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New Basic French


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Berlitz New Basic French But it’s not time to say good night yet. Don’t worry if
you can’t remember all these phrases at the
moment. We’ll be giving you lots of opportunities to
hear them again later in the unit.
Unit 1, Chapitre un Now listen to the short conversation. Don’t worry if
you don’t understand everything the people are
Bonjour, monsieur. (Hello, sir.) saying at this point. Just listen to the way they greet
Bonjour, madame. (Hello, madam.) each other and try to work out what else you think
they say. Are you ready?
Good morning. Welcome to Unit 1. In this unit, you’ll WOMAN: Bonjour, monsieur. (Hello, sir.)
practice greetings, introducing yourself, and giving a MAN: Bonjour, madame. Comment ça va? (Hello, madam.
little information about yourself. Are you ready? How are you?)
On commence. WOMAN: Ça va bien, merci; et vous? (I’m fine, thank you.
Let’s begin. What about you?)
MAN: Ah oui; ça va. (Yes, I’m fine.)
Bonjour. (Hello.)
After greeting someone, it is usual to ask how they
We’ll begin by practicing some ways of greeting are:
people and we’ll leave pauses so you can repeat the
phrases if you want to. When you meet someone in Comment ça va? (How are you?)
the daytime, you can greet them with: Or simply:
Bonjour. (Hello.) Ça va? (How are you?)
If you are talking to a man, you usually add And the reply is:
“monsieur.” Ça va.
Bonjour, monsieur. (Hello, sir.) or
And if you are talking to a woman, you say: Ça va bien, merci.

Bonjour, madame. (Hello, madam.) I’m well, thank you.

And if you are talking to a young woman, you say: Ça va bien, merci. (I’m well, thank you.)

Bonjour, mademoiselle. (Hello, miss.) Or if you’re not feeling so good, you can say:
In the evening you say: Comme ci comme ça.

Bonsoir, monsieur. (Good evening, sir.) So so. Try it:

or Comme ci comme ça.
Bonsoir, madame. (Good evening, madam.) Now you are ready to start the exercises.
To say good-bye you say:
Au revoir, monsieur. (Good-bye, sir.) Page 2, Activité un (Activity 1)
or Listen to these people greeting each other. Decide
Au revoir, madame. (Good-bye, madam.) what time of day it is and whether they are arriving
or or departing.
Au revoir, mademoiselle. (Good-bye, miss.)
If you are entering or leaving a place where there are
several people, such as a restaurant, or a hotel foyer, MAN: Bonsoir, mademoiselle; comment ça va? (Good
it is normal to say: evening, miss. How are you?)
YOUNG LADY: Ça va bien, merci; et vous? (I’m fine, thank you.
Messieursdames (Ladies and gentlemen) What about you?)
In very informal situations, when you are greeting MAN: Ça va. (I’m fine.)
good friends, they might say: 2
Salut. (Hi.) MAN: Bonjour, madame. (Hello, madam.)
And you can answer: WOMAN: Bonjour, monsieur. Comment ça va? (Hello, sir.
How are you?)
Salut. (Hi.)
MAN: Ça va bien, merci. (I’m fine, thank you.)
And at night when you are going to bed you say:
Bonne nuit. (Good night.)

© Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore AudioscriptVEC1
3 MADAME RENOIR: Pas mal; et vous, monsieur Albert, ça va?
MAN: Au revoir, Céline; bonne nuit. (Good-bye, Céline; (Not too bad. What about you, Mr. Albert,
good night.) how are you?)
WOMAN: Bonne nuit! (Good night!) MONSIEUR ALBERT: Très bien, merci. (Very well, thank you.)
4 MADAME RENOIR: Une baguette et six croissants. (One
baguette and six croissants.)
MAN: Salut, Nicole. (Hi, Nicole.) MONSIEUR ALBERT: Une baguette et six croissants; voilà. (One
WOMAN: Salut, Alain. (Hi, Alain.) baguette and six croissants; here you are.)
MAN: Ça va? (How are you?) MADAME RENOIR: Au revoir monsieur. (Good-bye, sir.)
WOMAN: Ah oui, ça va bien, merci. (Yes, I’m fine, thank you.) MONSIEUR ALBERT: Au revoir madame. (Good-bye, madam.)
Did you get them? Madame Renoir came into his shop to buy a
Number 1 was in the early evening and they had just baguette and six croissants. Who is he talking to now?
met. Number 2 was in the daytime and they had
just met. Number 3 was later at night. They were 3
saying good night to each other and were leaving. MADEMOISELLE MEUJOT: Bonsoir monsieur Albert. (Good
And number 4 was less formal: two friends greeting evening, Mr. Albert.)
each other, but it could be any time of day. MONSIEUR ALBERT: Ah, bonsoir mademoiselle Meujot; ca
va? (Ah, good evening, Miss Meujot.
Page 2, Activité deux (Activity 2) Are you well?)
Bonjour, monsieur Albert. (Hello, Mr. Albert.) MADEMOISELLE MEUJOT: Oh oui pas mal; et vous monsieur? (Oh
yes, not bad. What about you, sir?)
Monsieur Albert is the baker. Listen to him greeting Monsieur Albert: Ça va très bien merci; vous désirez?
his customers. (I’m very well, thank you. What would
1 you like?)
Bonjour, monsieur; vous désirez? (Hello, sir. What would you MADEMOISELLE MEUJOT: Deux baguettes. (Two baguettes.)
like?) MONSIEUR ALBERT: Deux baguettes? Voilà. (Two baguettes?
2 Here you are.)
Bonjour, mademoiselle, vous voulez? (Hello, miss. What do MADEMOISELLE MEUJOT: Au revoir, monsieur. (Good-bye, sir.)
you want?) MONSIEUR ALBERT: Au revoir, mademoiselle. (Good-bye,
Monsieur, madame, qu’est-ce que vous voulez? (Sir, madam, This time it was mademoiselle Meujot who came
what do you want?) into the shop to buy fresh bread to accompany the
evening meal. She bought two baguettes.
Bonjour madame, vous désirez? (Hello, madam. What would 4
you like?) MONSIEUR ALBERT: Bonsoir, messieursdames. (Good evening, sir
5 and madam.)
Messieursdames (Ladies and gentlemen) MADAME DUVAL: Bonsoir, monsieur Albert; ca va? (Good
evening, Mr. Albert. Are you well?)
Page 3, Activité trois (Activity 3) MONSIEUR ALBERT: Très bien, merci et vous? (Very well, thank
you. What about you?)
Listen to these people coming into monsieur Albert’s MADAME DUVAL: Oh oui, très bien; deux baguettes s’il vous
shop. What do they buy? plait. (Oh yes, very well; two baguettes,
1 please.)
MONSIEUR ALBERT: Ah bonjour, monsieur Cabuchon; ça MONSIEUR ALBERT: C’est tout? (Is that all?)
va? (Oh, hello, Mr. Cabuchon. How MONSIEUR DUVAL: Et… et deux croissants. (And… and two
are you?) croissants.)
MONSIEUR CABUCHON: Hem, comme ci comme ça; et vous, MONSIEUR ALBERT: Voilà. (Here you are.)
monsieur Albert? (Hmm, so so. What At this time, it was a man and a woman, monsieur
about you, Mr. Albert?) and madame Duval, who came into the shop to buy
Monsieur Albert was talking to monsieur Cabuchon two baguettes and two croissants.
who bought one baguette. Who is he talking to now? Encore! Attention à la prononciation.
2 (More! Watch the pronunciation.)
MONSIEUR ALBERT: Bonjour, madame Renoir; ça va? (Hello, Listen carefully and repeat the following words
Mrs. Renoir. How are you?) trying to imitate the pronunciation:

2VECFrench © Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore
Monsieur (Sir) Page 8, Activité trois (Activity 3)
Messieurs (Gentlemen)
Sylvie Verlaine hasn’t been paying attention and is
Madame (Madam)
asking you about the delegates. If she is right, say
Mesdames (Ladies)
“Oui, il est…” (Yes, he is…), if you are talking about a
Messieursdames (Ladies and gentlemen)
man, or “Oui, elle est…” (Yes, she is…) if you are
Mademoiselle (Miss)
talking about a woman. If she is wrong, say “Non, il
Mesdemoiselles (Young ladies)
n’est pas…” (No, he isn’t…), or “Non, elle n’est pas...”
In French all syllables are stressed equally. Listen (No, she isn’t…) and then say what their nationality is.
carefully and repeat these words, remembering to Monsieur Bernard est américain? (Is Mr. Bernard American?)
stress both parts of the word: Non, il n’est pas américain, il est suisse. (No, he isn’t
Monsieur (Sir) American, he is Swiss.)
Madame (Madam) Madame Briand est suisse? (Is Mrs. Briand Swiss?)
Bonjour (Hello) Non, elle n’est pas suisse, elle est belge. (No, she isn’t Swiss,
Croissant (Croissant) she is Belgian.)
Baguette (Baguette) Monsieur Millerioux est anglais? (Is Mr. Millerioux English?)
Good! Now you can greet someone, ask how they Non, il n’est pas anglais, il est canadien. (No, he isn’t English,
are and say how you are, and say good-bye. he is Canadian.)

Je suis (I am) Page 9, Activité quatre (Activity 4)

This section is about meeting someone for the first time Listen to these five contestants on a television quiz
and saying who you are and where you are from. show.
MAN: Bonjour. Je m’appelle Gérard et je suis français.
Page 7, Activité un (Activity 1) J’habite à Rouen et je parle français et anglais.
Listen to Monsieur Martin asking these conference (Hello. My name is Gérard and I am French. I live
delegates to introduce themselves and say where in Rouen and I speak French and English.)
they are from. PRESENTER: Ah, vous êtes français! (Ah, you are French!)
WOMAN: Moi, je m’appelle Anja et je suis allemande. J’habite
M. MARTIN: Bienvenue à Paris. Voulez-vous vous présenter. à Berlin en Allemagne. Je parle allemand et un peu
Vous êtes…? (Welcome to Paris. Please de français. (My name is Anja and I am German. I
introduce yourselves. You are …?) live in Berlin in Germany. I speak German and a
M. BERNARD: Je suis Gilles Bernard et j’habite à Genève en little French.)
Suisse. Je suis suisse. (I am Gilles Bernard and PRESENTER: Vous êtes allemande! Très bien. Et vous, monsieur?
I live in Geneva in Switzerland. I am Swiss.) (You are German! Very well. What about you, sir?)
M. MARTIN: Monsieur Bernard est suisse. Et vous êtes…? MAN: J’habite à New York, aux Etats-Unis et je m’appelle
(Mr. Bernard is Swiss. And you are…?) Nigel et je suis américain. Je ne parle pas français.
MELLE VERLAINE: Je m’appelle Sylvie Verlaine et j’habite en (I live in New York City, in the United States and
France, à Paris. (My name is Sylvie Verlaine my name is Nigel and I am American. I don’t
and I live in France, in Paris.) speak French.)
M. MARTIN: Mademoiselle Verlaine est française et elle PRESENTER: Ah, vous êtes américain! Et vous, vous êtes…? (Ah,
habite à Paris. Et vous êtes madame…? (Miss you are American! And you, you are…?)
Verlaine is French and she lives in Paris. And MAN: Je m’appelle Kenji et j’habite à Tokyo au Japon. Je
you…?) suis japonais et je parle japonais et anglais. (My
MME BRIAND: Je m’appelle Lucienne Briand; j’habite à name is Kenji and I live in Tokyo in Japan. I am
Bruxelles en Belgique. Je suis belge. (My name Japanese and I speak Japanese and English.)
is Lucienne Briand; I live in Brussels in PRESENTER: Japonais…et vous, mademoiselle, vous êtes
Belgium. I am Belgian.) espagnole? (Japanese…What about you, miss, are
M. MARTIN: Et madame Briand est belge. Et vous, you Spanish?)
monsieur? (And Mrs. Briand is Belgian. What WOMAN: Moi? Je m’appelle Rosa. Non, je ne suis pas
about you, sir?) espagnole. Je suis brésilienne, j’habite à Rio au
M. MILLERIOUX: J’habite à Québec, au Canada et je m’appelle Brésil. Je parle portugais, anglais et…un peu de
Patrice Millerioux. (I live in Quebec, in Canada français. (Me? My name is Rosa. No, I am not
and my name is Patrice Millerioux.) Spanish. I am Brazilian. I live in Rio in Brazil. I
M. MARTIN: Monsieur Millerioux est canadien, d’origine speak Portuguese, English and…a little French.)
française. (Mr. Millerioux is Canadian of
French origin.)

© Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore AudioscriptVEC3
Page 9, Activité cinq (Activity 5) CLERK: Pouvez-épeler ça, monsieur? (Can you spell that, sir?)
MAN: Schwartz, S-C-H-W-A-R-T-Z
A vous! (Your turn!)
CLERK: Merci, et madame? (Thank you, and madam?)
Now it’s your turn. The presenter is asking you some WOMAN: Fernandez, F-E-R-N-A-N-D-E-Z
questions. What is he asking? How would you CLERK: Et le monsieur? (What about the gentleman?)
answer? MAN: Rossellini, R-O-S-S-E-L-L-I-N-I
PRESENTER: Vous habitez à Londres? (Do you live in London?) CLERK: R, O, deux S, E, deux L, I, N, I (R, O, two s’s, E
Oui, j’habite à Londres. (Yes, I live in London.) two L’s, I, N, I)
or MAN: C’est exact. (That’s right.)
Non, je n’habite pas à Londres. (No, I don’t live in London.) CLERK: Et le monsieur ecossaise? (What about the Scottish
PRESENTER: Parlez-vous français? (Do you speak French?)
MAN: Macintosh, M-A-C-I-N-T-O-S-H
Oui, je parle un peu de français. (Yes, I speak a little French.)
CLERK: Bon. Merci, monsieur. (Good. Thank you, sir.)
PRESENTER: Vous êtes américain? (Are you American?) MAN: Je vous en prie. (You are welcome.)
Oui, je suis américain. (Yes, I am American.)
or Page 13, Activité trois (Activity 3)
Non, je ne suis pas américain. (No, I’m not American.) Votre nom, s’il vous plait. (Your name, please.)
PRESENTER: Parlez-vous japonais? (Do you speak Japanese?) Listen to the alphabet and pick out the letters you
Oui, je parle japonais. (Yes, I speak Japanese.) need to spell your own name.
or A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,
Non, je ne parle pas japonais. (No, I don’t speak Japanese.) Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
PRESENTER: Comment vous appelez-vous? (What is your name?) (See page 5 of the Learner’s Guide for pronunciation.)
Je m’appelle Michel. (My name is Michel.)
Page 13, Activité quatre (Activity 4)
Encore! Attention à la prononciation. Now you check in. Answer the clerk’s questions.
(More! Watch the pronunciation.) First, she is asking you if you have a reservation.
CLERK: Vous avez une reservation? (Do you have a
Practice running these words together. reservation?)
Etats-Unis (United States)
Say yes.
Au revoir (Good-bye)
CLIENT: Oui. (Yes.)
Now practice saying these phrases. Remember to
stress all the syllables and run the words together. CLERK: Votre nom, s’il vous plaît. (Your name, please.)
Mark habite au Canada. (Mark lives in Canada.) Tell her your name.
Jon habite aux Etats-Unis. (Jon lives in the United States.) CLERK: Comment ça s’écrit? (How do you spell it?)
Lucy habite en Angleterre. (Lucy lives in England.)
Lee habite au Japon. (Lee lives in Japan.)
Tell her how you spell it.
CLERK: Vous venez d’où? (Where are you from?)
Well done! Now you can introduce yourself, say your
name, where you live and what nationality you are, Sorry, you didn’t get that. Ask her to speak more
and what languages you speak. slowly.
CLIENT: Parlez plus lentement s’il vous plaît. (Speak more
A l’hôtel (In the hotel) slowly, please.)
Checking into a hotel. This section is about checking CLERK: Vous venez d’où? Vous êtes Suisse? (Where are
into a hotel, spelling your name and giving days and you from? Are you Swiss?)
dates. Tell her what nationality you are.
Page 13, Activité un (Activity 1) CLERK: Vous habitez où? (Where do you live?)

A la réception (At the reception desk) Tell her where you live.
Listen to this group of tourists at the reception desk CLERK: Vous voulez une chambre avec douche ou salle de
of your hotel. bains? (Do you want a room with a shower or a
CLERK: Madame Graham, comment ça s’écrit? (How do
you spell Mrs. Graham?) Wow, that was fast! You didn’t get that. Tell her you
WOMAN: Graham, G-R-A-H-A-M don’t understand.

4VECFrench © Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore
CLIENT: Je ne comprends pas. (I don’t understand.) Je peux parler avec monsieur Duval? (May I speak to Mr. Duval?)
CLERK: Vous voulez une chambre avec douche ou salle de RECEPTIONIST: C’est de la part de qui? (Who is calling?)
bains? (Do you want a room with a shower or a Say your name.
RECEPTIONIST: Vous pouvez épeler? (Can you spell that?)
A shower would be just fine.
Spell it.
CLIENT: Avec douche. (With a shower.)
RECEPTIONIST: Ne quittez pas. (Hold on.)
CLERK: Chambre numéro quinze. (Room number 15.)
Well done! Now you can ask to speak to someone on
How did you do? Listen again, but this time you’ll the telephone and give your own name.
hear the questions without any help. See if you can
answer them. Encore! Attention à la prononciation.
Vous avez une reservation? (Do you have a reservation?) (More! Watch the pronunciation.)
Votre nom, s’il vous plaît? (Your name, please?)
Comment ça s’écrit? (How do you spell it?) Practice with accents. Repeat these words:
Vous venez d’où? (Where are you from?) Écrit (write)
Vous habitez où? (Where do you live?) Activité (activity)
Vous voulez une chambre avec douche ou salle de bains? (Do Frère (brother)
you want a room with a shower or a bath?) Frère Jacques (Brother Jacques)
Chambre numéro quinze. (Room number 15.) Ça va (I’m fine)
Well done! Now, let’s move on to the next activity. Français (French)
Garçon (boy)
Page 14, Activité cinq (Activity 5) And now, listen carefully and repeat these phrases:
C’est la chambre numéro… (It’s room number…) Il est français. Elle est française. (He is French. She is French.)
The clerk is telling you the room numbers for Il est anglais. Elle est anglaise. (He is English. She is English.)
everyone in the group. Il est japonais. Elle est japonaise. (He is Japanese. She is
Monsieur Schwartz est à la chambre numéro sept. (Mr. Japanese.)
Schwartz is in room number 7.) Voilà. C’est tout. (Here it is. That’s all.)
Madame Fernandez, c’est la chambre numéro dix-neuf. (Mrs. That’s all, but don’t forget: there are Extras for Unit 1.
Fernandez, it’s room number 19.)
Monsieur Macintosh, euh, la chambre treize. (Mr. Macintosh, Au revoir! (Good-bye!)
hm, room 13.)
Madame Graham est dans la chambre…neuf. (Mrs. Graham is Extra Unit 1, Extra Chapitre un
in room…9.)
Monsieur Rossellini, la chambre onze. (Mr. Rossellini, room 11.) Page A1, Activité un (Activity 1)

Page 14, Activité sept (Activity 7) Ici on parle français. (French is spoken here.)
Listen to Martin Smith on the telephone, asking to Listen to the names of the countries where French is
speak to monsieur Duval. spoken and find them on the map.
RECEPTIONIST: Allo, Société Beauvin. (Hello, Beauvin
En Europe: la France, la Belgique, le Luxembourg et la Suisse.
(In Europe: France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Switzerland.)
MARTIN SMITH: Je peux parler avec monsieur Duval? (May I
speak to Mr. Duval?) En Amérique du Nord: le Québec. Aux Antilles: la Martinique, la
RECEPTIONIST: C’est de la part de qui? (Who is calling?) Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin et Haïti. (In North America: Quebec. In
MARTIN SMITH: Je m’appelle Martin Smith. (My name is Martin the Caribbean: Martinique, Guadeloupe, St. Martin, and Haiti.)
Smith.) En Afrique: la Mauritanie, le Sénégal, la Côte d’Ivoire, la
RECEPTIONIST: Vous pouvez épeler? (Can you spell that?) Guinée, le Burkina Faso, le Bénin, le Niger, Le Tchad, la
Martin, M-A-R-T-I-N, Smith, S-M-I-T-H République Centrafricaine, le Cameroun, le Gabon, le Congo,
RECEPTIONIST: Ne quittez pas. (Hold on.) la République démocratique du Congo, Le Rwanda, Le
Now, it’s your turn. Burundi, l’Algérie, le Maroc et la Tunisie. (In Africa:
Mauritania, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Benin,
RECEPTIONIST: Allo, Société Beauvin. (Hello, Beauvin Enterprise.)
Niger, Chad, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Gabon,
Ask if you can speak to monsieur Duval. Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Burundi,
Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia.)

© Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore AudioscriptVEC5
Page A2, Activité deux (Activity 2) Parfait. C’est très bien. Voici la fin d’Extra. (Perfect. This is very
good. Here is the end of Extra.)
Listen to find out whether French is considered the
native, the official, or the administrative language of This is the end of the Extra section for Unit 1.
these countries. Merci et au revoir. (Thank you and good-bye.)
En Europe, en Suisse, le français est la langue maternelle pour
18% de la population. En Belgique, on a soit le français, soit le
flamand pour langue maternelle. (In Europe, in Switzerland, Unit 2, Chapitre 2
French is the native language of 18% of the population. In
Belgium, French and Flemish are the native languages.)
Vous désirez? (What would you like?)
Au Luxembourg, on a le français ou l’allemand comme langue
maternelle. (In Luxembourg, French and German are the native
In this unit, you are going to learn how to order
drinks and light refreshments, and make small
En Afrique, le français est la langue officielle dans les pays
suivants: la Mauritanie, le Sénégal, la Côte d’Ivoire, la Guinée, Au café (At the café)
le Burkina Faso, le Bénin, le Niger, le Tchad, la République
Centrafricaine, le Cameroun, le Gabon, le Congo, La In this section, you are going to practice ordering
République démocratique du Congo, le Rwanda et le Burundi, drinks at a café.
et c’est la langue administrative du Maroc, de l’Algérie et de la
Tunisie. (In Africa, French is the official language of the Page 20, Activité un (Activity 1)
following countries: Mauritania, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Guinea, M. and Mme Albert are at a café in Rouen with
Burkina Faso, Benin, Niger, Chad, Central African Republic, their daughters Nathalie and Delphine. Listen to
Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, them ordering drinks. What does M. Albert order?
Rwanda, Burundi, and it’s the administrative language of
Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia.) M. ALBERT: Monsieur? (Sir?)

En Amérique du Nord, au Québec, le français est la langue WAITER: Messieursdames. Vous désirez? (Ladies and
maternelle pour la majorité de la population, et aux Antilles, à gentlemen, what would you like?)
la Martinique et à la Guadeloupe, c’est la langue maternelle de M. ALBERT: Je voudrais un café. (I would like a coffee.)
la majorité de la population. (In North America, in Quebec, He orders coffee. Now, what does Mme Albert order
French is the native language of the majority of the population, for herself and Nathalie?
and in the Caribbean, in Martinique and Guadeloupe, it’s the MME ALBERT: Un crème pour moi. (A coffee with milk for me.)
native language of the majority of the population.) WAITER: Bon, un crème. Grand ou petit? (Ok, a coffee
with milk; large or small?)
Page A3, Activité trois (Activity 3)
MME ALBERT: Grand….et….un jus d’orange pour Nathalie.
Les concurrents (The contestants) (Large…and…an orange juice for Nathalie.)
Listen to the host of a quiz show introducing the WAITER: Un café, un grand crème et un jus d’orange. (A
contestants. Where are they from? coffee, a large coffee with milk, and an orange
Ici ce soir au studio de Sat quinze, on présente notre nouveau
quiz pour les étudiants, “Qui le sait?” Dans le studio ce soir il She orders a large coffee with milk and an orange
y a des représentants de six pays. Nous avons Jean-Marc du juice. What does Delphine order?
Canada, bonjour Jean-Marc, et Catherine du…, ah, tu habites MME ALBERT: Et pour toi Delphine? (And for you Delphine?)
la Guadeloupe, ah…super ! Et toi, tu t’appelles Noura, tu viens DELPHINE: Je voudrais un chocolat chaud. (I would like a
de.. aah, de la Côte d’Ivoire; et toi, Benoît, tu viens de… hot chocolate.)
L’Algérie, aah. Et Virginie, tu es suisse, n’est-ce pas? Oui. Et WAITER: Un chocolat chaud. C’est tout? (One hot
finalement, Nadjet, tu viens d’où? Ah, du Maroc. Bon, on chocolate. Is that all?)
commence. (Tonight in Studio Sat 15, we are introducing our
She orders a hot chocolate. M. Albert is feeling
new quiz for students, “Who knows it?” In the studio tonight
hungry. What does he ask for?
there are representatives from six countries. We have Jean-
Marc from Canada, hello Jean-Marc, and Catherine from… oh M. ALBERT: Avez-vous des croissants? (Do you have
you live in Guadeloupe, oh…neat! And you, your name is croissants?)
Noura, you come from… aha, Ivory Coast; and you, Benoît, WAITER: Oui, bien sûr. (Yes, of course.)
you come from…Algeria, aha. And Virginie, you are Swiss, M. ALBERT: Quatre croissants, s’il vous plaît. (Four croissants
aren’t you? Yes. And finally, Nadjet, where do you come from? please.)
Oh, from Morocco. Good, let’s start.) WAITER: Quatre croissants…tout de suite. (Four
croissants…right away.)

6VECFrench © Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore
He orders four croissants. Now see if you can order croissants. (Sir, one coffee, one hot
for them. Use the phrase “Je voudrais” — I would chocolate, and two croissants.)
like—when placing their orders. WAITER: Un café, un chocolat et deux croissants.
C’est tout? (One coffee, one hot chocolate,
WAITER: Messieursdames, vous désirez? (Ladies and
and two croissants. That’s all?)
gentlemen, what would you like?)
FEMALE CUSTOMER: Oui, c’est tout. (Yes, that’s all.)
M. Albert wants a coffee. Tell the waiter. She ordered a coffee, a hot chocolate, and two
Je voudrais un café. (I would like a coffee.) croissants.
And Mme Albert wants coffee with milk. 3
Et un crème. (And coffee with milk.) WAITER: Vous désirez? (What would you like?)
WAITER: Bon, un crème. Grand ou petit? (Ok, a coffee FEMALE CUSTOMER: Une bière et de l’eau minérale. (A beer and
with milk; large or small?) mineral water.)
WAITER: Gazeuse ou non gazeuse? (Sparkling or non-
Say a large one. sparkling?)
Grand. (Large.) FEMALE CUSTOMER: Gazeuse. (Sparkling.)

And now order an orange juice for Nathalie. WAITER: Une bière et de l’eau minérale gazeuse; très
bien. (One beer and a sparkling mineral
Un jus d’orange pour Nathalie… (An orange juice for water, very well.)
She ordered a beer and a sparkling mineral water.
And ask Delphine what she would like.
Et pour toi, Delphine? (And for you, Delphine?)
WAITER: Madame? (Madam?)
She wants a hot chocolate. FEMALE CUSTOMER: Un jus d’orange. (One orange juice.)
Un chocolat chaud. (A hot chocolate.) WAITER: C’est tout?
Waiter: Un chocolat chaud. C’est tout? (A hot chocolate. FEMALE CUSTOMER: Non, un croissant. (No, one croissant.)
That’s all?) WAITER: Un jus d’orange et un croissant. (One orange
juice and one croissant.)
No, they are hungry. Ask if they have any
croissants. She asked for an orange juice and a croissant.
Avez-vous des croissants? (Do you have any croissants?) 5
WAITER: Oui, bien sûr. (Yes, of course.) MALE CUSTOMER: Un déca, un grand crème et un thé au lait.
(A decaffeinated coffee, a large coffee with
Order four.
milk, and one tea with milk.)
Quatre croissants, s’il vous plaît. (Four croissants please.)
WAITER: Un déca et un grand crème…et un thé au
WAITER: Quatre croissants…tout de suite. (Four croissants, lait. C’est tout? (A decaffeinated coffee and
right away.) one large coffee with milk…and one tea with
Well done! Now let’s go on to the next activity. milk. Is that all?)
MALE CUSTOMER: Avez-vous des croissants? (Do you have any
Page 20, Activité deux (Activity 2) croissants?)
WAITER: Oui, bien sûr. (Yes, of course.)
Now you are going to hear some of the other people
MALE CUSTOMER: Deux croissants alors. (So two croissants.)
in the café. What do they order?
WAITER: Un déca, un grand crème, un thé au lait et
1 deux croissants. (A decaffeinated coffee, a
WAITER: Vous désirez, monsieur? (What would you large coffee with milk, tea with milk, and
like, sir?) two croissants.)
MALE CUSTOMER: Deux crème. (Two coffees with milk.) He ordered a decaffeinated coffee, a large coffee with
WAITER: Grands ou petits? (Large or small?) milk, tea with milk, and two croissants.
MALE CUSTOMER: Grands. (Large.)
WAITER: Deux grands crème. (Two large coffees with
milk.) WAITER: Messieursdames? (Ladies and gentlemen?)
FEMALE CUSTOMER:Quatre cafés et quatre croissants. (Four
Did you get it? He ordered two large coffees with
coffees and four croissants.)
WAITER: Ah! Je regrette, je n’ai plus de croissants.
2 (Ah! I am sorry. I am out of croissants.)
FEMALE CUSTOMER: Monsieur, un café, un chocolat et deux

© Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore AudioscriptVEC7
FEMALE CUSTOMER: Bon, quatre cafés alors. (Very well, so four Vingt et un (21)
coffees then.)
Page 22, Activité cinq (Activity 5)
Four coffees, and they are out of croissants.
Now it’s time for M. Albert to pay. Listen to find out
Page 21, Activité trois (Activity 3) how he asks for the bill.
You are in a café in France with some friends who M. ALBERT: L’addition, s’il vous plaît. (The bill please.)
want you to order for them. Practice what you would WAITER: Un café, un grand crème, un jus d’orange, un
say to the waiter, then listen to see if you got it right. chocolat chaud et quatre croissants, ça fait neuf
I would like a large coffee with milk. euros vingt. (One coffee, one large coffee with
milk, one orange juice, one hot chocolate, and
Je voudrais un grand crème. four croissants. That’s €9.20).
Two espressos please. M. ALBERT: Tenez, dix euros. (Here is €10.)
WAITER: Merci monsieur. Au revoir et bonne journée.
Deux express, s’il vous plaît.
(Thank you sir. Good-bye and have a nice day.)
A cup of tea with milk please.
How much did he have to pay?
Un thé au lait, s’il vous plaît.
Neuf euros vingt. (€9.20.)
Two coffees.
How much did he give the waiter?
Deux cafés.
Dix euros. (€10.)
Do you have any croissants?
And how did he ask for the bill?
Avez-vous des croissants?
L’addition, s’il vous plaît. (The bill, please.)
I would like a decaffeinated coffee. A vous. (Your turn.)
Je voudrais un déca. Now you say it: the bill please.
A beer please. L’addition, s’il vous plaît.
Une bière, s’il vous plaît.
Encore! Attention à la prononciation.
A Coke and some sparkling mineral water. (More! Watch the pronunciation.)
Un coca et de l’eau minérale gazeuse.
Pronunciation of:
Page 21, Activité quatre (Activity 4) un (“a” or “an” masculine)
Les nombres de vingt à soixante. (Numbers from 20 to 60.) and
Repeat the numbers after you hear each one. une (“a” or “an” feminine)

Vingt (20) Practice saying these words:

Vingt et un (21) un thé (a tea)
Vingt-deux (22) un café (a coffee)
Vingt-trois (23) une bière (a beer)
Vingt-quatre (24) une orange (an orange)
Vingt-cinq (25)
Remember how some words are run together. Listen
Vingt-six (26)
and repeat these phrases:
Vingt-sept (27)
Vingt-huit (28) C’est tout? (Is that all?)
Vingt-neuf (29) Tout de suite. (Right away.)
Trente (30) S’il vous plaît. (Please.)
Quarante (40)
Cinquante (50) A la brasserie
Soixante (60) (At the brasserie)
What were those winning lottery numbers? Listen In this section, you’ll be learning how to order
and repeat each one. something to eat and drink in a brasserie.
Vingt-quatre (24) Page 25, Activité un (Activity 1)
Trente-six (36)
Listen to these two customers in the brasserie asking
Vingt-huit (28)
what sort of sandwiches are available. What does the
Quarante-sept (47)
woman order to eat?
Trente-neuf (39)

8VECFrench © Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore
FEMALE Monsieur s’il vous plaît. (Excuse me sir.)
CUSTOMER: Page 25, Activité quatre (Activity 4)
WAITER: Bonjour, messieursdames. Vous désirez?
Listen to the other people in the brasserie giving their
(Good day ladies and gentlemen. What
orders and write down what they would like.
would you like?)
FEMALE CUSTOMER: Vous avez des sandwichs? (Do you have 1
sandwiches?) WAITER: Vous désirez, monsieur? (What would you
WAITER: Oui, bien sûr. (Yes, of course.) like, sir?)
FEMALE CUSTOMER: Qu’est-ce que vous avez comme sandwichs? MALE CUSTOMER: Qu’est-ce que vous avez comme salades?
(What kind of sandwiches do you have?) (What kind of salad do you have?)
WAITER: Jambon, fromage, saucisson. (Ham, cheese, WAITER: Salade niçoise, salade aux fruits de mer,
sausage.) salade aux trois fromages. (Tuna and olive
FEMALE CUSTOMER: Un sandwich au jambon pour moi. Et pour salad, seafood salad, three cheese salad.)
toi? (One ham sandwich for me. And for MALE CUSTOMER: Une salade niçoise. (One tuna and olive
you?) salad.)
Did you get it right? She asked for a ham sandwich. WAITER: Et comme boisson? (And to drink?)
What does the man order? MALE CUSTOMER: De l’eau minérale. (Mineral water.)
MALE CUSTOMER:Un sandwich au fromage pour moi. (One WAITER: Gazeuse? (Sparkling?)
cheese sandwich for me.) MALE CUSTOMER: Oui. (Yes.)
WAITER: Un sandwich au jambon et un sandwich au Listen again. What did he order?
fromage. Et comme boisson? (One ham
Une salade niçoise.
sandwich and one cheese sandwich. And to
drink?) A salad niçoise and…
He orders a cheese sandwich. What do they order to De l’eau minérale.
drink? Some mineral water.
MALE CUSTOMER: Une pression pour moi…et pour toi? (A draft WAITER: Gazeuse? (Sparkling?)
beer for me…and for you?) MALE CUSTOMER:Oui.
FEMALE CUSTOMER: Un verre de vin rouge. (A glass of red wine.)
Some sparkling mineral water.
A draft beer and a glass of red wine. Did you get it
right? Now, how do you ask for what sort of 2
sandwiches are available? WAITER: Vous désirez? (What would you like?)
FEMALE CUSTOMER: Qu’est-ce que vous avez comme sandwichs? FEMALE CUSTOMER: Ben…je voudrais un steak frites. (Well, I
(What kind of sandwiches do you have?) would like a steak with fries.)
WAITER: Et avec ça? (And with that?)
What did the man and the woman order to eat? FEMALE CUSTOMER: Hum…Un pichet de vin rouge. (A pitcher of
Un sandwich au jambon… red wine.)
A ham sandwich. What did she order?
et un sandwich au fromage. Ben….je voudrais un steak frites. (Well, I would like a steak
with fries.)
And a cheese sandwich. And to drink?
Une pression.
Steak and french fries. What else?
Un pichet de vin rouge. (One pitcher of red wine.)
A draft beer.
Un verre de vin rouge.
And a small pitcher of red wine.
A glass of red wine.
WAITER: Vous désirez, messieursdames? (Ladies
Page 25, Activité trois (Activity 3) and gentlemen, what would you like?)
Now it’s your turn. Tell the waiter what you would MALE CUSTOMER #1: Un hamburger pour moi et… (A
like when he asks for your order. hamburger for me and…)
MALE CUSTOMER #2: Pour moi un hamburger aussi…et une
WAITER: Messieursdames, vous désirez? (Ladies and portion de frites. (A hamburger for me as
gentlemen, what would you like?) well…and a portion of french fries.)
WAITER: Et comme boisson? (And to drink?) WAITER: Grande ou petite? (Large or small?)
MALE CUSTOMER #2: Grande. (Large.)
WAITER: Et comme boisson? (And to drink?)

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MALE CUSTOMER #1: Un coca. (A Coke.) Page 26, Activité cinq (Activity 5)
MALE CUSTOMER #2: Qu’est-ce que vous avez comme milk
What desserts do they choose?
shakes? (What kind of milk shakes do you
have?) 1
WAITER: Fraise, vanille, banane, chocolat. WAITER: Et comme dessert, monsieur? (And for
(Strawberry, vanilla, banana, chocolate.) dessert, sir?)
MALE CUSTOMER #2: Un milk shake à la vanille. (One vanilla MALE CUSTOMER: Qu’est-ce que vous avez comme glaces?
milk shake.) (What kind of ice cream do you have?)
What did the people order? WAITER: Glace à la vanille, au chocolat, à la fraise, aux
pistaches. (Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry,
MALE CUSTOMER #1: Un hamburger pour moi et… (One
pistachio ice cream.)
hamburger for me and…)
MALE CUSTOMER: Glace à la fraise. (Strawberry ice cream.)
MALE CUSTOMER #2: Pour moi un hamburger aussi…et une
portion de frites. (For me one hamburger 2
as well…and a portion of french fries.) WAITER: Voulez-vous un dessert, madame? (Would
A hamburger each and a portion of french fries. And you like a dessert, Madam?)
to drink? FEMALE CUSTOMER: Merci. (No thank you.)

MALE CUSTOMER #1: Un coca. 3

WAITER: Voulez-vous un dessert Messieurs?
A Coke. (Would you like a dessert, gentlemen?)
MALE CUSTOMER #2: Un milk shake à la vanille. MALE CUSTOMER #1: Qu’est-ce que vous avez comme desserts?

A vanilla milk shake. (What kind of dessert do you have?)

WAITER: Des glaces, tarte au citron, tarte aux
4 pommes. (Ice cream, lemon pie, apple
WAITER: Vous désirez, mesdames? (Ladies, what pie.)
would you like?) MALE CUSTOMER #1: Tarte aux pommes. (An apple pie.)
FEMALE CUSTOMER #1: Je voudrais une omelette. Qu’est-ce que MALE CUSTOMER #2: Moi aussi, tarte aux pommes. (Me too, an
vous avez comme omelettes? (I would apple pie.)
like an omelet. What kind of omelets do
you have?) 4
WAITER: Omelette nature, omelette au jambon, WAITER: Vous voulez un dessert? (Would you like
omelette au fromage, omelette aux fines a dessert?)
herbes. (Plain omelet, ham omelet, FEMALE CUSTOMER #1: Tarte au citron pour moi. (A lemon pie
cheese omelet, omelet with mixed herbs.) for me.)
FEMALE CUSTOMER #1: Une omelette aux fines herbes. (One FEMALE CUSTOMER #2: Et je voudrais une glace au chocolat avec
omelet with mixed herbs.) crème chantilly. (And I would like a
FEMALE CUSTOMER #2: Et pour moi, une salade aux fruits de chocolate ice cream with whipped
mer. (And for me, a seafood salad.) cream.)
WAITER: Et comme boisson? (And to drink?) Which would you choose for yourself and a friend?
FEMALE CUSTOMER #1: Un thé au citron. (A tea with lemon.)
WAITER: Vous voulez un dessert? (Would you like a
FEMALE CUSTOMER #2: Une bière. (A beer.)
WAITER: En bouteille ou pression? (In a bottle or
on draft?) Page 26, Activité six (Activity 6)
FEMALE CUSTOMER #2: Une pression. (Draft.)
Les nombres de soixante à cent. (Numbers from 60 to 100.)
And what did these women order?
Repeat the numbers after you hear each one.
FEMALE CUSTOMER #1: Une omelette aux fines herbes.
Soixante (60)
An omelet with mixed herbs. Soixante-dix (70)
FEMALE CUSTOMER #2: Et pour moi, une salade aux fruits de mer. Soixante et onze (71)
And a seafood salad. And to drink? Soixante-douze (72)
Soixante-treize (73)
FEMALE CUSTOMER #1: Un thé au citron. Soixante-quatorze (74)
A tea with lemon and… Soixante-quinze (75)
Soixante-seize (76)
FEMALE CUSTOMER #2: Une pression.
Soixante-dix-sept (77)
A draft beer. Soixante-dix-huit (78)

10VECFrench © Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore
Soixante-dix-neuf (79) Page 29, Activité un (Activity 1)
Quatre-vingts (80)
What does Mme Millerioux buy?
Quatre-vingt-un (81)
Quatre-vingt-dix (90) NEWS AGENT: Bonjour, madame. (Hello madam.)
Quatre-vingt-onze (91) MME MILLERIOUX: Bonjour, madame. Le Figaro et un Télérama.
Quatre-vingt-dix-neuf (99) (Hello madam. The Figaro and a Télérama.)
Cent (100) NEWS AGENT: Voilà. (Here you go.)
She buys Le Figaro and a copy of Télérama. Now
Page 27, Activité sept (Activity 7) what does she ask for?
Which is the right check for each table? NEWS AGENT: Et avec ça? (And with that?)
Table une (Table 1) MME MILLERIOUX: Avez-vous le New York Herald? (Do you
carry the New York Herald?)
WAITRESS: Un sandwich au jambon et un sandwich au
NEWS AGENT: Ah non, je regrette. (On no, I’m sorry.)
fromage, une pression et un verre de vin rouge. Ça
fait huit euros quarante. (A ham sandwich and a She asks for the New York Herald but the news
cheese sandwich, a draft beer, and a glass of red agent hasn’t got one.
wine. That’s €13.50.)
Page 30, Activité deux (Activity 2)
Table deux (Table 2)
How much do the magazines cost?
WAITRESS: Une salade niçoise et de l’eau minérale gazeuse. Ça
fait sept euros. (A niçoise salad and sparkling FEMALE CUSTOMER: Le Télérama, c’est combien? (How much is
mineral water. That’s €7.) the Télérama?)
NEWS AGENT: Un euro soixante. (€1.60.)
Table trois (Table 3)
FEMALE CUSTOMER: Paris Match, ça coûte combien? (How much
WAITRESS: Un steak frites et un pichet de vin rouge. Ça fait does Paris Match cost?)
douze euros cinquante. (A steak with french fries NEWS AGENT: Trois euros. (€3.)
and a pitcher of red wine. That’s €14.50.) FEMALE CUSTOMER: Marie Claire? (Marie Claire?)
Table quatre (Table 4) NEWS AGENT: Trois euros. (€3.)
FEMALE CUSTOMER: Le Figaro? (Le Figaro?)
WAITRESS: Deux hamburgers, une grande portion de frites, un NEWS AGENT: Un euro vingt. (€1.20.)
coca et un milk shake à la vanille. Ça fait onze
euros soixante. (Two hamburgers, a large portion Page 30, Activité trois (Activity 3)
of french fries, a Coke, and a vanilla milk shake.
That’s €11.60.) And here are the prices for some newspapers, which
are available in France.
Table cinq (Table 5)
New York Herald: un euro quarante (€1.40)
WAITRESS: Une omelette aux fines herbes, une salade aux London Times: un euro cinquante (€1.50)
fruits de mer, un thé au citron et une pression. Ça Le Monde: un euro vingt (€1.20)
fait treize euros soixante-dix. (One omelet with Libération: un euro (€1)
mixed herbs, one seafood salad, one lemon tea,
and a draft beer. That’s €13.70.) Page 31, Activité quatre (Activity 4)
Encore! Attention à la prononciation. Gilles and Sylvie are buying some things at the same
(More! Watch the pronunciation.)
GILLES: Vous avez un plan de la ville? (Do you carry
Listen and repeat these phrases: a city map?)
un verre de vin rouge (a glass of red wine) NEWS AGENT: Oui, bien sûr. Un euro cinquante. C’est tout?
un café (a coffee) (Yes, of course. €1.50. Is that it?)
un sandwich au jambon (a ham sandwich) GILLES: Non, un paquet de bonbons et un Orangina.
une tarte aux pommes (an apple pie) (No, a packet of candy and an Orangina.)
une glace au chocolat (a chocolate ice cream) NEWS AGENT: Ça fait sept euros quarante-cinq. (That’s
une omelette aux fines herbes (an omelet with mixed herbs) €7.45.)
GILLES: Voilà (Here.)
Chez le marchand de journaux NEWS AGENT: Merci, au revoir. (Thank you, good-bye.)
(At the newsstand) NEWSAGENT: Bonjour Madame, vous désirez? (Hello
madam, what would you like?)
In this section, you’ll learn how to make small SYLVIE: Cinq cartes postales s’il vous plaît. (Five post
purchases at a newsstand. cards please.)

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NEWS AGENT: Quatre euros. (€4.) Page 32, Activité six (Activity 6)
SYLVIE: Avez-vous des timbres postes? (Do you carry How much do these items cost?
postage stamps?)
NEWS AGENT: Oui. (Yes.) Un coca: deux euros cinquante (A Coke: €2.50)
SYLVIE: Alors cinq timbres pour les États-Unis. (So Un Orangina: deux euros cinquante (An Orangina: €2.50)
five postage stamps for the U.S.) Les cartes postales sont à quatre-vingt centimes. (The post
NEWS AGENT: C’est tout? (Is that it?) cards cost 80 cents.)
SYLVIE: Avez-vous des télécartes? (Do you carry Une télécarte: sept euros quarante ou quatorze euros soixante-
telephone cards?) quinze. (The telephone cards: €7.40 or €14.75)
NEWS AGENT: Ah non, je regrette. (Oh no, I’m sorry.) Un plan de la ville: un euro cinquante (A town plan: €1.50)
SYLVIE: Bon, c’est tout. (OK, that’s all.) Le journal: un euro vingt (The newspaper: €1.20)
Les Carambars: trois euros quarante-cinq (The toffee
What did Gilles buy? “Carambar”: €3.45)
Un plan de la ville… Did you get them right? The prices were:
A town plan…
The Coke: €2.50
un paquet de bonbons… The Orangina: €2.50
a packet of candy... The post cards: 80 cents
…et un Orangina. The telephone cards: €7.40 or €14.75
…and an orange drink. How much did he pay? The town map: €1.50
The newspaper: €1.20
Sept euros quarante-cinq.
The toffees: €3.45
And Sylvie bought?
Cinq cartes postales… Encore! Attention à la prononciation.
Five post cards, and… (More! Watch the pronunciation.)
…cinq timbres pour les États-Unis.
Five postage stamps for the United Sates. She also Listen and repeat these numbers:
asked: Vingt-cinq (25)
Avez-vous des télécartes? Cinquante (50)
Have you got any telephone cards? But the news Soixante (60)
agent did not have any. Soixante-quinze (75)
Quatre-vingts (80)
Page 31, Activité cinq (Activity 5) Quatre-vingt-quinze (95)
Quatre-vingt-dix-neuf (99)
Have you got a map of Paris?
Now listen and practice the nasal “N” and “M”
Avez-vous un plan de Paris?
Do you have any telephone cards? un paquet de bonbons (a packet of candy)
Avez-vous des télécartes? des timbres (postage stamps)
Do you have the New York Herald? bien sûr (of course)
non (no)
Avez-vous le New York Herald? cent (one hundred)
I would like three post cards and three stamps for Voilà, c’est tout.
the United States. That’s all…And don’t forget: there are also Extras for
Je voudrais trois cartes postales et trois timbres pour les États- Unit 2.
Unis. Au revoir. (Good-bye.)
A can of Coke.
Un coca. Extra Unit 2, Extra Chapitre 2
I would like a packet of candy.
Page A4, Activité un (Activity 1)
Je voudrais un paquet de bonbons.
C’est quel vin? (Which wine is it?)
Listen to find out which wine is in which bottle.
La première bouteille est un Bordeaux rouge. (The first bottle is
a red Bordeaux.)

12VECFrench © Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore
La deuxième est une bouteille de Bourgogne. (The second is a Unit 3, Chapitre 3
bottle of Bourgogne.)
La troisième est un vin du Rhône. (The third is a wine from
Au travail et en famille
the Rhône.) (At work and with family)
La quatrième est un vin d’Alsace. (The fourth is a wine from
In this unit, you will learn to talk about what you do
for a living, about your family, and to say what you
La cinquième est un Sauternes et la dernière bouteille est une are going to do.
bouteille de champagne. (The fifth is a Sauternes, and the last
bottle is a bottle of champagne.) Quel est votre métier?
(What’s your job?)
Page A4, Activité 2 (Activity 2)
How much are these wines? Listen and find out. In this section, we will talk about jobs.
MALE CLERK: J’ai un joli petit Nuit Saint-Georges ici à trente- Page 38, Activité un (Activity 1)
deux euros. Oui, trente-deux euros. (I have a nice
little Nuit Saint-Georges here for €32. Yes, €32.) Listen to the game show host asking contestants
about their jobs.
MALE CLERK: Château Margaux? Ça c’est quatre-vingt-dix-neuf
euros! Ah oui, c’est cher un Margaux, oui quatre- Et M. Dubois, que faites-vous dans la vie? Ah, vous êtes agent
vingt-dix-neuf euros. (Château Margaux? That’s de police. Oh la la…il faut faire attention. Bon, et Mme
€99! Oh yes, a Margaux is expensive, yes €99.) Vernon, vous êtes…? Coiffeuse…coiffeuse. Très bien, vous
travaillez dans un salon? Oui. Et M. Gaillard, vous êtes…? Ahh!
MALE CLERK: Le Médoc? Pas cher: neuf euros vingt, neuf. Homme d’affaires. Vous êtes dans une grande entreprise? Oui,
Chablis, ah ça c’est un premier crû. Ça bien sûr. Et…et mademoiselle Leclerc? Ah, vous êtes
coûte…attendez…vingt-sept euros…oui c’est ça médecin…médecin. Et vous travaillez dans un…? Un centre
vingt-sept euros. (The Médoc? Not expensive: hospitalier, ah oui. C’est très intéressant. Et M. Maupassant,
€9.20. Chablis, ah that is a first class vintage. It vous êtes…? Ah, vous êtes toujours étudiant, mais vous voulez
cost…just wait…€27…yes that’s it €27.) être…? Comptable…comptable…ah oui. finalement Mme
MALE CLERK: Le Pommard premier crû…vingt-sept euros quatre- Beauvoisin vous êtes…? Ah, vous êtes au chômage. (And Mr.
vingts…oui…vingt-sept euros quatre-vingts. Un Dubois, what are you doing in life? Oh, you are a policeman.
blanc? Oui, si vous voulez quelque chose de pas Oh la la…got to be careful. OK, and Mrs. Vernon, you are…? A
cher, j’ai un Sauternes à dix-neuf euros cinquante. hairdresser, a hairdresser. Very well. You work in a salon? Yes.
Le Beaujolais village…ah mais c’est un rouge! Cinq And Mr. Gaillard, you are…? Ohh! A businessman. You work
euros quatre-vingts, oui cinq euros quatre-vingts, in a big company? Yes, of course. And…and Miss Leclerc? Oh
pas cher. Le Mouton Cadet neuf euros you are a doctor…a doctor. And you work in a…? In a hospital
cinquante…ha! ha! ha! …le grand crû…ah ça c’est center, oh yes. That is very interesting. And Mr. Maupassant,
autre chose. C’est quarante-neuf euros soixante- you are…? Oh you are still a student, but you want to
quinze. Oui c’est ça, quarante-neuf euros soixante- become…? An accountant, an accountant…oh yes. And…and
quinze. (The Pommard premier crû…€27.80… finally Mrs. Beauvoisin you are…? Oh you are unemployed.)
yes…€27.80. A white? Yes, if you want something Did you get all that? Listen again.
not expensive, I have a Sauternes for €19.50. The
Beaujolais village…oh but that’s a red one! €5.80 SHOW HOST: M. Dubois est agent de police.
yes €5.80; not expensive. The Mouton Cadet M. Dubois is a policeman.
€9.50…ha! ha! ha! The great vintage...oh that’s SHOW HOST: Mme Vernon est coiffeuse.
something else. It’s €49.75. Yes, that’s it, €49.75.)
Mme Vernon is a hairdresser.
Parfait, c’est très bien. Voici la fin d’Extra. (Perfect, that’s very
good. This is the end of Extra.) SHOW HOST: M. Gaillard est homme d’affaires.
This is the end of the Extra section for Unit 2. M. Gaillard is a businessman.
Merci et au revoir. (Thank you and good-bye.) SHOW HOST: Mademoiselle Leclerc est médecin.
Mademoiselle Leclerc is a doctor.
SHOW HOST: M. Maupassant est toujours étudiant.
M. Maupassant is still a student, and finally…
SHOW HOST: Madame Beauvoisin est au chômage.
Mme Beauvoisin is unemployed.

© Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore AudioscriptVEC13
Page 39, Activité deux (Activity 2) salesperson at Moda Nuova in Rome, so you’d say, “I
am a salesperson and I work in a department store.”)
Listen to these people telling you what jobs they do,
and where they work. SYLVIE: Et vous M. Nicholls, bon Jack, vous êtes agent de
police à New York, alors vous dites “Je suis agent
GILLES: Bon, je m’appelle Gilles Bernard et je suis employé
de police et je travaille dans un commissariat de
de banque. Je travaille dans une banque. (OK, my
police.” (And you, Mr. Nicholls, well, Jack, you are
name is Gilles Bernard, and I am a bank employee.
a policeman in New York, so you’d say, “I am a
I work in a bank.)
policeman and I work in a police station.”)
SYLVIE: Moi je suis Sylvie Verlaine. Je suis infirmière et je
travaille dans un hôpital. (I am Sylvie Verlaine. I
Page 40, Activité cinq (Activity 5)
am a nurse and I work in a hospital.)
LUCIENNE: Je suis Lucienne Briand et je suis dessinatrice de Listen to M. Martin introducing members of the
BD. Je suis artiste graphique et je travaille dans un tour group.
atelier. (I am Lucienne Briand and I am an Je vous présente M. Bernard de Genève, en Suisse. Il est
illustrator and cartoonist. I am a graphic designer employé de banque et travaille dans une banque. Et voici Mme
and I work in a studio.) Rossi, de Rome en Italie. Elle est vendeuse et travaille dans un
PATRICE: Je m’appelle Patrice Millerioux. Je suis Directeur des grand magasin. M. Nicholls est de New York; il est agent de
ressources humaines et je travaille dans une grande police et travaille dans un commissariat de police. Mlle
entreprise. (My name is Patrice Millerioux. I am a Verlaine, de Paris, est infirmière et travaille dans un hôpital.
personnel director and I work for a big company.) Mme Briand, de Bruxelles en Belgique, est dessinatrice de BD.
Did you get it right? First, Gilles Bernard: Elle travaille dans un atelier. Mlle Fernandez, de Madrid en
Espagne, est informaticienne et travaille dans un bureau. M.
Je suis employé de banque. (I am a bank employee.)
Millerioux vient de Québec, au Canada. Il est directeur des
Gilles works in a bank. What about Sylvie Verlaine? ressources humaines et travaille dans une grande entreprise. Et
Je suis infirmière. (I am a nurse.) finalement, M. Black est de Londres, en Angleterre. Il est guide
touristique et travaille dans un bureau de tourisme. (May I
Sylvie is a nurse. And Lucienne Briand? introduce to you Mr. Bernard from Geneva in Switzerland. He
Je suis dessinatrice de BD. (I am an illustrator and cartoonist.) is a bank employee and works in a bank. And this is Mrs.
Lucienne is an illustrator and cartoonist. And finally, Rossi, from Rome in Italy. She is a salesperson and works in a
what about Patrice Millerioux? department store. Mr. Nicholls comes from New York; he is a
policeman and works in a police station. Miss Verlaine, from
Je suis Directeur des ressources humaines. (I am a personnel Paris, is a nurse and works in a hospital. Mrs. Briand, from
director.) Brussels in Belgium, is a cartoonist. She works in a studio.
Patrice is a personnel director. Miss Fernandez, from Madrid in Spain, is a computer
programmer and works in a office. Mr. Millerioux is from
Page 39, Activité trois (Activity 3) Quebec in Canada. He is a personnel director and works in a
Listen to Sylvie helping these people say what they big company. And finally, Mr. Black is from London, in
do and where they work, in French. England. He is a tourist guide and works in a tourist office.)

SYLVIE: Bon Carmen, vous êtes informaticienne et vous Encore! Attention à la prononciation.
travaillez dans un bureau de l’Entreprise Infotel. (More! Watch the pronunciation.)
Alors vous dites “Je suis informaticienne et je
travaille dans une entreprise.” (Well Carmen, you Listen and repeat the parts of the verbs “travailler”
are a computer programmer and you work at the and “faire.”
offices of the InfoTel Company. So you’d say, “I am
Travailler (to work)
a computer programmer and I work in a company.”)
Je travaille (I work)
SYLVIE: Paul, vous êtes guide touristique et vous travaillez Tu travailles (you work – singular)
dans un bureau de tourisme à Londres. Alors vous Il travaille (he works)
dites “Je suis guide touristique et je travaille dans Elle travaille (she works)
un bureau de tourisme.” (Paul, you are a tour Nous travaillons (we work)
guide and you work in a tourist office in London. Vous travaillez (you work – plural)
So you’d say, “I am a tour guide and I work in a Ils travaillent (they work – masculine)
tourist office.”) Elles travaillent (they work – feminine)
SYLVIE: Isabella, vous êtes vendeuse chez Moda Nuova à Faire (to do)
Rome, et vous dites “Je suis vendeuse et je travaille Je fais (I do)
dans un grand magasin.” (Isabella, you are a Tu fais (you do – singular)

14VECFrench © Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore
Il fait (he does) Patrice is married and has two children. He’s 32.
Elle fait (she does) And what about Sylvie?
Nous faisons (we do)
SYLVIE: Et moi, j’ai vingt-quatre ans et je suis célibataire. (I
Vous faites (you do – plural)
am 24 years old and I am single.)
Ils font (they do – masculine)
Elles font (they do – feminine) She’s 24 and single.
Now it’s your turn to answer Sylvie’s questions.
Une photo de ma famille
(A picture of my family) SYLVIE: Quel âge avez-vous? (How old are you?)
Vous êtes marié(e)? (Are you married?)
In this section, you’ll learn how to talk about
members of your family. Page 44, Activité 2 (Activity 2)
You are having a phone conversation with a French-
Page 43, Activité un (Activity 1) speaking friend who is curious to know about the
Listen to each of these hotel guests telling Sylvie how people in the group. Listen and answer her questions:
old they are and whether they are married or single. FRIEND: Gilles Bernard est marié? (Is Gilles Bernard
SYLVIE: Gilles, quel âge avez-vous? (Gilles, how old are married?)
you?) Non, il est divorcé. (No, he is divorced.)
GILLES: J’ai trente-deux ans. (I am 32 years old.) FRIEND: Isabella, elle est célibataire? (Is Isabella single?)
SYLVIE: Vous êtes maries? (Are you married?)
Non, elle est mariée. (No, she is married.)
GILLES: Ah non, je suis divorcé. (Oh no, I am divorced.)
FRIEND: Paul est célibataire? (Is Paul single?)
Did you get it? Gilles is 32 and divorced.
Oui, il est célibataire. (Yes, he is single.)
SYLVIE: Et vous, Isabella? (And you Isabella?)
ISABELLA: J’ai trente-cinq ans et je suis mariée. (I am 35 years FRIEND: Jack est marié? (Is Jack married?)
old and I am married.) Non, il est séparé. (No, he is separated.)
SYLVIE: Avez-vous des enfants? (Do you have children?)
FRIEND: Et Lucienne, elle est mariée? (And is Lucienne
ISABELLA: Oui, un fils de six ans. (Yes, a six-year-old son.)
Isabella is 35, married, and has a six-year-old son.
Oui, elle est mariée. (Yes, she is married.)
SYLVIE: Et vous, Paul? (And you Paul?)
FRIEND: Et Carmen? (And Carmen?)
PAUL: Je suis célibataire et j’ai vingt-huit ans. (I am single
and I am 28 years old.) Non, elle n’est pas mariée. (No, she is not married.)
Paul is 28 and single. FRIEND: Patrice est divorcé? (Is Patrice divorced?)
SYLVIE: Et Jack? (And Jack?) Non, il est marié. (No, he is married.)
JACK: J’ai trente-six ans et je suis séparé de ma femme. (I FRIEND: Et Sylvie aussi? (And Sylvie as well?)
am 36 years old and I am separated from my Non, elle est célibataire. (No, she is single.)
Jack is 36 and separated. Page 44, Activité trois (Activity 3)
SYLVIE: Et Lucienne? (And Lucienne?) Listen to Patrice talking about a photograph of his
LUCIENNE: Je suis mariée, j’ai deux enfants et j’ai trente-trois family.
ans. (I am married, I have two children, and I am PATRICE: Bon, à droite, c’est mon fils Didier…et à côté, ça,
33 years old.) c’est mon père, Jean-Claude. Oui et puis là, à côté
Lucienne is married with two children, and she is 33. de mon père, c’est ma mère, Murielle. Et voici ma
fille Élodie, entre mon fils et ma femme. Là, c’est
SYLVIE: Carmen?
ma femme, Véronique, et puis me voilà. Et à
CARMEN: J’ai vingt-huit ans et je suis célibataire. (I am 28
gauche, le chien, qui s’appelle Samuel, ou Sam.
years old and I am single.)
(Ok, on the right is my son, Didier…and beside him
Carmen is 28 and single. is my father, Jean-Claude. Yes, and then here,
SYLVIE: Patrice? beside my father, is my mother, Murielle. And here
PATRICE: Je suis marié et j’ai deux enfants. J’ai trente-deux is my daughter Élodie, between my son and my
ans. (I am married and I have two children. I am wife. Over there is my wife, Véronique, and here I
32 years old.) am. And on the left the dog, whose name is
Samuel or Sam.)

© Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore AudioscriptVEC15
Did you get it right? On the right: Encore! Attention à la prononciation.
PATRICE: C’est mon fils Didier. (More! Watch the pronunciation.)
It’s Patrice’s son Didier… Listen and practice saying “P” and “T ”:
PATRICE: …et à côté, ça, c’est mon père Jean-Claude mon petit ami (my boyfriend)
…and beside him is his father Jean-Claude ma petite amie (my girlfriend)
son petit ami (her boyfriend)
PATRICE: …et puis là, à côté de mon père, c’est ma mère,
sa petite amie (his girlfriend)
Now practice asking questions and making
…and beside him is Patrice’s mother, Murielle statements. Listen and repeat these phrases:
PATRICE: Et voici ma fille Élodie, entre mon fils Didier et ma
Ça va? (How are you?)
femme. Là, c’est ma femme, Véronique.
Ça va bien merci. (I’m fine, thank you.)
…and his daughter Élodie is between his son and his Il a quel âge? (How old is he?)
wife Véronique. Il a vingt ans. (He is 20 years old.)
PATRICE: … puis me voilà. Et à gauche, le chien, qui Avez-vous une photo de votre femme? (Do you have a picture
s’appelle Samuel, ou Sam. of your wife?)
Oui, j’ai une photo de ma famille. (Yes, I have a picture of my
…and Patrice is here. And to the left is their dog family.)
Samuel, or Sam for short.
Qu’est-ce qu’on va faire?
Page 45, Activité quatre (Activity 4)
(What shall we do?)
Listen to Patrice telling you how old they are.
PATRICE: Mon fils Didier a quatre ans. Ma mère a cinquante In this section, you are going to learn to talk about
et un ans. Mon père a cinquante-cinq ans. Et ma what you are going to do.
fille Élodie a deux ans. Ma femme a trente ans et
moi, j’ai trente-deux ans. (My son Didier is 4 years
Page 48, Activité un (Activity 1)
old. My mother is 51 years old. My father is 55 Sylvie and Patrice are deciding what to do this
years old. And my daughter Élodie is 2 years old. evening. Listen to Sylvie’s suggestions.
My wife is 30 years old and I am 32 years old.) PATRICE: Qu’est-ce qu’on va faire ce soir? (What shall we do
Did you get it right? The answers are: tonight?)
SYLVIE: On pourrait aller au restaurant. (We could go to a
Didier is 4; his mother is 51; his father is 55; his daughter
Élodie is 2; his wife is 30; and he is 32.
PATRICE: Ah non! (Oh no!)
Page 45, Activité cinq (Activity 5) SYLVIE: Ou bien aller en boîte, aller danser. (Or go dancing
in a night club.)
Listen to Sylvie and Thierry talking about their PATRICE: Non, je suis fatigué. (No, I am tired.)
family photos. SYLVIE: Ou bien aller au cinéma. (Or go to the movies.)
THIERRY: Nous voilà en vacances; on est au bord de la mer. PATRICE: Non non! (No no!)
Ma femme, mes deux filles et le chien, et regarde! SYLVIE: On pourrait faire une promenade le long des
C’est devant la maison de mes parents. C’est ma Champs-Élysées. (We could go for a walk along
femme, mon frère Denis, les filles et le chien. (Here the Champs-Élysées.)
we are on vacation; we are at the seaside. My PATRICE: Oui, bonne idée. (Yes, good idea.)
wife, my two daughters, and the dog, and look! It’s What did Sylvie suggest? Listen again:
in front of my parents’ house. It’s my wife, my
brother Denis, the girls, and the dog.) SYLVIE: On pourrait aller au restaurant.

SYLVIE: Ici, c’est mon petit ami. Il s’appelle Auban, il a They could go to a restaurant.
vingt-six ans…et voilà…et ça c’est à la maison: mes SYLVIE: Ou bien, aller en boîte, aller danser.
parents, Auban, mon frère Paul et ma soeur Cécile. Or go dancing in a night club.
(Here is my boyfriend. His name is Auban; he is 26
years old…and here is…and this is at home: my SYLVIE: Ou bien, aller au cinéma.
parents, Auban, my brother Paul, and my sister Or go to the movies.
SYLVIE: On pourrait faire une promenade le long des
Did you get it right? Pictures A and C were Thierry’s, Champs-Élysées.
and B and D were Sylvie’s.

16VECFrench © Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore
Or just go for a walk along the Champs-Élysées, He is going to the movies and asks Patrice if he will
which is the suggestion that appeals to Patrice. come too.
PATRICE: Non merci. Je vais rester au bar boire une bière.
Page 48, Activité deux (Activity 2)
But Patrice has decided to stay at the bar and have a
Listen to find out what everyone decides to do. beer.
GILLES: Bon, qu’est-ce qu’on va faire? Moi, je vais en
boîte; je vais aller danser. Et vous Madame Page 49, Activité quatre (Activity 4)
Fourrier, qu’est-ce que vous aller faire? (OK, Has M. Martin understood you correctly? Listen,
what shall we do? I am going dancing at a and answer his questions.
night club. And you, Mrs. Fourrier, what are
you going to do?) M. MARTIN: Patrice va aller au cinéma? (Is Patrice going to the
MME FOURRIER: Je vais aller au restaurant, je vais manger. Que movies?)
faites-vous ce soir, M. Delafin? (I am going to Non, il ne va pas aller au cinéma. Il va rester au bar boire une
a restaurant; I am going to eat. What are you bière. (No, he is not going to the movies. He will stay at the
doing tonight, Mr. Delafin?) bar and have a beer.)
M. DELAFIN: Ben, je vais visiter la ville, faire une promenade
M. MARTIN: Mme Fourrier va visiter la ville? (Will Mrs. Fourrier
en ville. Et vous, Sylvie? (Well, I am going to
visit the town?)
visit the town, to take a walk in town. And
you Sylvie?) Non, elle ne va pas visiter la ville. Elle va manger au
SYLVIE: Je vais avec Gilles en boîte. Et vous Mme restaurant. (No, she will not visit the town. She is going to go
Coulot? Qu’est-ce que vous allez faire? (I am eat in a restaurant.)
going with Gilles to a night club. And you, M. MARTIN: M. Delafin va faire une promenade en ville? (Is
Mrs. Coulot? What are you going to do?) Mr. Delafin going to take a walk in town?)
MME COULOT: Je vais aller au lit. Je suis fatiguée. Que faites- Oui, c’est vrai. (Yes, that’s true.)
vous M. Garnier? (I am going to bed. I am
M. MARTIN: Sylvie va aller à la piscine? (Is Sylvie going to the
tired. What are you doing, Mr. Garnier?)
swimming pool?)
M. GARNIER: Moi, je vais aller au cinéma. Vous venez avec
moi, Patrice? (I am going to the movies. Are Non, Sylvie ne va pas aller à la piscine. Elle va aller en boîte de
you coming with me, Patrice?) nuit. (No, Sylvie is not going to the swimming pool. She is
PATRICE: Non merci. Je vais rester au bar boire une going to a night club.)
bière. (No thank you. I will stay at the bar and M. MARTIN: Mme Coulot va aller au lit? (Is Mrs. Coulot going
have a beer.) to bed?)
So, what did everyone decide? First, Gilles Bernard: Oui, c’est vrai. Elle est fatiguée. (Yes, that’s true. She is tired.)
GILLES: Bon, qu’est-ce qu’on va faire? Moi, je vais en M. MARTIN: M. Garnier va aller au restaurant? (Is Mr. Garnier
boîte; je vais aller danser. going to a restaurant?)
He is going to go dancing in a night club. What about Non, il ne va pas aller au restaurant. Il va aller au cinéma. (No,
Mme Fourrier? he is not going to the restaurant. He is going to the movies.)
MME FOURRIER: Je vais aller au restaurant, je vais manger. M. MARTIN: Et Gilles va aller au cinéma aussi? (And is Gilles
She is going to go to a restaurant for a meal. And also going to the movies?)
M. Delafin? Ah non, il ne va pas aller au cinéma. Il va aller en boîte de
M. DELAFIN: Ben, je vais visiter la ville, faire une promenade nuit avec Sylvie. (Oh no, he is not going to the movies. He is
en ville. going to a night club with Sylvie.)
He is going for a walk in town. And Sylvie? M. MARTIN: Très bien. Bonne soirée. (Very well. Have a good
SYLVIE: Je vais avec Gilles en boîte.
She is off to the night club with Gilles. And Mme Page 50, Activité cinq (Activity 5)
Coulot? Decide what you are going to do and answer M.
MME COULOT: Je vais aller au lit. Je suis fatiguée. Martin’s questions.
She is tired so she is off to bed. And M. Garnier? Et vous, qu’est-ce que vous allez faire? (And you, what are you
M. GARNIER: Moi, je vais aller au cinéma. Vous venez avec going to do?)
moi Patrice? Est-ce que vous aller danser? (Are you going to dance?)

© Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore AudioscriptVEC17
Est-ce que vous allez boire une bière? (Are you going to have a MALE SPEAKER: Ah oui, bonne idée! On va faire ça. (Oh yes,
beer?) good idea! We’ll do that.)
Est-ce que vous allez faire une promenade en ville? (Are you
going for a walk in town?) Page A8, Activité deux (Activity 2)
Est-ce que vous allez au restaurant? (Are you going to a Now listen to find out what these people are going
restaurant?) to do.
Est-ce que vous allez au cinéma? (Are you going to the
movies?) FEMALE #1: Nous allons au parc d’attractions. (We are

Est-ce que vous allez au lit? (Are you going to bed?) going to the amusement park.)
FEMALE SPEAKER #2: Ah oui, c’est très bien. Nous allons visiter
Encore! Attention à la prononciation. le parc olympique. (Oh yes, that’s great. We
(More! Watch the pronunciation.) are going to visit the Olympic park.)
MALE SPEAKER: Nous avons l’intention de visiter le
Listen carefully to the pronunciation of “on” and try Biodôme. (We intend to visit the Biodome.)
to copy it as you repeat these phrases: FEMALE SPEAKER #3: On va faire une croisière sur la rivière. (We
are going to take a cruise on the river.)
On va danser. (We are going dancing.)
On va au cinéma. (We are going to the movies.) Page A8, Activité trois (Activity 3)
On va au restaurant (We are going to a restaurant.)
On va en ville. (We are going to town.) What could these people do this evening?
Voilà, c’est tout. FEMALE SPEAKER: On pourrait aller à la piscine. (We could go to
the pool.)
That’s all for Unit 3. And don’t forget the Extras for MALE SPEAKER: Ah non merci. On pourrait aller à la patinoire.
Unit 3. Au revoir. (Good-bye.) (Oh no, thank you. We could go to the skating
Extra Unit 3, Extra Chapitre trois FEMALE SPEAKER: Je n’aime pas faire du patin à glace. (I don’t
like to ice skate.)
Page A7, Activité un (Activity 1) MALE SPEAKER: On pourrait aller au match de foot. (We could
go to the soccer game.)
These people are talking about what they could do in FEMALE SPEAKER: Merci! On pourrait aller au cinéma. (No,
Montreal. Listen to their conversation to find out thanks! We could go to the movies.)
what they suggest. MALE SPEAKER: Moi je ne veux pas. Je préfère jouer au tennis.
FEMALE SPEAKER: Alors, on pourrait visiter le parc d’attractions (I don’t want to. I would rather play tennis.)
“La Ronde.” Il y a des manèges, un cirque FEMALE SPEAKER: On pourrait aller en boîte de nuit. (We could
international et des spectacles. En été, c’est go to a night club.)
ouvert tous les jours. (Well, we could visit the MALE SPEAKER: Je n’aime pas danser. (I don’t like to dance.)
amusement park “La Ronde.” There are rides, FEMALE SPEAKER: Alors qu’est-ce qu’on fait? (So what shall we
an international circus, and shows. During the do?)
summer, it’s open every day.) MALE SPEAKER: Ben, j’ai faim. On pourrait aller au restau.
MALE SPEAKER: Oh non! (Oh no!) (Well, I am hungry. We could go to a
FEMALE SPEAKER: On pourrait visiter le parc olympique. (We restaurant.)
could visit the Olympic park.) FEMALE SPEAKER: Bonne idée. (Good idea.)
MALE SPEAKER: Qu’est-ce qu’il y a à voir? (What is there to
see?) Page A8, Activité quatre (Activity 4)
FEMALE SPEAKER: Il y a des visites guidées, des installations What are these people going to do and who are they
olympiques. (There are guided tours, Olympic going with?
MALE SPEAKER: Mmm! MALE #1: Ce soir, moi je vais au cinéma avec ma

FEMALE SPEAKER: Il y a le jardin botannique…avec des fleurs de femme. (Tonight, I am going to the movies
toutes les sortes. (There is the botanical with my wife.)
garden…with all kinds of flowers.) MALE SPEAKER #2: Ce soir, ben, je ne sais pas. Je vais peut-
MALE SPEAKER: Mmm! être jouer au tennis avec mon frère.
FEMALE SPEAKER: Ou bien, on pourrait faire une visite du vieux (Tonight, well, I don’t know. Maybe I will
port ou bien une croisière sur le Saint-Laurent. play tennis with my brother.)
(Or we could visit the old port or take a cruise FEMALE SPEAKER #1: Moi, on va aller en boîte. J’y vais avec ma
on the Saint-Laurent.) soeur. (I am going to a night club. I am
going there with my sister.)

18VECFrench © Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore
MALE SPEAKER #3: Je vais au restau ce soir, avec ma petite FEMALE EMPLOYEE: En face de l’hôtel. (Opposite the hotel.)
amie. (Tonight I am going to a restaurant MALE GUEST #3: Il y a une banque près d’ici? (Is there a
with my girlfriend.) bank nearby?)
FEMALE SPEAKER #2: Je vais jouer au tennis avec mon petit ami. FEMALE EMPLOYEE: Ah non, mais vous pouvez changer de
(I am going to play tennis with my l’argent ici. (No, but you can change
boyfriend.) money right here at the hotel.)
FEMALE SPEAKER #3: Je vais au match de hockey sur glace avec
Now listen again. What was each guest asking for?
mon mari. (I am going to the ice hockey
game with my husband.) FEMALE GUEST#1:Il y a une poste près d’ici? (Is there a post
office nearby?)
Parfait. C’est très bien. Voici la fin d’Extra. (Perfect. That’s very FEMALE EMPLOYEE: Oui, à deux minutes. (Yes, 2 minutes
good. This is the end of Extra.) away.)
This is the end of the Extra section for Unit 3. She was asking whether there is a post office nearby.
Merci et au revoir. (Thank you and good-bye.) And the answer is: Yes there is, and it’s only two
minutes away. Now what about the next one?
Unit 4, Chapitre quatre MALE #1: La gare SNCF est près d’ici? (Is the railway
station nearby?)
En ville (In town) FEMALE EMPLOYEE: Ah non. Il faut prendre le métro. (No. You
have to take the subway.)
This unit will help you learn the language you need
to find your way around town. He was asking about the railway station. And the
answer is: He has to take the subway to get there.
Il y a une banque près d’ici? Now try the next.
(Is there a bank near here?) FEMALE GUEST#2: Il y a une pharmacie près d’ici? (Is there a
drugstore nearby?)
In this section, you will learn language to find out FEMALE EMPLOYEE: Ah non. Il faut prendre un bus. (No. You
where a place is. have to take a bus.)

Page 56, Activité un (Activity 1) She was asking if there is a drugstore nearby. And
the answer is: no. She will have to take a bus. Now
Listen to these people at the hotel reception desk. listen again to the next one.
FEMALE #1: Il y a une poste près d’ici? (Is there a post
GUEST FEMALE #3: Et il y a un parking ici? (And is there a
office nearby?) parking lot nearby?)
FEMALE EMPLOYEE: Oui, à deux minutes. (Yes, 2 minutes FEMALE EMPLOYEE: Oui. Il y a un parking à côté de l’hôtel.
away.) (Yes, there is a parking lot beside the
MALE GUEST #1: La gare SNCF est près d’ici? (Is the railway hotel.)
station nearby?)
FEMALE EMPLOYEE: Ah non. Il faut prendre le métro. (No. You
She was asking whether there was a car park
have to take the subway.)
nearby. And the answer is: Yes, there’s one beside the
FEMALE GUEST #2: Il y a une pharmacie près d’ici? (Is there a
hotel. What did the next gentleman want? This one is
drugstore nearby?)
a bit longer.
FEMALE EMPLOYEE: Ah non. Il faut prendre un bus. (No. You MALE GUEST #2: Pour aller au cinéma? (How do you get to
have to take a bus.) the cinema?)
FEMALE GUEST #3: Et il y a un parking ici? (And is there a FEMALE EMPLOYEE: Il n’y a pas de cinéma près d’ici. Il faut aller
parking lot nearby?) au centre ville. Il y a un bus toutes les dix
FEMALE EMPLOYEE: Oui. Il y a un parking à côté de l’hôtel. minutes. (There is no cinema nearby. You
(Yes, there is a parking lot beside the have to go to the center of town. There is a
hotel.) bus every ten minutes.)
MALE GUEST #2: Pour aller au cinéma? (To get to the MALE GUEST #2: C’est où l’arrêt d’autobus? (Where is the
cinema?) bus stop?)
FEMALE EMPLOYEE: Il n’y a pas de cinéma près d’ici. Il faut aller FEMALE EMPLOYEE: En face de l’hôtel. (Opposite the hotel.)
au centre ville. Il y a un bus toutes les dix He wanted to go to the movies. She told him that it
minutes. (There is no cinema nearby. You was in the center of town and he would have to take
have to go to the center of town. There is a a bus, which runs every ten minutes, and the bus
bus every ten minutes.) stop is opposite the hotel. And finally, what does this
MALE GUEST #2: C’est où l’arrêt d’autobus? (Where is the man want? What does the clerk tell him?
bus stop?)

© Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore AudioscriptVEC19
MALE GUEST#3: Il y a une banque près d’ici? (Is there a MALE SPEAKER#1: Est-ce qu’il y a une banque près d’ici? (Is
bank nearby?) there a bank nearby?)
FEMALE EMPLOYEE: Ah non, mais vous pouvez changer de CLERK: La banque est à côté du cinéma. (The bank
l’argent ici. (Oh no, but you can change is beside the cinema.)
money right here.) MALE SPEAKER #2: Il y a une station service près d’ici? (Is there
He wants to know if there is a bank nearby. There a service station nearby?)
isn’t but the clerk tells him that he can change CLERK: Ah oui, il y a une station service dans la
money at the hotel. rue Napoléon Bonaparte, devant le super
marché. (Oh yes, there is a service station
Page 57, Activité deux (Activity 2) on Napoléon Bonaparte Street, in front of
the supermarket.)
Listen to these people asking where the nearest FEMALE SPEAKER #1: Il y a une pharmacie près d’ici? (Is there a
subway station is. drugstore nearby?)
1 CLERK: Oui, il y a une pharmacie dans la rue de la
La station de métro? C’est là-bas, au coin de la rue. (The Révolution, en face de la poste. (Yes, there
subway station? It’s over there, on the corner of the street.) is a drugstore on Revolution Street opposite
2 the post office.)
La station de métro? La voilà, devant la poste. (The subway FEMALE SPEAKER #2: Est-ce qu’il y a une station de taxis près
station? Here it is, in front of the post office.) d’ici? (Is there a taxi stand nearby?)
CLERK: Oui, dans l’avenue Charles-de-Gaulle,
3 devant l’église. (Yes, on Charles de Gaulle
La station de métro? Ah oui, c’est tout près: sur votre droite. Avenue, in front of the church.)
(The subway station? Oh yes, it’s quite near. On your right.) MALE SPEAKER #3: Il y a une station de métro près d’ici? (Is
4 there a subway station nearby?)
La station de métro? C’est là-bas, à côté de l’église. (The CLERK: Oui, au coin de la rue Napoléon Bonaparte
subway station? It’s over there, beside the church.) et l’avenue des Chênes. (Yes, on the corner
of Napoléon Bonaparte Street and Chênes
La station de métro? Mais la voilà, en face du cinéma. (The
subway station? There it is, opposite the cinema.) Did you get it right? Where are they?
6 CLERK: La banque est à côté du cinéma.
La station de métro? Ah oui, c’est tout près. Ici, sur votre The bank is beside the cinema.
gauche. (The subway station? Oh yes, It’s quite near. Here, on
your left.) CLERK: La station service est dans la rue Napoléon
Bonaparte, devant le super marché.
Did you get it right? Listen again.
The service station is on rue Napoléon Bonaparte, in
La station de métro? C’est là-bas, au coin de la rue. front on the supermarket.
The first one is over there, on the corner of the street. CLERK: La pharmacie est dans la rue de la
La station de métro? La voilà, devant la poste. Révolution, en face de la poste.
The second one is there, in front of the post office. The drugstore is on rue de la Révolution, opposite the
La station de métro? Ah oui, c’est tout près: sur votre droite.
post office.
CLERK: La station de taxis est dans l’avenue
The third is quite near on your right.
Charles-de-Gaulle, devant l’église.
La station de métro? C’est là-bas, à côté de l’église.
There is a taxi stand on avenue Charles-de-Gaulle,
The fourth one is over there, beside the church. in front of the church.
La station de métro? Mais la voilà, en face du cinéma. CLERK: La station de métro est au coin de la rue
And the fifth one is there, opposite the cinema. Napoléon Bonaparte et l’avenue des
La station de métro? Ah oui, c’est tout près. Ici, sur votre gauche.
And the subway station is on the corner of rue
And the sixth is also quite near, on your left. Napoléon Bonaparte and avenue des Chênes.
Page 57, Activité trois (Activity 3) Good! Now it’s time for some more pronunciation
The clerk is telling some hotel guests where to find practice.
certain places. Listen to what she says.

20VECFrench © Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore
Encore! Attention à la prononciation. MALE SPEAKER #1: Pour aller à l’aéroport s’il vous plaît? (How
(More! Watch the pronunciation.) do you get to the airport please?)
He wants to go to the airport.
More practice at making statements and asking
questions. Listen and repeat these phrases, paying FEMALE SPEAKER #1: Excusez-moi, pour aller au musée? (Excuse
particular attention to the intonation. me, how do you get to the museum?)

Il y a une piscine près d’ici? (Is there a swimming pool And she wants to go to the museum.
nearby?) MALE SPEAKER #2: Pour aller à la plage Monsieur, c’est par là?
Il y a une piscine près d’ici. (There is a swimming pool (Sir, how do you get to the beach; is it that
nearby.) way?)
La banque est près d’ici? (Is the bank nearby?) He wants to go to the beach.
La banque est près d’ici. (The bank is nearby.) FEMALE SPEAKER #2: Le Syndicat d’Initiative? Pour aller au
La pharmacie est en face de l’hôtel? (Is the drugstore opposite syndicat, madame? (The tourist information
the hotel?) office? How do you get to the tourist
La pharmacie est en face de l’hôtel. (The drugstore is opposite information office, madam?)
the hotel.) And she wants to go to tourist information office.
Now practice using “est-ce que.” MALE SPEAKER #3: C’est par ici l’autoroute? Ah non, zut! Pour
Est-ce qu’il y a une piscine près d’ici? (Is there a swimming aller à l’autoroute alors? (Is this the way to
pool nearby?) the highway? Oh no, darn! So how do I get
Est-ce qu’il y a une banque près d’ici? (Is there a bank to the highway?)
nearby?) Oh my! This man thought he knew the way to the
Est-ce qu’il y a une pharmacie près d’ici? (Is there a drugstore highway, but he’s just realized he didn’t.
Est-ce qu’il y a une station de métro près d’ici? (Is there a FEMALE SPEAKER #3: Pour aller à l’hôtel Mercure Madame, c’est
subway station nearby?) par ici? (How do you get to the Hotel
Mercure madam; is it over here?)
Pour aller à… This woman wants to go to the Hotel Mercure. The
(How do you get to…) “Mercure” is a chain of hotels, and you ’ll find one in
most of the larger French towns.
In this section, you’ll learn how to ask for and give
directions to a place. Page 60, Activité deux (Activity 2)
A vous (Your turn)
Page 60, Activité un (Activity 1)
Listen to these people asking the way. Now it’s your turn to ask the way. Listen and
answer the questions.
MALE SPEAKER #1: Pour aller à l’aéroport s’il vous plaît? (How
do you get to the airport, please?)
First, you want to go to the tourist information office.
FEMALE SPEAKER #1: Excusez-moi, pour aller au musée? (Excuse
Ask this gentleman.
me, how do you get to the museum?) Pour aller au Syndicat d’Initiative? (How do I get to the tourist
MALE SPEAKER #2: Pour aller à la plage Monsieur, c’est par là? information office?)
(Sir, how do you get to the beach; is it that And now, you want to find the Hotel Mercure.
FEMALE SPEAKER #2: Le Syndicat d’Initiative? Pour aller au Pour aller à l’hôtel Mercure? (How do I get to the Hotel
syndicat, madame? (The tourist information Mercure?)
office? How do you get to the tourist Now, you would also like to know the way to the
information office, madam?) beach…
MALE SPEAKER #3: C’est par ici l’autoroute? Ah non, zut! Pour Pour aller à la plage? (How do I get to the beach?)
aller à l’autoroute alors? (Is this the way to
the highway? Oh no, darn! So how do you …and to the museum.
get to the highway?) Pour aller au musée? (How do I get to the museum?)
FEMALE SPEAKER #3: Pour aller à l’hôtel Mercure, madame, c’est
…and to the airport.
par ici? (How do you get to the Hotel
Mercure, madam; is it over here?) Pour aller à l’aéroport? (How do I get to the airport?)
Where do they want to go? Listen again.

© Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore AudioscriptVEC21
Page 61, Activité trois (Activity 3) And finally, you go straight to the bridge but don’t
Which way should these people go? Listen to the cross it. Turn right just before it.
Page 62, Activité cinq (Activity 5)
Vous allez tout droit et puis tournez à droite. (You go straight Did you get it right? Listen and repeat each phrase:
ahead and then turn right.) à la banque (at the bank)
à l’aéroport (at the airport)
2 à la poste (at the post office)
Vous prenez la deuxième rue à droite. (You take the second à l’hôpital (at the hospital)
road on the right.) au Syndicat d’Initiative (at the tourist information office)
3 au musée (at the museum)
Vous prenez la première rue à gauche et puis tournez à droite. à l’hôtel (at the hotel)
(You take the first road on the left and then turn right.) à la plage (at the beach)
Encore! Attention à la prononciation.
Vous allez tout droit jusqu’au feu, et puis tournez à gauche et
(More! Watch the pronunciation.)
traversez le pont. (You go straight to the light then turn left
and go over the bridge.)
Listen and repeat these directions to get used to the
5 sound of the “vous” form of the verb.
Vous allez tout droit jusqu’au rond-point et puis vous prenez
Vous prenez la première rue à gauche. (You take the first road
la première rue à droite. (You go straight to the round about
on the left.)
and then you take the first exit on the right.)
Vous allez jusqu’au feu. (You go to the light.)
6 Vous tournez à gauche. (You turn left.)
Vous allez tout droit jusqu’au pont mais vous ne traversez pas Vous traversez le pont. (You go over the bridge.)
le pont. Vous tournez à droite juste avant le pont. (You go Vous continuez tout droit. (You keep going straight.)
straight to the bridge but you don’t cross it. Turn right just Vous montez la rue. (You go up the street.)
before the bridge.) Vous descendez la rue piétonne. (You go down the pedestrian
Did you get that? Listen again. street.)

1 Now practice asking the way to these places in Paris.

Vous allez tout droit et puis tournez à droite. à la place de la Concorde (to the place de la Concorde)
You go straight ahead and then turn right. à l’Étoile (to the Étoile)
au Centre Georges Pompidou (to the Georges Pompidou
2 Center)
Vous prenez la deuxième rue à droite. aux Halles (to the Halles)
You take the second road on the right.
Vous fermez à quelle heure?
Vous prenez la première rue à gauche et puis tournez à droite. (What time do you close?)
You take the first road on the left and then turn In this section, you’ll learn to ask about opening and
right. closing times.
Vous allez tout droit jusqu’au feu, et puis tournez à gauche et Page 64, Activité un (Activity 1)
traversez le pont. Véronique is asking at the hotel reception about
You go straight to the light then turn left and go over opening times. Which days does the clerk say the
the bridge. places are open?
5 CLERK: La piscine, elle est ouverte tous les jours, sauf le
Vous allez tout droit jusqu’au rond-point, et puis vous prenez lundi matin et le jeudi soir. (The pool is open every
la première rue à droite. day except Monday morning and Thursday night.)
CLERK: La poste, elle est fermée le samedi après-midi et le
You go straight to the round about and then take the dimanche. (The post office is closed on Saturday
first exit on the right. afternoon and on Sunday.)
6 CLERK: La boulangerie? Elle est fermée le dimanche après-
Vous allez tout droit jusqu’au pont mais vous ne traversez pas midi et le lundi. (The bakery is closed on Sunday
le pont. Vous tournez à droite juste avant le pont. afternoon and on Monday.)

22VECFrench © Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore
CLERK: Le musée? Il est ouvert tous les jours, sauf le jeudi then Happy Days at 7:40 p.m. and 11:55 p.m. And in theater
et le lundi matin. (The museum is open every day B, Raging Bull at 5:45 p.m. and 9:55 p.m….and Into the
except Thursday and Monday morning.) Galaxy at 7:50 p.m. and midnight.)

Page 65, Activité deux (Activity 2) Page 66, Activité cinq (Activity 5)
Now listen again and check the opening times. You’ve decided you really must get your hair done.
CLERK: La piscine? Aujourd’hui elle ouvre à…sept heures Listen and find out what times are available.
trente et elle ferme à vingt et une heures trente. Vous voulez venir aujourd’hui ou demain? Aujourd’hui, ah
(The pool? Today it opens at…7:30 a.m. and it bon. Vous pouvez avoir un rendez-vous à…aujourd’hui, bon…à
closes at 9:30 p.m.) dix heures et demie ou bien…onze heures quarante cinq…ou
CLERK: La poste? Aujourd’hui elle ouvre à neuf heures et bien…quatorze heures dix. Et demain, neuf heures trente, midi,
elle ferme à dix-huit heures. (The post office? treize heures vingt, quatorze heures quarante ou bien…seize
Today it opens at 9:00 a.m. and it closes at heures trente. Vous voulez venir demain? Bon, à quelle heure?
6:00 p.m.) (You want to come today or tomorrow? Today, OK. You can
CLERK: La boulangerie? Aujourd’hui elle ouvre à sept heures have an appointment at…today OK…at 10:30 a.m. or 11:45
et elle ferme à dix-huit heures trente. (The bakery? a.m. or 2:10 p.m. And tomorrow, 9:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 1:20
Today it opens at 7:00 a.m. and it closes at p.m., 2:40 p.m. or 4:30 p.m. You want to come tomorrow? OK,
6:30 p.m.) at what time?)
CLERK: Le musée? Il ouvre à…attendez je regarde…bon…il You want to come at 1:20 p.m. tomorrow or thirteen
ouvre à dix heures quinze et il ferme à dix-sept hundred hours, twenty minutes. Tell him.
heures quarante-cinq. (The museum? It opens
at…wait I’m checking…ok…it opens at 10:15 a.m. Je veux venir demain à treize heures vingt.
and it closes at 5:45 p.m.) Now you make appointments for some other people.
Tell the hairdresser Mme Millerioux wants to come
Page 65, Activité trois (Activity 3) today at 11:45.
Lucienne is asking the hotel clerk about places where Mme Millerioux veut venir aujourd’hui à onze heures quarante-
you can go and eat tonight. Listen and check the cinq.
opening times.
M. Briand wants to come at 9:30 tomorrow.
CLERK: Bon, le Coq d’Or aujourd’hui…attendez je
M. Briand veut venir demain à neuf heures trente.
regarde…le Coq d’Or…ouvre à dix-huit heures et
ferme à minuit. (Ok, the Coq d’Or today…wait, I’m Mme Coulot wants to come today at 2:10 p.m. or at
checking…the Coq d’Or…opens at 6:00 p.m. and fourteen hundred hours ten minutes.
closes at midnight.) Mme Coulot veut venir aujourd’hui à quatorze heures dix.
CLERK: Le Fast Food ouvre à sept heures le matin et ferme
à vingt-trois heures. (Fast Food opens at 7:00 a.m. And M. Macintosh wants to come tomorrow at 4:30
and closes at 11:00 p.m.) p.m. or sixteen hundred hours thirty minutes.
CLERK: La Brasserie, elle, ouvre a…huit heures et le M. Macintosh veut venir demain à seize heures trente.
restaurant Au Poisson Rouge ouvre à onze heures HAIRDRESSER: Macintosh, eh…comment ça s’écrit? (Macintosh,
le matin et ferme à vingt-deux heures le soir. (The eh how do you spell that?)
Brasserie opens at 8 o’clock and the Au Poisson
Rouge restaurant opens at 11:00 a.m. and closes at What did the hairdresser ask you? Can you still do it?
10:00 p.m.) M-A-C-I-N-T-O-S-H

Page 66, Activité quatre (Activity 4) Encore! Attention à la prononciation.

You are more interested in the movies this evening. (More! Watch the pronunciation.)
Listen to find out when the films are showing.
Listen and repeat these times. Notice how the words
Wednesday’s Child? Attendez…bon, dans la salle A, il y a are run together.
Wednesday’s Child à dix-sept heures trente et vingt et une
heure cinquante. Et puis Happy Days à dix-neuf heures une heure (one o’clock)
quarante et vingt-trois heures cinquante-cinq. Et dans la salle deux heures (two o’clock)
B, Raging Bull à dix-sept heures quarante cinq et vingt et une trois heures (three o’clock)
heures cinquante-cinq…et Into the Galaxy à dix-neuf heures quatre heures (four o’clock)
cinquante et minuit. (Wednesday’s Child? Wait…OK, in theater cinq heures (five o’clock)
A, Wednesday’s Child plays at 5:30 p.m. and 9:50 p.m. And six heures (six o’clock)
sept heures (seven o’clock)

© Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore AudioscriptVEC23
huit heures (eight o’clock) GILLES: Avez-vous des kleenex? J’ai oublié d’apporter des
neuf heures (nine o’clock) kleenex. (Do you have any tissues? I forgot to bring
dix heures (ten o’clock) tissues.)
onze heures (eleven o’clock) LUCIENNE: J’ai oublié mon sèche-cheveux. Il faut que j’achète
douze heures (twelve o’clock) un sèche-cheveux. (I forgot my hairdryer. I have to
Voilà! C’est tout pour le chapitre quatre. buy a hairdryer.)
SYLVIE: J’ai oublié ma trousse. Il faut que j’achète du
There! That’s it for Unit 4. shampooing et de l’après-shampooing, une brosse,
We also have Extras for you for more practice. une brosse à dents, du dentifrice et du déodorant.
Au revoir. (Good-bye.) (I forgot my toiletry bag. I have to buy some
shampoo and conditioner, a hairbrush, a
toothbrush, toothpaste, and some deodorant.)
Extra Unit 4, Extra Chapitre quatre PATRICE: Moi aussi j’ai oublié ma trousse. J’ai besoin d’un
rasoir, d’une lotion après-rasage, de savon, d’une
Page A9, Activité un (Activity 1) brosse à dents, de dentifrice et d’un peigne.
Some visitors to Guadeloupe are in the Tourist (I forgot my toiletry bag as well. I need a razor, an
Information Office, asking about places to visit. aftershave, some soap, a toothbrush, some
Listen to the information they are given. toothpaste, and a comb.)
Vous voulez visiter un peu la ville? Ah oui, il y a beaucoup de Listen again. What has Gilles forgotten to bring?
choses à voir. Le musée…ah non vous y êtes déjà allés. Alors il
GILLES: Avez-vous des kleenex? J’ai oublié d’apporter des
faut absolument visiter la Soufrière, aller à la plage. Ah
kleenex. (Do you have any tissues? I forgot to bring
monsieur, pour aller à Basse-Terre, mais…il faut prendre le
bus…oui, il y a un car qui part dans une demi-heure. Vous
avez juste le temps pour aller à la gare routière. Les cascades? Tissues. What has Lucienne forgotten?
Pour aller aux cascades, il vaut mieux louer une voiture. (You LUCIENNE: J’ai oublié mon sèche-cheveux. Il faut que j’achète
want to go and visit a bit of the city? Oh yes, there are a lot of un sèche-cheveux. (I forgot my hairdryer. I have to
things to see. The museum…oh no you already went there. So buy a hairdryer.)
you absolutely must visit la Soufrière and the beach. Ah sir, to
get to Basse-Terre, but…you must take the bus…yes, there is a
She’s forgotten her hairdryer. What has Sylvie
bus leaving in half an hour. You just have enough time to go
to the bus station. The waterfalls? To go to the waterfalls, it is SYLVIE: J’ai oublié ma trousse. Il faut que j’achète du
better to rent a car.) shampooing et de l’après-shampooing, une brosse,
une brosse à dents, du dentifrice et…du déodorant.
Parfait. C’est très bien. Voici la fin d’Extra. (Perfect. That’s very
(I forgot my toiletry bag. I have to buy some
good. This is the end of Extra.)
shampoo and conditioner, a hairbrush, a
This is the end of the Extra section for Unit 4. toothbrush, toothpaste, and some deodorant.)
Merci et au revoir. (Thank you and good-bye.) Just about everything it seems: shampoo,
conditioner, a hairbrush, a toothbrush, toothpaste,
and deodorant. What about Patrice?
Unit 5, Chapitre cinq PATRICE: Moi aussi j’ai oublié ma trousse. J’ai besoin d’un
Au centre commercial (At the mall) rasoir, d’une lotion après-rasage, de savon, d’une
brosse à dents, de dentifrice et d’un peigne. (I
forgot my toiletry bag as well. I need a razor, an
In this unit, you will become familiar with the
aftershave, some soap, a toothbrush, some
language you need for going shopping, buying toiletries
toothpaste, and a comb.)
and personal items, and buying items of clothing.
He’s forgotten his overnight bag as well, and he
A la pharmacie needs a razor, aftershave, soap, toothbrush,
(At the drugstore) toothpaste, and a comb.

This section is about shopping for things at the Page 72, Activité deux (Activity 2)
drugstore, and asking for what you want. Now listen to them at the drugstore buying the
things they need.
Page 72, Activité un (Activity 1)
PATRICE: Avez-vous des mouchoirs en papier? (Do you have
What have these people forgotten to bring? tissues?)

24VECFrench © Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore
CLERK: Un paquet ou une boîte? (A packet or a box?) Tell her which you prefer.
PATRICE: Un paquet s’il vous plaît. (A packet please.)
Pour cheveux fins. (For thin hair.)
CLERK: Un paquet. Deux euros quatre-vingts. (A packet.
€2.80.) PHARMACIST: Et de l’après-shampooing? (And some
LUCIENNE: Avez-vous des sèche-cheveux? (Do you carry conditioner?)
hairdryers?) Yes, you would like conditioner.
CLERK: Oui, bien sûr. Il y a des sèche-cheveux de voyage, à
quinze euros soixante, et des plus grands, à vingt- Oui et de l’après-shampooing. (Yes, and some conditioner.)
cinq euros quarante. (Yes, of course. There are travel PHARMACIST: C’est tout? (Is that all?)
hairdryers, for €15.60, and bigger ones for €25.40.) No, ask if she has any toothpaste.
CLERK: Vous désirez tout ça? (You want all that?) Non, avez-vous du dentifrice? (No, do you carry toothpaste?)
SYLVIE: Oui. (Yes.)
CLERK: Bon, du shampooing: deux euro cinquante, de PHARMACIST: Bien sûr. Quelle marque? (Of course. Which
l’après-shampooing: aussi deux euros cinquante, brand?)
une brosse: trois euros, une brosse à dents: deux Tell her which sort you prefer and then ask for some
euros quatre-vingts. (Ok, some shampoo: €2.50, tissues.
some conditioner: €2.50 as well, a hairbrush: €3,
“Signal,” et des mouchoirs en papier. (“Signal” and some
a toothbrush: €2.80.)
CLERK: Et vous Monsieur? Un rasoir: quatre-vingt
centimes, une lotion après-rasage: trois euros PHARMACIST: …et mouchoirs en papier: un paquet ou une
cinquante, du savon: un euro, une brosse à dents: boîte? (…and tissues: a packet or a box?)
deux euros quatre-vingts, du dentifrice: quatre You would like a box.
euros vingt, et un peigne: un euro quarante. Ça fait
Une boîte. (A box.)
treize euros soixante-dix. (And you sir? A razor: 80
cents, an aftershave: €3.50, some soap: PHARMACIST: C’est tout? (Is that all?)
€1, a toothbrush: €2.80, some toothpaste: €4.20, Yes, that’s all.
and a comb: €1.40. That’s €13.70.)
Oui, c’est tout. (Yes, that’s all.)
Page 73, Activité trois (Activity 3)
Encore! Attention à la prononciation.
Listen to Sylvie saying what she’s forgotten. (More! Watch the pronunciation.)
SYLVIE: J’ai oublié mon déodorant, mon shampooing, mon
après-shampooing, mon dentifrice et mes kleenex. Remember, the letters “t” and “s” at the end of a
(I forgot my deodorant, my shampoo, my word are silent. Practice saying:
conditioner, my toothpaste, and my tissues.) un paquet (a packet)
le lait bronzant (the tanning lotion)
Page 73, Activité cinq (Activity 5) la lotion après-rasage (the aftershave)
Practice asking the pharmacist for the things you Now practice these phrases:
need to buy.
un tube de dentifrice (a tube of toothpaste)
PHARMACIST: Vous désirez? (What would you like?) une bouteille de shampooing (a bottle of shampoo)
You’d like some deodorant. un paquet de kleenex (a packet of tissues)
Je voudrais du déodorant. (I would like some deodorant.) une boîte de mouchoirs en papier (a box of tissues)

PHARMACIST: À bille ou en spray? (Roll-on or spray?) Vous désirez?

Tell her which you prefer. (What would you like?)
À bille. (Roll-on.)
This section is about buying items of clothing, saying
PHARMACIST: Et avec ça? (And with that?) what size you take, and which colors you prefer.
Say you would like some shampoo.
Page 75, Activité 1 (Activity 1)
Du shampooing. (Some shampoo.)
Listen to these customers shopping for clothes.
PHARMACIST: Quelle sorte préférez-vous: pour cheveux fins ou
normaux? (Which kind do you prefer: for thin or MALE CUSTOMER #1: Avez-vous un pantalon noir, taille 42?
normal hair?) (Do you have a pair of black pants, size

© Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore AudioscriptVEC25
FEMALE #1: Je voudrais un pull rouge, taille moyenne.
CUSTOMER chouette. (I prefer the blue sweatshirt. It’s
(I would like a red sweater, size cool.)
medium.) She likes the blue sweatshirt best. She thinks it’s
MALE CUSTOMER #2: Je voudrais une chemise blanche, taille nice.
46. (I would like a white shirt, size 46.)
FEMALE CUSTOMER #2: Avez-vous une robe noire, taille 38? (Do MALE CUSTOMER #1: Moi je préfère le pantalon noir. C’est
you have a black dress, size 38?) chic. (Me, I prefer the pair of black
MALE CUSTOMER #3: Je cherche un sweat shirt pour moi en pants. It’s stylish.)
bleu marine. Je suis grand. (I am looking He likes the black pants. He thinks they are in style.
for a dark blue sweatshirt for myself. I
FEMALE CUSTOMER #2: J’aime le t-shirt bleu-marine. J’aime la
am tall.)
couleur. (I like the navy blue t-shirt. I like
Did you get it? Now listen again, and check which the color.)
sizes they want. She prefers the navy blue t-shirt because she likes
Page 76, Activité deux (Activity 2)
the color.
FEMALE CUSTOMER #3: J’adore la chemise rayée rose et blanc.
MALE CUSTOMER #1: Avez-vous un pantalon noir, taille 42?
C’est chic. (I love the pink and white
He wants a pair of black trousers, size 42. striped shirt. It’s stylish.)
FEMALE CUSTOMER #1: Je voudrais un pull rouge, taille moyenne. She likes the pink and white striped shirt. She thinks
And she wants a red sweater, medium size. it’s fashionable.
MALE CUSTOMER #2: Je voudrais une chemise blanche, taille MALE CUSTOMER #3: Moi, j’aime le t-shirt blanc. C’est
46. branché. (I like the white t-shirt. It’s
He wants a white shirt, size 46.
And he prefers the white t-shirt because he thinks
FEMALE CUSTOMER #2: Avez-vous une robe noire, taille 38?
it’s trendy.
And she wants a black dress size 38.
MALE CUSTOMER #3: Je cherche un sweat shirt pour moi en Page 77, Activité six (Activity 6)
bleu marine. Je suis grand. A vous (Your turn)
He is looking for a dark blue sweatshirt, and says he Now tell the shop assistant what you would like,
is large. using “je voudrais”:
SHOP ASSISTANT: Vous désirez? (What would you like?)
Page 76, Activité trois (Activity 3)
Tell her what you’d like.
Listen and check which item each customer prefers.
What do they say about their chosen item? SHOP ASSISTANT: Quelle taille? (What size?)
FEMALE CUSTOMER #1: Je préfère le sweat shirt bleu. C’est Tell her what size you want.
chouette. (I prefer the blue sweatshirt. It’s SHOP ASSISTANT: Quelle couleur? (What color?)
MALE CUSTOMER #1: Moi je préfère le pantalon noir. C’est
And what color you had in mind.
chic. (I prefer the pair of black pants. It’s SHOP ASSISTANT: Voilà. C’est tout? (Here. Is that all?)
stylish.) No, ask her if she has a navy blue sweater.
FEMALE CUSTOMER #2: J’aime le t-shirt bleu marine. J’aime la
couleur. (I like the navy blue t-shirt. I like SHOP ASSISTANT: Quelle taille? (What size?)
the color.) Tell her what size you want.
FEMALE CUSTOMER #3: J’adore la chemise rayée rose et blanc. SHOP ASSISTANT: Ah non, je regrette. Je n’ai rien dans votre
C’est chic. (I love the pink and white taille. (Oh no, I’m sorry. I have nothing in your
striped shirt. It’s stylish.) size.)
MALE CUSTOMER #3: Moi, j’aime le t-shirt blanc. C’est
branché. (I like the white t-shirt. It’s Oh my! She has nothing in your size.
trendy.) SHOP ASSISTANT: C’est tout? (Is that all?)
That was easy, wasn’t it? Yes, tell her that’s all.
FEMALE CUSTOMER #1: Je préfère le sweat shirt bleu. C’est

26VECFrench © Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore
Encore! Attention à la prononciation. FEMALE CUSTOMER: En espèces. (Cash.)
(More! Watch the pronunciation.) CLERK: Bon, ça fait vingt-quatre euros quatre-vingt
dix-huit. (OK, it’s €24.98.)
Listen to the difference in pronunciation between the
masculine and feminine forms of some adjectives. She paid cash. Do you know how much she had to
pay? Listen again.
grand / grande (tall or large)
petit / petite (small) CLERK: Bon, ça fait vingt-quatre euros quatre-vingt
blanc / blanche (white) dix-huit. (OK, it’s €24.98.)
gris / grise (gray) Now it’s your turn to say how you are going to pay.
vert / verte (green) Listen to the shop assistant questions, then say you
Now listen and repeat these phrases to get used to are going to pay cash.
saying the adjective after the noun. SHOP ASSISTANT: En espèces ou avec une carte? (Cash or
un pantalon blanc (a pair of white pants) credit?)
une robe blanche (a white dress) This time, when the assistant asks you, say you
des pantalons blancs (white pants) would like to pay with a credit card.
des robes blanches (white dresses) SHOP ASSISTANT: En espèces ou avec une carte? (Cash or
une veste bleue (a blue jacket) credit?)
une chemise rouge (a red shirt)
un pantalon noir (a pair of black pants) Je voudrais payer avec une carte de crédit. (I would like to pay
des chaussettes grises (gray socks) with a credit card.)
Now ask if you can pay with a traveler’s check. Use
A la caisse “Je peux?” to say “Can I?”
(At the cash register)
Je peux payer avec un chèque de voyage? (Can I pay with a
traveler’s check?)
In this section, you will learn how to make
comparisons and make a purchase. SHOP ASSISTANT: Ah non, je regrette. Avez-vous une carte de
crédit? (Oh no, I’m sorry. Do you have a
Page 79, Activité un (Activity 1) credit card?)
Listen to some people making a purchase. How is Yes you have. Show him your card.
each one paying? Oui, j’ai une carte de crédit. (Yes, I have a credit card.)
1 SHOP ASSISTANT: Oui, ça va. (Yes, that’s fine.)
CLERK: Vous payez comment? (How are you
paying?) Page 80, Activité deux (Activity 2)
FEMALE CUSTOMER: Avec cette carte de crédit. Voilà. (With this Now listen to find out how much each tie costs.
credit card. Here.)
CLERK: La cravate en soie rose coûte…dix-neuf euros
CLERK: Merci, madame. Signez ici s’il vous plait. soixante-quinze. La cravate en coton rayé vert et
(Thank you madam. Sign here please.) blanc coûte…quinze euros. La cravate en laine
FEMALE CUSTOMER: Merci, monsieur. (Thank you sir.) écossaise coûte…dix-sept euros soixante-quinze. Ah!
la cravate en cuir marron coûte…dix-huit euros. (The
Did you get that? She used her credit card to pay for
pink silk tie costs €19.75. The green and white
her purchase. What about the next person?
striped cotton tie costs €15. The tartan wool tie
2 costs €17.75. And the brown leather tie costs €18.)
CLERK: Vous payez en espèces? (Are you paying in Did you get it right? Listen again.
CLERK: La cravate en soie rose coûte…dix-neuf euros
MALE CUSTOMER: Vous acceptez les chèques de voyages? (Do soixante-quinze.
you take traveler’s checks?)
CLERK: La cravate en coton rayé vert et blanc
CLERK: Oui bien sûr. (Yes of course.) coûte…quinze euros.
He used his traveler’s checks. Now listen to the next CLERK: La cravate en laine écossaise coûte… dix-sept euros
customer at the cash register. soixante-quinze.
3 CLERK: Ah! la cravate en cuir marron coûte… dix-huit
CLERK: Vous payez comment? (How are you euros.

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Page 80, Activité trois (Activity 3) expensive than the wool gloves. The brown leather tie is less
expensive than the pink silk tie. The wool sweater is more
Now here’s some more practice with prices. Listen to
expensive than the cotton sweater.)
the dialog to find out how much these items cost.
FEMALE CUSTOMER: L’écharpe en soie rouge coûte combien? Page 82, Activité cinq (Activity 5)
(How much is the red silk scarf?)
You are looking at some more items with Sylvie.
CLERK: Vingt-neuf euros soixante-quinze. (€29.75)
Listen to her telling you what she thinks of them.
FEMALE CUSTOMER: Et l’écharpe en laine? (And the wool scarf?)
CLERK: Quatorze euros cinquante. (€14.50) SYLVIE: La jupe est trop courte, le pull est trop long, le
FEMALE CUSTOMER: Et les gants en cuir? (And the leather pantalon est trop large, le jean est trop cher. (The
gloves?) skirt is too short, the sweater is too long, the pants
CLERK: Vingt-quatre euros. (€24) are too wide, the jeans are too expensive.)
FEMALE CUSTOMER: Et les gants en laine? (And the wool
gloves?) Page 82, Activité six (Activity 6)
CLERK: Treize euros soixante-quinze. (€13.75) Listen to the dialogs.
FEMALE CUSTOMER: Et la chemisier en coton? (And the cotton
CLERK: Vous voulez payer comment? (How do
you want to pay?)
CLERK: Vingt-neuf euros. (€29)
MALE CUSTOMER #1: Avec un chèque de voyage. (With a
FEMALE CUSTOMER: Et la chemisier en soie? (And the silk
traveler’s check.)
FEMALE CUSTOMER #1: Je peux payer avec une carte de crédit?
CLERK: Trente-neuf euros soixante-quinze.
(Can I pay with a credit card?)
CLERK: Non, je regrette. On n’accepte pas les
Now practice what you would say to tell a French cartes. (No, I’m sorry. We don’t take
visitor how much each item costs. credit cards.)
The red silk scarf costs ¤29.75. MALE CUSTOMER #2: Avez-vous ce pull en bleu marine? (Do
you have this sweater in navy blue?)
L’écharpe en soie rouge coûte vingt-neuf euros soixante- CLERK: Non, je regrette, pas en bleu marine.
quinze. (No, I’m sorry, not in navy blue.)
And the woolen scarf costs ¤14.50. CLERK: Vous faites quelle taille? (What is your
Et l’écharpe en laine coûte quatorze euros cinquante. size?)
FEMALE CUSTOMER #2: Quarante. (40.)
And the leather gloves cost ¤42. CLERK: Quelle couleur voulez-vous? (What color
Et les gants en cuir coûtent vingt-quatre euros. do you want?)
FEMALE CUSTOMER #2: Noir. (Black.)
And the wool gloves cost ¤13.75.
Les gants en laine coûtent treize euros soixante-quinze.
Now it’s your turn to be the customer. Listen and
answer the shop assistant’s questions.
The cotton blouse costs ¤29.
SHOP ASSISTANT: Vous voulez payer comment? (How do
La chemisier en coton coûte vingt-neuf euros. you want to pay?)
And the silk blouse costs ¤39.75. Say you want to pay by traveler’s check.
Et la chemisier en soie coûte trente-neuf euros soixante-quinze. Avec un chèque de voyage? (With a traveler’s check?)
Well done! SHOP ASSISTANT: Non, je regrette, on n’accepte pas les
chèques de voyage. (No, I’m sorry. We
Page 81, Activité quatre (Activity 4) don’t take traveler’s checks.)
Sylvie is helping you buy some presents. She points Ask if you can pay by credit card.
out the differences in price. Listen to what she says.
Je peux payer avec une carte de crédit? (Can I pay with a
L’écharpe en soie est plus chère que l’écharpe en laine. La credit card?)
chemise en coton est moins chère que la chemise en soie. Les
gants en cuir sont plus chers que les gants en laine. La cravate SHOP ASSISTANT: Oui, bien sûr. (Yes, of course.)
en cuir marron est moins chère que la cravate en soie rose. Le Ask if they have this sweater in navy blue.
pull en laine est plus cher que le pull en coton. (The silk scarf Avez-vous ce pull en bleu marine? (Do you have this sweater
is more expensive than the wool scarf. The cotton shirt is less in navy blue?)
expensive than the silk shirt. The leather gloves are more

28VECFrench © Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore
SHOP ASSISTANT: Oui, vous faites quelle taille? (What is ÉVELYNE: Et toi Nathalie? (And you Nathalie?)
your size?) NATHALIE: Ben, moi je porte le jean beige et le T-shirt
Tell him what size you take. noir…et je prends aussi le sweat shirt bleu
marine avec motifs blancs et…le short
SHOP ASSISTANT: Voilà. rouge…et le bikini noir. (Well I am wearing
the beige jeans and the black T-shirt…and I
Encore! Attention à la prononciation. am also taking the navy blue sweatshirt
(More! Watch for the pronunciation.) with white designs and…the red
shorts…and the black bikini.)
Listen and repeat theses phrases. Notice the FEMALE SPEAKER: Bon, ça va comme ça. Et personne ne veut
difference in pronunciation between the masculine le jean blanc? (OK, that’s fine. And nobody
and feminine forms of the adjective. wants the white jeans?)
Le pull (The sweater); Il est trop long. (It’s too long.)
Le pantalon (The pants); Il est trop cher. (It’s too expensive.) Page A11, Activité deux (Activity 2)
Le manteau (The coat); Il est trop court. (It’s too short.) Listen to these descriptions.
La chemise (The shirt); Elle est trop longue. (It’s too long.)
La robe (The dress); Elle est trop chère (It’s too expensive.) MALE #1: M.Dupont est assez grand, aux cheveux

La veste (The jacket); Elle est trop courte. (It’s too short.) marron. Il porte un complet classique bleu
marine et une chemise blanche. (Mr.
Excellent! C’est la fin du chapitre 5. Dupont is quite tall and has brown hair. He
It’s the end of Chapter 5. is wearing a classic navy blue suit and a
white shirt.)
Au revoir. (Good-bye.)
FEMALE SPEAKER #1: M. Maillard est assez grand lui aussi. Il
porte un complet gris foncé, une chemise
Extra Unit 5, Extra Chapitre 5 blanche et une cravate. (Mr. Maillard is
Page A10, Activité un (Activity 1) quite tall as well. He is wearing a dark
gray suit, a white shirt, and a tie.)
These models are going on a photo shoot. Listen to MALE SPEAKER #2: M. Proudhon est grand. Il porte une veste
find out who is taking what. en cuir, un jean et un T-shirt blanc. (Mr.
FEMALE SPEAKER: Qu’est-ce que tu prends, Évelyne? (What Proudhon is tall. He is wearing a leather
are you taking Évelyne?) jacket, jeans, and a white T-shirt.)
ÉVELYNE: Bon, je vais prendre le sweat shirt noir et le FEMALE SPEAKER #2: Mme Crance est assez grande et élégante.
jean noir, le T-shirt blanc, le short rose et le Elle porte un ensemble rouge et des
maillot rose. Et toi Laurent? (I am going to chaussures noires à hauts talons. (Mrs.
take the black sweatshirt and the black Crance is quite tall and elegant. She is
jeans, the white T-shirt, the pink shorts, wearing a red suit and black high heels
and the pink bathing suit. And you shoes.)
LAURENT: Ben, je vais porter le sweat à rayures et le MALE SPEAKER #3: Mlle Meugeot est très chic. Elle porte un
blue jean, le maillot vert, le short marron et ensemble bleu. (Miss Meugeot is very
le T-shirt jaune. (Well, I am going to wear stylish. She is wearing a blue suit.)
the striped sweatshirt and the blue jeans, FEMALE SPEAKER #3: Mme Boussard est assez petite. Elle porte
the green bathing suit, the brown shorts, un pantalon noir et une veste beige. (Mrs.
and the yellow T-shirt.) Boussard is quite short. She is wearing
FEMALE SPEAKER: Et toi Maurice? (And you Maurice?) black pants and a beige jacket.)
MAURICE: Ben, je ne sais pas, alors je vais porter le Parfait! C’est très bien. (Perfect! That’s very good.)
jean rouge et un T-shirt…eh…je prends le Voici la fin d’Extra.
bleu marine…et…bon…eh…le sweat shirt
également bleu marine, le short rose et le This is the end of the Extra section for Unit 5.
maillot…le maillot…bon alors je prends le Merci et au revoir. (Thank you and good-bye.)
vieux jean découpé. (Well, I don’t know,
well I am going to wear the red jeans and
a T-shirt…eh…I am taking the navy Unit 6, Chapitre 6
blue…and…OK…eh…the navy blue Les moyens de transports
sweatshirt as well, the pink shorts and the
bathing suit…the bathing suit…OK…so I am This unit is about local travel and using public
taking the cut-off jeans.) transportation.

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Comment allez-vous au travail? No, tell Sylvie she doesn’t go by bus. She goes by car.
(How do you get to work?) Non, elle ne prend pas le bus. Elle va en voiture. (No, she
doesn’t take the bus. She goes by car.)
In this section, you will learn to describe how you travel to
school or work. 2
SYLVIE: Françoise quitte la maison à huit heures.
Page 88, Activité un (Activity 1) (Françoise leaves the house at 8 a.m.)
Listen to these young people telling Sylvie how they No she doesn’t. She leaves the house at 7:30 a.m.
get to school. Notice that she uses the “tu” form
because she is speaking to teenagers. Non, elle ne quitte pas la maison à huit heures. Elle quitte la
maison à sept heures et demie. (No, she does not leave the
SYLVIE: Marie-Claude, tu prends le bus pour aller au house at 8:00 a.m. She leaves the house at 7:30 a.m.)
collège? (Marie-Claude, do you take the bus to
go to junior high school?) Page 89, Activité trois (Activity 3)
MARIE-CLAUDE: Non, j’y vais en voiture. Ma mère me conduit
au collège en voiture. (No, I go there by car. My
Now listen to these people saying how they get to work
mother drives me to junior high school.)
and how long it takes them. Notice that the interviewer
SYLVIE: Tu quittes la maison à quelle heure? (At what
uses the “vous” form because he is talking to adults.
time do you leave home?) INTERVIEWER: Monsieur, je peux vous poser une
MARIE-CLAUDE: Ben…je pars à sept heures. (Well, I leave at question? Comment allez-vous au travail?
seven o’clock.) (Sir, can I ask you a question? How do
SYLVIE: Le voyage dure combien de temps? (How long you get to work?)
is the ride?) MALE SPEAKER #1: J’y vais en voiture. (I am going by car.)
MARIE-CLAUDE: Quarante-cinq minutes. (45 minutes.) INTERVIEWER: Il vous faut combien de temps? (How
SYLVIE: Françoise, tu prends le bus pour aller au long does it take you?)
collège? (Françoise, do you take the bus to go to MALE SPEAKER #1: Vingt minutes. (20 minutes.)
junior high school?) INTERVIEWER: Merci. (Thank you.)
FRANÇOISE: Oui, je prends le car de ramassage. (Yes, I take Did you get that? He uses his car and it takes him
the school bus.) 20 minutes.
SYLVIE: Tu quittes la maison à quelle heure? (At what
time do you leave home?) INTERVIEWER: Madame, comment allez-vous au travail?
FRANÇOISE: Je pars à sept heures et demie. (I leave at (Madam, how do you get to work?)
7:30 a.m.) FEMALE SPEAKER #1: Ben…je travaille au centre ville et il n’y a
SYLVIE: Le voyage dure combien de temps? (How long pas de parking, alors je prends le bus.
is the ride?) (Well…I work in the center of town and
FRANÇOISE: Quinze minutes. (15 minutes.) there is no parking, so I take the bus.)
SYLVIE: Delphine, tu prends le bus pour aller au collège? INTERVIEWER: Et il vous faut combien de temps? (And
(Delphine, do you take the bus to go to junior how long does it take you?)
high school?) FEMALE SPEAKER #1: Une bonne demi-heure. (A good half
DELPHINE: Non, j’y vais en vélo. (No, I ride my bike.) hour.)
SYLVIE: Tu quittes la maison à quelle heure? (At what INTERVIEWER: Merci. (Thank you.)
time do you leave home?) And this woman uses the bus because of parking
DELPHINE: Je pars à sept heures et quart. (I leave at problems in the center of town. Her trip takes a good
7:15 a.m.) half hour.
SYLVIE: Le voyage dure combien de temps? (How long INTERVIEWER: Monsieur, comment allez-vous au travail?
is the ride?) (Sir, how do you get to work?)
DELPHINE: Vingt minutes. (20 minutes.) MALE SPEAKER #2: Moi, j’habite en banlieue et je prends le
train. (I live in the suburbs and I take the
Page 88, Activité deux (Activity 2) train.)
Sylvie is making some incorrect statements. Use the INTERVIEWER: Et il vous faut combien de temps? (And
negative “ne…pas” construction to tell her so, and how long does it take you?)
give the correct answer. MALE SPEAKER #2: Bon…disons…trois quarts d’heure.
1 (OK…let’s say…45 minutes.)
SYLVIE: Marie-Claude prend le bus. (Marie-Claude takes INTERVIEWER: Merci. (Thank you.)
the bus.) This gentleman lives in the suburbs and comes in by
train. It takes him three-quarters of an hour.

30VECFrench © Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore
INTERVIEWER: Madame, comment allez-vous au travail? MALE SPEAKER #3: Je préfère prendre un taxi. Il n’y pas de
(Madam, how do you get to work?) problème avec le parking. (I prefer taking
FEMALE SPEAKER #2: Moi, j’y vais en vélo. C’est plus rapide. (I a taxi. There is no problem with
ride my bike. It’s very fast.) parking.)
INTERVIEWER: Et il vous faut combien de temps? (And FEMALE SPEAKER #4: Je préfère prendre le métro. C’est rapide.
how long does it take you?) (I prefer to take the bus. It’s fast.)
FEMALE SPEAKER #2: Dix minutes. (10 minutes.) And how do you prefer to travel?
INTERVIEWER: Merci. (Thank you.)
Comment préférez-vous voyager? (How do you prefer to
And she goes by bike because it’s quicker. It only travel?)
takes her ten minutes. Pourquoi? (Why?)
INTERVIEWER: Et Monsieur, comment allez-vous au
travail? (And sir, how do you get to Encore! Attention à la prononciation.
work?) (More! Watch the pronunciation.)
MALE SPEAKER #3: Je prends le métro. (I take the subway.)
INTERVIEWER: Et il vous faut combien de temps? (And And now, some more pronunciation practice. Listen
how long does it take you?) and repeat the parts of the verb “partir.” Remember
MALE SPEAKER #3: Ben…ça dépend…à peu près quinze that the final “s” and “t” sounds are not pronounced.
minutes. (Well…it depends…about 15 Je pars (I leave)
minutes.) Tu pars (you leave – singular/informal)
And this gentleman uses the subway. It takes him Il part (he leaves)
about 15 minutes. Elle part (she leaves)
Nous partons (we leave)
INTERVIEWER: Madame, comment allez-vous au travail?
Vous partez (you leave – plural/formal)
(Madam, how do you get to work?)
Ils partent (they leave – masculine)
FEMALE SPEAKER #3: Oh, j’y vais à pied. J’habite dans le coin.
Elles partent (they leave – feminine)
(Oh, I walk. I live near by.)
INTERVIEWER: Et il vous faut combien de temps? (And Now let’s practice the verb “prendre.” Notice how the
how long does it take you?) “e” sound changes in the “nous” and “vous” forms,
FEMALE SPEAKER #3: Ben…deux minutes. (Well…2 minutes.) and in the third person plural.
And this woman walks to work because she lives in Je prends (I take)
the vicinity. It only takes her 2 minutes. Tu prends (you take – singular/informal)
Il prend (he takes)
Now you answer the same questions.
Elle prend (she takes)
Comment allez-vous au travail? (How do you get to work?) Nous prenons (we take)
Il vous faut combien de temps? (How long does it take you?) Vous prenez (you take – plural/formal)
Ils prennent (they take – masculine)
Page 90, Activité cinq (Activity 5) Elles prennent (they take – feminine)
Listen to these people discussing the best way to get And we’d better not forget “arriver.” Let’s say it too:
to work.
J’arrive (I arrive)
FEMALE SPEAKER #1: Pour aller au travail, je préfère aller à pied Tu arrives (you arrive – singular/informal)
parce que c’est bon pour la santé. (To get Il arrive (he arrives)
to work, I prefer walking because it’s Elle arrive (she arrives)
healthy.) Nous arrivons (we arrive)
FEMALE SPEAKER #2: Je préfère aller en moto. C’est plus Vous arrivez (you arrive – plural/formal)
pratique. (I prefer going by motorcycle. Ils arrivent (they arrive – masculine)
It’s more convenient.) Elles arrivent (they arrive – feminine)
MALE SPEAKER #1: Moi, je préfère aller en voiture. C’est plus
confortable. (I prefer to go by car. It’s Good. Well done.
more comfortable.)
MALE SPEAKER #2: Je préfère prendre le train. C’est plus
On prend le bus ou le métro?
rapide. (I prefer to take the train. It’s very (Shall we take the bus or the subway?)
FEMALE SPEAKER #3: Je préfère prendre le bus. C’est moins
In this section, you are going to learn how to ask
cher. (I prefer to go by bus. It’s less
information about local transportation.

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Page 92, Activité un (Activity 1) FEMALE SPEAKER #2: Il faut prendre le bus. (One has to take
the bus.)
What is the best way to these places? Listen and find
FEMALE SPEAKER #1: Quand est-ce qu’il y a un bus? (When is
out which bus or subway you need and when it runs.
there a bus?)
MALE SPEAKER#1: Pour aller à la Tour Eiffel, il faut prendre FEMALE SPEAKER #2: Dans huit minutes. (In 8 minutes.)
le bus ou le métro? (To get to the Eiffel
Tower, should one take the bus or the
She needs to take the bus, and it runs every 8
minutes. What about les Halles?
FEMALE SPEAKER #1: Le metro. (The subway.) FEMALE SPEAKER #1: Pour aller aux Halles, il y a un bus ou il
MALE SPEAKER #1: Quand est-ce qu’il y a un métro? (When faut prendre le métro? (Is there a bus to
is there a subway?) get to les Halles or does one have to take
FEMALE SPEAKER #1: Dans cinq minutes. (In 5 minutes.) the subway?)
FEMALE SPEAKER #1: Pour aller à l’Arc de Triomphe, il faut FEMALE SPEAKER #2: Il faut prendre le métro. (One has to take
prendre le bus ou le métro? (To get to the the subway.)
Arc de Triomphe, should one take the FEMALE SPEAKER #1: Quand est-ce qu’il y a un métro? (When
bus or the subway?) is there a subway?)
FEMALE SPEAKER #2: Il faut prendre le bus. (One has to take FEMALE SPEAKER #2: Dans dix minutes. (In 10 minutes.)
the bus.) She needs to take the subway to les Halles, and
FEMALE SPEAKER #1: Quand est-ce qu’il y a un bus? (When is there is one in 10 minutes. And for Sacré-Coeur?
there a bus?)
FEMALE SPEAKER #2: Dans huit minutes. (In 8 minutes.) MALE SPEAKER #2: Pour aller au Sacré-Coeur, on peut
FEMALE SPEAKER #1: Pour aller aux Halles, il y a un bus ou il prendre le bus? (Can one take the bus to
faut prendre le métro? (Is there a bus to get to Sacré-Coeur?)
get to les Halles or does one have to take FEMALE SPEAKER #2: Non, il faut prendre le métro. (No, one
the subway?) has to take the subway.)
FEMALE SPEAKER #2: Il faut prendre le métro. (One has to take MALE SPEAKER #2: Quand est-ce qu’il y a un métro? (When
the subway.) is there a subway?)
FEMALE SPEAKER #1: Quand est-ce qu’il y a un métro? (When FEMALE SPEAKER #2: Toutes les dix minutes. (Every 10
is there a subway?) minutes.)
FEMALE SPEAKER #2: Dans dix minutes. (In 10 minutes.) She wants the bus to Sacré-Coeur but she has to
MALE SPEAKER #2: Pour aller au Sacré-Coeur, on peut take the subway.
prendre le bus? (Can one take the bus to
get to Sacré-Coeur?) Page 93, Activité deux (Activity 2)
FEMALE SPEAKER #2: Non, il faut prendre le métro. (No, one Now it’s your turn to ask which bus or subway you
has to take the subway.) need and how long it takes. Listen first.
MALE SPEAKER #2: Quand est-ce qu’il y a un métro? (When
is there a subway?) FEMALE SPEAKER: Pour aller au musée d’Orsay, c’est quelle
FEMALE SPEAKER #2: Toutes les dix minutes. (Every 10 ligne? (Which line takes you to the musée
minutes.) d’Orsay?)
GUIDE: Vous prenez la ligne douze, direction
Now let’s listen again. Mairie d’Ivry. (You take line 12 towards
MALE SPEAKER#1: Pour aller à la Tour Eiffel, il faut prendre Mairie d’Ivry.)
le bus ou le métro? (To get to the Eiffel FEMALE SPEAKER: Il faut combien de temps? (How long
Tower, should one take the bus or the does it take?)
subway?) GUIDE: Dix minutes Vous voulez un horaire? (10
FEMALE SPEAKER #1: Le métro. (The subway.) minutes. Would you like a schedule?)
MALE SPEAKER #1: Quand est-ce qu’il y a un métro? (When FEMALE SPEAKER: Oui, c’est gentil. (Yes, it’s kind of you.)
is there a subway?) Now you try. Ask how to get to the musée d’Orsay.
FEMALE SPEAKER #1: Dans cinq minutes. (In 5 minutes.) Listen carefully to the reply.
So, to get to the Eiffel Tower, he needs to take the Pour aller au musée d’Orsay, c’est quelle ligne? (Which line
subway, and the next one is in 5 minutes. And what takes you to the musée d’Orsay?)
about the Arc de Triomphe?
GUIDE: Vous prenez la ligne douze, direction
FEMALE SPEAKER #1: Pour aller à l’Arc de Triomphe, il faut Mairie d’Ivry. (You take line 12 towards
prendre le bus ou le métro? (To get to the Mairie d’Ivry.)
Arc de Triomphe, should one take the
bus or the subway?) Did you get that? Now ask how long it takes.

32VECFrench © Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore
Il faut combien de temps? (How long does it take?) FEMALE SPEAKER: Oui. (Yes.)
GUIDE: Dix minutes. Vous voulez un horaire? (10 MALE SPEAKER: C’est direct? (Is it a direct ride?)
minutes. Would you like a schedule?) FEMALE SPEAKER: Oui. (Yes.)
FEMALE SPEAKER: C’est bien le bus pour la Gare du Nord?
It takes 10 minutes. He asked if you would like a (Is that the bus that goes to the Gare du
schedule. Tell him you think that’s nice of him. Nord?)
Oui, c’est gentil. (Yes, it’s kind of you.) MALE SPEAKER: Oui, mais il faut changer à la Place de la
République, puis vous prenez le quatre.
Now ask how to get to the Cité des Sciences.
(Yes, but you have to switch buses at the
Pour aller à la Cité des Sciences, c’est quelle ligne? (Which line Place de la République, then you take
takes you to Cité des Sciences?) bus #4.)
GUIDE: Ligne sept, direction la Courneuve. (Line FEMALE SPEAKER: C’est bien le bus pour la Gare de Lyon?
7 towards la Courneuve.) (Is that the bus that goes to the Gare de
Now ask how long it takes. MALE SPEAKER: Ah non. Il vous faut le cinq, et puis il
Il faut combien de temps? (How long does it take?) faut changer à Châtelet, et vous prenez le
GUIDE: Il faut…vingt 20 minutes. Vous voulez un six. (Oh no, you must take bus #5 and
plan de la ville? (It takes…20 minutes. then you have to switch buses at
Would you like a city map?) Châtelet and take bus #6.)

It takes 20 minutes. He also asked if you would like Page 95, Activité quatre (Activity 4)
a city map but you already have one, so just say
thank you. Listen carefully to some subway routes being
described and follow them along on the subway map.
Merci. (Thank you.)
MALE SPEAKER #1: Pour aller de la Gare du Nord à la Gare
Now ask how to get to the Louvre. de Lyon, vous prenez la direction Porte
Pour aller au Louvre, c’est quelle ligne? (Which line takes you d’Orléans, et vous changez à Châtelet et
to the Louvre?) prenez la direction Vincennes.
(To go from the Gare du Nord to the
GUIDE: Ligne huit, direction Balard. (Line 8
Gare de Lyon, go towards Porte d’Orléans
towards Balard.)
then change in Châtelet and go towards
You have to take the subway. Ask how long it takes. Vincennes.)
Il faut combien de temps? (How long does it take?)
Page 95, Activité cinq (Activity 5)
GUIDE: Vingt minutes. (20 minutes.) Vous
voulez un horaire? (Would you like a Listen carefully and follow these routes on the
schedule?) subway map.
It takes 20 minutes and yes, you would like a MALE SPEAKER: Pour aller à la Tour Eiffel? (How do I get
schedule. to the Eiffel Tower?)
FEMALE SPEAKER: Vous prenez la direction Charles de
Oui, merci. (Yes, thank you.) Gaulle. (Go towards Charles de Gaulle.)
Now ask about getting to les Halles. MALE SPEAKER: Pour aller à l’Arc de Triomphe? (How do I
Pour aller aux Halles, c’est quelle ligne? (Which line takes you get to the Arc de Triomphe?)
to the Halles?) FEMALE SPEAKER: Vous prenez la direction Châtillon. (Go
GUIDE: Ligne un, direction Grande Arche de la towards Châtillon.)
Défense. (Line 1 towards Grande Arche MALE SPEAKER: Pour aller au Sacré-Coeur? (How do I get
de la Défense.) to Sacré-Coeur?)
FEMALE SPEAKER: Vous prenez la direction Porte de la
Now say thank you. Chapelle. (Go towards Porte de la
Merci. (Thank you.) Chapelle.)
MALE SPEAKER: Pour aller au Louvre? (How do I get to the
Page 94, Activité trois (Activity 3) Louvre?)
Listen to find out whether you are on the right bus or FEMALE SPEAKER: Vous prenez la direction la Courneuve.
whether you need to change. (Go towards la Courneuve.)

MALE SPEAKER: C’est bien le bus pour l’aéroport Charles

de Gaulle? (Is that the bus that goes to
Charles de Gaulle airport?)

© Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore AudioscriptVEC33
Encore! Attention à la prononciation. 3
(More! Watch the pronunciation.) CLERK: Monsieur? (Sir?)
MALE CUSTOMER: Je voudrais un taxi pour aller à la boîte de
Listen and repeat the names of some of the sites in nuit Aux Étoiles de Nuit. (I would like to
Paris. take a taxi to the Aux Étoiles de Nuit night
la Tour Eiffel club.)
l’Arc de Triomphe CLERK: C’est sur les Champs-Élysées. Vous pouvez
le Sacré-Coeur prendre le métro. (It’s on the Champs-
Notre-Dame Élysées. You can take the subway.)
le Louvre MALE CUSTOMER: Ah non, il pleut. Je préfère prendre un taxi.
le musée d’Orsay (Oh no, it’s raining. I prefer to take a taxi.)
la Cité des Sciences CLERK: Je vais vous appeler un taxi. (I will call you
les Halles a taxi.)
MALE CUSTOMER: C’est loin? (Is it far?)
And listen and repeat some of the names of subway
CLERK: Ah non, ce n’est pas loin. A dix minutes
seulement. (Oh no, it’s not far. It takes only
Château de Vincennes ten minutes.)
Porte d’Orléans
Pont de Neuilly
Porte de Clignancourt CLERK: Mademoiselle? (Miss?)
Je voudrais un taxi pour aller à l’aéroport de
Prendre un taxi ou louer une voiture Roissy. (I would like to take a taxi to
(Take a taxi or rent a car) Roissy Airport.)
CLERK: Pour quelle heure? (For what time?)
This section covers the language you need to book a FEMALE CUSTOMER: Le vol part à quatorze heures trente-cinq.
taxi or rent a car. (The flight leaves at 2:35 p.m.)
CLERK: Bon, il faut être là avec une heure
Page 97, Activité un (Activity 1) d’avance….alors à treize heures trente-cinq.
Listen to these people at the hotel reception asking to Il vous faut une heure pour y arriver. Alors
book taxis. Where do they want to go? How long will disons…midi et demie (OK, you have to be
the trip take? there one hour ahead…so at 1:35 p.m. You
need one hour to get there. So let’s
1 say…12:30 p.m.)
MALE CUSTOMER: Je voudrais un taxi pour aller au théâtre. (I FEMALE CUSTOMER: C’est cher? (Is it expensive?)
would like to take a taxi to the theater.) CLERK: Ah oui, c’est cher. Vous pouvez prendre le
CLERK: Vous le voulez pour quelle heure, car. (Oh yes, it’s expensive. You can take
monsieur? (For what time, sir?) the bus.)
MALE CUSTOMER: La représentation commence à huit heures. FEMALE CUSTOMER: Et pour aller au car? (How do I get to the
(The show starts at 8:00 p.m.) bus?)
CLERK: Bon, disons à sept heures et quart. Il faut CLERK: Vous prenez un taxi, mais c’est moins cher.
compter une bonne demi-heure à cause des (You take a taxi, but it’s less expensive.)
travaux. (OK, let’s say at 7:15 p.m. You’ll
need a good half hour because of road Page 99, Activité quatre (Activity 4)
construction.) Listen to Sylvie making the arrangements for renting
2 a car.
CLERK: Bonsoir, madame. Je peux vous aider? CLERK: Quelle sorte de voiture voulez-vous? (What kind of
(Good evening madam. May I help you?) car do you want?)
FEMALE CUSTOMER: Ah oui, je vais au Louvre. (Oh yes, I would SYLVIE: Une grande voiture. (A big car.)
like to go to the Louvre.) CLERK: Pour combien de personnes? (For how many
CLERK: Vous prenez un taxi alors? (So you are people?)
taking a taxi?) SYLVIE: Six personnes. (6 people.)
FEMALE CUSTOMER: Oui, un taxi. (Yes, a taxi.) CLERK: Comment vous appelez-vous? (What’s your name?)
CLERK: Il faut bien compter vingt minutes. Il y a SYLVIE: Sylvie Verlaine.
beaucoup de circulation à cette heure-ci. CLERK: Vous voulez la voiture pour combien de jours? (For
(You’ll need a good 20 minutes. There is a how many days do you want the car?)
lot of traffic at this hour.)

34VECFrench © Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore
SYLVIE: Trois jours. (Three days.) Page A12, Activité trois (Activity 3)
CLERK: Vous la voulez quand exactement? (When exactly
Listen to this television host summing up a studio
do you want it?)
SYLVIE: De vendredi à lundi. (From Friday to Monday.)
CLERK: Vous avez votre permis de conduire avec vous? (Do Bon, je fais un résumé: M. Bernard, bon, vous habitez à
you have your driver’s license with you?) Genève. Vous habitez au centre ville et vous allez au travail à
SYLVIE: Oui, je l’ai ici. (Yes, I have it here.) pied. Ce n’est pas loin et le problème c’est le parking…et les
CLERK: Comment voulez-vous payer? (How do you want to parkings qui coûtent très cher à Genève. Mme Rossi, vous
pay?) habitez à Rome, en Italie. Et comme tout le monde le sait, le
SYLVIE: Avec une carte de crédit. (With a credit card.) problème c’est…oui…il y a beaucoup de circulation. Alors vous
CLERK: Votre adresse? (What is your address?) allez au travail en moto. C’est rapide, c’est pratique, et je
SYLVIE: Hôtel du Parc, rue Saint-Denis. (Hôtel du Parc, trouve ça…ah oui…c’est une bonne idée. M. Nicholls, vous ne
Saint-Denis Street.) prenez pas le fameux subway de New York, non. Vous allez au
travail en taxi. Et le problème c’est…également la circulation.
Encore! Attention à la prononciation. Mademoiselle Verlaine, vous prenez le train, c’est-à-dire le RER.
(More! Watch the pronunciation.) C’est rapide, mais c’est cher. Et oui, c’est cher. Madame
Briand, vous habitez Bruxelles et vous allez au studio en
Now let’s practice the verb “vouloir.” Listen and train…ah non…en bus…oui…et vous lisez le journal en bus
repeat after Sylvie. parce que c’est…long…oui…une demi-heure en bus c’est long.
Et Mademoiselle Fernandez vous habitez à Madrid. Vous
Je veux (I want)
travaillez un peu partout et vous devez vous déplacer en
Tu veux (you want – singular/informal)
voiture. Mais vous faites beaucoup de kilomètres et le
Il veut (he wants)
problème c’est…c’est le parking. Vous passez trop de temps à
Elle veut (she wants)
chercher où vous garer. Oui, je sais. (OK, I’ll summarize: Mr.
Nous voulons (we want)
Bernard, OK, you live in Geneva. You live in the center of town
Vous voulez (you want – plural/formal)
and you walk to work. It’s not far and the problem is the
Ils veulent (they want – masculine)
parking…and parking is very expensive in Geneva. Mrs. Rossi,
Elles veulent (they want – feminine)
you live in Rome, in Italy. And like everybody knows, the
Now practice asking these questions after Sylvie: problem is…yes…there is a lot of traffic. So you go to work on
C’est combien? (How much is it?) a motorcycle. It’s fast, it’s convenient, and I think that…oh
Quel est votre nom? (What is your name?) yes…it’s a good idea. Mr. Nicholls, you don’t take the famous
Quelle sorte de voiture? (What kind of car?) New York subway, no. You go to work by taxi. And the
Quand voulez-vous partir? (When do you want to leave?) problem is…the traffic as well. Miss Verlaine, you take the
Que voulez-vous? (What do you want?) train, meaning the RER. It’s fast but it’s expensive. Oh yes, it’s
Comment voulez-vous payer? (How do you want to pay?) expensive. Mrs. Briand, you live in Brussels and you go to the
Où voulez-vous aller?(Where do you want to go?) studio by train…oh no…by bus…yes…and you read the
newspaper in the bus because it’s…long…yes…half an hour in
Alors, c’est la fin du chapitre six.
a bus is long. And Miss Fernandez you live in Madrid. You
That’s the end of Unit 6. For more practice, you can work in various places and you must go around by car. But
go to the Extra section. you travel many kilometers and the problem is…it’s the
Au revoir. (Good-bye.) parking. You spend too much time looking for a place to park.
Yes, I know.)
Parfait. C’est très bien. (Perfect. That’s very good.)
Extra Unit 6, Extra Chapitre 6 Voici la fin d’Extra.

Page A12, Activité un (Activity 1)

This is the end of the Extra section for Unit 6.
Merci et au revoir. (Thank you and good-bye.)
Le trajet journalier (The daily route)
Listen to Jean-Claude describing his trip to work.
Le voyage dure une demi-heure. J’y vais en métro. Je pars à
sept heures et quart et je vais à la station de métro. Je prends
le métro direction Château de Vincennes qui passe toutes les
cinq minutes. J’arrive à huit heures moins le quart. (The trip
takes half an hour. I go by subway. I leave at 7:15 a.m. for the
subway station. I take the subway to Château de Vincennes;
there’s one every 5 minutes. I arrive at 7:45 a.m.)

© Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co. Verlag KG Singapore Branch, Singapore AudioscriptVEC35

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