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Xing-Zhu Zhrng and Shi-Peng Burng

E. E. Dept, Zhej irng University

Hangzhon, 310037, China

ADSTRACT develop high order (Ng)QSWCs and analyzed a 4th order

Duck ZVS-QSWC in detail.
The concept of Nth order quasi-square-wave switching According to the synthetical technique with switching
cell (QSWSC) is introduced. The synthetical technique cells [lo], the general structure of Nth order ZC and
with switching cells in synthesing quasi-resonant ZV QSWSCs are introduced in this paper. where N is the
converter (QRC) topologies is reviewed and extended to nusber of resonant elements satisfying Ng. A
synthesize high order quasi-square-wave converters fascinating conclusion, i.e, ;he odd order QSWCs
(QSWCs). A 4th order ZVS-QSWSC is taken example to
demonstrate how to get its corresponding 4th order ZVS-
(N=3,5,7... ) are not existed in a set of QSWCs, is
discovered and explained. Using this technique we
QSWC topologies. synthesize the 2nd and 4th order Duck QSWCs, some of
them are given in Section 3.
1.Introduction Section 2 is the review of the synthetical technique
with switching cells and its application in synthesing
Quasi-resonant switched-mode converters are QSWC topologies, some characteristics of QSWSC are
classified into two kinds according to the waveforms on studied in the meantiae; Section 3 shows how to get its
switching devices : A) Quasi-sine-wave converter or corresponding 4th order ZVS-QSWC topologies by taking
conventional QRCs [ 1-61 : D) Quasi-square-wave the 4th order ZVS-QSWSC as an example and introduces
converters (QSWCs) [ 12,131. Zero-current (ZC) or zero- simply the simulation results of a 4th order Duck ZVS-
voltage (ZV) .switching conditions can be realized in QSWC compared with the 2nd order Duck ZVS-QSWC; Section
4 is the conclusions,
the active switches of QRCs and QSWCs. This can
eliminate the switching loss and EM, increase
efficiency, therefore can greatly increase the 2. Synthetical Technique with Switching Cells and Its
switching frequency and power density of switched-mode Application in Synthesing Quasi-Square-Wave
power regulator. Converter Tonolonies
Conventional QRCs have many disadvantages, such as
high switching stresses, narrow load range, variable 2-1. Review of the Method
switching frequency control, etc. In order to solve
these probleas some iaproving circuit topologies have Figure 1 shows the structural block diagram of
been proposed [7,15,16,17] and constant frequency
control principle are also being developed [ 17,181, but
their analyses are very coiplex and difficult since
using nonlinear reactive element or auxiliary switches, 1

simultaneously, resulting in more complicated control sc
circuit and many different operating modes. Wulti-
resonant converter technique [ 71 improves some
performances of QRCs and absorb all parasitic
parameters of circuit eleaents, such as junction "
capacitance, line inductance, leakage inductance etc.
The papers [9-111 extend HR technique and develop a
general Nth(Nb2) order QRCs. In fact, this is a new
effective way to overcame the problems (such as the Pig.1 General structural block
range of switching frequency) in conventional QRCs by diagraa of switched-mode
adding some small reactive resonant elements not converter
increasing the complexity of the control. Compared with
HRCs Nth(Nb4) order QRCs increase Binimur switching switched-aode dc-dc converter. Prom Pig.1 it is seen
frequency and reduce the range of switching frequency. that the converter is composed of three parts : (1)
The quasi-square-wave switching technique is proposed input voltage source,Vin; (2) switching cell (SCI--it
and analyzed by K.D.T.Ngo and V.Vorperian [12,131. The is the key of the converter; (3) output parallel load
voltage or current waveformes on both switch devices in by R and C. It is very clear that the classification
QSWCs are similar to square-wave or named quasi-square- and perforaance of dc-dc switching converters are
wave , therefore, can greatly reduced the switching dependent on the SC. Using different type of SC the
stresses which is the same as those of their paraent converters with different operating aodes can be
PWW counterpart, but their switching frequency range is gotten; Different connecting for the saae SC various
rather large and the effective operating region is converters with the same operating sodes can be gotten.
limitted. [14] extended Nth order QRC technique to The aethod that converters are synthesized by use of

INTELEC'91 (Nov.1991) CH 2970-2/91/0000-0663 $1.00 @ 1991 IEEE
switching cells is known as the synthetical technique
with switching cells. a ,
2-2.Quasi-Square-Wave Converter Topologies Synthesis
Dasic Duck ZCS-QSWC and Buck ZVS-QSWC are shown in
Fig.2. The following rules can be suurized up by
observing Fi9.2 and other QSWCs which have been
proposed and analyzed by I12,131. Pi9.4 Dasic A TYPE PwI( switching cell
general structure shown in Pig.5, where SRL(i), SRL(j),
SRL(k) are the sub-resonant loop, AS is the active
switch (generally as a power HOSPBT), PS is the passive
switch (generally as a power diode). LF is the low
frequency (LF) filter inductor, Cg is the IF filter
capacitor. We introduce following definition about Nth
order QSWSC and Nth order QSWC.
Pig.2 Buck QSWCS
In ZCS-QSWCs resonance is brought about if only if
I n sirultaneous turn-on stages of both the
active switch (AS) and the passive switch (PS). The
AS, the PS and one of the LFNR inductors
consist of a cut set.
To construct the corresponding ZCS-QSWC of the PWH
converter including only a LPNR inductor ,
another LFNR inductor must be added.
In ZVS-QSWCs resonance is brought about if only if
in simultaneous turn-off stages of both the AS
and the PS. The AS, the PS and the input
voltage source or the output capacitor consist of a
To construct the corresponding ZVS-QSWC of the PYH
converter including a LPNR inductor, this
inductor rust be taken o f f . 1’
Combining above rules and figure.3 which is redrawn d P
c b)
Pig.5 The general structure of QSWSCs
Definition : QSWSC including N resonant elements is
known as Nth order QSWSC, getting
switching converter is known as Nth
order QSWC (Ng)
The sub-resonant loop in Pig.5(a) can be Nth order
resonant link [ l o ) , (N-1)th order resonant link . . .
etc. (N >/ 2, i,j,k=0,1,2,...N and i+j+k=N) when i,j,k =
0, SRL(i) SRL(j),SRL(k) are Tailed as zero order
resonant link which implies open-circuit and short-
circuit (not real resonance), and 1st order resonant
link , ie which i,j,k=l, iaplies one resonant element
such as inductor or capacitor (also not real resonanee)
The sub-resonant loop in Pig.5(b) is the Wth order
resonant link or SRL(N).
Switched-node dc-dc converters operating in steady-
state have some characteristics: periodical average
voltage across inductor and periodical average current
( a ) ZCS-QSWC in capacitor must be zero. Therefore, the sub-resonant
loops at the QSWSC in Pi9.5 have certain connective
C 6 ) ZVS-QSWC constraints. For example, SRL(i), SRL(j), in, Pig.5(a)
can not be one capacitor, or else average current in AS
and PS are zero, this goes against with the practical
case. According to above rules and constraints we can
Pi9.3 Duck ZCS and ZVS QSWCs redrawn fro@ Pi9.2 construct. Nth order QSWSCs, but it is discovered that
the odd order QSWSCs (i,e. N=3,5,7..) are not existed
from Pig.2 it is discovered that the QSWSC of the in a set of Nth order QSWSCs. The following are
typical PWH SC shown in Fig.4 can be sumarizeed up a esplanation.

ZY-QSWSC in Fi9.5(b) is firstly exarined.If N is odd
number, SEL(N) has two possible connections as shown in
Pi9.6, it is obvious that they will reduce one order


Pi9.6 SRL(N) when N is odd nuaber

equivalently since the two resonant inductors are
combined into an equivalent one or the capacitor
approachiny in the port ' I ' foras a loop with the
voltage source, therefore, Nth order ZV-QSWSC is
equivalent to (H-1)th order ZV-QSWSC. While in ZC-QSWSC
we Jbserve SRL(i),SRL(j) can not be a capacitor or a
sub-resonant loop which begins with a capacitor. If N
is the odd nunber, the only possible SRL(N) as shown in
Pig.6(a) and its decomposing various sub-resonant loop
SRL(i) ,SRL(j) ,SRL(k) make either two resonant
inductors consist of a cut set or two resonant (a) ZC-QSWSCs
inductors consist of a cut set with a LPNR inductor,
therefore, Nth order ZC-QSWSC is equivalent to (N-1)th
order ZC-QSWSC. Froa above analyses we have explained
the reason that the odd order QSWSCs are not existed in
a set of Nth order QSWSCs. This is a distinct
difference with Nth order QRSCs.
Using a general structure in Pi9.5 and circuit
constraints we can construct even Nth order QSWSCs.
Figure 7 and figure 8 are 2nd order and 4th order
QSWSCs, respectively, where the ports ' Pa,Fb' are known

Piy.8 4th order QSWSCs

as free ports. which can be connected to any port of
three voltaye ports 'a,p,l'.
If the above QSWSCs are placed into Fig.1 in turn
while the port 'a' is connected to 'l', ' I ' to ' 2 ' , 'p'
to '3', respectively, the 2nd and 4th order Duck QSWCs
can be gotten. For saving the space a 4th order ZVS-
QSWSC is set example to show how to get the
corresponding 4th order Duck ZVS-QSWCs by use of this
synthetical technique in next section.
3 . Exaaple--The Synthesis of the 4th
Order Duck ZVS-QSWCS

Figure 8(b) shows a 4th order ZVS-QSWSC which

(a) ZC-QSWSCs is dewonstrated how to synthesize its corresponding
Duck ZVS-QSWCs. We firstly connect the ports ' a , p , I '
with the signs '1,3,2' to get Duck QSWCs, secondly, we
convert the five-port-SC including two free ports
(Pa,Fb) into the three-port-SCs not including free
ports. The procedures are if 'Fa' is connected to ' p ' ,
Bb may be connected any port of the three ports (i.e,
'a,p,l'), three type of three-port-SCs are thus gained,
the other six three-port-SCs Hay be deduced by analogy.
If the nine three-port-SCs are subsituted into the
(b) ZV-QSYSC square block in Fig. 1, the nine corresponding 4th order
Duck ZVS-QWSCs are then gained ,as shown in Pig.9 .
Fig.7 2nd order QSWSCs

4. Conclusions
The remarkable advantages in QSWCs are the very low
switching stresses and the ideal switching transition
on both switching devices, however, the limits of this
converter are the narrow operating gain range.
Although switching frequency bandwidth are greatly
reduced in high order QSWCs than in 2nd order QSYCs,
the operating gain range is almost not changed. It is a
good suggestion that high order QSYCs and high order
QRCs are complemented to meet the practical demands.
The synthetical technique with switching cells are
extended to synthesize the 2nd and 4th order Buck QSYCs
in this paper, a 4th order Duck ZVS-QSYSC is set
exaaple to show how to get its corresponding QSYC
topologies.It is discovered that there are not odd
order QSWCs. (i,e. N=3,5,7..., etc) in the set. Dy use
of this technique many high order QSWCs can be easily


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