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The Oases

r, ir, rr = plural formatting

If the word ends in ‘I’, ‘E’, or ‘R’, use an ‘R’
If the word ends in ‘A’, ‘O’, or ‘U’, use an ‘RR’
If the word ends in a consonant other than ‘R’, use ‘IR’

Isises = Oasis Isisisir = Oases Zass = World Assiru =

Zsisi(r) = Waste(s) Sith = Sky Sisi = Sea Suuz = Deep
Ya’di(r) = Home(s) Sihi = Stone Izh = Town Si’ash = Dark
Sehi = Life Seharr = Lives Aru = Bone Shliih = Green
Sihv(ir) = Land(s) Essihv(ir) = Island(s) Sisihi = Coast Si’asus =
Suhsi’ar(r) = Titan(s) Hsith = Fly (verb) Sassari'as = Giant Rani’as = Nomad

Isises-Sehi Sihvir (Life Lands Oasis)

 Population: ~11,000
 Location: The very center of the Wastes. (Found before Rava expanded the
 Notes: The first oasis made by Rava and settled by the first Titans. King
Moggungaal rules in the capital city, Mandao. He is descended from the
legendary Aagava – the very first Titan. The city of Mandao lies in the same
place as the legendary first city – Ounungua, thus they dubbed it “City of Kings”
in honor of all the great heroes and rulers that lived in Ounungua.

Isises-Essihv Sith (Island Sky Oasis)

 Population: ~5,000
 Location: A massive island (about the same size as Iceland) floating in the sky
over the wastes. (It is known to move, albeit slowly)
 Notes: Across the world there are numerous regions of Hsith-Sihi (Flying-Stones)
- an uncommon mineral that possesses the peculiar quality of repelling itself from
the ground. This base of this oasis carries an absurd amount of Hsith-Sihi and
soon after being settled, it violently detached itself from the ground and flew off
into the sky.

Isises-Sisi Izh (Sea Town Oasis)

 Population: ~10,000
 Location: On the shore of Zsiil (currently the only ocean)
 Notes: Sisi Izh is one of the later oases to be settled. Zsill wasn’t created by
Rava until about 1000 years ago.

Isises-Aru Sisihi (Bone Coast Oasis)

 Population: ~6,000
 Location: On the shore of Zsiil (currently the only ocean)
 Notes: Aru Sisihi (as the name implies) is inside the bones of a mysterious and
unbelievably huge sea beast. The bones stretch for many miles in length and are
easily a mile in width. The Titans live among these bones, using them for shelter,
medicine, construction materials, any many other things. They aptly named these
bones Sassari’as which translates as Giant.

(Another note, seeing bones like these dissuades the Aru Sisihi Titans from
delving far into the waters.)

Isises-Essihv Ya’di (Island Home Oasis)

 Population: ~13,000
 Location: In the waters of Zsill
 Notes: The Essihv Ya’di Titans once lived on the shore, but eventually they
crafted boats and explored as much of the ocean as they could. They came upon
a small chain of islands far from the shore and made the decision to stay there.
They are a seafaring people who get all they need from the ocean. Though this
lifestyle does not come without consequence. Many of these Titans die in the
jaws of terrible sea creatures or in the horrendous storms that sweep over the
Isises-Suuz Si’ash (Deep Dark Oasis)
 Population: ~3,000
 Location: Deep in the cave system Sarusuhru
 Notes: Sarusuhru is an almost out of place, isolated cave system in the wastes. It
also runs very deep into the earth. The Titans of Suuz Si’ash have no clue how
deep it goes, and what lies within. They do not concern themselves with this
idea, however. They are far too concerned with trying to survive in the depths – a
tenuous proposition. Food is rare, air is poor, water is seldom uncontaminated,
and strange beasts lurk in the dark.

Isises-Suuz Zass (Deep World Oasis)

 Population: ~29,000
 Location: Underground cave
 Notes: Suuz Zass is a massive underground cave nearly a mile tall, 30 miles
wide, and easily 100 miles lengthwise. The river Assiru (fortune) runs through the
cave and growing in the fertile soil is a forest filled with fruit trees, and strong
trees for construction. Huge veins of gold run in the cave walls, and the Titans
have mastered the ability to forge it.
The cave is lit by a smokeless flame that clings to the roof of the cave.

Isises-Shliih Zsisir (Green Wastes Oasis)

 Population: ~9,000
 Location: Recently volcanic zone in the wastes
 Notes: A volcano had violently erupted, sending ash and fire everywhere. This
ash made the ground in a radius around the volcano very fertile. Now plant life
grows in abundance there. The Titans who live in Shliih Zsisir benefit from the
lush plant life and the animals that flock to it, though they do still live under the
looming threat of the volcano erupting again.

Isises-Si’asus Izh (Crater Town Oasis)

 Population: ~4,000
 Location: Massive crater in the wastes
 Notes: Once a prosperous people, the Titans of Si’asus Izh now live very
modestly and with little to no knowledge of their past. Originally there was a
rather large Titan settlement here, but this was destroyed by a meteor. The
Titans who survived the impact went on to create Si’asus Izh, but their written
history was destroyed, so there’s something of a dark age happening.

Rani’as Suhsi’arr (The Nomad Titans)

 Population: ~1,000
 Location: Travelling through the wastes
 Notes: These Titans never found, made, or received an oasis. They came to
exist and proceeded to travel through the wastes, fighting harsh environments,
elemental monsters, etc.

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