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Pharmacological Research 87 (2014) 60–70

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Genders and the concurrent use of cocaine and alcohol:

Pharmacological aspects
Manuela Graziani a,b,∗ , Paolo Nencini a,b , Robert Nisticò a,c
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology “Vittorio Erspamer”, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Drug Addiction and Clinical Pharmacology Unit, University Hospital Umberto I, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
IRCSS Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Aims: Gender-related differences in the pharmacological effects of addictive drug are an emerging issue.
Received 25 April 2014 This review examines gender differences in both pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic aspects of
Received in revised form 13 June 2014 alcohol and cocaine intake since they cause complex pharmacological interactions, not least the formation
Accepted 16 June 2014
of the active metabolite cocaethylene.
Available online 24 June 2014
Methods: The MEDLINE database was searched from 1990 to 2014 in order to find articles related to
gender differences in alcohol, cocaine and cocaethylene pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
Results: Besides the well known gender differences in alcohol pharmacokinetics, women appear more
susceptible to alcohol-mediated brain damage and seem to suffer more than men the acute effects of
Alcohol alcohol on hepatic and gonadal hormones. No significant gender differences have been found in the
Cocaethylene pharmacokinetics of cocaine taken alone; yet, in women pharmacological sensitivity to the drug seems
Pharmacology to vary in relation to menstrual cycle; moreover, progesterone attenuates subjective effects of cocaine
Pharmacodynamics in women. Higher ratings at a subjective measure of mental/physical well-being have been observed in
Pharmacokinetics women when given cocaine and alcohol, alone or in combination. Finally, among subjects dependent on
both alcohol and cocaine, men only benefit from naltrexone, whereas women used more cocaine during
the trial and were less compliant to therapy than men.
Conclusions: The observed subtle gender differences in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of
both alcohol and cocaine may have no subtle influence on the natural history of the co-abuse of the two
drugs by women.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction and homicidal behaviour [9] with respect to the use of cocaine or
alcohol alone.
It has been estimated that 1% of the United States population Currently, few epidemiological data about gender prevalence
suffers from both alcohol and drug use disorders [1,2]. In partic- of the concurrent use of cocaine and alcohol are available [8].
ular, concurrent intake of cocaine and alcohol in both sexes is a A recent study by Martinotti et al. [10] aiming to examine the
well documented, increasing type of multiple drug use [3–5]. A clinical correlates of poly-substance dependence showed no differ-
recent report about prevalence of cocaine use among adolescents ence in sex prevalence between mono- vs. poly-substance abusers,
in Europe indicates that about 70% of them reported that the first while another aimed to explore possible gender differences among
use of cocaine was under the effects of alcohol [6]. In turn, there cocaine-dependent patients show a higher frequency of alcohol
is evidence that cocaine use in heavy drinkers increases the risk of intake in male subjects [11]. Another report [5] examining sub-
developing alcohol dependence by 3.8 times [7], whereas co-abuse stance use and dependence among cocaine dependent subjects
of cocaine and alcohol is associated with more severe psycholog- (N = 459, 52.9% female) recruited for treatment, reported that poly-
ical problems [8] and in particular with an increment of suicidal substance dependence was the rule: among this population 56% of
women reported a lifetime dependence on alcohol.
A study aimed to analyze the quantity and frequency of alcohol
use among Afro-Americans reported that female heavy drinkers
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Physiology and Pharmacology “Vittorio
used more crack cocaine than light and moderate drinkers [12].
Erspamer”, Sapienza University of Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Rome, Italy.
Tel.: +39 06 49912494; fax: +39 06 4450618. Interestingly, among women entering the criminal justice circuit,
E-mail address: (M. Graziani). co-abuse of alcohol and cocaine was related to high levels of
1043-6618/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Graziani et al. / Pharmacological Research 87 (2014) 60–70 61

psychiatric distress [13]. Considering that epidemiological survey Lesch type III category [37] that includes subjects that use alco-
converge in detecting an increase in the use of cocaine [14] in the hol to cope with their signs of depression, is dominated by women
prevalence of heavy drinking [15,16] and in a progressively higher [38], and in a recent study [39] genetic markers of alcoholism and
percentage of women abusing psychotropic drugs [17–19], it is con- comorbid depression were identified in alcohol dependent females.
ceivable that the concurrent use of cocaine and alcohol is spreading Finally, a study conducted on a multisite sample of college students
among women. shows that female students were more likely to exceed weekly
Yet, few studies have addressed gender differences in the phar- alcohol intake limits than men [40]. In a review examining factors
macological effects of combined cocaine–alcohol abuse, in spite associated with the risk of developing alcoholism, Schulte et al. [16]
of the fact that growing literature is dealing with the biological found that among teenagers physiological and also psychosocial
and molecular basis of gender-related differences in response to factors differently interact with the gender in eliciting progression
drugs [20–24] and more generally with gender perspective in clin- into problematic drinking when adults.
ical research [25]. This is not surprising because little information However, the consequence of heavy alcohol use as well as alco-
is available about gender differences in the pharmacokinetic and holic complications may be heavier in women than in men: women
pharmacodynamic aspects of drug addiction [26–28]. The purpose tend to be more vulnerable to alcohol-induced physical illnesses
of this review is to provide an overview of gender differences in [31,41] and display more severe cognitive and motor impairment
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic aspects of the concurrent with significantly lower alcohol exposure compared with men [42].
abuse of alcohol and cocaine. We choose to use the term gender Both pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic factors may con-
according to the definition of National Research Council in USA [29]: tribute to gender difference in the pattern of alcohol abuse and
“Gender refers to a person’s self-representation as male or female response to alcohol intake.
and how the individual is responded to by social institutions, based
on the individual’s gender presentation. This definition includes Gender differences in alcohol
self-representation, which also includes biological aspects”. pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamics
In order to pursue our aim, we first reviewed gender differences
in the pharmacological aspects of alcohol and cocaine separately Several studies have demonstrated gender differences in alcohol
and then we focused our attention on the effects of their combined pharmacokinetic (PK) in different animal species [43–46] and in
use. Although experimental findings are not the primary focus of humans. Table 1 shows a summary of the results of clinical studies
the present review, we have occasionally included animal or in vitro addressed to gender differences in PK parameters of alcohol.
studies, particularly when male and female differences found in For a given oral dose of alcohol (but not for intravenous adminis-
animals may suggest further studies in humans. tration), women exhibit higher and more prolonged blood alcohol
levels [47–50] indicating that women own greater oral bioavail-
ability, as shown by an increased area under the curve (AUC)
with respect to men. As known, systemic bioavailability upon oral
administration of drugs is subject to a wide array of variables, such
We reviewed the literature related to gender differences in
as speed of gastric emptying, gastric enzyme activity, and first-
alcohol, cocaine and cocaethylene pharmacokinetics (PK) and phar-
pass metabolism (pre-absorption metabolism, both in stomach and
macodynamics (PD). The MEDLINE database was searched from
liver), which differ between the two genders. Accordingly, in a
1990 to 2014, using PubMed. Keywords used were: alcohol, cocaine,
study aimed to explore factors underlying gender differences in
cocaethylene, ethanol, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, phar-
the bioavailability of alcohol, Baraona et al. [48] found a signifi-
macodynamics, sex/gender difference; individually or variously
cant delayed gastric emptying in women with respect to men: the
paired. Importantly, search results were restricted to English lan-
slower gastric emptying time may explain the gender-difference
guage with particular attention to human studies. Manual searches
in the shape of the curve, but not the difference in the peak alco-
of reference lists of pertinent reviews and studies, as well as
hol levels. Moreover, it could not explain gender differences in the
abstracts from relevant conferences were also conducted.
AUC of alcohol, since the slower gastric emptying time observed
in women [22,24] is expected to reduce it. In fact, gastric alcohol
Aspects of gender differences in alcohol pharmacology dehydrogenase (ADH) activity seems to contribute to the observed
gender differences in oral bioavailability of alcohol, as far as most
Epidemiological studies show that alcohol use starts at an early of the studies (see Table 2), although with some exceptions [54,56]
age in both genders. The recent SAMSHA survey (2014) reports that agree that gastric total ADH activity is significantly lower in women
during 2012 56.5% of males and 47.9% of females aged 12 or older than in men when the enzyme activity is measured at high alco-
were current drinkers; however, among youths aged 12–17, the hol concentrations (such as it happens in the stomach after alcohol
percentage of males who were current drinkers (13.3%) was sim- binge intake) [47,52,53,59] in young [52,53,58,60] and healthy sub-
ilar to the rate for females. Among young adults aged 18–25, an jects [47,48,52]. Importantly, since alcoholism is associated with a
estimated 57.5% of females and 62.9% of males reported current decrease in gastric alcohol dehydrogenase activity in both genders,
drinking; in this age group, 45.8% of males and 33.2% of females alcoholic women display a particularly low first-pass metabolism
reported binge drinking. Among pregnant women aged 15–44, 8.5% of alcohol up to the point of showing little differences in blood alco-
reported current alcohol use, 2.7% binge drinking, and 0.3% heavy hol concentrations upon oral or iv administrations [47]. Moreover,
drinking; nevertheless, these rates were lower than those for non many authors [52,53,58,60] found in men, but not in women, an
pregnant women in the same age group. inverse correlation between gastric ADH activity and age. Further-
Attitudes concerning drinking clearly differ between genders more, significant lower enzymatic activities in total ADH and class
[30], women perceiving greater social disapproval for drinking I and II ADH isoenzymes were also showed in women human liver
although they tend to consume less quantity of alcohol [31–33]. [61].
Yet, recent findings confute the notion of gender differences in the When alcohol reaches the circulation, other physiological dif-
attribution to types I and II of alcoholism [34] showing that type ferences between men and women emerge affecting alcohol
II alcoholism is not limited to male alcoholics, but also exists in distribution [62]. On average, women have total body water (both
women, confirming that female alcoholics are represented in both extracellular than intracellular water), blood and plasma volume,
Cloninger’s Type I and Type II of alcoholism [35,36]. In addition, and red blood cell volume smaller than men, while they have
Table 1
Gender difference in ethanol (Eth) pharmacokinetic parameters.

Reference Aim of the study Subjects N Subjects age (years) Subjects Eth dose (route of administration) Administration mode and time Findings/comments
(publication year) (% female) categorya
Gender-related differences in 31 (55) 22–53 I 0.3 g/kg b.w. (orally and In women lower FPM and
[47] (1990) 1 h after a standard breakfast
gastric oxidation of Eth (first intravenously) higher area under the
pass metabolism = FPM) concentration–time curve
(AUC) than men

M. Graziani et al. / Pharmacological Research 87 (2014) 60–70

12 (50) 17–61 II FPM = 50% of those of
non-alcoholic; in women FPM
abolished and higher AUC than

[49] (1996) Gender-related differences 12 (50) <50 I 0.3 g/kg b.w. (orally and After a standardized lunch In women higher AUC; no
in FPM and disposition of intravenously) gender difference in total
Eth (gastric plus hepatic) FPM
Influences of liver volume Oral loading dose of 95% Eth 1 h after a standard breakfast No gender difference in alcohol
[51] (1998) and/or gender differences in 20 (50) 22–30 I diluted 1:6, after 30 min a elimination rate (AER) or in
lean body mass on gender constant rate of i.v. infusion of AER per unit liver volume; in
differences in Eth metabolism 6% Eth (steady-state breath Eth women the AER per unit lean
concentration 50 mg/dL) body mass 33% greater than
Eth after metoclopramide Diminished hepatic FPM in
(gastric empty time enhanced) both genders
Eth after N-butylscopolamine Increased gastric FPM of Eth in
(gastric empty time delayed) both genders

[48] (2001) Gender difference in GE, FPM 55 (51) 0.3 g/kg b.w. as 5–10 to 40% 1 h after a standard fatty In women smaller volume of
<50 I solutions (orally and meal distribution, lower GE and FPM
intravenously) at highest Eth concentration
20 (50)

[50] (2003) Comparison the 24 (50) <50 I 0.6 women and 0.7 g/kg 2 h after last meal In women absorption rate
pharmacokinetics of Eth in b.w. men Eth (40% constant, maximum ethanol
saliva and blood according to solutions orally) concentrations and AUC lower
I = non-alcoholic; II = alcoholic.
M. Graziani et al. / Pharmacological Research 87 (2014) 60–70 63

Table 2
Gender differences in gastric alcohol-dehydrogenase (ADH) activity: in vitro evaluation (gastric biopsy specimens).

Reference Aim of the study Subjects N Subjects age Subjects Substrate for ADH Findings/comments
(publication year) (% female) (years) categorya isoenzymes (mM)

[47] (1990) Gender-related differences 28 (61) 22–53 I In women lower ADH activity
Eth 500
in gastric oxidation of than men
ethanol (Eth)
9 (33) 17–61 II In alcoholic ADH activity and
first pass metabolism
(FPM) = 50% of those of
non-alcoholic; in women ADH
activity lower than men

[52] (1993) Gender difference in 78 (55) <50 I At 16 mM eth., no gender and

gastric ADH activity Eth 16 or 580 age difference in ADH activity.
In women <50 lower ADH
activity at 580 mM Eth, lower
ADH activity in men >50 and
subjects with alcoholism.
100 (41) >50 I
10 (1) 30–75 II

[53] (1994) Influence of age, gender, 31 (52) <50 In women lower ADH
III Eth 100
gastric regions and ADH activities, but not significantly,
polymorphins infection on in both age groups
gastric ADH activity
[54] (1997) Gastric Eth-metabolizing 37 (51) <50 No significant effects of gender
IV Eth 33 or 500
activities with regard to and age on ADH activity
gender, age, enzyme
pattern, and polymorphism
172 (13) >50

[55] (1998) Effect of modulation of 16 (50) <40 I Eth 100 No gender differences in ADH
gastric emptying (GE) on activity
FPM of ethanol in the
stomach and liver;
secondary aim: gastric
ADH activity

[56] (2000) Effects of gender and age 51 (35) <50 No effect of gender or age on
V Eth 33 or 500
on the expression pattern activity of ADH
and activities of stomach
64 (42) >50

[48] (2001) Gender difference in GE, 58 (33) <50 I Formaldehyde oxidation In women lower gastric ADH III
FPM and ADH activity activity
[57] (2001) Influence of age, gender, 37 (51) <50 No gender and age or HP
III 500
and Helicobacter pylori positive in gastric corpus
(HP) infection on gastric related differences in ADH
ADH activity activity
39 (51) >50

[58] (2002) Gender and other variables 18 (28) 20–40 Youngest women lower ADH
influence in gastric ADH V 150–500 activity than youngest men
activity No gender difference between
oldest groups; decreasing ADH
activity associated with
increasing Eth consumption
47 (38) 41–60
46 (61) 60–80
I = non-alcoholic; II = alcoholic; III = patients with chronic symptoms of dyspepsia; IV = gastric adenocarcinoma in non-alcoholic; hepatic adenocarcinoma in non-alcoholic;
V = patients with other than gastro-hepatic diseases.

a higher percentage of body fat. Consequently, alcohol, being Notably, a gender-related PD difference is to be taken into account
hydrophilic, shows a volume of distribution smaller in women than when at similar plasma concentrations of a drug in males and
in men [48], contributing to the female higher blood alcohol levels females do not correspond pharmacological effects of the same
with consequences on the effect of the drug in terms of onset and magnitude [24], or when the same effect is observed in spite of
duration of its action. significant pharmacokinetic differences [24,63]. Hence, differences
In summary, conditions such as young age, good health and between females and males in the response to acute alcohol intake
binge alcohol use, typically associated with subjects that more can be clearly assessed only when blood alcohol concentrations
frequently abuse of alcohol and cocaine in combination, concur (BAC) in both genders are equal, or alcohol doses are adjusted to
with physiological differences between genders to produce a higher individual body weight.
plasma alcohol concentration in females respect to males. Importantly, human studies have demonstrated that the effects
Pharmacodynamic (PD) factors also contribute to gender dif- of acute alcohol intake on the central nervous system are different
ferences in alcohol effects, upon either acute or chronic intake. between genders. In healthy females, but not in likewise healthy
64 M. Graziani et al. / Pharmacological Research 87 (2014) 60–70

males, a moderate dose of alcohol (inducing a blood alcohol con- Again, after repeated cocaine smoking, no differences in plasma
centration of 0.5‰), reduces frontal inter-hemispheric connectivity levels of both cocaine [83] and its metabolites benzoylecgonine
(as indexed by transcranial magnetic stimulation applied to mea- and ecgonine methyl ester were found [85], except for higher ben-
sure transcallosal inhibition), resulting in behavioural disinhibition zoylecgonine concentrations in women after the highest dose of
[64]. A recent study [65] conducted in non alcohol-dependent cocaine experimented (25 mg). When gender differences in cocaine
young drinkers shows that alcohol-induced dopamine release plasma levels after smoking repeated doses of 50 mg cocaine were
is greater in men than in women and that this gender-related found [86], it could not be ruled out that this might be ascribed
effect was apparent across the whole striatum and not only to the fixed dose of cocaine, irrespective of mean body weight
in the ventral tegmental area-ventral striatum circuit; however, differences between genders. Importantly, gonadal hormone fluc-
in men, but not in women, ventro-striatal dopamine release tuations related to menstrual cycle did not influence cocaine
showed a significant positive correlation with alcohol-induced plasma levels. In fact, no differences were found in women during
subjective effects of activation (elation, feeling high, energy, excite- the follicular phase compared to the luteal phase of the menstrual
ment, stimulation, vigour and talkativeness). With regard to acute cycle after a single dose of intravenous [87] or smoked cocaine [83]
alcohol-related effects on cognitive-motor function, an interest- and also after repeated smoked cocaine doses [88].
ing study from Miller et al. [42] indicates that women display a When pharmacological effects of cocaine were tested, no gender
greater impairment than men on a range of tasks measuring driving differences were again reported as far as positive subjective effects
performance. concerned [85,86], even when body weight was taken into account
Chronic alcohol intake may also have different effects in males (i.e., mg cocaine/kg body weight) [81,87], yet Kosten et al. [82]
and females. In particular, women are more vulnerable than men to observed that following acute intranasal cocaine administration,
chronic alcoholism-related brain injury [66–69]. Despite lower and self-reported visual analogue “nervous” responses were greater for
shorter alcohol abuse, neuroimaging studies documented greater women than men. Differences in the cocaine effects on heart rate
cerebral volume loss in females than in males [70]. Moreover, and blood pressure were disclosed by Evans et al. [86] after repeated
making use of diffusion tensor imaging techniques, Sasaki et al. doses of smoked cocaine; on the contrary, a single administration
[68] found only in females a life-time alcohol consumption (LAC)- of either intravenous [87] or intranasal [82] cocaine did not yield
related neurodegeneration in the right amygdala, even thought LAC any significant difference in the response between genders.
scores were lower in women than in men. A more recent study As demonstrated also in non-human primates [89], unlike the
from Ruiz et al. [71] shows that women with a drinking history pharmacokinetics of cocaine, its pharmacodynamics is influenced
showed a greater sensitivity in frontal, temporal, ventricular and by menstrual cycle. Accordingly, the positive subjective effects of
corpus callosum regions than men. Indeed, alcoholism was asso- cocaine were higher during the follicular phase compared to the
ciated with larger ventricles and smaller corpus callosum among luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, when progesterone levels are
women only. Interestingly an increase in the relative amount of the elevated [80,83,87,88]. That fluctuations in endogenous proges-
white matter was observed among women in the first year of sobri- terone levels play a role in some of the differences in the effects
ety whereas the same effect required a more prolonged abstinence of cocaine observed in women was confirmed by Evans and Foltin
in men [71]. Another observation suggests that the NMDA recep- [85] who showed that the administration of progesterone during
tor subunit expression differentially influences male and female the follicular phase in women attenuated the positive subjective
chronic alcohol susceptibility to brain damage [72]. effects of cocaine, whereas only minimal changes were observed in
An increased susceptibility of young women to the acute effects men.
of alcohol on hepatic and gonadal hormones was also found. In To summarize, while no significant cocaine PK differences
a recent study, Vatsalya et al. [73] examined the effects of acute between women and men were found, the few studies conducted in
alcohol on gonadal hormones and Growth hormone – insulin like humans exploring the role of gender and gonadal hormones on the
growth factor-1 (IGF-1) axis. The results showed an increase of effects of cocaine show that pharmacological sensitivity to cocaine
estradiol levels in women [74], an effect that was attributed to may differ in relation to menstrual cycle fluctuations, and that pro-
alcohol-induced changes in the redox state of the liver. Moreover, gesterone can attenuate subjective effects of cocaine in women.
in younger women, but not in the oldest and in men, a trend Gender differences in structural brain abnormalities associated
for alcohol-related decrease in IGF-1 was found: being the liver with chronic abuse cocaine have been also observed [90,91], includ-
the primary source of IGF-1, this finding is consistent with the ing gender-specific differences in the brain volume. A very recent
greater susceptibility to hepatic injury observed in women follow- study by Rando et al. [92] gives evidence that abstinent cocaine
ing chronic alcohol use [45]. dependent subjects, compared with healthy controls, had smaller
Light to moderate alcohol intake throughout adult life is also an grey matter volume (GMV) in a number of cortical regions and
important gender-associated risk factor for breast cancer [75–77] larger GMV in the left cerebellum with a gender-specific pattern:
also among those women who use postmenopausal hormones [78]; female cocaine dependent subjects were found to have lower GMV
moreover during adolescent intake of alcohol appeared to increase in temporal, parietal and occipital cortices, while male were found
risk of proliferative benign breast disease [79]. to have lower GMV in a large area of the superior frontal cortex.

Gender differences in cocaine Co-abuse of alcohol and cocaine

The interest in exploring gender differences in the concur-
A summary of the results of clinical studies on gender differ- rent use of alcohol and cocaine stems from evidence that alcohol
ences in cocaine PK/PD relationship is shown in Table 3. Generally, has important consequences on cocaine pharmacokinetics. Firstly,
clinical studies did not find gender differences in cocaine plasma alcohol inhibits demethylation of cocaine to benzoylecgonine cat-
levels either after a single dose administered intravenously [80], alyzed by the hepatic carboxyesterase, permitting that higher
or by intranasal [81,82] or smoked administration [83]. However, plasma concentrations of cocaine are maintained in presence of
Lukas et al. [84] reported that after an intranasal dose (0.9 mg/kg) alcohol [93]. Secondly, combined intake of alcohol and cocaine
of cocaine hydrochloride, female occasional cocaine users (N = 7) results in the formation of cocaethylene (benzoylecgonine ethyl
show lower drug plasma levels at the peak than men. ester) a fairly active and long-lasting metabolite homolog of
M. Graziani et al. / Pharmacological Research 87 (2014) 60–70 65

Table 3
Clinical studies on sex difference in cocaine (Coc) pharmacokinetic parameters and pharmacodynamic effects.

Reference Primary or secondary aim Subjects Subjects N (% Subjects COC dose (route of Findings/comments
(publication year) of the study categorya female) age (years) administration)

[84] (1996) Gender differences in II 14 (50) 21–35 0.9 mg/kg (intranasal) In women lower plasma
plasma levels and Coc levels and number of
subjective effects after episodes of intense good
acute Coc administration and bad effects; in the
follicular phase peak
plasma Coc levels higher
than luteal phase

[82] (1996) Gender differences in II 34 (32) 25–42 2 mg/kg (intranasal) No gender difference in
subjective and AUC (N = 6) and in
cardiovascular responses cardiovascular response; in
to Coc women greater
self-reported “nervous”

[86] (1999) Gender differences in II 20 (45) 26–43 Six 50 mg Coc base (14 min In women higher Coc
subjective and intervals), twice a day on 2 plasma level after the 6th
physiological effects of consecutive days (smoked) Coc dose; heart rate and
repeated smoked Coc blood pressure more
elevated after the last dose
of the session; no gender
differences in acute
subjective effects

[83] (1999) Gender and menstrual II 44 (48) 20–45 0.4 mg/kg single and No effects of gender and
cycle effects in response to repeated (smoked as crack) menstrual cycle on plasma
smoked cocaine deliveries Coc levels; in women lower
ratings of some of the
subjective effects and in
the luteal phase decreased
responses to some of the
subjective effects
compared with follicular
phase of menstrual cycle
and men

[80] (2001) Gender differences in I 34 (65) 20–30 0.2–0.4 mg/kg (i.v.) No gender difference in
pharmacokinetic of Coc Coc plasma level,
and in women during elimination half-life and
phase of menstrual cycle AUC or cardiovascular or
subjective effects “high”
measure and in women
during the follicular and
mid-luteal phases of the
menstrual cycle

[85] (2006) Gender difference in II 21 (52) 27–43 Six doses of smoked Coc (0, No gender differences in
relationship between 6, 12, 25 mg Coc base) at Coc and its metabolites
positive subjective effects 14 min intervals plasma levels; in women
of Coc and fluctuations in higher benzoylecgonine
progesterone levels plasma levels at 25 mg; no
effect of gender on positive
subjective Coc effects; in
women in the follicular
phase positive subjective
effects greater

[81] (2007) Gender differences in I 18 (44) 25–44 0.06, 0.34, 0.69 and No gender differences in
plasma Coc levels and in 1.37 mg/kg (intranasal) Coc plasma levels and
subjective and ratings of positive
cardiovascular effects subjective effects
I = subjects cocaine-dependent (DSM-IV criteria); II = cocaine-user subjects.

cocaine [94–96]. In turn, formation and elimination of cocaethylene cocaine antagonizes deficits in psychomotor performance [102]
depends on cocaine dose [97,98] and on its route of administration and sedation [103] both induced by alcohol.
[99]. At the best of our knowledge, only McCance-Katz et al. [104]
Cocaethylene mimics cocaine pharmacological actions under examined gender differences in the effects induced by the admin-
many conditions. In particular, it increases extracellular concen- istration of cocaine and alcohol, alone or in combination. In
trations of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens, by inhibiting this double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study, subjects
its presynaptic reuptake [100]. This effect is consistent with the addicted to both cocaine and alcohol (women 47%) received
repeated finding that, when compared to cocaine alone, the effects multiple doses of cocaine and/or alcohol: interestingly, the pro-
of concurrent cocaine and alcohol use [97,101] resulted in an tocol was designed to reproduce a semi-naturalistic setting of
enhancement and prolongation of the euphoria as well as a consumption, i.e. a day-long binge. Pharmacokinetic parameters
decrease of paranoia and agitation [96,97]. It is worth noting that obtained by serial blood sampling, physiological measurements
Table 4
Cocaethylene (CocEth): pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) studies in humans.

Reference Aim of the study Subjects Subjects N (% Cocaine (Coc) dose (route Eth dose (route of CocEth dose (route Findings/comments
(publication year) categorya female) of administration)b administration)b of administration)b

[95] (1993) Subjective, cardiovascular I 9 (0) 100 mg (i.n.) 1 g/kg (oral) Drug combination effects: higher rates
and PK effects of Coc in of subjective good effects than Coc; an
acute alcohol intoxication increase in heart rate in comparison

M. Graziani et al. / Pharmacological Research 87 (2014) 60–70

with Coc and in blood pressure in
comparison with Eth; COC significantly
improved performance impaired by
alcohol in the simple reaction time
test. In the presence of Eth, higher Coc
plasma levels

[109] (1993) Comparison between IV 3 (0) 0.25 mg/kg Coc base (i.v.) 0.25 mg/kg CocEth: milder subjective and
cardiovascular and cocaethylene base comparable tachycardic effects than
subjective effects of CocEth (i.v.) Coc
and Coc

[110] (1994) Comparison between IV 6 (0) 0.25 mg/kg Coc base (i.v.) 0.25 mg/kg CocEth: smaller elimination rate
physiological, behavioural cocaethylene base constant, longer t1/2, lower magnitude
and PK effects of CocEth (i.v.) ratings of “high” and changes in heart
and Coc rate than Coc

[96] (1995) Comparison between III 8 (0) 0.92 mg/kg (i.n.) 0.48, 0.95 mg/kg Similar euphoric and cardiovascular
physiological, behavioural (i.n.) (heart rate, blood pressure) effects.
and PK effects of CocEth CocEth: slower clearance, smaller Vd,
and Coc longer t1/2 than Coc

[100] (1997) Subjective, cardiovascular, II 8 (0) 100 mg/kg (i.n.) 0.8 g/kg (oral) Drug combination effects: higher heart
endocrine and PK effects of rate, blood pressure, subjective effects
the combined use of Coc rate and plasma cortisol concentration
and Eth than Coc
i.v. = intravenous administration; i.n. = intranasal administration.
I = Coc and ethanol users not-dependent by DSM-IV-DSM-III criteria on drugs II = cocaine dependent subjects; III = subjects cocaine-dependent and alcohol abuser (DSM-IV criteria); IV = cocaine users.
Table 5
Cocaethylene (CocEth): pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) studies including female subjects.

Reference Aim of the study Subjects Subjects N Coc dose (route of Eth dose (route of CocEth dose (route Findings/comments
(publication year) categorya (% female) administration)b administration) of administration)b

[111] (1998) Physiological, behavioural and III 8 (50) 4 doses of 1 mg/kg 1 g/kg following Gender data not published separately;
PK effects of concurrent use of every 30 min (i.n.) the first Coc dose; CocEth: greater subjective effects,
Coc and Eth 120 mg/k at 60 min higher heart rate and Coc

M. Graziani et al. / Pharmacological Research 87 (2014) 60–70

(oral) concentration and longer t1/2 than Coc

[98] (2000) Physiological and subjective II 6 (17) 0.25, 0.5 mg/kg 0.3, 0.6, 1.2 mg/kg Gender data not published separately.
effects and PK of CocEth using (i.v.) (i.v.) CocEth less potent than Coc in its
Coc as a comparator effects on cardiovascular and
subjective measures

[97] (2003) Pk, physiologic and subjective I 10 (20) 0.3, 0.6, 1.2 mg/kg 1 g/kg 1 h before 0.48, 0.95 mg/kg Gender data not published separately.
effects of the combined use of (i.v.) Coc (oral) (i.v.) Plasma concentrations, AUC,
Coc and Eth cardiovascular and subjective effects of
CocEth increased proportionally to the
Coc. dose; effects commonly associated
with a 1.0 g/kg dose of Eth. did not
increase in the presence of Coc

[104] (2005) Gender differences in response I 17 (47) 1 mg/kg every 1 g/kg following Responses to Coc, Eth and combination
to administration of Coc and 30 min (i.n.) the initial Coc dose equivalent between genders Women:
Eth alone and in combination and a second drink higher heart rates following Eth
at 60 min (oral) administration; higher ratings for “Feel
Good” for Coc

[99] (2011) PK of CocEth formation I 6 (17) 2 mg/kg (oral) 1 g/kg before Coc 7.5 mg (i.v.) Gender data not published separately.
following Eth and Coc 1 mg/kg (i.v.) (oral) Greater formation of CocEth from the
administration by different 200 mg (smoked) oral and smoked compared to i.v.
route route; Coc and Eth combination
produced greater increases in heart
rate and rate-pressure than Coc alone
I = Coc and ethanol users not-dependent by DSM-IV-DSM-III criteria on drugs II = cocaine dependent subjects; III = subjects cocaine-dependent and alcohol abuser (DSM-IV criteria); IV = cocaine users.
i.v. = intravenous administration; i.n. = intranasal administration.

68 M. Graziani et al. / Pharmacological Research 87 (2014) 60–70

(heart rate and blood pressure) and subjective effects assessed and cocaine. Therefore treatment efficacy should be designed on
using visual analogue scales were monitored. The results showed the basis of gender randomization procedure, with equal-sized
that responses to cocaine and alcohol, given alone or in combina- study groups.
tion were gender-independent for most measurements. However,
women reported a significant higher rating for “Feel Good” (a mea-
sure of mental/physical well-being) than men, reaching statistical
significance in the case of cocaine alone. Moreover, women showed
We thank Prof. Flavia Franconi for helpful comments on the
higher heart rates than men upon alcohol administration. Inciden-
tally, these results are consistent with experimental data showing
that female rats exhibit higher levels of motivation for cocaine
self-administration than male rats [105,106] being particularly sen- References
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