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Problem Set #1 ME 63 WFWX/THYZ 1st Semester AY 2011-2012

Instructions: Answer the following on a Letter Sized Bond Paper. Show all pertinent solutions and
assumptions. Box and put a Smiley on your FINAL answer.

1) Can you carry 1 m³ of liquid water? Explain your answer


The density of water is 1000 kg/m³, Therefore m= V =1000kg/m³ (1m³)= 1000 kg,You cannot carry

that in the standard gravitational field. ☺

2) The acceleration of high-speed aircraft is sometimes expressed in g’s (in multiples of the
standard acceleration of gravity). Determine the upward force, in N, that a 90-kg man would
experience in an aircraft whose acceleration is 6 g’s.


From Newton’s Second Law, the force applie is F=ma

F=ma=m(6g)=(90 kg.)(6)(9.81m/s²)= 5297N ☺

3) What is the net force acting on a car cruising at a constant velocity of 70 km/h (a) on a level road
and (b) on an uphill road?


The car is cruising at a constant velocity, meaning zero acceleration thus the net force for both cases

are zero. ☺
4) A 1 m³ container is filled with 400 kg of granite stone, 200 kg dry sand and 0.2 m³ of liquid 25°C
water. Find the average specific volume and density of the masses when you exclude air mass
and volume. Assume density of water, density of stone, density of sand to be 1000 kg/m³, 2750
kg/m³, 1500 kg/m³ respectively.
mliquid   Vliquid liquid  0.2 x1000  200kg
 liquid
mTOTAL  mstone  msand  mliquid  400  200  200  800kg
mstone 400
Vstone  m    0.1455m3
 stone 2750
msand 200
Vsand  m    0.1333m3
 sand 1500
VTOTAL  Vstone  Vsand  Vliquid
= 0.1455+0.1333+0.2=0.4788 m 3
  0.4788 / 799.4  0.000599m 3 / kg
  1/    799.4 / 0.4788  1669.6kg / m 3

5) A hydraulic lift has a maximum pressure of 1250 kPa. What should be the piston-cylinder
diameter be so it can lift a mass of 40390 kg?



 D2  D2
A=  r 2 = ;PA=P =mg
4 4

D2 

mg 40390kg (9.81)
D2 2
P 1250 x1000 ☺
D  0.6352892157

6) A cannon ball of 5 kg acts on a piston in a cylinder of 0.15 m diameter. As the gun-powder is

burned a pressure of 7 MPa is created in the gas behind the ball what is the acceleration of the
ball if the cylinder (cannon) is pointing 40° up relative to the horizontal direction.

F  ma  ( P1  Po ) A  mg sin 40
 (.152 )
ma  (7000  101)  (0.5)(9.81)(0.6428)
= 121.9 kN-31.52 kN=121.87 kN
F 121.87 m
a=   24374 2
m 5 s
a  24374

7) Freshwater and seawater flowing in parallel horizontal pipelines are connected to each other by
a double U-tube manometer, as shown in the figure below. Determine the pressure difference
between the two pipelines. Take the density of seawater at that location to be 1035 kg/m3,
density of mercury to be 13600 kg/m3, Density of Fresh water to be 1000 kg/m3. Ignore the
effect of air column.

Analysis and Solution:

Starting with the pressure in the fresh water pipe (point 1) and moving along the tube by adding (as we
go down) or subtracting (as we go up) the  gh terms until we reach the sea water pipe (point 2),and
setting the result equal to P2 gives

P1   w ghw   Hg ghHg   air ghair   sea ghsea  P2

Rearranging and neglecting the effect of air column on pressure,
P1  P2    w ghw   Hg ghHg   sea ghsea
= g(- w hw   Hg hHg   sea hsea )
(13600)(0.1)  (1000)(0.6)  (1035)(0.4)
P1  P2  (9.81)[ ]
P1  P2  3.39 kN/m 2  3.39kPa

8) The gage pressure of the air in the tank shown in figure below is measured to be 80 kPa.
Determine the differential height h of the mercury column.

Analysis and Solution:

Starting with pressure of air in the tank (point 1), and moving along the tube by adding (as we go down)
or subtracting ( as we go up) the  gh terms until we reach the free surface of oil where the oil tube is
exposed to the atmosphere, and setting the result equal to Patm gives

P1   w ghw   Hg ghHg  oil ghoil  Patm

P1  Patm  oil ghoil   Hg ghHg   w ghw
P1, gage
= SGoil hoil  SGHg hHg  hw
w g
Substituting the given values,
80kPa 1000kgm / s 2
( )( )=0.72(0.75)+13.6hHg  0.3
1000kg / m3 (9.81m / s 2 ) 1kPam 2
hHg  0.582m

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