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San Carlos University of Guatemala

Faculty of Engineering
School of Sciences
Ing. Soraya Martinez
Technical English: 4

Section: N


Expansion of sanitary area for women in building T-3

ID Number Name
2009-24775 Frisly Rubén Chiquitó Chile

2010-20771 Edson Alexander Ocoix Maldonado

2011-14114 Jose Ricardo Cordova Garcia

2012-12707 Milton Candelario Guzman Mejia

2012-13070 Hector Alejandro Cruz Torres


INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 2
OBJECTIVES.................................................................................................................................................... 3
General ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Specify ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
The sanitary ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Differences in the use of Sanitary between men and women. ................................................................. 5
Properties of health designs...................................................................................................................... 5
PROJECT ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
STRATEGIC PLAN........................................................................................................................................ 6
Values .................................................................................................................................................... 6
GOALS AND STRATEGIC ............................................................................................................................ 7
bathrooms sketch ................................................................................................................................... 12
LAWS ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 13
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................ 14



The faculty of engineering is one of the largest in the University of San Carlos previously
the student population, of engineering students was mostly men, approximately 85% in
different careers and 15% of women in different careers. the bathrooms are designed for
the demand of sanitary service for men, with which the women's restroom is very small in
terms of space, and toilets are available, and in the last 10 years the population of women
has grown by 35%. Bathrooms cannot cope.

This creates the problem of waiting for a bathroom at the entrance of the women's
restrooms and this is happening, at the level of the engineering faculty, so a model solution
is proposed, to satisfy the need for space and toilets available, in the T-3 building of the
University of San Carlos, giving an overview of how this expansion could be carried out.
With this solve a problem that occurs more every year, because of the growing population
of women in different careers.


 Elaborate the project expansion and adaptation of the bathrooms for women of the
faculty of engineering, the project will contemplate the complete extension both
inside and outside the bathrooms in the four levels of the T-3 central campus

1. Improve the quality and image of the sanitary facilities for women in the t-3 building of the faculty
of engineering by means of the work extension and adaptation that contributes with a good
2. Establish the deficiencies and situations observed in the women's restrooms of the faculty of
3. Determine the number of female students who use the faculty's health facilities.
4. Analyze the consequences that the mentioned situation brings to the students of the faculty.
5. Expand the facilities in square meters due to the small space with which it is currently located.
6. Design an area with the best distribution of sanitary facilities with easy access and adaptation.
7. Implement the best amount of toilets for the facilities with a maximum of 10 toilets and 10 sinks
for the installations.
8. Install new doors and pins for the designated area of the toilets
9. Design and install new electrical lighting, both dampers and current outlets.


The expansion of the women's restrooms in the T-3 building responds to needs that have
manifested themselves in recent years and has not been contrasted by the engineering
The deficiencies detected in the satisfaction of the existing demand in terms of space for
women's restrooms, especially the one required to meet the need and is a problem that
will worsen over time as the demand for the service increases, and even causing loss of
time and dislikes for the little space.

Theoretical framework
The sanitary

In today's society, the toilet is a space dedicated to comfort and is an important part of
any type of home or establishment. The above displaces the idea of W.C. as a room with
purely hygienic functions.
The sanitary, like any other event, is an important part in the history of human hygiene
and can not be isolated. Julie L. Horan and Deborah Frazier (1997) point out that if society
does not take into account the importance of the toilets and the basic elements that
compose it, there will be a constant threat of health hazards, such as diseases and
epidemics. The sanitary is quite substantial for the companies, because the lack of this,
increases a danger for the health and a bad image for the same.
Pathak (2003) and other sources mention that the history of the sanitary began in Crete,
in the time of the Minoan civilization. A sample of the above can be seen reflected in the
W.C. primitives of antiquity, these belonged to the royal families of the palace Cnossos,
in that city.

As background of the creation of this service, we can find that in the year 1596, a sanitary
was installed for Isabel of England; a version devised by John Harrington, godson of the
queen. Berry Lawrence (1966) emphasizes giving credit for the invention of the toilet, to
the distinguished Alexander Cumming, a British mathematician and watchmaker who
presented his model of toilet in the year 1775.
Along with the evolution of the sanitary, the first books of etiquette of history began to be
written, which brought us the first rules of conduct, facilities of the "bathroom" and its
functions. Erasmus of Rotterdam (sixteenth century), warns us the rules of conduct that
people should follow when making use of toilets, an example of this would be: it is
discourteous to greet someone while using the facilities.

During the nineteenth century urban planning work in England advanced, as a proposal
was made for the creation of septic tanks and a mechanism to evacuate wastewater to
the drain; this constitutes the beginning of the modern sewage system. All this marked the


modernization of the sanitary in all its aspects, thanks to the complete sanitary installation:
starting with the pipes, faucets, drains, water heater, among others.

Differences in the use of Sanitary between men and women.

As we have realized when entering into this subject, after the invention of bathroom
furniture there is a separation of sexes or genres, which occurred in France when offering
an elegant and important dance, in 1739. We can reflect that this idea was It was
spreading and imposing in the different places that implemented the bathrooms in their
Currently the decision to perform a gender division is complex because there is a great
diversity of manifestations of sexuality, this can be

see reflected in youth and the interrelation with the generic (Flores, 2001).
One of the tools, very useful and necessary, that allows us to approach the necessary
elements to decide if we should carry out a division of genres in the construction of the
toilets, is the analysis of cultural consumption.
Pablo Fernández (2001), mentions that to the extent that mass media are an instrument
of everyday ideologization to which young people have easy access, the consumption of
such ideologies will allow a change in our way of thinking and thus we can adapt faster to
the changes that are experienced in a society.

Men and women have long developed the ideology of having separate bathrooms. That
is why these facilities are based on the needs of each sex, because each gender has its
own particular atmosphere, clearly distinct from the other, except in the human function.

Properties of health designs

There are different designs and these reflect different objectives of both consumers and
service providers.

Most of the toilets are made based on a universal design, for this they use a variety of
measures and adequate complementary services, so that the space is as comfortable as
possible and functional for all people who use the toilet. This sanitary design considers
size and functionalities important

Of all the complementary services within this space.

The bathrooms are the scenarios that are unlikely to be replaced due to technical or
construction failures; for this, Plazota (2002) believes that toilets are inflexible. Due to the
above, it is always necessary to take into account, when carrying out the toilets, the
possible options to satisfy the needs of the different users who make use of this service.


Lastly, all health services must help to sell different characteristics to other areas, this
must be reflected in the visual attractions that the client perceives when being and making
use of this service.


Our mission is to build the sanitary for ladies, to which any student woman would want to
go to cover their needs. We are aware that the female population in the engineering faculty
increases every year. Taking care of them is not just an academic issue, but also attending
to their physical needs, lifestyle habits, and well-being. Our proposal is based on women
can have a decent bathroom, which meets the needs, this will be achieved with the
expansion and modification of the bathroom area. And so that each of the students
receives excellent attention, not only in the strictly health field, but at any point in relation
to their well-being.

Our vision is to build, expand and remodel the bathroom for women of the Faculty of
Engineering, based on quality for students, and become a benchmark for health and
hygiene in our University of San Carlos de Guatemala.

We want the extension to be at the forefront of construction. Building a pleasant, hygienic,

comfortable, spacious and above all that complies with the standards and standards that
dictate the constructive entities. With this combination of factors, we aspire to continue
improving the quality standards of the sanitary system and to continue offering each of
our partners, individually, the treatment they deserve.

Committed to the students. Committed to a fairer way of working with each one of the
people who pass through the faculty of engineering, because they are the reason and the
center of our faculty. Our goal is that each student receives the precise attention, at the
precise moment, by the precise professional.
Oriented towards quality. With the aim of improving day by day the service provided in
the faculty of engineering. We believe in the idea that the details make the difference.
Oriented towards innovation and technology. Structural innovation as a differential
axis of our health proposal. At the same time, technology as a facilitator of the relationship
with the student and all the people who interact with the facilities of the faculty of

engineering in their daily activity whether they are professors, students or workers of any


Goal 1: Goal2: Goal 3:
Improve the quality and Design an area with the best Implement the best amount
image of the sanitary distribution of sanitary of toilets for the facilities
facilities for women in the t- facilities with easy access with a maximum of 10
3 building of the faculty of and adaptation. toilets and 10 sinks for the
engineering through the installations.
extension and labor
adaptation that contributes
with a good service.

Strategy 1: Determine what Strategy 1: Architectural Strategy 1: with the budget

are the basic needs that design based on standards. assigned to get the
need to be covered. necessary toilets and if
Strategy 2: Design the necessary get donations.
Strategy 2: Conduct a bathrooms at the forefront of
constructive study to technology. Strategy 2: Install in a
determine the real area correct way to optimize
needed to expand women's epacios.

The existent problematic and by which the demand of the service in the T-3 building
cannot be satisfied and is summarized in the following reasons:
a) Increase in the population of women in the faculty of engineering, so the structure
is not adequate for such demand and with that a problem begins to be created.
b) The lack of planning for a possible expansion, to counteract the problem posed
and that is to have a much needed service.
c) Little attention from the administrative authorities on this problem since the
members do not have the necessary support because the expansion has been

Although this high rate of use could indicate that the demand for the health service in the
T-3 building would be satisfied with the expansion of the bathrooms, which requires an
investment that needs to be supported for its realization.


Ten partners were interviewed and the question is to expand the women's restrooms in
the T-3 building.

Of a sample of 10 companions, most were chemical.



A list of possible investment costs of a restroom expansion in the T-3 building is described.

Description Cantidad Costo Q

Expansion 8 Mt2. 12000

Labor for the whole work Varios 9000

materials Varios 10000

Toilets 10 12500

Handwash 10 3720

pipelines Varios 2800

Mirrors 3 320

Trash 10 500

Electric Conectors 6 150


Floor 8 Mt2. 4000

Tile 10 6000

Doors 10 14000

Faucets 10 1000

Total 72,642


bathrooms sketch


in the iggs regulation “Seguridad e Higiene” we can be find , in article 97 that: the number of bathrooms
must be calculated: each 25 men and each 15 women, when the number of personnel is less than 100
and then one toilet more for each 30 more people.

So based in this regulation the number of bathrooms that should exist is:
327 for mens

67 for womans


1. Based on the analysis with the proposal of this project, the following conclusions have been
2. The sanitary facilities are areas destined to the cleanliness and are important elements for the
development of all the activities that are carried out in every institution.
3. The lack of space and number of toilets appropriate to meet the physiological needs of the entire
student population, especially women, have negatively affected the growth of the
aforementioned student population, which is why it is necessary to carry out the project to expand
the facilities .
4. The number of toilets due to space, it was determined that the necessary are ten toilets for the
designated area, with ten sinks distributed in the area.
5. For the designated space it is necessary to implement mirrors on the walls of the facilities in
adequate proportions and give the feeling of a larger and cleaner place.



 Avance Estadistico de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala 2017 ver 3

 Avance Estadistico de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala 2017 ver 1

 Reglamento de IGGS “Seguridad e Higiene”

 Strategic Planning for Dummies , Erica Olsen, 2006

 Elaboración, gestión y evaluación de proyectos sociales, F. García, L. P. de León

Romero, 2016.


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