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MARCH 2014
History of Multimedia Term
Multimedia, as we all know it, simply means the combination of more
than one medium (media)

In this modern world, when people talk about multimedia, most of them
talks about computer multimedia. Representing computer graphics, video
games, on-screen presentations, etc.

..But where does the term “multimedia” come from?

History of Multimedia Term
The term “multimedia” lacks a widespread and accepted definition thus it’s
difficult to peg down a birth of multimedia.

By some measures, the masques of 17th century England, which combined

lavish spectacle, music and performances can be classed as multimedia.

Even traditional theater performances of any kind could even be classed as

multimedia. Why? Because it incorporates both visual and audio at the
same time.
History of Multimedia Term

The ballet La Princesse d’Elide (1664) The Princess of Navarre

History of Multimedia Term
In other words, television programs, movies, illustrated books can be
considered as multimedia examples.

All of the above use the combinations of text, images, sounds and
History of Multimedia Term
The term “multimedia” was first used in
1966 by songwriter and artist Bob Goldstein
to describe his “Lightworks” project, a
combination of music and visuals being
performed in Long Island.

He created an environmental visual jukebox

that illustrated music by surrounding the
spectator with manually synchronized light
effects, slides, films, moving screens and
curtains of light under mirror balls that kept
the room in spin.
History of Multimedia Term

In 1988, multimedia (multi-

image) setup for the Ford New Car
Announcement Show (August 1987,
History of Multimedia Term
In the intervening forty years, the word has taken on different meanings.

In the late 1970s, the term was used to describe presentations consisting of
multi-projector slide shows timed to an audio track

The Exploding Plastic Inevitable (1966-67) was a series of

multimedia events organized by Andy Warhol, featuring musical performances,
screenings of Warhol’s films, and dancing and performances by regulars of
Warhol’s Factory
History of Multimedia Term
History of Multimedia Term
By the 1990s, multimedia took on its current meaning.

In 1993, first edition of McGraw-Hill’s “Multimedia : Making it Work”, Tay

Vaughan declared,

“Multimedia is any combination of text, graphic art, sound, animation

and video that is delivered by computer. When you allow the user – the
viewer of the project – to control what and when these elements are
delivered, it is interactive multimedia. When you provide a structure
of linked elements through which the user can navigate, interactive
multimedia becomes hypermedia”
History of Multimedia Term
In common usage, the term multimedia refers to an electronically delivered
combination of media including video, still images, text in such a way that can
be accessed interactively.

Much of the content of the web today falls within the definition as understood
by millions.

Some computers which were marketed in the 1990s were called “multimedia”
computers because they incorporated a CD-Rom drive, which allowed for the
delivery of several hundred megabytes of video, picture and audio data
Class Activity
One of the earliest and best-known examples of multimedia was the video
game “Pong”. Developed in 1972 by Nolan Bushnell. It consisted of two simple
paddles that batted a square “ball” back and forth across the screen.

This is truly a good example of a fun classic game

Class Activity
With a partner, do a research on one (1) classic computer game that can be considered
as a good example of the early stages in multimedia

Do a Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation slide, your presentation must consist :

1. Introduction and brief history of the game
2. Layout design
3. The game play
4. How it incorporates with “multimedia”
5. Photos
6. If possible, demonstrations

Oral presentation will be done this Friday, 28th March 2014

PS : Bring your own laptop

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