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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Review Article

Dan L. Longo, M.D., Editor

Dry Eye
Janine A. Clayton, M.D.​​

From the Office of Research on Women’s ry eye is a common disorder of the ocular surface that affects
Health, National Institutes of Health, millions of people worldwide, with varying severity. At a minimum, dry
Bethesda, MD. Address reprint requests
to Dr. Clayton at the Office of Research eye causes discomfort, but it can also cause disabling pain and fluctuating
on Women’s Health, National Institutes vision, substantially affecting vision-related quality of life by limiting such activi-
of Health, 6707 Democracy Blvd., Suite ties as driving and reading, as well as recreation.1 Dry eye also influences produc-
400, Bethesda, MD 20892, or at ­Janine​
.­Clayton@​­nih​.­gov. tivity in the workplace by making it more difficult to use a computer or read for
extended periods, decreasing tolerance for certain environments, and reducing
N Engl J Med 2018;378:2212-23.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1407936 work time.1 In the United States, the wide prevalence of dry eye imposes a sub-
Copyright © 2018 Massachusetts Medical Society. stantial economic burden (an estimated $3.8 billion in health care expenditures
annually).2 Each year, the societal costs (i.e., reduced productivity and indirect
costs) associated with this chronic condition amount to approximately $55 billion
in the United States.2
Dry eye disease is an umbrella term covering a host of symptoms and signs
associated with compromised ocular lubrication — that is, reduced quality or
quantity of tears on the ocular surface. However, this monolithic approach to dry
eye has not served science or patients well. Dry eye has many causes, which often
overlap and interact. It frequently occurs with other conditions, is a consequence
of environmental triggers, or is caused by medications, including over-the-counter
drugs such as antihistamines. The condition can be caused or exacerbated by ocu-
lar surgery, computer use, contact-lens use, or low-humidity conditions. Diagnosis,
at least initially, often relies on subjective symptoms, with variable presentation
and few objective signs that can be assessed in the primary care setting. However,
by thinking in terms of the subtypes of dry eye, classified on the basis of risk
factors and pathophysiological features, clinicians will be better equipped to diag-
nose and treat cases.
As the population ages, the prevalence of dry eye is likely to increase, yet the
condition is often underrecognized and undertreated. This review describes cur-
rent knowledge of the causes and treatment of dry eye, ongoing research, and
future directions for advancing knowledge and treatment of the condition.

De scr ip t ion of the E y e

The external aspect of the eye consists of the ocular surface (cornea, conjunctiva,
and tear film) and the ocular adnexa (eyelids, lacrimal system, orbit, and connecting
muscles and nerves). The cornea is a transparent, dome-shaped structure, 500 μm
thick, that makes up the central external portion of the eye, much like a crystal
on a wristwatch. Along with the tear film, the cornea provides the major refractive
power of the eye, bending light rays to bring images into focus on the retina.
Corneal tissue is a highly organized, avascular structure nourished by tears ante-
riorly and the aqueous humor posteriorly.

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Dry Eye

Lacrimal gland
Lacrimal punctae


Meibomian glands


Lipid layer
(produced by
Conjunctival the meibomian
epithelial cells

Aqueous layer
(produced by the
Mucin layer lacrimal gland)
(produced by
goblet cells)

Goblet cell

Figure 1. Structures Involved in the Production of Tear Film.

The three main components of tear film are the mucin layer, the aqueous layer, and the lipid layer.

The tear film that coats the eye consists pri- vides an even, slippery tear coating, minimizing
marily of aqueous, lipid, and mucin components friction and protecting the cornea during blink-
(Fig. 1). The lacrimal glands produce the aque- ing. A neural feedback loop maintains ocular
ous portion, which is enriched with a complex surface lubrication, with ocular sensation through
mixture of electrolytes, enzymes, antibodies, vita- corneal innervation driving basal tear produc-
mins, antimicrobial proteins, and other sub- tion by the lacrimal gland.
stances. The lipids are produced by the meibo-
mian glands, which are modified sebaceous S ymp t oms a nd Signs of Dr y E y e
glands along the eyelid margin. This hydropho-
bic lipid layer retards evaporation of the tear The 2017 report of the Tear Film and Ocular
film and helps prevent tears from spilling onto Surface Society International Dry Eye Workshop
the cheeks. Mucins (i.e., gelatinous glycopro- II (TFOS DEWS II) defines dry eye as “a multi-
teins) are produced by conjunctival goblet cells. factorial disease of the ocular surface character-
In healthy eyes, this mucous component pro- ized by a loss of homeostasis of the tear film,

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

and accompanied by ocular symptoms, in which surface. These conditions are not mutually ex-
tear-film instability and hyperosmolarity, ocular clusive; in fact, they often overlap. Environmental
surface inflammation and damage, and neuro- factors also play a role in dry eye by perturbing
sensory abnormalities play etiological roles.”3 mechanisms of tear homeostasis.
The diagnosis of dry eye is complicated by an Various assessments can be used for diagnos-
inconsistent correlation between reported symp- ing, classifying, and managing dry eye (Table 1),
toms and observed signs. This discrepancy can but many diagnostic tools are available only in
be largely explained by the lack of consistent academic or specialty settings. Measurement of
results of commonly used clinical tests, the natu- tear osmolarity is a frequently used ancillary
ral variability of the disease process, the subjec- clinical test13 but is largely restricted to special-
tive nature of symptoms, and individual varia- ist practice.
tions in pain thresholds and cognitive responses
to questions about ocular sensation.4 Epidemiol o gic Fe at ur e s
A frequent component of dry eye is ocular
pain, which is often accompanied by light sensi- Nearly 5 million Americans 50 years of age or
tivity, foreign-body (debris) sensation, dryness, older report seeking care for severe symptoms of
and irritation. Patients often report pain evoked dry eye, and about 20 million have less severe
by exposure to wind, light, and temperature ex- symptoms.1 In the United States, the condition
tremes. Corneal neuropathic pain can be severe is twice as prevalent among women (affecting
and can be characterized as a burning or sting- approximately 3.2 million) as it is among men
ing sensation, sharp pain, or a dull ache. These (affecting approximately 1.6 million).1,16
perceptions most likely result from dysfunc- Various sex-specific (biologic) and gender-
tional nerves in the richly innervated cornea.5 related (sociocultural) factors affect dry eye.
Utility assessments based on the time trade-off Women may seek care for dry eye more fre-
method (which assesses the relative amount of quently than men and are more likely than men
time in good health that patients would be will- to report health-related problems such as pain or
ing to sacrifice to avoid a particular state of poor discomfort associated with various conditions,
health) suggest that patients equate severe dry including dry eye.17 About two thirds of contact-
eye with hospital dialysis and severe angina.6,7 lens prescriptions are for women,18 and women
Visual symptoms, notably fluctuating or blurry are more likely than men to undergo refractive
vision, can be another consequence of dry eye. surgery19; both factors are associated with dry
An evenly distributed tear film is needed for eye. Women may also take more medications for
proper light refraction for focusing, so a reduction which dry eye is a side effect.
in the quantity or quality of tears (e.g., increased A study involving 3930 female monozygotic
osmolarity) can affect visual acuity. Clinicians and dizygotic twins showed a heritability rate of
are often frustrated when trying to help patients approximately 30% for symptoms of dry eye and
with blurry vision due to dry eye because tests of 40% for a clinical diagnosis of dry eye.20 Ge-
may be normal at the time of examination.8 netic factors appear to account for 25 to 80% of
A TFOS DEWS II subcommittee recently up- various signs and symptoms, such as eyelid in-
dated a dry eye classification scheme based on flammation, increased tear osmolarity, and re-
cause, vision effects, mechanism, and disease duced blinking rate. Environmental influences may
severity.9 It is important for clinicians to consider account for the remaining signs and symptoms.
the evaporative dry eye and aqueous-deficient
dry eye forms as they diagnose, treat, and moni- C ause s a nd R isk Fac t or s
tor dry eye, since risk factors, causes, and treat-
ment vary according to the form and subtype Ocular-surface inflammation is a key compo-
(Fig. 2). nent of dry eye.21 Ocular disease, infection, or
Aqueous-deficient dry eye is characterized by immune-mediated conditions can cause chronic
decreased secretion of tears from the lacrimal inflammation, and environmental exposures
glands, whereas evaporative dry eye results from (e.g., wind and airborne particulates) can exac-
increased evaporation of tear fluid from the eye erbate it.22 Many cellular and molecular compo-

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Dry Eye


• Low ambient humidity • Allergies

• High wind velocity • Nutritional deficiencies
• Exposure to airborne • Temperature extremes
particulates and fumes


Dry Eye Due to Tear-Film Instability

Evaporative Dry Eye Aqueous-Deficient Dry Eye
• Blepharitis (e.g., meibomian-gland disease)
• Meibomian oil deficiency Related to Sjögren’s Syndrome • Contact-lens use
• Disorders of lid aperture • Vitamin A deficiency
• Primary Sjögren’s syndrome
• Low blink rate
• Secondary Sjögren’s syndrome
• Drug action (e.g., isotretinoin)
(e.g., with rheumatoid arthritis)
• Vitamin A deficiency Dry Eye Due to Somatosensory Dysfunction
• Topical drugs and preservatives
Not Related to Sjögren’s Syndrome
• Contact-lens use • Neuropathic disorders
• Other ocular surface disease • Aging • LASIK and refractive surgery
(e.g., allergy) • Lacrimal deficiency • Hypesthesia
• Systemic drugs
• Lacrimal-gland duct obstruction
• Graft-versus-host disease
• Congenital abnormalities of
Dry Eye Due to Toxicity
lid or gland • Antiglaucoma medications
• Underlying connective-tissue • Systemic cytotoxic medications
disease (e.g., methotrexate)
• Reflex block • Preservatives in topical solutions
• Neuropathic disorders
• Contact-lens use

Anatomically Related Dry Eye

• Congenital abnormalities
• Thyroid eye disease
• Lacrimal-gland obstruction
• Lid abnormalities
• Chalasis

Figure 2. Two Major Forms of Dry Eye Disease and Four Examples of Dry Eye Subtypes.
Environmental factors and medical conditions can exacerbate dry eye. Manifestations of the dry eye forms may overlap.

nents contribute to the pathogenesis of dry eye, exacerbating its sequelae. Research also suggests
including inflammatory cytokines, metallopro- that an abundance of extracellular DNA and
teinases, and chemokines and their receptors, neutrophil extracellular traps in the tear fluid of
leading to immune-cell activation and associated people with dry eye is caused by a nuclease defi-
inflammation.23 The reduced tear secretion that ciency and leads to ocular surface inflamma-
is characteristic of aqueous-deficient dry eye re- tion.27,28 Hyperosmolar stress exacerbates this
sults in tear-film hyperosmolarity associated with process.29
an inflammatory cascade involving mitogen-
activated protein (MAP) kinase and nuclear factor Diseases of the Immune System
κB signaling pathways24,25 that produce various Autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid ar-
proinflammatory cytokines (e.g., interleukin-1α, thritis and systemic lupus erythematosus, can
interleukin-1β, tumor necrosis factor α [TNF-α]) cause dry eye. Furthermore, treatments for these
and matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9).26 The diseases, including methotrexate and cyclophos-
result is a vicious cycle perpetuating dry eye and phamide, can also cause or exacerbate dry eye.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 1. Examples of Assessments for Diagnosing and Evaluating Dry Eye Disease.*

Assessment Tool Evaluation

Corneal and conjunctival vital Assessment of damage to ocular surface10
dye staining
Meibomian-gland grading Classification of meibomian-gland dysfunction on the basis of anatomical changes,
pathophysiological changes, or disease severity (e.g., plugging of the glands
and quality of glandular secretions and meibum)11
Schirmer test (with or without Assessment of tear volume, measured as moisture absorbed onto paper strips placed
anesthesia) inside lower eyelids of both eyes for 5 min
Questionnaires Patient-reported outcome measures assessing severity of dry eye symptoms, effects
on vision-related quality of life, and visual functioning:
Dry Eye Questionnaire
Dry Eye Questionnaire 5
Ocular Surface Disease Index
National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire 25
Impact of Dry Eye on Everyday Life
McMonnies questionnaire
Symptom Assessment in Dry Eye
Standard Patient Evaluation of Eye Dryness questionnaire
Vision-Targeted Health-Related Quality of Life questionnaire (NIH Toolbox)
Visual-analogue scale
Tear-film stability Assessment of tear-film breakup time, measured by instilling sodium fluorescein vital
dye onto the eye and measuring the time required for dry spots to appear on
the corneal surface after blinking (short breakup time is a sign of poor tear-film
quality) or by other optical methods12
Tear osmolarity Measurement of solutes in tear fluid (increased levels are seen in dry eye)13
Tear-film interferometry Assessment of balance between the lipid and aqueous layers of the tear film (to distin-
guish clinical subtypes of dry eye)14
InflammaDry immunoassay Measurement of MMP9 levels in the tear film (levels >40 ng/ml indicate ocular surface

* MMP9 denotes matrix metalloproteinase 9, and NIH National Institutes of Health.

Dry eye is also known as keratoconjunctivitis paradoxically report fewer symptoms than pa-
sicca, a term coined by Swedish ophthalmologist tients without Sjögren’s syndrome who have
Henrik S.C. Sjögren, for whom Sjögren’s syn- lower levels of corneal staining, owing to re-
drome is named. Sjögren’s syndrome is charac- duced corneal sensitivity with severe ocular-
terized by dry eye and dry mouth and sometimes surface inflammation and disease.31 Dry eye can
has multiple extraglandular manifestations.30 also accompany systemic inflammatory diseases
Although few patients with dry eye have Sjögren’s such as sarcoidosis.
syndrome, women account for 90% of cases of
the syndrome. Primary Sjögren’s syndrome is Sex Hormones
associated with aqueous-deficient dry eye, al- Androgen, estrogen, and progesterone receptors
though it can also be manifested by other signs are expressed in the eye, including in the meibo-
of dry eye, such as meibomian gland changes. In mian glands,32 cornea,33 conjunctiva,34 and retinal
Sjögren’s syndrome, an autoimmune-mediated pigment epithelium.35 Sex hormones affect the
exocrinopathy leads to T-cell infiltration of the surface of the eye by altering goblet-cell density and
lacrimal glands, reducing tear production. In the production and quality of tears.21 Moreover,
conjunction with the action of circulating anti- dry eye is more common among postmenopausal
bodies against glandular receptors, local release women than among premenopausal women, and
of proinflammatory cytokines causes neurosecre- women with premature onset of menopause are
tory block. Patients with Sjögren’s syndrome more likely to have signs of ocular-surface dam-
who have high levels of corneal staining may age than premenopausal women.36 Women with

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Dry Eye

premature ovarian failure are also at heightened arise in patients who have abnormal nerve func-
risk for dry eye.36 tion as a result of laser vision correction in
The Women’s Health Study showed an asso- which the corneal nerves are transected or in
ciation between menopausal hormone therapy patients with coexisting sensory disorders such
and an increased prevalence of dry eye.37 Other as fibromyalgia or migraine.50 Ocular neural
studies have shown that menopausal hormone dysfunction probably plays a role in the discom-
therapy, particularly estrogen-only therapy, is fort associated with dry eye.
associated with decreased tear production and
reduced intraocular pressure.38 Meibomian-Gland Dysfunction
Dry eye disease is more strongly associated The number and distribution of meibomian
with low androgen levels than with either high glands differ between the upper and lower eye-
or low estrogen levels.39 Androgens have a strong lids; although the lower lids are less prone to
effect on the lipids in meibomian gland secre- meibomian-gland dysfunction, they are more
tions through androgen receptor protein,40 which sensitive than the upper lids.51,52 Meibomian-
is expressed throughout the eye (e.g., in the gland dysfunction is manifested as plugged
lacrimal gland, meibomian gland, cornea, and gland orifices, thick secretions, a perturbed lipid
bulbar and fornical conjunctivae).41,42 Androgen layer in the tear film, and inflammation of the
deficiency, which occurs as part of the congeni- lid margin. Obstructive meibomian-gland dys-
tal androgen insensitivity syndrome and with function alters the lipid constitution of the tears
antiandrogen therapy, is associated with dry and is the most common cause of evaporative
eye.43 In addition, androgen deficiency is a fea- dry eye. Without a sufficient lipid component,
ture of Sjögren’s syndrome and may contribute the aqueous tear component evaporates rapidly.
to evaporative dry eye.44 Meibomian-gland dysfunction may be a primary
disorder, or it may be a consequence of rosacea,
Anatomical and Neurologic Disorders certain forms of dermatitis, and fibrosing con-
Anatomical abnormalities of the eyelids can junctival disorders such as trachoma, erythema
disturb tear function and dynamics. Disorders multiforme, and ocular cicatricial pemphigoid.53
such as conjunctival chalasis and eyelid laxity
(i.e., the floppy eyelid syndrome45), can lead to Graft-versus-Host Disease
symptoms of dry eye. Conditions that affect Dry eye affects about half of patients with
muscular control of the face, such as stroke, chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), which
injury, or Bell’s palsy, can impair eyelid closure, is a serious complication of allogeneic hemato-
resulting in lagophthalmos and leading to an poietic stem-cell transplantation. Combined with
extreme form of evaporative dry eye called expo- conjunctival inflammation and fibrosis, severe
sure keratitis. Similarly, any condition (e.g., ocular dryness can worsen quality of life.54 Im-
Parkinson’s disease) or situation (e.g., prolonged munologic sequelae of GVHD that contribute to
screen viewing [on a computer, cell phone, or dry eye include ocular surface infiltration —
television, for example]) that reduces the blink with donor-derived CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and
rate can increase the risk of dry eye by promot- the surface molecules necessary for antigen pre-
ing tear evaporation.46-48 sentation — in the periductal area of the lacri-
mal gland.55 The accumulation of inflammatory
Compromised Neural Function cytokines in the tear film also contributes to dry
Abnormal ocular surface sensation is a feature eye in patients with GVHD.
of dry eye, stemming from impairment of the
neural feedback loop that controls tear secre- Diabetes
tion. Compromise of this tear functional unit Symptoms of dry eye are often reported by pa-
and its innervation exacerbates the symptoms of tients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes56; however,
ocular surface disease.49 Neuropathic pain can such patients may also have tear abnormalities
drive some symptoms, especially in the subtype without symptoms as a result of reduced corneal
of dry eye characterized by somatosensory dys- sensitivity. Diabetes-associated damage to the mi-
function. Symptoms and signs of dry eye may crovasculature of the lacrimal gland, autonomic

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

neuropathy, and diabetic sensory neuropathy of and are more likely to be taking multiple medi-
the cornea affect the quality and quantity of cations. Just as oral polypharmacy is the most
tears.57 Poor glycemic control is associated with common cause of dry mouth, use of multiple
increased use of artificial tear solutions.58 ocular medications can cause dry eye.60
Toxic effects of preservatives in topical ocular
Medications medications (including benzalkonium chloride)
Many systemic drugs have been reported to trig- can lead to conjunctival inflammation and tear-
ger dry eye, including diuretic agents (e.g., furo- film instability, thereby causing or exacerbating
semide), beta-blockers (e.g., propranolol), other symptoms and signs of dry eye.61 In patients re-
antihypertensive agents (e.g., candesartan), anti- quiring frequent treatment with artificial tears,
histamines (e.g., cetirizine), decongestants (e.g., preservative-free formulations or those with dis-
pseudoephedrine), medications for Parkinson’s sipating preservative ingredients may be helpful.
disease (e.g., trihexyphenidyl), antidepressant Preservatives in topical antiglaucoma drugs can
agents (e.g., amitriptyline), anxiolytic agents (e.g., induce ocular surface irritation and dry eye
lorazepam), anticonvulsant agents (e.g., valproic symptoms.62
acid), antipsychotic agents (e.g., thioridazine),
antispasmodic agents, gastric-protection agents Ther a peu t ic S t r ategie s
(e.g., ranitidine), oral contraceptives, and some
herbal supplements (e.g., echinacea). Isotretinoin Decisions about treatment for dry eye that is not
impairs meibomian-gland function, enhancing a consequence of other, underlying conditions
tear evaporation. Anticholinergic medications should be guided by consideration of the cause
that cause dry mouth from parasympathetic and severity of the disease. Since dry eye is a
blockade have similar ocular effects.59 Medica- multifactorial disease, therapeutic strategies
tion-induced dry eye may be more prevalent should address the various disease components.
among older people than among younger people Recent reviews summarize current treatment
because older people have additional risk factors strategies.63,64 These include the administration of
artificial tear formulations of varying viscosities
and compositions that are intended to enhance
Treat Lid Disease
tear volume or quality, reduction of inflamma-
• Lid hygiene • Topical glucocorticoids tion, modification of diet or lifestyle, and treat-
• Warm compress • Tea tree oil (treatment of demodex)
• Expression of meibomian glands • Oral macrolides or tetracyclines ment of any associated eyelid disease (Fig. 3).65
• Topical antibiotics • Topical androgens
Tear Volume and Quality
Reduce Inflammation
Three basic strategies can be used in the treat-
• Cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion • Short-term topical glucocorticoids ment of aqueous-deficient or evaporative dry eye:
• Lifitegrast ophthalmic solution • Avoidance of topical preservatives
increase the amount of liquid on the ocular
surface, decrease tear evaporation, and augment
Enhance Tear Volume or Quality the lipid content or lubricity of the tears. All
• Topical lubricants, including gel • Autologous serum three are aimed at increasing tear volume or
and ointment • Therapeutic contact lenses improving the quality of the tear film, and treat-
• Punctal plugs or occlusion
• Diquafosol tetrasodium ophthalmic ment should be tailored to the pattern of disease
solution presentation.
Numerous topical lubricants, including drops,
Make Lifestyle and Dietary Changes gels, and ointments, are available for dry eye.
• Protective eyewear • Essential fatty acids or other Many formulations of artificial tears are avail-
• Increased ambient humidity effective supplements able over the counter. The features of topical
• Reduced screen time • Avoidance of environmental triggers
• Increased fluid intake • Avoidance of medication triggers lubricants and their clinical usefulness in the
• Adequate sleep treatment of dry eye symptoms have been re-
viewed elsewhere.66 Polymer hydroxypropyl guar
Figure 3. Therapeutic Strategies in Use or Under Development for Dry Eye. gellable lubricant eyedrops (Systane Lubricant
Eye Drops, Alcon) effectively relieved signs and

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Dry Eye

symptoms of moderate dry eye, with measurable rine ophthalmic emulsion (Restasis, Allergan).
improvements in both objective staining and This prescription-based, nonglucocorticoid im-
subjective questionnaire measures, in 168 pa- munomodulatory agent, applied topically (one
tients after 28 days.67 Topical lubricants are de- drop twice daily), increases tear production by
signed to support the quality and quantity of the decreasing ocular surface inflammation and di-
tear film. The frequency of application of ocular rectly affecting lacrimal-gland function. Cyclo-
lubricants is based on the needs of the indi- sporine ophthalmic emulsion has been shown
vidual patient and can range from once a day to to be effective for dry eye in randomized clinical
once an hour. trials.73
Another study showed that diquafosol tetra- In July 2016, the Food and Drug Administra-
sodium ophthalmic solution provided a clinical tion (FDA) approved 0.5% lifitegrast ophthalmic
benefit in the treatment of dry eye through a solution (Xiidra, Shire) for treating signs and
purinergic receptor–mediated mechanism that symptoms of dry eye disease. Applied topically
stimulated tear fluid secretion; a formulation is as one drop twice daily, this medication is the
available in Japan.68 Topical therapies also include first in a new class of drugs, called lymphocyte
eyedrops prepared with sterile, saline-diluted function–associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) antago-
serum derived from the patient’s blood for se- nists. The second of two drugs approved by the
vere cases of dry eye.69 FDA for dry eye disease,74 this medication is a
Occasionally, surgery is used to plug puncta, welcome addition to the clinical armamentarium
thereby diminishing tear outflow and increasing and a source of new hope for affected patients.
moisture on the ocular surface. However, lacri- Unlike topical lubricants, the two FDA-approved
mal or punctal plugs are usually temporary solu- therapies for dry eye (Restasis and Xiidra) must
tions, lasting on the order of months to a few be administered for a period of up to several
years. Surgical approaches for correcting ana- months to achieve therapeutic effects.
tomical abnormalities, such as chalasis, can Research points to other ways of reducing
ameliorate dry eye in some cases. inflammation as potential treatments for dry
Various lines of research are exploring ways eye. A study in a mouse model of dry eye showed
to enhance the lipid content of tears, reducing that topical TNF-α–stimulated gene 6 (TSG-6)
evaporation, or to increase the lubricity of tears. protein was as effective in the treatment of in-
Some approaches, including administration of flammation-mediated dry eye as cyclosporine
essential fatty acids, cyclooxygenase inhibitors, ophthalmic emulsion administered as eye-
and resolvin analogues, not only boost the lipid drops.75 The study also showed that topical pred-
content of tears but also reduce inflammation.70 nisolone suppressed inflammation but induced
A small trial showed that an over-the-counter corneal epithelial apoptosis. A preclinical study
product (Soothe XP, Bausch & Lomb) increased of a dexamethasone-loaded nanowafer applied
the lipid-layer thickness of the tear film in pa- to the eye yielded promising results. Once-a-day
tients with dry eye due to meibomian-gland dys- treatment on alternate days over a period of
function.71 5 days (i.e., days 1, 3, and 5) restored a healthy
To reduce the risk of dry eye related to the ocular surface and corneal barrier function, with
toxic effects associated with antiglaucoma drops, efficacy similar to that of twice-daily topical
selected patients with primary angle-closure dexamethasone eyedrops.76 Translational research
glaucoma may be treated with laser trabeculo- is needed to further develop these and other in-
plasty. This treatment, which targets the tra- novative approaches while minimizing adverse
becular meshwork to reduce ocular pressure, effects.
can reduce dependence on topical drops, mini-
mizing damage to the ocular surface from pre- Lifestyle and Dietary Approaches
servatives.72 Lifestyle approaches to the management of dry
eye include ensuring adequate fluid intake, mod-
Reduction of Inflammation erating alcohol use, using humidifiers or protec-
A mainstay of dry eye treatment, based on the tive eyewear, and when possible, avoiding air
critical role of inflammation, is 0.05% cyclospo- conditioning and forced-air heating. Sleep depri-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

vation can trigger dry eye symptoms,77 so ade- hormone therapy cannot be recommended for
quate sleep is also important. dry eye.
A meta-analysis on diet supports a therapeu-
tic role for polyunsaturated fatty acids.78 Certain F u t ur e Dir ec t ions
foods, such as fish and flaxseed, contain n–3
and n–6 fatty acids. Women who consume two The poor correlation between objectively mea-
or more servings of tuna weekly are less likely sured signs and patient-reported symptoms of
to report dry eye symptoms than women with dry eye complicates the job of clinicians, who
lower levels of tuna consumption.79 Use of n–3 need precise diagnostic and monitoring tools to
fatty acid supplements may enhance tear produc- evaluate patients. Efforts to provide new tools
tion and quality.80,81 A recently completed ran- for the clinic will probably require interdisciplin-
domized, controlled clinical trial showed that ary research bridging medicine, engineering,
daily supplements of 3000 mg of n–3 fatty acids fluid dynamics, and lipid measurement technol-
for 12 months yielded no significantly better ogy. Research to develop better delivery formula-
outcomes than placebo.82 Phytoestrogen supple- tions and dry eye treatments is ongoing.87-89
ments have been associated with decreased signs Clinical studies also show promise for the use
and symptoms of dry eye disease,83 and oral of mucin secretagogues in combination therapy
flaxseed oil has been reported to reduce inflam- for dry eye.90 Despite these ongoing advances,
mation, leading to amelioration of symptoms in development of effective therapies is hampered
patients with Sjögren’s syndrome.84 by extensive evidence gaps related to ocular pain
and neural regulation of the ocular surface.
Treatment of Lid Disease Little is known about ocular pain, and no
The mainstay of treatment for meibomian-gland analgesics are available for ocular use. The field
disease (posterior blepharitis) is lid hygiene. The could benefit from the development of tools to
use of warm compresses combined with mechan- evaluate the ocular sensory apparatus; these
ical cleansing of the eyelid margins decreases tools could be used in therapeutics development
the bacterial load and enhances gland function and to assess patients’ reports of pain in the
by softening secretions and relieving gland duct clinic.
obstruction. Topical antibiotics, including azithro­ A recent study suggested that chronic ocular
mycin, topical low-dose glucocorticoids, and pain coincides with dysfunction of the ocular
combinations of the two agents can also be used sensory apparatus and may be manifested as
for short-term treatment. Oral tetracyclines can spontaneous dysesthesias, allodynia, hyperalge-
be used for longer periods. Antibiotics may have sia, and corneal-nerve morphologic and func-
therapeutic effects through antiinflammatory tional abnormalities.91 There are extensive evi-
mechanisms rather than through, or in addition dence gaps related to neural regulation of the
to, their antibacterial properties. ocular surface, including meibomian-gland se-
cretion and mucin release. There is also a lack of
Hormone Therapy biomarkers for dry eye disease, which are needed
Despite the greater prevalence of dry eye among to improve diagnosis and treatment. In people
women than among men and the intriguing with Sjögren’s syndrome, down-regulation of
connections between sex hormone levels and the PAX6 — the master regulator of corneal lineage
risk of dry eye, reports on the effects of sys- commitment — is inflammation-dependent and
temic hormone therapy on dry eye symptoms linked to ocular surface damage.92 Further clini-
are contradictory.85 Research findings suggest a cal studies will determine whether PAX6 can
potential role for androgens as topical therapy serve as a biomarker or a potential therapeutic
for dry eye.86 More work is needed to assess target for Sjögren’s syndrome. Moreover, other
levels of hormones within ocular tissues and to promising research led to the finding that the
enhance our understanding of the complex rela- multifunctional protein clusterin (CLU) is the
tionships among various hormonal components most highly expressed transcript in the human
that are critical for maintaining ocular surface cornea, with the protein product localized to the
homeostasis. On the basis of current knowledge, apical layers of the mucosal epithelia of the cor-

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Dry Eye

nea and conjunctiva. CLU protein is also present sessing the components of ocular surface health,
in human tears. Preclinical studies have shown including biomarkers of active disease and identi-
that above a threshold concentration, CLU helps fication of the major drivers of symptom-related
seal the ocular surface barrier, thus protecting disease development. Approaches to evaluating
the eye from desiccating stress. CLU not only more aspects of tear-film function and biochem-
may be a promising biomarker but also may be ical properties are needed. The lack of correla-
the basis for developing new therapeutics for dry tion between ocular signs as currently assessed
eye disease.93 and patient-reported symptoms of discomfort
reflects our incomplete understanding of this
vexing disease. Novel approaches and techno-
C onclusions
logical advances to enhance our knowledge of
Dry eye disease can have serious deleterious ef- normal function and how disease perturbs the
fects on physical and psychological health, and ocular surface are sorely needed.
the societal costs attributable to this condition
are consequential in terms of direct costs of care No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
and lost productivity. Management of dry eye Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
could benefit from a more precise means of as- full text of this article at

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