
implications, because it means the New World Order would be moving from controlling the outside
world (environment/society) to controlling the inside world (your body). This article explores what
the advent of nanochips and Smart dust could mean for you.

Different Forms of Control

Humanity’s history is filled with examples of societies where the people were sharply divided into 2
categories: rulers and slaves. In the distant past, the slaves have usually been kept in place because
the rulers had access to and control over the resources, such as money, food, water, weapons or
other necessities of life (control of the environment). In our more recent history, control was
implemented not only by monopolizing resources but also via propaganda (control of the mind).
This has manifested itself in many ways, e.g. the caste system in India (you must remain in your
position on the hierarchical ladder for life), the royal bloodlines in Rome, the Middle East and
Europe (who claimed an inherent and divine “right to rule”), the centralization of power in Nazi
Germany and Soviet Russia during the 1930s (where a single autocrat or a small committee decided
the fate of millions), and finally in the West (especially in the US) with the advent of specialized PR
and mind control techniques that were refined by the CIA. Projects like MKUltra gave the NWO
controllers unheard of power to remotely and subconsciously influence people without them ever
knowing, including the ability to create sex slaves and sleeper assassins.
Control of the Mind-Emotion Nexus
Project MKUltra was at its height 60+ years ago, and things have moved on a lot since then. We are
now entering an era where technological advancements are giving the NWO conspirators influence
over a new realm – control of the emotions, or more accurately, control over the entire mind-
emotion nexus in the human body. I am talking about microchips, tiny electronic devices which can
be embedded under your skin, and which receive and transmit information. Although microchips
have been around awhile, they are now outdated. What we are facing is something much tinier than
a microchip, and therefore much more of a threat: nanochips and smart dust.

The components of a Smart dust sensor or mote. Image credit:

What is a Nanochip?
So what is a nanochip? The word “nano” is 3 orders of magnitude smaller than “micro”. Nano
means “one billionth” while micro means “one millionth”. While microchips are about the size of a
grain of rice and measured in millimeters, nanochips are completely invisible to the human eye.
Some nanochips are far smaller than human hair (e.g. the μ-chip that is 0.4 x 0.4 mm). In 2015,
IBM announced that they had developed functional nanochips measuring just 7 nm or nanometers
(7 billionths of 1 meter). In comparison, a strand of human DNA is about 2.5 nm and the diameter
of a single red blood cell is about 7500 nm! These nanochips power themselves from their
environment (they don’t need batteries) and have a 100 year life span. They are slated to be rolled
out first on products (so the corporatocracy can have total knowledge of consumer behavior in real
time) before they can be used inside people’s bodies. Did you know that nerve cells grow onto/meld
with the chip?
In this Leak Project video, the presenter claims that the NWO aim to introduce 100 trillion
nanochips into the world, so that literally every single thing in the world is tagged, including you.
He includes many patents and other docs as proof of this agenda. He singles out the company HP
(Hewlett Packard) as being the executor of the plan to construct a synthetic central nervous system
for the Earth – linking all resources and people in real time.


Waking Times

What is Smart Dust?

You may already be familiar with the “Smart” agenda or better put the Smart Deception. For those
new to this, the Smart agenda is to create a giant electromagnetic grid or network that
encompasses the entire Earth. Everything that moves is to be made or injected with some kind of
sensor or mote that connects it to the grid – including household products, appliances, food/drink
items, animals, plants and humans too. Smart dust is another name for these motes which will act
as mini computers, broadcasting and receiving. They are small wireless microelectromechanical
sensors (MEMS). As of 2013, a mote was about the size of a grain of rice, but with technology
advancing all the time, these will keep on reducing in size. Motes can be ingested through food (as
will be discussed below).
The Smart agenda is basically synonymous with the UN Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030, and the Smart
grid is synonymous with the IoT (Internet of Things) which is also going to use the new 5G
network to achieve its desired saturation levels.
While this kind of technology can be used for the benefit of mankind, like many things today, it has
been weaponized. The existence of smart dust forms a massive threat against the sovereignty of
every human being alive. What we are up against is nothing less than the attempted technological
possession of humanity.

Delivery Systems for Nanochips and Smart Dust

In a fundamental way, vaccines, GMOs, bioengineered food and geoengineering/chemtrails are all
connected, as they are delivery systems whereby this miniature technology of nanochips and Smart
dust is planned to be inserted into our bodies. Some chemtrails contain Smart dust motes which
readily infiltrate the body, communicate with other motes in your body, set up their own network
and which can, unfortunately, be remotely controlled. Even if you are fastidious about what you eat
and what you expose yourself to, it is difficult to see how you can avoid breathing in a mote of
smart dust that was dropped on you by a plane spraying chemtrails.
With nanochips and motes inside your body, the NWO criminals can combine the IoT smart grid
with brain mapping and other technological information in their attempt to pull off their ultimate
endgame: to remotely influence and control an entire population by overriding (and programming)
the thoughts, feelings and actions of the masses.
(The rabbit hole definitely does not stop at nanochips and Smart dust. An entire new category of
lifeforms are being forged via synthetic biology. Morgellons fibers are self-aware, self-replicating
and are likely assisting the dark agenda to remotely control the thoughts, feelings and bodily
functions of the entire population. This will be explored in other articles.)

New Technology Always Pushed as Being Cool, Efficient and Convenient

Naturally, the full scope and goal of this agenda will not be revealed to the public as the technology
is rolled out. Instead, we will continue to be told how wonderful, cool, trendy and efficient it all is.
Note especially how all of this will be promoted under the banner of speed and convenience (while
people unwittingly flush their freedom, health and privacy down the toilet). Yes, being surrounded
by fields of manmade EM radiation everywhere you go will be disastrous for your health too.
The nanochips will also be pushed using peer pressure, encouraging people to get in the game out of
social conformity. Like many governmental programs, the chips may initially be voluntary before
they become mandatory. There is already a segment of society that is willingly chipping itself using
tattoo ink. Recently, a company in Wisconsin (Three Square Market or 32M) introduced such an
internal system and began encouraging its employees to get chipped. Although it was not
mandatory, reportedly about half of them (41 out of 85) stepped forward and chose to get chipped!
Solutions: How to Remove a Chip
So what can you do about this? Firstly, get informed and make sure you understand the true nature
and danger of nanochip and smart technology. Secondly, make sure you never acquiesce to getting
chipped, no matter what reason you’re given. Doing so is tantamount to opening yourself to being
remotely controlled without your knowledge. Thirdly, if you do discover a chip inside your body,
get it removed. There are various ways to do. Some people crudely cut the chips out if they are large
enough (i.e. a microchip instead of a nanochip). Other people claim you can used magnets such as
neodymium magnets to render the nanochips useless. Hopefully, there will be intelligent inventors
to step forward with new technologies that we can use to deactivate, disable and remove nanochips
inside of our bodies.

Final Thoughts
The human microchipping agenda is really the same thing as the transhumanist agenda – to turn
mankind into machine which will ultimately mean becoming not superhuman but subhuman.
We need to be very careful and think critically as we go forward into a world of fantastic
technology. Like the surgeon’s knife, it can heal or it can kill. Given everything we know, it would
be naïve to believe that nanochips will only be used for good. If we’re not aware, this technology
will be used by the power-hungry to enslave us by tricking us with promises of utopia. Nanobots
are already being used in Western medicine for all sorts of diseases. Once the smart grid is
established, how will you avoid being monitored, tracked and influenced 24/7 every day of the
No matter how good the technology becomes, it can never replace the spirit of consciousness inside
of you, which is your true power.
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Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative news / independent media site The Freedom Articles and
senior researcher at (FaceBook here), writing on many aspects of truth and
freedom, from exposing aspects of the worldwide conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how
humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.

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Posted by Makia Freeman on October 20, 2017. Filed under Agenda 21,Breaking
News,Conspiracy,Feature Article,Human Microchipping Agenda,Mind Control,NWO (New World
Order),Transhumanism. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can
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20 Responses to Nanochips and Smart Dust: The Dangerous New Face of the
Human Microchipping Agenda

bluewater Reply
October 20, 2017 at 1:45 pm
Great article Makia. Today everything has a chip which is controlled by Artificial
For those that are awake…We are programmed by frequencies that are sent by 21 projectors
Off Planet.
SATURN and THE MOON are part of the manipulating frequencies which project the 3D
IMAGE we see and also ET AI.
-Grandpa ROTHSCHILD has lost control of THE CENTRAL BANK SYSTEM
-KISSINGER was at the White House to make a plea deal for him and his brother who is
-Funding of KISSINGER and SOROS by ROTHSCHILD has now stopped.
-SOROS funding by KISSENGER/ROTHSCHILD has stopped
-CLINTON FOUNDATION has lost 70% of its funding and many want their money back.
-OBAMA also has lost funding
-California fires were made with a HIGH ENERGY WEAPON.. A LASER by the
government..which is reverse engineering from ET technology
-CLONES have a chip which is controlled by Satellite…2/3 of CONGRESS are
-Hillary who died last year before the debates..was replaced with a CLONE,but that CLONE
has failed and what you see now is a Double!!
-VITAMIN C if made correctly has 2,000 ingredients and only 200 we know of,the rest are
not on the periodic table.
-Be careful with BANANAS. They are injecting HIV BLOOD into them,so if they feel
MUSHY..DO NOT BUY THEM. IN California now they passed law that HIV BLOOD can
be used for TRANSFUSIONS…How crazy is that?

Freespirit Reply
October 20, 2017 at 7:32 pm
Hi “bluewater”
I would be interested in eh SOURCE LINKS” for this information you put in your
comment- From you : “Grandpa ROTHSCHILD has lost control of THE CENTRAL
-KISSINGER was at the White House to make a plea deal for him and his brother
-Funding of KISSINGER and SOROS by ROTHSCHILD has now stopped.
-SOROS funding by KISSENGER/ROTHSCHILD has stopped”

bluewater Reply
October 21, 2017 at 2:23 pm
You are not going to find it on any SOURCE LINKS.
I am giving you info told to me. As you now see on the internet that the
NEXT FALSE FLAG will be in Oklahoma and there are ads for crises
workers paying $475 to assist in Oklahoma,Louisiana and Texas the week of
October 30 to November 2 which confirms what I was told before along with
Next false flag scheduled for Oklahoma City Oct 30-Nov

bluewater Reply
October 21, 2017 at 8:04 pm

bluewater Reply
October 20, 2017 at 2:01 pm
To help with the CHEMTRAILS,SMART DUST that is being released. get a syringe to
wash your NOSTRILS.Squirt it high up in your nostrils with saline solution.
the get it out of your BODY..take everyday
-5% or higher of LUGOLS IODINE
-5,000 or more of VITAMIN D
– very good digestive enzymes

Rob Schick Reply
October 21, 2017 at 6:41 pm
These can also purg the nano smart dust and fibers…diatomatceus grade,
food grade hydrogen peroxide 5%, pure baking soda and alfalfa tea.

bluewater Reply
October 21, 2017 at 11:02 pm
35% FOOD GRADE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE should only be used.
When we are talking about NANO TOXICITY which is not easy to
remove..and many are sensitive to diatomatceus earth…the only choice is
LUGOLS IODINE as the PREMIER way to remove heavy metals.
Iodine, Zinc, Sulfur, Selenium, and Silica stimulate the excretion of heavy
metals including mercury. Iodine is at the top of the list when it comes to
mercury removal.
Scientific Study that has been REMOVED BY BIG PHARMA
Oral Administration
Rat: A group of 30 weanling Sprague-Dawley rats was administered
20mg/day of diatomaceous earth in cottage cheese at a concentration of5
mg/g cheese, in addition to a basal diet & libit were observed fortheir life
span (mean survival 840 days). Five malignant tumors (1salivary gland
carcinoma, 1 skin carcinoma, 2 sarcomas of theuterus, 1 peritoneal
mesothelioma) and 13 benign tumors (9 mammary fibro adenomas, 1
adrenalpheochromocytoma, 3 pancreatic adenomas) wereobserved in treated
animals. A control group of 27 rats with mean
survival of 690 days had 3 carcinomas (1 each in lung, ovary and fore
stomach) and 5 mammary fibro adenomas. k/

bluewater Reply
October 21, 2017 at 11:10 pm
Diatomaceous earth consists of siliceous frustules and fragments of
various species of diatoms mined from the beds of former inland
lakes. It is composed of approximately 85% silica, other oxides and
organic materials. The natural grades are mined and then dried,
ground, sifted and bagged. Both forms used as pesticidal active
ingredients are generally white powders at room temperature which
melt to a glassy consistency at high temperatures.
When it’s sprayed on food, it acts as a drug delivery system, just like it
says above. It’s properties allow it to coat proteins, gluten, amino
acids, etc… to artificially transport them into the body. Essentially it
acts to force injections into us. So when you said awhile ago that you
speculated there might be forced vaccinations….it already is
happening…through the food.
JB Reply
October 20, 2017 at 2:02 pm
Food grade diatomaceous earth is believed to bond with toxins, and to help move these
toxins out of the body through the elimination system. This may be a way to cleanse the
body of these artificial nano chips. Food grade DE is mixed in water, and taken in between

Freespirit Reply
October 20, 2017 at 7:26 pm
All of these actions against us are VIOLATIONS of our Natural COMMON LAW rights and
thee proper way to STOP this and many other types of violations of our RIGHTS is to start
going after the people at the TOP of the Pyramid,so-to-speak
If we are fortunate enough to STOP any one of their attacks on us, they will simply
DEVELOP new ways to attack us.WE MUST go after them
WE can never win by stopping the EFFECTS.We must go after the CAUSES-PEOPLE,
such as but not limited to the House of Rothschild, House of Windsor and the Vatican.
THEY are the PROBLEM and will continue to find ways to CONTROL and ELIMINATE
us, as long as they are FREE to do so.

bluewater Reply
October 21, 2017 at 2:13 pm
Start at the 2 min mark….stay with video when it goes blank,ELECTROMAGNETIC
Ca FIRES, Zuckerberg OCCULUS,Plasma

Rob Schick Reply
October 21, 2017 at 6:36 pm
It’s official..We are in the matrix of A Brave New World with a dash of 1984 and Animal

bluewater Reply
October 21, 2017 at 9:08 pm
California Gets Cooked | Fires Created by Microwave Directed Energy Weapon ▶▶

bluewater Reply
October 21, 2017 at 9:11 pm
What you need to know about HALLOWEEN and this year’s THEME of DARKNESS

Sherrii Reply
October 21, 2017 at 10:10 pm
This evil demonic agenda is sure to break down–no matter how vast and ambitious it is–in
one way or another, as it is anti-Human, anti-God, anti-Life and in direct opposition to
(violation of) Universal Law.
Also, ANY CELL PHONE, CELL TOWER, Radiation emitting technology is highly
detrimental to the Planet, Nature and ALL living things. If we want this Planet to survive,
throw all the damn phones out and dismantle the cell towers — or die a slow death through a
miserable life:
We need the right System on the Planet that is the basis for taking Earth and Humanity to a
higher level, i.e. mind-body-soul in a holistic manner:

bluewater Reply
October 22, 2017 at 12:17 am
-What to do for hypothyroidism? It’s occurring mostly in North America and some northern
European countries. Radiation exposure, insufficient iodine. Tony recommends Lugol’s
iodine. Research shows we need 13 mg. iodine/day. Take 10 drops 3 times a day of 5%
Lugol’s in water. Also tyrosine and selenium for severe cases. T4 and T3 tests aren’t good
tests of thyroid function.
Nano poisoning..Nano Toxicity
Nascent Iodine is not that good

Pushpa vijula Reply
October 22, 2017 at 5:00 am
Makia Freeman : ThQ. Very well written, times n4. ThQ bluewater, n all. Learnt 4m
Fwdd article 200+ on APP.
Much Lov. I agree. V HAV 2 go after them. Lock em n Cern.

bluewater Reply
October 23, 2017 at 8:12 pm
In the process of “waking up” to your divine purpose:
If you experience any of these characteristics you are one of the lightworkers that will save
– You were always identifying with heroic characters and superheroes. And you still do,
even if you are an adult now;
– You have a deep purpose that not a lot of people know about. You might not be sure
yourself, but you just know you were meant for something bigger;
– You have an inner understanding about spiritual concepts, higher knowledge and cosmic
wisdom that feels natural to you;
– You love people, but you hate them at the same time. And this is so confusing to you. It’s
like you unconditionally love who they are at their core, but you hate all the junk that’s
preventing them to shine, like their ego, addictions, stupid decisions and negativity;
– You might have panic attacks and anxiety problems;
– You love animals and you feel deeply for the harm we do to them to satisfy our own needs;
– You can’t stand injustice;
– You always try to lighten up the mood. If something is tense you tell a joke, if someone is
down you do your best to cheer them up, if someone is asking for your help you might go
out of your own way just to help them;
– You tend to inspire others, even if you are unaware of this;
– You love to merge dualities into oneness, like science and spirituality, psychology and
philosophy, technology and nature;
You have something to offer this world, and deep down you know what that is.
Stop following norms and trends. Do what you KNOW were meant to do.
And if you are still not sure of what that is, just do what feels good and natural to you. Do
what makes you feel alive! Do what really has meaning for you!

bluewater Reply
October 24, 2017 at 10:36 am
Extreme Weather Alerts, It has Begun

ghostie Reply
October 25, 2017 at 1:49 am
Hi bluewater, thanks for the information. If you have anymore please send to:

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