Ihab Hassan Promethus As Performer Toward A Posthumanist Culture

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Ihab Hassan

PrOrN8tkdsS u J PdtforrÃdr:
Tsmurd u Pestkuruuwist Cgkuref
A UmverSiqr h4Sqtle im Five SceneSe

fA" A@N'N

The eteroal bogy oi' mao is tke heagination,

Hiat is, God hiaise'lf.
Vhe rnystcry of the world is its compreheasi-

Fmm womea's eyes tite- doctrine I derive:

TIIiey spartle with the right IPrometbemfi Fire....

e This eeaay ssae ea'IgimaMykelH~ ae t h e ~ te esk ~ tex' Nae Xater-

~n al ~ ~ mm em P ~ el et e P e rferxaance. heMat the Ceater Cer
Tereatieth Osatarjr Stwil/ee, the Umiveraity et W)seenskn im MHeealree, H46
Ãavembex" 1SVL ft &il ayyees $n Perferemeee; Preauege eag Tkam Aa Pesf-
seedena Cl'eRem, eiitei by Miehel Benaimea aml Chaslee Cammelle, Cmla
Press (Meslieea.%Hasemsia). &e thamk Prefeeeer Seaaimea iad the Ceates
fee alloWmg it te ayyeas imTAe ~h a R e e fese.

[ »~]
Pearaxr: Lv1LO
opcnS alld preSunlably CXp4iILsthe 1LOILaeti6tL,
MYTHQTExT: wh6 ls 6 ~ d 'O' Lth tk e st6ry 6 ERN m e thcus.
TExr: %'h6 ca rrles the 4 uf Jen Of t 4 c m t e l llCCtual Qafratlve
HETEROTExT' who speak$9flly t6 QU6tc fr61LIIvarL6us auth9xttlea
CoxTEXT «, VAOpreo:lldS to lbc a hiat6rian.
RlETATExT: w4o co Ioys c91'AnMutmg GG Text a lld c r i ticKiGg
PosTKKT: wv46 valBly attcGIpts t6 COAdude the 8 6 M ct10$,
PhmTa;xT ( iInaudibk im prim): vrh6 lb~ the fr a LLLC ttem
thctt ~vitll his c6tntllcllts,alld +46 I Las already appcared as
a versl6fl of t h e spcakc'r.

I'PPPMrbfg I
fMtP i i P & /Pet4, f Pe@kfsg f4f&A 54fPefA')~88$JP

G66d ladlies and gcntie men: ThiS maSque atterapt3 to plaee

the sub)~cct of p65tmoderG pcrfQmlancc LLL a wlde Rnd spccu1atlve
CenteXt. About performatlce aS such, litde wi)l be said; abgut
p6StmodetLL1Sul, even leSs. IICertairl academiCs On thiS campus
have a1ready turlled posmmdcrnism into a tedious travesty.) This
Alasguc 'A'ouM rather rRAect up6B thc lllAc881CInts Qfan etTlefgeQt
culture. Cali it postbunlauist cullture — 6r cal) it 1Letkiflgat alL
It reraams the matrix ef alll 6ur perforllances. Arld it r enlains
IIlMcKIAgs 6LLgrcat T9fA K116t) Iulldeflned,
01lc Or ow6 LIIr6rds Lnorc. M ~ u Irn a lllst culturc is t h e
matrix of contemporary pezf6mlance, there is a matrix 1arger
sziI(: the umvcrsc itsellf', evcqmhillg that was, is, and vrH1 becoule.
LVh t pe rf anc e ! 8 t % ' 4 9 CRLL ~ for t he Q n i vefse~
No 6A C= LLo, rl6t evcll t alc T1tan PrOIILcthcus. StlH, llmklllg ~6 s
and Culture, BivilM Spacc and Human Tinle, Sky alld Karth,
thc Univctsal aAd the CiQscxete, PANYletheus map prove kmlMf
«6 bc a figure Of AwVed and ev61ving c6nSei6uSLleas„an emblem
6f 4unlafi dCStiny.
N6 m or c p r eteXtS th e maSque f686ws il l f i v e sCetlCS.
SM$8 fh8 Ff Q f
Frem Nyt& te Pe&'ie»- t&e Questinm ef tbe ONe md' tbe kluey

Pm 4 cJwce reswÃt %l'lt&tk4' erc&etp'pes j
Pf'4%Vet&eQf N'8 of JfepftQs T& ess ft4F888'et ~ t r fdk s t er.
Tbere ere wemy eersiwm ef &is seey, klt t&e ~ wufe e s e8
f~ k wr. He skfed mitb tbe eee Ol~epim geds II'Zcgs 6 Ce )
@gehtst bfs ptvs cbtb@A kftd. Pc't Pt'cNctt&A@'~ tbl'tf@Fetb&Jker,
d@ftQ ~ le4 %At NeB 8SONgb dENRe.
$4vp& s4p &e 4 M@tAt ~ w Lt 8 f 8AIp'
N%$ ~rq M5%f sisp'
be Wy guve tbem fire. Tke fire ~es stake free tbe mM-ged
H8pbdesth@-Pr KrdJ it tdkemfr4%gApeNA SQSPft wdt std(iS,
im ely ~ , ~ biM ee i e e fe e e el stulk. Bet tb is fNe m@s
Ne ~ l e ekmeer:it mm ~l edg e @md imu~k e , t he ufpbe-
bet, med~e, end ~Jf tbe erts. Stel'en f&e, red' ferbid'den fmit.
We cmue everytbhtg te u e ~ e . "6'~ tb eNA de ghie ~ e
is ekueys ur~ le d g wf; I b yCe f ~ g e m&e saM tbeItbe eae
tbe Re4fetNvtcp@Rf tbi' Bet lwtl ~ b k d Nt td 5Ãe '(BeNQ'De'Ãog&Ne>
TMeve8 Qlf Flxc).
Ab~ &Nt tbe dfplblRstss pf t&$$ trkkNer Js N@tfsdrilp' t&ep-
QgieA; 8' is pelitirel eed' epist~k g i e el es ~dl. Aed it & @
dccfb'k%Ns t&4t %pemts Ap bep~ pÃe 4fgNs. SMt&es &ere
8Nr ~5 8 r itp". Tk e re ts 4 gfft df tbe gpds... %pMCAt&eY Ief'
faV freet tbeir ubede, eed it mes tbrelgb Pr~t h e m,Or eee
like Me, tbu» it reee&ed zeeeNemf[eo ~5 u ds en tbeft bere]I,
t8get&er %Lvk 4 fire ex@ee4fINg &9g&t. TM' pf t , S pprÃtes g8'es
we to suy iN tbe "FMekus," is @pere~ee tbet "u)l t Negs.. .
4f 4 084' Nf4f P 8%f8$, NSd k@VeAt f keir ~ e @ eeP -
J484A4% 8f lfNNt PIJId fP8kMB'Aft@Ns-
Tbls tbe Qne ~ t be kf e tty erster IfYestemt&ONgbt.

f f'e eeI'Nily]
Tkmdc. yoe, Myehe~ y e mhave led us &om my8a to
p9hQcs thFQlLjghl phlll989plhig. YQKlf jmllgc of P j IomcHlc85 mmox$
our own p~t, ia mkch tke oee and the msmy, the ecomenieal
%N of +
48 I B ~ C I Nt i fl l l3 WillIto seceSQo hoM ~~ bkodg
p4) F Under the t%vig 85p~ of tot a l itaxianism (toftnxe) snd
anarchl)p II Mrrorjsm). CQA~C N ces aAd divc~c es , c o flj%INC-
fIMI aNd disIIIIActloAs, afc vtslble e'ie+w'here 6N the olle haNd
vafious NIyths of tota4ey, on the other, diverse ibmlogies of
fraeture. Yhlis, the m ore Ma rshall MeLIihaN proclaimis "«he
global viilage," or 8uclaiiinster Flller "spacesIIip earth," or
NOrIIIan O. Srowfi "the niyStie body Of tf@nkiNd," the mere
JaequesDerrida and his eemfrereSinSist upon kfII'&ueee and the
m e(aphysics of f~ mts .
N ne%vs,alas, ~ to fa v or ll3efAda. Ollr plafiet continiial-
ly splintem, brea4 according to ideollegy, religiofI, dass, race, lan-
~, ~ aIId ag c.The earth splits inro blocks, blocks ineo
Natlons, 'AÃlotls Into pfovillccs» pro'%9nccsifÃ9 «ri~ rri he s il lto
famlBles, falDI1les iflto felxdinlr indl vidMIS —
and incBvidsals, soo8
CAolsgk, all~ iI Ito randimi RtoKIILL Canlt 4e fort9itOMS tlNt atOIYhs
themselves have hcea split isto th@tim~, th e ~ ~ d es,
~d e st hat Seeln alnatllelnsticR1 whisper a fllerc breath) YVhose
bfcarhFThe hxcat1I of the liniverse~
No dO6bt, COQVCFIMCC Nid diverN,CIIICC are bIN twO aspeets
of tke ~e lc sjity, the ~ p ~ ~ Y etal i taria~ a n d anardiy
sglnmoli each tIle other. And «he more colNNIilnication thrcateIIS
fo becoee I/oM, the more individuals, in~g o N their qilidkey;
wiB discover the deep aNd Obscllre IMCB fOx' IniSIINcjetStanding.
SIst is thls alll we can ~ c t f~ oilr e a rthand sty„o i lr b lt ef
mofnent of sodaht f Pf
Therc are ~ a n d p4ilosophers, scjen~ afll Isgstics, who
lead IIS to e~ zril o rc. Th eg hcllleve xn sotnericher rclatloN

Me Blate, in his propheey called "Alnerica,"they eflvm)a

a IIIovement "heyond streglhng afAictioNS," tee~ " an o ther
pOrtioN Of Ai e I N6mte I 3 f e W I Q ~, theg SINg of afl O rb|IC
vision, in which the inner di~ f i s of ~ ci o o ~ ssand the
exte~ k v i sions of hillfia~ d ar c h e a&l a ed lnade wMe -
IIIade WhOle bilt eet 4O mogeneOIls,healed bet eet re fidered
Have yen thoeght there couhl be bmt a single sup~
Thers C an be sny Iiilmber ef smprelnes...
AS is eligibleto all.
h I4iS Ae projsm of «he PrOmethean COnSCiOffSrfeSSr I The
p rojecr, is mere problematic rbie vve c m I i n ~ e ox f o r eIrekL

It4kNsrfrg ge]
Text ancl Allythofext, llsfsh fo soIns ofhsr vokss of ths "orkic visklng"
spsaisine varioNky of fhs cNILcrets andi the universah
~i in T lb8 P4 noPI~ NJ of ~ :
Yhis silmpie ~ Ican~ S p irif in
@~5 5 5 ntfal laW5,
indeed, the conwmunify fo unfokl and sxpamd irrto ifs ccxm-
pansmt rANnbers, and to Iive ~ per t ~ S ACS ~
selhsXistsnCS Of ifs osrn. Spirif Ands in this Way ifs rseiha.
fion of Ifs ob iIscfivs e~ c e , . .. 84rt spirlit is af fhe sarms
tinle the force of fhs vrho'IS, ~l i n inl fh~ par h ag aim
'withinfhe smity whichnseafss fherm... amdMp lng thelll
crware that fhslr life only iiss in the vrhols.

lIhAarX in fhe Kcononric and' Phifosopkmc NinuSCripfs Of i'844

k AcNq l%uch 05 he nlay thsllwfors be a p articufar M v i -
deal.. . I s pst aseuch the totafity-fhs ideal fotalify-fhs
subisctive Sxistsncs of fhought and experisncsd socisfy
prsssnf for ilsspif....

7eiihard de Chardin im lkIS Fefurs of klern

If fhere is any char~ fic c l sarfy obewebie Inths
pr~ of Na t ure towards higher comsciousness, It is fhat
fhIS is achimved by increa&9 dIHsrentiation, whieh in itaelf
causesever stromger individualN85 to onsr98.... I n o fhsr
words, in a com~ i n g Universe, eachi el'emlomt achievss
ccsnpietsn~ inot dirscfiy in a separ@tsconsumlnratiom~ but
by Incorporation in a hilhsr ~ o f ~ ious nsss in vrklch
aia@s it COA Smifer iAtO cantaCt with all the Ofhera

Jacques Nonod In Chance and' Necessity»

Vhe vreiehf of an aii'osteric smzylss rnoiscuis capable of
t he sanse perforrnances is of the Order Of a I e . lv Of a
orcnn. which Isa lmiflion billion tirnss i'855 than am elsctronic
re'iay. That astromormical sgure alffords sonle Idea of the
Cybernefic (I.e„ teieOAOmlIC) p(W'er af fhs dispCPAIIof cl
csH equ~ vrit h humdrsd'5 or ~n d'5 of these rnicro.
SCOpice~, OAfar ~ « iS V Sr than the PAexwsil4zilard-
Iriilouim denlon.
Hsgel and lMorx, Teilharci and Ahenod, a IInofiey crsw. Iut do they
Inot aili siny, each In his key„ the sarse ~ o f s i nglsnsss iin varilousmessl
f scvfF4'/p' j
H cterotext, do b e sensible. Your v oices are a l i t tle t o o
Gbscurc an8 worsc; mysa cal. There is nothimg supernaturaI in
the proecss lcadiag us to a postkulnamst euiture. That proccsi
depends maiRly Gfl the growing intruQGQ of thc human kxIind
into nature and history, Gn the dematerialixation Gf )ife Nld the
conceptuaillzatlon Gf exisfelllcc. Ill t h at s eflse, wc n ced Qot w a i t
for the cnd of History, as Hegell thought, to witness thle synthesis
Gf the Ccnerete and tke Umiverml, SLaVe and Maater, IndkVidual
and Statc, Each of us, by virtue GE DxeatB, Hope, and LailgQsgc,
providcs solrAC a%+ward vcrslo6 Gf tke CGBcfete Vmvcrskl Fof
w hat is the kulnan anilnsl, as A4onod himsellf says, but t h e
n1ost distlnctive ofgRBlslB GA caft4, and a t t h e s a rne Qxne the
most seif-transcendelm-I rnean th» rmost capahle Gf abstracting,
itsellf through langmsge, and rising cquivoca8y througlh layers
As for you, Myzhotext, I r nust te/I you t his. Prolnethegs
nNQ be 8 vague nle@,phor Gf a lnlnd strugglMg %'lth the One
and the Many. Yet, f prefer tG view his str~e i n n a rrower
pe~ tiv c . H i s Illmd ls wllcre ImaglMtion and Scicncc, Myth
and Technollogy, Il an~ e al l d N u m ber somctimcs meet. Or
pllt Lt botll pf Gp&etlc@8$and arclIletyp)callg: PIMfnetheuspre-
sages the marriage Gf Karth and Sky. Onllly then, perbaps, will
postlmnlaniSm see the dubioeS Ilight Gf a new day.
IIYe eee ~e rr Te m ; the seeee eJeses.)

Seewethe Seeond'
Ff'WP GtJCÃM' t8 HCNt'p ABdtfB: 8 Hf f f N & I I CP I ldgt

I AVrWCRg pd84A'5Nfgp', gfN%88 %Vttll3 IMrOrp' )
Allow lne to have ruy turn, young tcxts: this lnatter you
so ardently discuss requires a less humied perspeCtive. POSt-
hlNAInlsnI seems to you a sudden 18utatlon Gf 'thc tifncs; ifl fact,
the eonjunctions of irnagination andl science, myth and tech-
836 T HE 6 E Q RGl A R E V 'L E VF

nol~ , h ave b~ by f i r e hIIIrtiaj the caves of Lascam. Bet

umBke Mytlhotext bere, I Nn kss concerrLed with *
mytlb dee
~ith lmtovg. Fxom the P~g o ~ , d I moegh medi
eval alclhemists,
to the Emrepeain Renaissance, ai rieh lhenmetlic tradiYion has opeaedl
itself to both science an4 mystery.

$a tPJSdb kAVItetk k 5 9%dkdg4' t&MNg&PNC &iSNfp'~ so
Nttge qyig4eegg8'by tkm g j gf tke Prewet&ees fN'e fgi7 btNern-
kiNAP Pt it ~ d y bee u iuseit m@r goke, n P ecver eeeurngd,
O'M'Cek8g tk4' f'O'Mk8f ~ W I Npt8'tJP &' Q' 4 'FAIfk'4Y ke'P4AKC'
giIIt iftMIf IP4kC'd P% CSS
ifltNf 4' kPSCNt: AO$4 CVfilkNV. ES PICLfof
4ffitJogtfd~ Pr@tdg@Mf t88$ k4'%l' Z~e fk @@f~ 1MCPfwf If~ d 8T e d
ulJ )be 8~ g if t t e e ee imab, iIIoued mtkieg esem te give
bmeeekild. W'&iIs Zpimetbee» sut ~i eg eb o lt tb i J,"Pteme-
tb@M d4FN'8'td Attpd'4't t&C' Cl'PPFk~~ Il'8'~ tkC ' 8t 4 ' I' gÃbÃgff
Jl Off fA' FPA'ptMsg>kMt sfdR tkfk84~ $N$&84F, @sk'Afdtd» NÃd
QQCFPP&d... . PFi NPl4'tIMfitf,.dMM II@t'8') beflg 4ff 4 fd SSAP pt'4%Q8
d8p tl t eISJ Cfl JktvrttkNIf @P ~ q S t 4 k ftOSf Hd p&@CNf4fNN4f
Atbese tke gfft dII skN iN t4' @FtStogutkcF' %Ãt& IIAv.... ht
t8rf %Q@'J,8%$8 4'4'gtPF4'll J@
ff~ k ~d f f dlhP4',.
t f' O'N%FCtS to k8@p
bGf IMcl no p0~1BCRl %'L%86ALTl418 VYSS I the ke eping of ~ v
4ÃJ A'88%&belf 85' SÃgN' &s'd tk4" tfg&t 4f 8SEPp N t&P di&ibfef
' Ats APIJt. . . [~ f k kfts ~ 8 ' ] .

[p~ A ' s t k p-&K~t i c% , t k cs dt c 'fsIc't to ji ~4 ' k ]
The Kmopean Iherme6c tradieios imjelu8ecI Albcreus A4agnes,
ParaceltstLs, Giorchao Brano — mitbors whorn tkat N e e r Prome-
thc9$, Df . Vl c t c r F r mKlkcnsteii9, stuked p r o fo|m@ig before
tmning to slmlllwver thmgs. Sufprisiagly, tlhis ~ e I herrmietic
flNktlon Sffcctcd sQAle erhHllcfltscrelltiQ5, rmiof lrl 6c tlon bnt I
histoxy. Kepler, me kmew„~ t e t h e h o ~ pe o f W 8 i ensteia
1n I 6&p' mcl 5 katecl rfl 94 ' S te li r H p p 4 wcgnlÃed r6 KoestIef s
Rd'Pitf Pf 'CAi%ddAAM).

Ã8AMlg exlsts tlox' hsppcthc 35 chc vMl)k s kgf' tklt i s

no» seinse8 im scene hiBclen msnner by' the faeeltles of
K HA j s l NA S S A N

Earth amd 'ii4ture. . . . The na tural sou) of Inam is not

targer im siae tham R single point, and on this point tlhe
form Rfid charactef o t h c e m tlrc s lty 1 s p o tentlRBy
engraved, Rslf lt were a hundred tlulcs 4rger
Kvcn the great Nc%ton spcllt Illueh of his earlEer life in alckcIMckl
RIId Faust-hke pursuits. "His decpm iIIstincts," wrote Lord
Keyaes, "were occult, eSoteric, sernalltic." Of thiSdarker Neman,
George jII. ILeanard has also said in The Trnmfommtioml
More tham R n>illiou words of . . . Ih j s ] oec:INlt wriYing
has survived. Much of thc s~rnmlaries have to do l~ith
Rn elixir or Philosopher's Stone that not only wjll aidl
in the translnutanon of Inemlls but ~~ill aiso jnvest the
6%Mcr lvith KilglcRI pMvers-scd/lg Rt R great djstamce,
forclng otherS to bo%P' to Qne s wl(l' galmlmg etefmalll
SIlt thc outstam1img czamplc of the conjunctiolls between science
RBcl Imaglllatlall» tcchoolo~ RA J 'krt~
remlalAs Leamardo da VNICI
who has hauntcd so nlafly Illinds sillcc t4e Renaissancc, Beth
FreQd 80d Va lkPf Saw im L e onardo Inofe t han a t o t aL RIIJ
mcktatlvc curlositp; thep' $4o skwv lfl him s9rmething' appraachmg
a Illlified cansciollsness, perhaps even thc r adical pro~ of
CvnSCiallSACSsiDClllf, rnade iIICamatc. This haSle8 Roger Shattuek
to sa)"
At the Very I Omlemt When. . . 'A'estern COnseiausneSS
xvas hardeming imto a d i v ision b etween reamn Rr11
feeling tvLio of the greatest colltelnpormrv lninds m ere
saylmg prceiKcly thc opposlte im terms that recapitU)stc
the history of moderrl European thought, They assert,
im effeet, that the CXperiencc of fOur humdred years te)ls
us urgemtjy Rnd jnsistendy not to divide up the mind.
A t that samc turmQg poillt of th c t%ventlcth ~ ry, H ~
AdaKIS Iccordcd hls 6WB mtIIutioll of tlbie lÃldiVMCd HMII8. Datmg'
his, vrords exactly in thc year Iqoo, Adarms wrote ill a fanlOIIS
pa~ e o f hlsKdf&~
COpeeieuS and Galkeo had broken Inany prafesaional
nee4 Rbagt I¹o ; C o l utnblls had stoad the vrOrld orl its
h ead toward. zgco; but t h e mearcst approach to t h e
rcvolution of l geo was that of 3zo, %hen Comstantinc
set up thc Cr6%. The Fays thRt Lalllgley disowned, Rs

wel1 as tkme which he fathered, were oeeuft, super-

@ theg 'Lvcfc a revebtlo> of a fn4'steFlous
scn%1afi, IfrmttoÃt
enerp; hke that of Ae If rom.. . ,

ALyk, pbffosophy, and hislory are a'll ve~ nice„ lut Als cofloge-
sbel we scry af slignScent moeentsV — rnusll 'leave As aucfience nan-
plussed. Perrnft nae, therefoee, to sunnnarhe tbe inoctfons of ki's rnascfue.
lnsNar as I c an u ncferstaed nty fearneclanJ if ~ f ous c offsagues,
theg vrfsll 'lo Ncdtllam ~ah

1. Iks c@sfiias Is pefforNsncs, pcNAungMfst culture ls

performance in prog~ and t h eir ~ bo f ic nexvs is
2. Aoasetheus is fIIweelf the Agure o$ a ffavred' conscfous-
ness atreggfiny to transcemdlsuch cffvtsions as ke One and
As hlany, Ccnsnosancf Cufture, Ae Universa'I and the
3. wfth regard to posthummew) itseH, tbe most refevant
aspect of the PrometheandfafecHic concerns Ieagfnc&an ancl
Science, Qyth ancf 1'echno~, Ke e'hand %y, two reafjns
tending to onet
4. Ais dmkctic, hovrever„has a hoary history] t4e fan-
guoges of ieeyination and the fanyuages ef scfence beve
o&en Nfnglecl and oro~ in c e rtainepoc4s ancf incertain
great Infnds of Hls pclstg

5. 6eccluse both ffIagfnatfon ancf scinnce are agents

change, crucibfes of vafues, m~ no t on lyof representa-
tfon bvt afso of tfansfotAIctfong l48lr lAterpfcpf ~ now
be tfvs vftal perIforrning prindpfe fn cufture and conscious-
ness-a Ifelr to poskuAlanisnk

[ T ifgf', kf'vf&pif4'A, C6%f'4'xt ppl40$ spd tbdfr dpppovBI~

I 'ke srme ~ . ]
f'de&gbl4'd f8 55M f@rtb ega)SII
HII1rnanists are a httllle Kpimetbean, l. fear; the astonishiag
CQQVefgenCes of Knagtnatlon aBd sclellce~ xIlgtb atLd teChnolOgf'>
in cofLteInpo~ cu I t ure have tendled to elnde them. Nor have
tllN gfeat niodern NILAdsWvhich cLLrretl +
comjjlland the greatest
authority — I n1ean Marx, Nieusche, and Freud, ~ e a n d Levi-
Stranss, Heidegger and Husserl —
i)lurninatedi particularly this ques-
tion. ('LViIIiam James rnay prove a curions exception.) Vet,
more iLnJ, Oloreq the evLJence SLLggcsts t4at the t v iro cuIt~
of C. P . S now an d F . l k . L eawm, of abstract, sky-haunted
tecbaophiles dominated by the ma)e principle, andl moist, earth-
bound afcaclians rujled 4$ t h e f eQllSle princlple, afe $16%'lg
beC981iitg Obsolete as cGMc1698llessevolves, thrMLgh Inatlf Set-
backs and contradictions, to incjlude them hoth.
EVidenCe oftheSe preblematiC Conv~ces Centers on four
regiOns Of COntempOrary Ctilture:
8. the creative pNK.css NLscience 8$8 art.
b. the ncw PNIHghtxQAe vf experÃnent81 sctence.
c. the inCorpMatiOA Of teChrLologff ln to tbe Rrts,
both astheIne and fofsL
d. tbe existential search for a eaKed sensiibiTity;
A recent arbcle, etLtitIed "Beyond Arca~ a n d T e c bno-
phikS" (Which appeared in the Spriag I976 nuInber of T h e
.Mess~~kes@W Reamm) deals super6cialIly with these issues. Per-
haps I can call orL Heterotext, whose pencbants are biNopaphic,
to sumn1arlKe blvef Jp' 1ts a~ e n t .

(mth Irfeerify]
I vrill ArIII ciucka, Aen qvery, then citi a few bifblkqyraphic referencla,

Qn fhe QfeaiIve PrcC~

f Q 4tclf66osR
NoIr, Planek. '"fhe pIoneer sclen&t mvIII have a vr r Icf
intIIiiive lnIagination for new ideas, ideal noi' gene~

by deduction, but by artistica'Ily creotlve ~ in a tion."

Jocciuos A4nod: "I am sere every scientist must Ihave
n~ how h i s nssnto'I refisction, ot thedeeper Ievel', is
not verbah to be abscsfsed iin thought is to be endeaglked
upon an imogined experience, an experience simelated with
the aid of forms, or forces, of interacSees which together
onIy barely compose an 'image' in the visual sense of the

W4at. then, are ke roles of dreasn, piay, imag~,
ond ~ tic s e nsibIIBy In scientific, ~ mat i cal, and
artistlc creatianT Which traits do c~ pen o naHties
regardiess of their I Aeldsi ~ ~ do we ~ n by
c reaHvity'F Go certain ~ l str u cteres cen~ the Ia n -
g~ and rnethods olf vclfious d~lnesN Ccln neurologlcoI
research on the one hand and phenemenologlosI theory on
Aie other move towcrrd a unlfied cancept of braini and mjnd'P
I'renk NInrron, Cre~ o ndI Pe r sonot,If'~m
S~ r Ghis eltn, ed., f'he Creattre process
Arthur Kaestler. The Act of Creattan
Rello Nloy, %e Coumge te Creete
VAIder Penfield, fhe Alystery of hfkad
Jeen f%aget, ihoJegy and Knowfedge
Hans Seyie, Frmn Qreem to Qifscovety
A. AA. Taytor, kneginatkon aad the Growth of Sctence
Paul Yalkry, l'Ae Art of P'eetry
S. The Tw5lght Zene of Scieiaee
Carl Friedrich von VAixskcker~ "the [yoga) concept of
Preno is net necessarily incormpatibl'e withi our ph~. Pr ena
is spatially exlended and vNssHz/ng, Hlence above aH it is
moving potency. The cluantuss ~ desi l n o tesseeHhing
n ot en&sly remote frorn this by t h e t e rm ' ~ bil i t y
Gvnther Stent: "Since JohnCege had pointed eut to me
the analogy between the genetic code and the l4htny,
1 have Ieo'ked Into As matter a Httie more. Ya my amaze-
rnent I found that the 'netural' ceder of the f & hing
hexagfcnns generates a table of nuciectide triplet cockns
whichi shows the same inter~o n ge n eric ~ o ns a s
Cricka' tabbV*
L~yaH Vfatson~ "AII the bet science has soft edges, Hrwits
thot are stlH obscure and ~ nd w i t haetl ~ iptian
areas that are whoHy Inexphccible."

What changea ln the I~ ( t h e rotiorusilityj'oII the sciences
mcfy be expected els their frontiera e@ponclf Whot ors the
epiatemoleqical es well css soeiol imp'licatlons of current
acientIBc experirnents with transcendental meditoSon, bio-
feedback, pera~ ' hology, alien and artiAcial intelligence,
or coamic conaclouanessit
t.udwlg von 8erlailanHyy RobotsgAlen alMt Alltldf
Fritlof eapra, ii'he Too of Physics
6eralcl Feinbsrg, As i Pro~ e u s ProIect
C. Q. Jung 4 Vfolfgang Pauli, Hcrturerklkuny unef Psyche
Arkur Keedler IL A 0, Srnylh~ eds., Seyoncf Reduct/enjsrn
Lewrence LeShan, Ne Alecfium„the AlysVrc, end the PIrrsfcibt
Rcrpnond Ruyer, Le ~ e cfe P rjinceton
It 6. H. Siu,'fhe I'oe o$ Science
C. H. Waddington, iteyend Appearonce
I.yoll Vf4ltsonr Supernoture
Norbeit Wiener, Gecf end' Qofern, tnc,
C. Ihe interpenetration of Technology and Art (with acknowledgacent to
Kathy Waod%8ÃCf)i
5Quotat Jonst
hAaircel Duchamp W Stieglita " fou know exactly how I
feel abou» photograiphy, i would like to aee it make people
despise pointing until something else wilii ma'ke photography
Andy Warhol: '9Aochines 'have less probleea Yd like to
be a nnschine."
Douglas Oavie ~Art, tech~ y, an d e ven science seem
to nre three veila for the same face, three rnetaphora thot
cover, then diasolve, into o Bng4 reolity,"
To %k4t e Ãl@nt are v a rioua technoiogiea Integrating
thernselvea Into our ait forrns'0 Hes techno'legy begun to
aRect not only ~ uhs r g enres-cybernetlc or op art,
electronic muai'c, video art, contemporary dance-but also
the very definiiion of ar iyI' Indeed, is it possib'Ie that tech-
noiogy may be t~ rmi n g hunson consciousneaa itself, ao
as to make art as we have known iit graduc@y obcoleteV
tn short, where will Nerinetti's Puturism finally leod us'F
4 k~ ces :
&nothon Senthall, Science crnd' TeclrnoloQiy tn Art Today
jack Surnhorn,Seyonef ~rn $cufpture
john Cage, $Ãence and A yeor FroncA4ondoy
UolJQIcls 5clvlg Art onci the Future

PAerCel Puchanlp, eoIFIplete VAfks

Haffoid itarrlS, ed„ks&de the 'FwoCuA'IIfesI Art&uf Koeetlef
et 70
Gyargy Kepes, ed., $truCture in Art clnci$Cierlce
kAarshail AAd.uhan, Understanatirqg Nedia
Tholwls Pynchon, Glcnrmy s Raifkow
Jc5lcl ReichcIrcl'l The eonlputef kill Alft
'WyIN 5yphef, fechiFIolfeaty agÃf L~r e
CahIin YorniIinS, Tile Srlcte OndI the 8odreiofs
Robeft Wlbon, BIIsteilr on tIile Seadl

IIl. Vhe KXiStential Seairch for cr VniIRed Sensibility

Olarles LindberghI "G~ eS Spent in corltact Wtth scienCe
and itts vehichrs hcnte d~ lny e lind aed senses to areas
beyond their Feach. I AOW See SCIeANfiC ~ plis hlleent as
cI poth, not an eAdl cl path leading to clnd cl4clppeclfing
in Nlystefy»
Robert PifsigI "The Buddha, the oodhead, resides cfeite
as coIIIfortably in the ciifcuils of cl dlgital conlputef of the
gears of e cycie transnl~n as he doesal the top of a
Inountain or in the petels of a fiower."
) lnli Hendrm: "It's Inusic.. . . It ' s electrickity . . . th a t
w)II take us all to that spiritual high I call the electfk
chvrc'h,. . ."
JMiar@clfet A45acl.' Vfe Aeect a Fellgious systenl with sclenee
ot its vefy core, iA wbich the tfaclitional opposltlon~ en
science and reBgien, re~ ill g A ' ly truth by oer tech.
noloqically desecroted cxemtryslde, con egain be resolsed,
bvt in ternls of the fvture insteod of the peC."
Vo What extent do the dlvefse caleers of an @~ a ut
Iike PkdIae) Coimns, o wAar Ike Vhonlas PyrIdlon of Nofrnan
PAailer, e enlsician IIe Jelm Cage or 3ilnl Hendrlx, a h4-
tarian Bke Willlaln lrwiin Thalepson, an clnthripebiglSt like
PAafgaret PAsad, and a XNl cyclk%t llke RQbeft Plrslgi leAe ict
on alltflentic ciuest ln our post-indushrhd society for a r I
Ifrknlte'ly optoSve yet uniaed ~ I tt y '0 And agaill„what
are the peIsona'I, political, clncl phw~k a ' I i l rIplicatkea
of sllch a ciuesfF
~e ( Coii i ns, Cerryirlg tfle fife
Noflnan AAOBer, Qf a Fife on the Akmn
A4llrgclfet PAeadq TwelNeth Cefltwr/ iFolth
Jeeph Chilton Pea , Yfns C dr 4 ki C I f eg
f HA S H A 8 8A N

RobIti hh. IPirsig, Zen oad fle Att ef A 4totcycle Akfeileonee

VAIlieta Irwfn Ihealpsell, P'esea~ Ab e vt Eerth
[Hk gl@g &7Mr-egfg@dggf fff FJNfg4f 'gPÃL> fggvfgf~Hc 'reror ig'xf
Sgldefflg sfQPf~ tI 5ff elfdf rlPeJPelte'.]

Seeeethe Foerth
7'be Fwfnre of' V&rueiee .4&e

f N8%" (A'tPFsffciFgf tg gN PE4' <f&00J1' gQNfftig5 8$' H4'f4'M'feÃt
At present, posthomanisln n>ay appear variollsly as a dubio11S
neologisn1, the latest sloga11, Qr simp(y anot11er image of man's
recllrMRt self-4ate. Yet posthufnamsm may' 915Oh lnt at a p o -
tentia1 il1 Quir cuilture, hint at a tendency slruggHng to becofne
n1QK tllan a tfeftd. The lpromethean fflgth, after Rll, ContNAS
an enigfllatie prophccy. Hmv, then, shalll wc 11nderstand post-
'6'e nccd first to lfnderstand tbat tbe hnnlan forrn — including
4nfllan desire and a0 its externa1 representations-may be Changing
radieallly, and thus mnst be re-viYioned. We need to undcrstand
that flve lhUndrMl <ear$6f hl fnla8llsmnlag be cofmAg to an endl,
as hgnlat1islYI.transforms itsclf i n tQ somctbing tbat %'c fAust
l helplessly call posthufn~ . 'rbe f igure of V i truvian Man,
aMN and Iegs Acfinlngthc mcasure of thfngs, so m3fvc/ousl'v
drnvn by KCQftardQ, haS broken tbrotfgh its CnelOSing Cireie aftdl
NpNFc. and sprcad across thc cosmQS. Stands llllc flot therebv
in the Center Of Imrfleniities, in the cOnf11lx of EterniYiesP" Cartyle
Qminously asked. Less than a eentury after, Floneer fo carries
the human forfn and tbe lhllnlan siga beyond tbc sollar system
NMo 1'be mtefgklaCtllC spaCCS; anA Car1 Sagan ~g Spc cultatCS;
in Tbe IC'wfffk Ceeveeff'ON,abogt the futurc of b umat1 intelli-
gence, babbblfg itS cbildboed to the univerSC.
Tk 5 e x panSion Qf l hifjIHan ConSCIQQSneSS
into tbe C OS01os,
this Imflplication of mmd into farthest fnatter, beqomeS avreSome
'Lvhen astropl4~4xk$ refllect uipon tbe "orfgln" Qf tlle Qnlverse.
T BE G E O R G EA R E V RE % '

AS Rr Bernard LOVCH,PrOfeSSOr Of Radin AStrenurrly at t h e

Universip of MSILebester, put it:
TILc traflsfcrcflcc from the infinitics Llf dcnsity sfld size
gero [wgen thc ugivcrse bcplnj t o t h c Ifinitc
quantitiies encompsssed by the isws of th e pkysiesI
wor18 may Iie beyond scientific comprehension. Ooes
rnan face this kfhcuIty becausc hc has cxterrlaiixcd the
objcct af Ims invcstisatiofLP Is thcrc r callity in t h c s e
cxtcrns4zed proccdLLrcsP Whst 1$ man s c onncctiotl
with the universe of steem, stan, snd gahxiesP.. .
bldeed, I afn incBIflcd to scoept cofltcMPQrsry scientLTLC
Cvidence Ss ifldjaltlve Of S far 8Teater deggee of mafL'S
tatal inVO1VCNLent vvith* the univerS»... . A r e e e r ksMc
snd, iotimstc relstiofL84lp bctwecn ~ tlfc f u n darnental
conslfants of flsturc, 8&8 tihc ~ Knof n c fLts of spacc SQd
tifnc sccLILS to bc an incscapsbIc cofldiQGn vf cxistcfLcc.
4tYesll Fek Ti e ns Afagmble, l6 November l9y~)
Tlbia COSffLOIOgiCslview, I t h i n'k, requireS frOLtn uS S genuine
altcratLon in our rnodes of feebtLI, andl thocght Nnd performance,
an alteration t4at xnust go begorLk, s4)P, AQMrt Schweitzers
revewncc beforc hfg and bcgondIthe p~Ap4@Ps tPfp's
Rttrlbllted to p ~ v e Kf l aLL
IIut tb i a ~O iO~ CXten a iOfL Of 4~ COnsC iouatLCSS
(whIich both Teilhard de Cbardiin and A4arshaH McLuhsn have
lgng, if differentjly, perceived) is not the only force tending
toward posthumanLSI. Indeed, the re-viSien of man iS curready
prornoted by certain prescient hgrnamists as we11 as by most
ScienttStS. 'rhuS, for ~c e, O a u d e Lkvi-8tratLSS, beth lhuLnatliat
and scientist, speaks ~)y at the end of 8 8' I k f ee tke Weee:
'IIhe worid ~ vrit h o u t t h e humsn race snd it ~
end Withaut it. Th e inStitutiOnS, rnanners, Snd CuStomS
Whieh I ShaH hSVe Spent ffly Iife in C ata1ONuing SfLd
fryllng to QI1clcrstsltlcl sre sn ephemcrs1 effloresccfLce cf
a crcstive pf oceas in r e llstlofL to w 1Llch t hc y a f e
And thus, agsin, MichseI Foucault in Tke &d er ef T b i egr:
Onc thNLII 16 sny cssc ls ecrtsin: msfL is Seither t4c
oMcst nor th e mast coflstsnt prohlenl thst bss 4ecfL
fer h~ h tmV t edge. . . . A S the srdLSCOIegy of
Ol& thaugl1lt ~) ~ Sb a%%,man ia Sn 16'LVfltiarL Of reCent
datc. And oflc pclihsps nesring its end.
Vet both Foueault aed Levi-Stratlss, I aiIi coInvineed, ineam
not the literaJI ead of irian but the end of a partieulm image
of us, shaped as much by Descartes, say, as by Thoxaas More
or KrasamS or Montaigne. That iS why eOntenipOiary struettIralist
thOught emphasizeSSO mueh the dissolIution of t he " Subject,"
the anmbilation of that 4artl Cartesian ego Or consciousness
wkich distiagmishecl itseK kom the world by turniaig the worM
iri(o an objeet. The Self, struIcturalists aad post-struetoralists
insiSt fGH6~ th e Kk t QKYLOn + ia really an eKIp
of Nl e lXSC4 +
"pl4ee" where many sdves eozne to rningle and tlepart,
A RkfAilarperception, Berkv19f from b i olllo~ m o cre thari
psychology or philosophy, persuades KHEabeth Mariri Borghese
that lhuruaIn nature is stiljI evolvirig:
ouc ft i iSht cv c ll Sa g t h a t wh e t h er p9 5 MMdcM x B ail
i5 >ll 0 ~ 0 J a p 'N5 rerua<ris to be seen. A sp i e s that
ean fly is differeiit &oiu o1ie thar cannot. A species that
can transport itself out o f e a rth's biosphere to o ther
planets i5 44Hcrcnt fforii ajIi earthbourid' species. A Spc-
cie5 that can transp4nt vital orgaris (ratri one rrieeiiber
to auothcr, blurring thc boundaries bct%'ccB 8lils lndi-
vidual and that individual and betwcen Me aud death,
IS kflfcrcnt from a Spccilcs whosc mcmbcrs cIAAQt do
this, IICenIre kfege~ , i h 4 rch/April iqy3)
jIN'rojeeted out o f t k i s w o rl d a ntl i nt o t b e tumverse, the
phy~ a n d memal pombillities of evo/etiori 4eeorme eveti more
stsggerieg. "Oril'y a minmte kactiori, an iacoeceivaMy small
fractiom oE all pomMe forrris of Hfe have existed on earth,"
t~ 3~~ F. D~~l@»~ c to «f t h e0 ~««« T h~ r ~ «
Biology at SIUNY — Buffalo. "h is iaconceivable that the terres=
trial orgamsms %'e Bo%' have afe rcprcseMatlve samples of the
orgaaisrlis which can exist" (Cemte' k/agueme, Gctohcr r9px).
Comeretely, tkis meansthat the re-vision of humaa destmy must
ulltitriately eOnSider tbat deatiny in a VaSt evOltittoaary Seheme.
More soberly, more imm~tely perhaps, a posthuIman philos-
Ophy 1InuStarÃreSS tlhe COmpleZ iSSue Of aetBCtIal ~l ig CNICe,
w ~ i eh most Qf Qs ltnlo'gf orily Qy the fafgQar NIame Qf
(the supeIVOfmputer 1A, Kgbrick $2 0 6 1' > $6 Stralhgcly hu rnan,
that l5, at ofice so QGtster and pathctic iri every drctjit ami bR).
But artiBdal iritelligerice is riot merely a f i gment of s cieaee
8y6 TH E G E 0 R IGlI A L K V t E %'

flcBon; rt alNMst 4ves 4$ GQr Nhldst. Thcfc Is SB,anecdote SbGut

Alan Tufing, the young xnstbctnatical genius who died in 19gy,
Gfi %'llose wofk JGbn von Nellfnsnn b@ilt rnockrn contlpUter
theory = a sofnber snecdote thst we do weB to ponder. It i s
told bg the wife Gf ofle Gf Turings closcst collcagQCR
i ferlee&ef sittIitlg in ouf gsrden at Sowdon about l~q
W4llle A38n Snd 81$' hISSband diSCVSSIX1 the n&ClINne Srld
its future activities. l couldn't tak» psft i n th e disclls-
sion... 4ut suddenly my esr picked up a remark wlhicl»
sent s sllivel' dGwn my bsck. ALLA ssld reflectkvel>;
suppose, when it ~ to t h a t ~ , we s h an't knwv
how it does it." ( Nem I Ol'k Tiegeg klsgaeiee, iq Feb-
ILlafy >+6IW

SG much fer the ehilling ObSOleScencc of the hnrnsn bfsin.

Vet the 4@man brain itself Bees not fesilly knew wbether
I vlll beCOme OtNOlete —
Gr Qfnply need tG revmc lts Self~ n -
ception. The s~ en t e x plored by Artbur K ~ er , i n T h e
IGIt>@ft rN r5c' >Ma'4'k'AF@,
tlliat thc h@tnsn bratn 81ag bc radlcallv
flswed — rnsy be, tbst is, an G igsn i nadequstc to i ts t a sk, s
mj@ake~ among conntles$6thcf m s t s geg o f c vQlntlGn — rcmsllls
a hypetb~ pe r hapS itsclf lnorc fniataken tban the brsin whiCh
conceived it. %% ar t i f icisl intcBigenccs supcfscde the huImsn
brain, feetify it, Gf Sinlply extend itS powerd' %'c do not knaw.
Sut this wc dO ltnOW; SrtifiICisl imtelli0enceS, ffom the hglnblest
Csleuhfor' to the mOSttranSCendent cOnlputer, help to transform
the irllsge Gf lrlan, the COneept Gf the hnnIlatL Tbey' are agentS
of s ncw ~ ulrla ~ , C V en if they do nO mere than the mkl
)6o-ly6 w bich " p efIfOrms in a f e w h OnrS all the arithmetiC
estifnstedl ever to have been done by hand by s l l m snkind"
(Henfy J' Ta y l @ r, 46 Btl8PJR54%$'0f rh8 Ffktlr4'II,
All these visiofls 6nally begg'le the rninds Gf poor humsni~zs
like GurSC/veS. Yet they afe not the vmonS of scienCe fietionisrs
ang f~ shoc lkers~ glitendcdti9 s Rltlse snd, tef flfy Qs~v e n s s
they mate the best-sclier lists. These visions are immediate and
ConCfete. TCChnolO~ snd the 'pih afAllsceutiCsl in d InStry bave
alfesdp sltcfed fnost peffofmsnces in thc Olyfnpic GslMes; and
tbose Bionic 'O'Gmen from the Gerfnan Dermocrstic Republic
may point to s f ntnfe mere gellden thsn S8 their medals. And
when t'he Rgurc of Leonafdo's Vitfuvian Msn appeafs Gn the

eover of our TV 63 alA j movw8ays, ueder lt rua~ the captiorl:

"Cempared Witlh the xeal biemie peeple We eXpeet lmll thcnOC-
too-8istant fmture . . . T he S i x M i à o m Do14r Msm is just a
Tm L lzzlc ( x 8 A B P l s t l i9i)6II.
Nhat t' 4cfl wllll thc f UAKc, lB kfs m lddlc ~ c cs b rl6g
tg gg

[LPSg Pdfifft 4$ TC 'Xf- SFf8$ f8 P4%8'fF@fC' TSÃ4'~

f/M $4NM $(O%4IPf Ã4ftS NJd ~ f . ]

Ie>lfeFgiw OeZFugej
TIXf O PfjFFSSFPis PN ' M k k f M& f k N f CC QO%* F@Q fA'gtf:
PFOSMfJMQJ IVPS 8 f 'FJ4'kSfCF 45d fk i 8f.' IS fPJ8' ~ , TCA kC ' M
N'4mS fO Side' FBOA' mifh 6@ekl34', PCFdy $A8'Jldy', 45AI Gide, &J
f&4'FF F~f f it: fà f i8V'
PF4faf4OFf OIt f&4' Sfgf&~ f&45%PJfb %5Wf4' 34JO&P'
If4f, kflFP' SJSNifg» N' Xdlfkd. BNf f8 OP@V CNNCJ
$ %5ffk &OP8' fP
fbc PFomefh'cueendeeeoF fs@Im fo 'reeogeiae'ifr CFFor aef feFFoF,
sff Rvia/M'N %4ffkfN
C~ CF fOF 4 ~ t wf. $ 4' ~ fPJ Q f JAIPCfSS eRBfAtfkCF
fP PPOFRCfbCSJ.Bfff, Pf'4J» %PAP 'tstf Mf 8f &fABFPS kff if A J N,
PF T&8PRf, OF PCFkitfPS ClP'FFIC88> JkdPCJP Mg&fN' Of 0@'8gg
Ac4'ofl@fr dgf@'. Fcf f& ciF diffN'@$MS40 Nof ob'fAEF@' 4 4:drfÃPt.
POfFIf; f4' J 84SNlgff I J M ' gP8$ Of f&8 FSP'kk ZPÃVSi8'f4NS, 'LPP
fg F lgg~pgf ggjgggfggfp'bp Hgp'Qgg$fgf
pgO"V fiNQC$ p~ f g f g i tJg
sbe is self af fbe eemieg Fe"vcmge of Zeus, Hcsiod gef & bFNfaNy:
60df Nfdf stA% %&M' IPM4'MP$$ %PPJcISf&c J MLP k'c%P Aa'AtItp Nfd
k@%fPfFF4'slsffbk' NA' flc fFMk wf f& %PII'Kk ZcFAF %%fg@FSg fP 4'Pf@&
NNNSSk Tk ff %P4ff&A'PHgl8 Of fkC' d45Wf4bk' MM O f %P~. ...
Tkcp &@%Y NP PI@M %P&cF4' fh'P, @QFfc'foP PvcvfP ir> fkc'P bckRlg
%P(f& lf@xQFJ IC 1llicogosg). BNf fk8 CNFf8' kss df sfÃfPfg 8'M5~8 ~
E~ fkg mf, gg4fegf t&dAf4fee Of kff kFOf&A', OPCFBASdOF4S'
koS, ~ ANfk4'@r of ~ Md ~.
T H R G E O R G KA R E V IE % '

Fmm tke srart, greet wwiterr bnee semed tkNr P'remet&eItr

MPSf dP S t o rd tb 4 % ~t br8 % PpI f FAXFCkk' Z~ ; 8 8' t P tfRt d &P
AVW'A' tke f&ttdk ~P tpk ' C Uft&$$ kfS8%lPS MSJH i 9fi584'fJ. T & S f
ACNkplM $ÃVkkkZ CC i6N %4rk b 8tIJ T'A~ 4 54f th e % PterJ
sp&fpb $p; ~ Pw cp gk p l l ep' gdw8' AJk4 M i Mtfvit rpk. E84f88'8,
SkÃl8$ trNÃf t8 pJlddC' f8%V 4d r&8'584ff @f &fj %Pgt'k. ARff jgtgL
Higy'ng meet furtker: &e eze4e Frmeekelr a se~ me ~ .
Tke Eerb mmt bS bS~rd. F 'eS, &eb ~ t be 4r t r d , ebe
CevJ@i~esr tg rN tbe Sky Iete fi r e.

[phren6mgfy J
~ yor I rself, Mytho~ , 1 c oncur, I freely ~ de th e
point. 04viOIISly, the marriage Of Earth aIId Sky m ay n ever
6ndl a happy conmmKlatlGIL Il may also hcgct morlstcrs andl
nrrrtants. We k no w a B t o o w eUl the litarIry of o rjr f a ilrxreS:
lpOlleCIOCI, papIIlalIoII, pOWer that serves ogily to SnppreSSIn—
Shert, ~ 'S d ea@yexplOitation Of natIIre and hjtmSelf. 8Ome,
for iIIstance, say that the techIIolegical capacities 4rmnglerl in
' 8'ate~ e w oeld ~ ~ e " ~ de, My s tery,and Anthority"
of the Grand Inquisitor ~ lik e chilrjish p4y. Gthers carjrtion
of prescrN and fU tIIreslKck; o f c l o m6g, parthesoII a'eAcsls,
transplatrts, prosthesis; of the allteratIon of memory, inteHigence,
and belie~ior; of the creatioII of chimeras, androids, and cyborgs.
Others, s611, simply prophesy of famine and global war. 1I'rorn
0. H . L awrenCe aml FrieBrtleh Jaenger tO LewiS MIImfordl,
Raehel Gmcm, JacqIIes Ellgl, and the Clgb of Rome, men an4
women Of vtSiOn have warIMB al,ainst Jehumamimtion, anrI1 chal-
llerrgeB rampant teqhnology — and Marx precedle8 them with his
famQUs cfoctK'lne of a11erlatron. I k& e tw' a)1 thIL
Kven Heidegger, 8espice his postme8ern tIIrn in philosophy
IIsee the work of Ricbard Palmer), even Heidegger is fuB of
fore4oding on tbe subject. ltn aIr interview Ittape8 iA rq65 but
pcrbbshed only thiis year iII. Ber Spegeh) he warns that tech-
Aology is Ao 16nger eMpo%'ereB by huÃMA rea4cy ( ENe' Ts'c&5fk
fS Ikf'ff8 W 4 'JAR I$4 4't~&Nf>%rrcr Aer kf c s r i ckt' 888 $$Pb 8Ãf fdf73'8
&8QSHtggt II warlM that xt no loEIger co~ on c l s to thchtÃMA
measrrre or way ("ivir bubee meckk~e W e g, der 4ee Q"esee

der Teekek emtspHebt"). How, thea, eam akc h~ r a m "spare

thc cafrjt, xcccDrc thg sp, %L'pcct rhc I i,'ok, andl havc 8 capacltg
for deathi," Beid~ r m i g hc wclJ woader~
Yer everL Heid'e~r sense8 thar "Ner oeky is maa by aamre
mom darmg irhan pjanr aa8 lbeasL Maa is ar times mcrc darirlg
even 'thaa Me itself is.'" Wdl chis daristg; tate us ro "where
a/1 groutt8 breaj4rs Off —
iate tke abyss"P or wim the rrans4maani-
x atkon Of t h c h s N a a aijican, as A rk49x Q ark R l ggcsks,car
"e4iMheed's end"~

I vrhb to quote hee Arthur Corke's ProA4e oi' the Future. ~ k le g
of the future nmcem, Clorke Ioyr:
%ey Nll hove tirae enough, in thome endiems oeons, lo
otleept ell thingI, ond to gother oli knewl'ecfge. IIhey wi/1
not be like gods.beceute eo geih ireogineci by our rninda
the imovrers they vriw c~o W I ut <o
ow thot, they Inay envy uI, bamking in the bright ioi'ter glee'
Of Creotlonr for we knew the unlvef58 when IIt 'wCSyeung.

t~>o ~» « b e ~ ~a «]
Tfxt iw5l."
PPfcNtkMs t&e wp PAtp f@r 4kNtb~ HsteF6te'xt fp@4
eI' tbc f ~ e . Pr e e e tbegsis e ~e e t ed e@b betb. EN tbe
6&F'g48, gd dMtdS C~ t kdt ' P f dfÃetbdNSb&f d&8' gJQeNNfert
Pg@dt fdFekFZQW'IC'JgP.8II fibe&'4C'Ptb. HSKHAkf, gOd 0f tbe 8ÃdeF-
CP0t'M, CAÃpf4iNC'd tP Z ZNS, ~ t &8 gf ft %UCS MV8ked. C0%/d
it &8 t&@f fgF gg44 Zggg 4N8'd %5tb ffdtP R©bkC'8 dII' ~ 88
~n l i t y , bem e@eKnrtb giec eeetsttNA ~b P l W t b esrtdeetb,
bew enmtbere Ee sstrpr&e er geemtiemP
Fe't t4' &P tkves8f Z A ts cl4'r'4' N'Id0tIÃ pNF4. W4' ~ t b4t
PI ter Pcoss PII gtItw, He MPles diekvCMd Pf'PÃfetbeNSfF4NÃ bis
&85d@gd' PN Tart8FM' f PP iPraefet&em' k~ n feA ' e't mtl l ! 0
tAit rtfie 0f ZeQS. S i98$8 fis Y Ze@f 'iN@ff ifsitIiIP t i gPPIIed, 8tfMF's
tCf28t 85 @ FM4%Al44tt4S 4%55rH) 48 4f 0 f8M %N %P&sf fl'4t' tbdf
t&6 Jkk Pe8t&P',Cbh'0SS,Pf fefeÃf t8 Feffgl bif gfft 8II' klfÃNOtfdNtp',
c84 t@ke tbe plNcc' Pf P'iF'0tMtbtÃf NtldM tbz %vik@f'd.io t' p8PbIspsI
KdfkN, PftA' IN, g@ftf St keft:
8$0 THE 6 E 0 IR6 I A. R E V I E %'

Qf I'8'4' 5&kÃfSgI4'Ss4ffl&'.
EVK'p'AM gPN %P8@fpp
Tke goCs grem evary, tbe eegks yve ~r y , sbe
~4 f d o s eig %gtitAfJ
7 hwc' Fzp%584'4lsA4' l$4'gpJg:4Mg ~ g f t'pgP,
=T'ke hgeed tHed so expleiwsbe imeapha'@Ab;. As ic
ceee elt ef u seksswtam effmfb i» & ed ie ~ | ' 0
88d k@ fi68 tP&kpJk'8MA

I ccxne at tbe end, thoogh tbere axe mo en8s; I mrm olnIy
after. And what I must Say ha3 dreadiy been sai8, amd will be
s sid rliany times th~ te x .
I3 it riot fiaaHy plaint Premetlieua, pxephet, Titan txan
grea.or andl uickater, giver of fire, makeref ojlttire-Pxomiet4eus
s QQr pcrfoAQct'.
Hc pcrfQnos Space ml ThiBc; hc ~OM s
GcslrjL He sQScfI.
Wc arc GQfIclvcsKhat pcxfoAflancc~ vM pcfforln $8d Qxc
perfomie8 every iiiomenc. We are the pain oxplay of the Hmnan,
whie4 will not remam hvaiaa. We axe both Karth amd Sky,
'lVater and Fire. We are tbe changieg forxri ef 9~. Kv e ry-
c4@gc$, asd GQ~ , g g t ev eg.DeatI4, can tirg.

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