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A Wrinkle in Time Score:

1.    In Chapter 1 of A Wrinkle in Time we are introduced to Meg's little brother,

Christopher Wallace. Christopher Wallace is very close to his sister, Meg and his
mother, Mrs. Murray. However, there is something unique about their relationship.
What is special about their bond?.
A Charles Wallace is able to use American Sign Language to communicate with Meg and Mrs. Murray.

B Charles Wallace is painfully shy and only speaks to Meg and Mrs. Murray.

C Charles Wallace is clairvoyant - he has the phychic abilty to know what Meg and Mrs. Murray are
thinking and predict things that will happen to them.

2.    Meg struggles with her self esteem and confidence. What are some of Meg's reason's for
feeling badly about herself? Please use examples from Chapter 1.

3.    Why is Meg frustrated with her twin bothers, Sandy and Dennys?
A They are consistent B students that sometimes make A's and sometimes make C's. They do not need
to put much effort into school achieve these grades.

B They are well liked among their peers.

C They are athletic.

D No one in town ever teases them.

E All of the above.

4.    Please compare and contrast what you know of Meg and Charles Wallace from Chapter
1. Use details from the book to support your answer.

5.    Mrs. Whatsit is a very elegant and put-together lady who was invited to the
Wallace's home.
A True

B False

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6.    Charles Wallace is rumored to be unintelligent mainly because he does not speak much.
Meg is teased at school about her "dumb baby brother". Explain how this assumption is
wrong using evidence from the book.

7.    Mrs. Whatsit admits to doing something Charles Wallace feels is wrong. What
did Mrs. Whatsit do that Charles Wallace disproves of?
A Mrs. Whatsit borrowed Charles Wallace's bike without asking and accidentally crashed it.

B Mrs. Whatsit is rude to Meg.

C Mrs. Whatsit admits to stealing sheets from Mrs. Buncombe.

D Mrs. Whatsit accidentally let the Murray's kitten out into the storm.

8.    The novel starts with the sentence, "It was a dark and stormy night." and
mentions the storm throughout Chapter 1. What roll does the storm play in the
development of plot?
A It reflects the "storm" in Meg's mind as she thinks about all of the things that are overwhelming her.
This helps set the tone of the novel.

B It blows Mrs. Whatsit off course and brings her to the Murry household, starting the action of the

C It causes the roof to leak, adding to the Murry family's list of problems.

D Both A and B

9.    Mrs. Murray is caught off guard by Mrs. Whatsit's comment, "there is such a thing as a
tesseract.". Make a prediction as to why Mrs. Murry is rattled by Mrs. Whatsit mentioning a

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