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C. Read the dialogue and find statements that prove the following.

1. Lee thinks the painting is too big for Jack's house.

It’s huge. Where are you going to put it?

2. Jack asked Lee to come to the gallery

And why did you bring me here?

3. Lee is not an art expert

I don´t know anything about art.

4. Lee thinks the painting is too expensive

Are you serious? Can you afford it?

5. Jack doesn't need to borrow the whole amount

Not all of it, just half, maybe.

6. Jack is very fond of the painting.

It´s worth buying, trust me . It´s a powerful mage, don´t you think?

7. Jack doesn't have to carry the painting home

As soon as the exbition is over, they´lldeliver it to me.

C. Read again and write T for True or F for False.

1. The Wright brothers flew a plane for the first time in 1901 F

2. The first non-stop transatlantic flight was in 1918. F

3. In 1950, the world market didn't have a need for computers. T

4. About 2 billion people use computers F

5. Zanuck predicted people wouldn't like watching TV T

6. In the U.S.A., people have their TV sets on for ahout 7 hors a daY

7. Steve chen owns you tobe

C. Read texts again and the statements 1-5. Which gadget do they
refer to? Write a, b,cor d.

1. This gadget works on batteries b

2. You need a computer to use this gadget. a + b

3. This gadget is a good time – saver.


4. This gadget is good for the environment. d

5. You can use this gadget at work.


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