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Free English Practice Guide

Daily English Practice Activities
Do one or more of the following activities for at least 30 minutes every day. Do
something different each day. If you can only do 10 minutes, that is fine. The
most important thing is to keep practising!

Do you want me to read your work? Share it on your blog on the Ask John English
Community site:

1) Write sentences for all new words in your vocabulary book. Use them in
your writing and thinking each day.

2) Read a newspaper article. Write a summary of it. Write any new

vocabulary in your vocabulary book and use it in your summary!

3) Keep a diary of your opinion on current affairs/news topics. Watch or

read a news report. Write a paragraph on your opinion of the topic.

5) Keep a diary of your opinion on something that happened to you. Write a

paragraph telling what your opinion is. Examples: What someone should
or shouldn’t have done, something you wish had or hadn’t happened etc.

6) Choose an object in your house and write about it. You could write:
 a story (narrative)
 a poem
 a letter
 an information report
 an essay
 a procedure (Instructions on how to use or make something)

7) Read a short story, a newspaper article or part of a book. After reading,

answer these questions in your note-book:

a) What was the story about (write a one paragraph summary)

b) What useful new words or phrases did you find?
c) Which part of the story did you like best? Why?
d) Which part of the story did you like least? Why?
e) How did the story make you feel? Write a list of words from the story
that made you feel that way.


Use the Ask John English Free Writing Checklist to help you!

The best way to improve your writing is to let people read it!

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