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The transfer of heat energy normally occurs from higher temperature to lower temperature. Heat transfer
changes the internal energy of both systems involved.
Heat energy is transferred from one place to the next by three mechanisms:
 Conduction
 Convection
 Radiation

Conduction always occurs in solids. It is the heat transfer by means
of faster molecular motion within a material without any shift of
the material as a whole.
 The particles that are heated will vibrate.
 Vibration is passed on from one particle to the next.

Conduction in metals
The electrons in a piece of metal can leave their atoms and move about in the metal as free electrons. The
parts of the metal atoms left behind are now positively charged metal ions.

The ions are packed closely together and they vibrate continually. The hotter the metal, the more kinetic
energy these vibrations have. This kinetic energy is transferred from hot parts of the metal to cooler parts by
the free electrons.

These move through the structure of the metal, colliding with ions as they go.

Conductors vs Insulators

Metals are good conductors of heat. On touching a metal, the heat from one’s hand is conducting away thus
giving a cold sensation.

Insulators are poor conductors of heat, for example plastic, wood, air and water.
Experiment to Demonstrate the Difference in Conduction of Metals

The experiment is set up as shown in the diagram using

identical size metal rods and equal volumes of Vaseline.
The time taken for the pin to fall will give an indication as
to the conductivity of the metals.

Experiment to Demonstrate that Water is Poor Conductor of Heat

The boiling tube is set up as shown. The metal gauze is used to

prevent the ice from floating. When the top layer of the water
is heated, the ice will not melt completely.

This is the transfer of heat energy via the bulk movement of a fluid from one area to another. This
movement is brought about by changes in density of the medium.

 Fluids expand when they are heated (particles move faster and take up more space).
 The hot fluid in is less dense than cold fluid, so it rises.
 The denser cold fluid sinks and replaces the hot fluids.
 In this way, convection currents are set up.
Land and Sea Breezes

Radiation is the heat transfer without the presence of any medium that is it can occur in vacuum. Heat flows
from one place to another by means of electromagnetic waves, mostly of infrared type. When an object emits
infrared rays, it loses heat energy. When an object absorbs infrared rays, it gains heat energy.
Good and bad absorbers and emitters:
All bodies emit or absorb radiation. However
 Dull black surfaces are better absorbers of radiation than white and shiny surfaces.
 Dull black surfaces are better emitter of radiation than the shiny one.
 Larger the surface area, the greater the degree of heat absorption and emission

This experiment is called Leslie's Cube.

o Hot water is poured into the cube, and heat
passes from the sides by radiation,
o Radiation is detected by a thermopile which is
connected to a galvanometer
o The more infrared given out, the greater the current
reading on the galvanometer.

Surface Current (mA)

White 1
Silver 2
Gloss black 6
Matt black 9
The vacuum flask or thermos keeps your food or drink hot or cold. It was designed in such a way to keep
heat from escaping from the hot contents to its surroundings or to prevent heat transferring from the
surroundings heating up the cold contents. Heat is transferred by conduction, convection and radiation so
the flask was designed to reduce heat transfer by these three methods.

or convection.


How a Greenhouse Works
Heat energy is able to enter the glass house because the energy from the
sun have very short wavelength. This allows them to penetrate the
atmosphere. When the incoming radiation reaches the surface, it is
absorbed and emitted back into the atmosphere. The radiation emitted
back has a longer wavelength and will not penetrate the atmosphere and
therefore remains trapped in the atmosphere. This causes a significant
rise in temperature.

The Greenhouse Effect on Planet Earth

The earth functions as a greenhouse while the carbon dioxide layer in the atmosphere functions as a glass.
Other greenhouse gases include water vapor, methane and nitrous oxide.

Heat energy from the sun reaches the atmosphere and

penetrates it due to its short wavelength. The heat that is
emitted by the earth has a much larger wavelength and is
therefore unable to penetrate the carbon dioxide layer. The
heat energy remains trapped within the atmosphere
resulting in global warming.

Effects of Global Warming

 Arctic ice will melt sooner and faster and won’t be as thick or expansive when it reforms.
 The oceans will warm and cause sea levels to rise more quickly, which can cause flooding on land.
 The water cycle speeds up, causing more rain, droughts, wildfires and extreme heat waves.


Solar panels are used to heat up water. They are often located on the roofs of buildings, where they can
receive heat energy from the Sun.
 A pump pushes cold water from the storage tank
through pipes in the solar panel.
 The water is heated by energy from the Sun and
returns to the tank.
 In some systems, a conventional boiler is used to
increase the temperature of the water.
 The hot water with lower density moves upwards
and cold water with higher density moves down
from the tank.

Jan 2012 P2 Q5bii

Outline which feature of the solar water heating system shown demonstrates EACH of the following thermal
energy principles:
a) Good absorption of heat
b) Heat transfer by convection
c) The greenhouse effect
d) Good heat transfer by conduction
e) Reduction of heat transfer by conduction (5marks)
All matter expands when heated because of the increase in the vibration of the molecules. Solids expand the
least and liquid expand more than solid.

The Ball and Ring Experiment

At room temperature, the ball is just the right size to pass through the ring.
 Do you think the ball will still fit through the ring when the ball has been
 Do you think the brass ball will have more mass when it has expanded?
 What will happen to the brass ball when its temperature drops back to
room temperature?

A similar experiment is the bar and gauge experiment.

The Bar Breaker Experiment

This piece of apparatus shows that it is very difficult to stop metals from
expanding or contracting.

A strong steel bar is fixed in the frame of the apparatus by a large nut at
one end a cast iron peg at the other. When the bar is heated the peg
breaks because of the huge force in the bar.

It is also possible to make the peg break when the bar contracts on
cooling by tightening the nut when the bar expands.

Experiment To Demonstrate Expansion Of Liquids

When the liquid gets heated, it expands beyond its original level.

Examples of expansion:
1) Mercury in a thermometer expands as temperature rises.
2) In the kitchen, tight metal lids can be opened by immersing the lid in hot water so that it expands.
3) The water level rises behind a dam on hot days
4) Gaps are left between railways tracks due to expansion on hot days.
5) Axles can be shrink-fitted onto the gears of wheels by cooling the axles in liquid nitrogen at -196 oC.
Bimetallic Strips
A bimetallic strip is made using two strips of different metals that are either welded or riveted together.
When the bimetallic strip is cold, it is straight. When it is heated, the bimetallic strip is curved because the
different metals expand by different amounts. It is mostly used in fire alarms and thermostats.

1) Jan 2004 3d

A bimetallic strip may be used to make Christmas lights switch on and off repeatedly. A schematic of such an
arrangement is shown in the figure.

i) Identify the components A, B, C, D. [4]

ii) Name two metals that could be used to make a
bimetallic strip. [2]


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