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Program THREE

 7  7  5  5  3  with  Back  off  set  8  to  12  reps  with  Giant  sets  and  FST-­‐7
Phase ONE  -­‐  Body  Tranformation
DATE: 21st  May  2018
Notes Stick  to  Tempo  and  Rest  periods  to  the  "T"  -­‐  Body  responds  to  effort  so  challenge  yourself
By Reece  Adams
For Max Hertan
Put in the EFFORT. The body responds to EFFORT
3rd and 6th week deload if needed

Dr Stu McGill - Big 3 core exercises - Bird dogs 5 reps 10s holds, Rolling plank 15/30/15/15, Curl ups 5 reps 5s holds
Thoracic extentions and rotations on foam roller 10 reps each side
Warm Up Upper - Roll trap on ball if tight, Hang 30 to 60s, Stick dislocates 10 reps, KB Stability Hold 60s x 1-3 sets
Warm Up Lower - Roll foot and calves on ball 30s each, Clams 25 reps each side/Single Leg glute bridge leg crossed over 12 reps x 1-3 sets

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Day 1 Legs A 4  sets 4  sets 3  sets  all 5  sets
order exercise Reps Sets Tempo Rest Weight Weight Weight Weight
A1 Banded  BB  Glute  Bridges 8  to  10 4  to  5 3011 45
A2 Leg  Curls;  Plantar  flexed  and  toes  inward 6  to  8 4  to  5 4010 45
A3 DB  Reverse  Lunges  Same  leg  -­‐  Alt  starting  side 3*8  to  12  1-­‐2*(8/8/8) 4  to  5 3010 45
A4 Reverse  Hypers 15  to  20 4  to  5 xxx 90  to  120
B Leg  Extentions;  Knees  out  and  toes  toward  you 10  to  12 6  to  7 3021 30  to  45  
C Standing  calf  raise  Machine  4  sec  stretch  @  bottom 10  to  12 3 2410 60

Day 2 Upper A AM 3  sets 3  sets 3  sets  all 4  sets

Order Exercises reps sets tempo rest Weight Weight Weight Weight
A1 Flat  Bench  Press  -­‐  STAY  TIGHT 7  7  5  5  3  8  to  12 6 4010 90
A2* Chin  Ups  Supinated  Grip;  Can  use  assistance  if  needed 7  7  5  5  3  8  to  12 6 4010 90  to  120
B1 Standing  Single  Arm  Neutral  Shoulder  Press 8  to  10 3  to  4 3010 75
B2 Single  Arm  DB  row 12  10  8  8 3  to  4 3011 75
C Seated  Cable  Neck  Pulls  w/rope 12  to  15 3 2121 60
*Adjust reps if not able to hit 7 7 5 5 3 then do 5 5 4 4 3
Program THREE  7  7  5  5  3  with  Back  off  set  8  to  12  reps  with  Giant  sets  and  FST-­‐7
Phase ONE  -­‐  Body  Tranformation
DATE: 21st  May  2018
Notes Stick  to  Tempo  and  Rest  periods  to  the  "T"  -­‐  Body  responds  to  effort  so  challenge  yourself
By Reece  Adams
For Max Hertan
Put in the EFFORT. The body responds to EFFORT
3rd and 6th week deload if needed

Day 2 Upper A PM 4  sets   4  sets   3  sets  all 5  sets

order exercise reps sets tempo rest Weight Weight Weight Weight
A1 Lat  pulldown  Pronated  grip 8  to  10 4  to  5 4010 45
A2 Bench  Press  30d  incline  Fat  Grip  BB  mid  grip 8  to  10 4  to  5 4010 45
A3 Seated  Row;  Mid  Neutral  grip 3*(8  to  12)  1-­‐2*(8/8/8) 4  to  5 3010 45
A4 Bench  Press  Flat  DB  pronating  grip 3*(8  to  12)  1-­‐2*(8/8/8) 4  to  5 3010 90  to  120
B1 Cable  Rear  delt  flys  standing  back  then  incline  with  machine 10  to  12 3 2011 60
B2 Wide  Grip  Lat  Pulldown  Pronated  grip 10  to  12 3 3010 60

Day 3 Rest/Recover  to  hit  it  harder  for  the  rest  of  the  week

Day 4 Arms 4/6  sets   4/6  sets   3  sets  all 5/7  sets
order exercise reps sets tempo rest Weight Weight Weight Weight
A1 Standing  Curl  Thick  BB  Supinated  omni  grip  (one  set  narrow/one  wide) 8  to  10 4  to  5 4010 45
A2 15  deg  Incline  Thick  bar  Chin  Crusher  EZ  bar 8  to  10 4  to  5 4010 45
A3 Incline  curls  with  DBs 3*10  to  12  1-­‐2*(10/10/10) 4  to  5 3010 45
A4 Press  downs  kneeling  with  V  bar  handle 3*10  to  12  1-­‐2*(10/10/10) 4  to  5 3010 90  to  120
B Side  Lying  Single  Arm  DB  Lateral  raises   10  to  12 5  to  6 2121 30  to  45
C DB  Hang  and  swings  Face  down  on  incline  Bench 10  to  15 5  to  6 Pump 30  to  45
Program THREE  7  7  5  5  3  with  Back  off  set  8  to  12  reps  with  Giant  sets  and  FST-­‐7
Phase ONE  -­‐  Body  Tranformation
DATE: 21st  May  2018
Notes Stick  to  Tempo  and  Rest  periods  to  the  "T"  -­‐  Body  responds  to  effort  so  challenge  yourself
By Reece  Adams
For Max Hertan
Put in the EFFORT. The body responds to EFFORT
3rd and 6th week deload if needed

Day 5 Legs B AM - Do with Mark or Me till your confident 3  sets 3  sets 3  sets  all 4  sets
Order Exercises reps sets tempo rest Weight Weight Weight Weight
A1 BB  Front  Squats   4  to  6 5 5010 90
A2 Leg  Curls;  Dorsi  flexed  1  1/4 4  to  6 5 5010 90
B1 DB  Step  Ups;  Mid  shin   12  10  8  8 3  to  4 3010 75
B2 45  deg  Hyper  Extentions  w/6  sec  hold  @  top 8  to  10 3  to  4 3016 75

Day 5 Legs B PM 4 sets 4 sets 3 sets all 5 sets

order exercise reps sets tempo rest Weight Weight Weight Weight
A1 Machine Hack Squats 8 to 10 4  to  5 4010 45
A2 Lying Leg curl; feet inward plantar flexed 6 to 8 4  to  5 4010 45
A3 Leg Extentions; Toes toward you and knees outward 3*10 to 12 1-2*(10/10/10) 4  to  5 3010 45
A4 Leg Press duck stance then mid stance normal; Constant movement 3*(15 to 20)1-2*(15/15) 4  to  5 3010 90  to  120
B DB Walking Lunges - Pick weight that allows constant movement 15 each leg 3 3010 60
C Seated calf raise; foot position feel calves most 20 to 25 3 2121 60
Program THREE  7  7  5  5  3  with  Back  off  set  8  to  12  reps  with  Giant  sets  and  FST-­‐7
Phase ONE  -­‐  Body  Tranformation
DATE: 21st  May  2018
Notes Stick  to  Tempo  and  Rest  periods  to  the  "T"  -­‐  Body  responds  to  effort  so  challenge  yourself
By Reece  Adams
For Max Hertan
Put in the EFFORT. The body responds to EFFORT
3rd and 6th week deload if needed

Day 6 Upper B 4  sets   4  sets   3  sets  all 5  sets

order exercise reps sets tempo rest Weight Weight Weight Weight
A1 Chin  Ups;  Neutral  Grip;  Can  add  weight  if  get  6  or  more 2  to  6 4  to  5 4010 45
A2 Flat  Bench  Press  Fat  Grip  BB  mid  grip 8  to  10 4  to  5 4010 45
A3 Single  Arm  DB  Row 3*(8  to  12)  1-­‐2*(8/8/8) 4  to  5 3010 45
A4 60  Deg  Incline  DB  Press;  Neutral  grip   3*(8  to  12)  1-­‐2*(8/8/8) 4  to  5 3010 90  to  120
B Cable  Rope  Hammer  curls  to  just  below  chest 10  to  12 5  to  6 3020 30  to  45
C Standing  Cable  Tricep  Extentions  with  Rope 10  to  12 5  to  6 3020 30  to  45

Day 7 Rest/Recover  to  hit  it  harder  for  the  new  week

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