Grammar Conditional Sentences: Match Each Sentence in I To A Suitable Sentence in II

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Grammar Conditional sentences

1 Match each sentence in I to a suitable sentence in II.

1. If I had more courage, I would ask him out. ..... a. But I haven’t.
2. He won’t know I like him if I don’t talk to him. ..... b. But I do.
3. If I had left a message for him, he might have called me back. ..... c. But I didn’t.
4. I would never have met her if I hadn’t gone to the cinema that night. ..... d. But I did.
5. If I didn’t like her, I wouldn’t ask her out. ..... e. So I will.

2 Choose the correct answer.

1. If you follow / had followed the instructions, the cake will be perfect.
2. I would call Ben if I had had / had his phone number.
3. They could have gone / could go to the concert if they had bought tickets.
4. If we don’t leave right now, we would be / will be very late!
5. If she didn’t eat / hadn’t eaten all the chocolate, she wouldn’t have felt sick.
6. What would she say if she had known / knew the truth?

3-Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the past perfect or would 
have + past participle.

1 If I’d been a boy, my name ____________ (be) Alan.
2 If she ____________ (know) you were ill, she’d have phoned.
3 We ____________ (not go) if we’d heard about the accident.
4 They ____________ (move) house if she’d got the job.
5 If he’d left later, he ____________ (not meet) his future wife.
6 I would have stayed if he ____________ (ask) me to.
4 Write third conditional sentences.

1 If / I / not eat / the meat, / I / not be / ill.
2 If / it / be sunny, / we / go / to the beach.
3 James / arrive / yesterday / if / he / take / the train.
4 If / it / not snow, / there / not be / a problem.
5 She / pass / her exams / if / she / study / harder.
6 I / send / the email / if / my computer / 
not be / broken.

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