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o Precipitate canvassing
CHAPTER o Terrorism
o Improper venue
o Failure to notify

 Take note: any of these grounds (PTIF),

standing alone does not automatically give rise
to illegal proceedings. There has to be that
VACANCY IN THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS qualifying circumstance where we can establish
that it was intended to rigged or manipulate the
Substitution of Board of Canvassers
C. Manifest Errors
Q. What are the grounds wherein there is a need to replace a
member of the BOC? - Evident to the eye and understanding, visible to the eye,
that which is open, palpable, uncontrovertible, needing
1. Disqualified no evidence to make it more clear, not obscure or
2. Incapacitated hidden.
Atty: It means she suffers from serious illness or injury which prevents - To be manifest, errors must appear on the face of the
her from effectively performing her election duties. Coc or ERs sought to be corrected and must have been
objected before the board of canvasssers and specifically
3. Non-availability noted in the minutes of their respective proceedings.
Atty: It means the person is in abroad or on a study leave abroad by
which you cannot serve in the elections.
Atty: For manifest error, even if you file it out of time, the
COMELEC can suspend its own rules and procedure and admit the
4. Absence petitionto correct manifest errors because it involves the will of
the people.
Q. Can the COMELEC replace you other than the grounds DINA?
- Yes, anytime for a cause. When you say cause, it is determined by That manifest error if corrected, can spell the difference between
the sole discretion of the COMELEC because it exercises direct control the winner and the loser. By all means, technicality aside, we are
and supervision over the BOC in which case it can nullify the going to correct that.
proclamation and replace any member of the BOC anytime for a cause
and no one can argue that. Q. What if they object because it is fake although in its
Only SC can control that but only in cases of grave abuse of discretion. face it appears regular and the BOC, in good faith, says
that it is not fake, then it will be included in the
Remember: When we say direct control and supervision, it means that canvassing. So is it unfair?
the COMELEC can replace the judgment of the BOC but there is must It is not unfair because you still have election protest as a
be that legitimate cause. It can nullify the proclamation on the basis remedy.
that you proclaimed the loser instead of the winner because of
erroneous tabulation.
Tatlonghari vs Comelec
Q. Can the regular courts restrain or stop the BOC from canvassing? Where what is involve purely mathematical and/or mechanical
No. error in the operation of the adding machine committed by the
- BOTTOMLINE: Regular courts are inferior in rank and status to BOC but does not involve the opening of ballot boxes,
COMELEC. Not even the CA because they are co-equal with examination and appreciation of ballots and/or election returns
COMELEC. Only the SC but only in rare cases where there is
grave abuse of discretion because SC will only restrain itself from Instances of Manifest Errors
interfering with COMELEC’s administrative functions.
a. Copy of the election returns of one precinct or two or
QUORUM required more copies of a certificate of canvass were tabulated
Simple majority, or 2 out of 3: more than once.
A. To transact official business
B. To render decision b. Two copies of copies of the election returns or certificate
of canvas were tabulated separately.
Q. What if in the COMELEC en banc, 4 of the Commissioners is
disqualified and only 3 of them is left. Do we need to substitute? c. There was a mistake in the adding or copying of the
NO. figures into the certificate of canvass or into the
Take note: If someone is disqualified, there is a legal impediment for statement of votes by precinct
them to attend the Comelec en banc session. Once there is a legal
impediment, those disqualified by such legal impediment, cannot be d. So-called election returns from non-existent precincts
included in the counting of the quorum for purposes of determining were included in the canvass
whether there is a quorum.
 These provision were made under the context of manual
PRE-PROCLAMATION CONTROVERSY elections but it can still be applied in automated elections in
determining insofar WON that is manifest error.
GR: Pre-proclamation controversy is not allowed anymore in all positions  If the document is readily available in the BOC for
including baranggay elective positions. You cannot raise them anymore reference, comparison, that is still manifest error which is
during canvassing. allowed during proclamation controversy.
 Take note: Manifest error is still pre-proclamation
controversy but is an exception to the prohibition. Reason:
XPN: It may still be raised when there is: it does not take time to correct unlike, when you resolve
allegations of fraud and irregularities.
A. Illegal Composition
- is when someone who is not qualified is appointed or
served as such.

B. Illegal Proceedings






o All eight senatorial candidates of the Liberal Party obtained all DUE COURSE TO CERTIFIFCATION OF CANDIDACY
voted while all eight senatorial candidates of the Nacionalista
Party obtained zero vote A. Votes cast in his favor are considered stray.
o For each polling place, the total number of registere voters,
ranging from 240 to 650, cast their votes only for the Liberal Hence, the candidate with the second highest number of votes
Party candidates. is proclaimed.
o There is one inspector from the Nacionalista Party for each
polling place; thus, its candidate should have obtained at least Atty: Here, you are not a candidate in the first place. The
one vote. candidate in this case, suffer lack of qualifications CARL.

o SC: Election results in polling places were utterly improbable GR: The second placer cannot be proclaimed because you are not the
choice of the people.
and clearly incredible. It is not likely, in the ordinary course of
things, that all electors of one polling place would, AS ONE XPN: If there is no candidate to begin with (because his COC has been
MAN, vote for all the eight candidates of one party, without cancelled), the second placer is actually the first placer among the
giving a single vote to any of the eight candidates of the other qualified candidates.
BUT, if you were a candidate to begin with, you have all the
qualification CARL, but along the way you committed an election
o Such extraordinary coincidence was quite impossible to
offense that caused you disqualification, the second placer cannot be
believe, knowing that the other party has a nationwide proclaimed as the winner because he is not the choice of the people.
organization, with branches in every province, and was in
previous years, the party in power. If you cannot proclaim the second placer, two things might happen:
1. Succession applies
2. If it does not apply, then the position is deemed vacant,
Question: When a candidate gets zero votes, is that Statistical In the case of councilor, kun nag assume na, we appoint.
Atty: A 0 vote, standing alone, does not amount to statistical

MOTIONS A. Votes cast for the nuisance candidate are added to the candidate with
MOTIONS the same surname.
B. But if two one or more candidates share the same surname other
o Must be in writing than the nuisance candidate – votes cast for the nuisance candidates.
o Duly received by the Secretary Votes cast for nuisance candidate are STRAY. Not credited to any
o 24 hours to decide from receipt candidate, incumbent or not.
C. If nuisance candidate does not share surname with any other
o When to proclaim candidate, votes are STRAY. NOT credited to any candidate,
o When the winner is known incumbent or not.
o Who is the winner?
o Candidate who obtained the highest number of EFFECT IF CANDIDATE WHO OBTAINED HIGHEST NUMBER OF VOTES IS DQ BY A
o Top 1 – among candidates for single slot positions EFFECT IF CANDIDATE WHO OBTAINED HIGHEST NUMBER OF VOTES IS
o Top 12, 10, 8 or 2 – among candidates with multiple DISQUALIFIED BY A FINAL AND EXECUTORY DECISION.
slot positions
A. Hr shall not be proclaimed
Atty.: Take note: Timeliness of protest and quo warranto B. But the candidate with the second highest number of votes is also not
Atty: When do we know if there is a winner? C. Rule of succession applies. Otherwise, the position is vacant,
In automated elections, when the COCP (Certificate of Canvass and
Proclamation) has already been generated
When does a decision become final and executor?
COCPD: Includes only the winners in the elections
COC: All candidates including those who got 0 votes A. Division - no MR is filed
B. En Banc – no TRO was issued by SC within 5 days from receipt of
decision by parties.
Candidate who obtained the highest number of votes.
Atty: We do not need majority. You only need one vote if you are lone a CANVASSING
candidate because it is the highest number of votes.
What if nobody voted for you and you are the lone candidate, CASE DURING CANVASSING
can you be proclaimed?
No. Because there is no voter confidence. Q. Candidate with pending disqualification case won the election, can he
be proclaimed?
Yes, he can be proclaimed if there is no order to suspend the
proclamation by the in division or en banc.

Q. What would be the remedy for the other party?

File a petition to suspend the proclamation pending settlement or
resolution of the disqualification case.



Atty.: Usually it is file the protest and pay the filling fee, however the
SC liberalized na pwede to follow nalang ang payment of filling fees
provided it is still within the filling period.
Election protest - procedure to contest the election or the return of an
elective official Why? It is so expensive, for president, you have to pay P 500 per ballot
box. With HRET, it is more expensive, P 3,000 per ballot box.
Quo Warranto – procedure to prevent assumption or unseat the
E. Cash deposit is not paid within 5 days from filing
proclaimed winner on the ground for ineligibility or disloyalty to duly
constituted authorities. Atty.: Why? Because it will be used by the court or the tribunal to
spend for transportation for the pick up of the ballot boxes etc. If
ELECTION PROTEST despite the payment of cash deposit, the tribunal says that the money
deposited is not sufficient, then you have to deposit some more.
Common issue to be resolved: who obtained the plurality of the
Atty: Take note: Adverse decision from RTC and MTC, appeal to the
Municipal and Barangay Officials COMELEC because it does not follow hierarchy of courts.
Who may file:
When to appeal?
- Candidate who filed candidacy, voted for same office
- Within 5 days from proclamation
who received second or third highest number of votes.

Take note: “voted upon for the same office”. Just because you
were a candidate or filed your COC does not automatically make Members, House of Representatives
you a proper party as a protestant because it might that after Who may file
filing your COC, you withdrew and you were not voted upon in - Any candidate who duly filed certificate of candidacy and
which case you cannot file an election protest. has been voted for the same office and obtained the
- It must be that you filed your COC, was voted upon and received second and third highest number of votes.
the second or third highest votes to make you a proper party for When to file: 15 days from June 30 of election year or date of actual
an election protest.
assumption to office, whichever is later.
- For multiple slot positions, was among the next four Atty.: I think this was prompted by a particular SC case where the
candidates following the proclamation of last ranked COMELEC and HRET nagilog sa jurisdiction because there was a case
winner. where the district rep. was already proclaimed but the COMELEC still
When filed: within 10 days from proclamation. acquired jurisdiction and stated that we are going to nullify. And the SC
Where to file: RTC-Municipal , MTC – Brgy said that pwede because HRET only acquire jurisdiction when 3
Grounds: Electoral fraud, anomalies and irregularities in contested conditions are met: (1) there is valid proclamation, (2) assumption to
precincts. office, and (3) Proper oath before the House Speaker.
Where to file – HRET
Atty: These are what we call pre-proclamation controversies. This is Grounds: Electoral fraud, anomalies or irregularities in contested
where there is a full-blown trial because the regular courts are precincts.
competent to rule on those allegations. And not before the BOC Remedy against adverse decision: MR
because (1) it is a mere ad hoc body, (2) it is incompetent, (3) it cannot
afford to take so much time beyond the start of the term of office. Atty: What if your MR is denied? What is your remedy?
You can go to the SC by certiorari on the basis of grave
abuse of discretion. Take note: A second MR is a prohibited pleading.
Atty.: Difference between election protest and quo warranto?
Take Note: HRET is the sole judge of all contests relation to the
Who can file? election, returns and qualifications of their respective members. When
Election protest – only the candidate voted for the same office. (It is wyou say, it is to the exclusion of all other tribunals.
not you, but me)
Take note: When: within 10 days from receipt
Quo warranto – any registered voter. (It is not you, but I am not
interested) Senators
Grounds for summary dismissal Who may file
A. Lack of jurisdiction to the subject matter - Any candidate who duly filed certificate of candidacy and
been voted for the same office.
Atty.: Take note when you say summary dismissal, the court will not
ask you to comment. The case is immediately dismissed.
Atty: In here it does not qualify, it could be anybody who lost
even if you are the last in the rank .
B. Protest is insufficient in form and substance
Why can’t we apply by analogy?
Atty.: It means the petition does not have a verification, affidavit of
The rules from the other electoral tribunals are separate and
non-forum shopping.
distinct from each other.
Substance is when you failed to allege the essential jurisdictional facts When to file: within 30 days after proclamation
like date of proclamation to prove timeliness without that it is Where to file: Senate Electoral Tribunal
Grounds: Electoral fraud, anomaly or irregularity in the contested
C. Filed beyond prescribed period precincts or manifest error in the tabulation or tallying of results during
Atty.: the time within which to file is jurisdictional and if you cannot
comply with that, it removes jurisdiction Remedy against adverse decision: MR
D. Filling fees not paid within time to file protest Atty: Again, no second MR is allowed.



Take note: In all election protest cases including quo warranto, a Where to file: SET
motion to dismiss is not allowed. Grounds: Ineligibility or disloyalty to the Republic of the Philippines
So what if we have grounds for motion to dismiss?
Set them up as affirmative defenses, that is the remedy.
President and Vice-President
Who may file:
When: within 10 days from receipt - Any registered voter who voted
When to file: within 10 days from proclamation
President and Vice-President Where to file: PET
Grounds: Ineligibility or disloyalty to the Republic of the Philippines
Who may file:
- Registered candidate for President or Vice-President who
received the second or thirdhighest number of votes
When to file: within 30 days from proclamation
Where to file: Presidential Electoral Tribunal
Grounds: Electoral fraud, anomalies or irregularities in contested
Remedy against adverse decision: MR
When: within 10 days from receipt

Atty: If you have a MR and it was denied, the moment you receive the denial of the
MR, the decision becomes final and executor.

Q: Can we go to the SC by certiorari to nullify the decision of the PET?

NO. Because the PET is composed of the SC en banc in which case (in
the case of Macalintal vs COMELEC I think), the SC described the PET is
independent but not separate from the judiciary and it is not inferior to the SC.
IOW, they are co-equal in which case you cannot go to the SC and ask it to nullify
the decision of the PET.

Q: In another case, in Lopez vs Roxas, the big question there was this
since there is the PET composed of the SC en banc, are we creating 2 SC?
No. Although it might appear to be part of the judiciary, but it is independent from
the judiciary. Murag gi tagan lang additional work ang SC aside from their usual

Just like in administrative proceedings, you cannot review your own findings.


Common issue to be resolved: whether respondent possesses all

qualification and none of the disqualifications.

Municipal and Barangay Officials

Who may file:
- Any voter who voted in the election concerned.

When to file: ten days from proclamation

Where to file: RTC for Municipal and MTC for barangay officials
Grounds: Ineligibility or disloyalty to the Republic of the Philippines.

Atty: When you say ineligibility, you lack the qualifications, you suffer
from CARL.

Disloyalty, What are these? If you have convictions of rebellion,

sedition, treason. Any crimes against national security including
violations of the firearms law.

Member, House of Representatives

Who may file:
- Any registered voter of the district concerned, or any
registered voter in the case of party-list representative.
When to file:
- 15 days from June 30 of election year or date of actual
assumption, whichever is later if the ground is ineligibility
- If the ground is citizenship, anytime during tenure.
- Other grounds that occur during incumbency anytime.

Who may file:
- Any registered voter
When to file: within 10 days from proclamation






Jurisdiction – Sole judge of all contests relating to the election, returns

and qualification of their respective members
Composition – 9 members
- 3 SC justices designated by the Chief Justice
- 6 members based on proportional representation from
political parties and party-list
- 3 members each from dominant majority and dominant
minority parties.

Atty: Sole means to the exclusion of the others. And when we

say contest, election has been done and somebody was
already proclaimed. In which case, if you were disqualified by
the COMELEC, it was prior the elections. But after elections, it
is already with the respective tribunals.



Jurisdiction – Sole judge of a all contest relating to the election,

returns and qualification of the President or Vice-president.

Atty: Before in Tecson vs Comelec, the SC held that as a

candidate, the jurisdiction pertains to COMELEC. But when you say
elected president, the jurisdiction now pertains to Supreme Court en
banc acting as PET.

But somehow in the Grace Poe case, it is now removed from

the COMELEC because the SC seems to say that the COMELEC is without
jurisdiction to disqualify a candidate without a prior ruling of
disqualification from a competent tribunal. IOW it reduces the
COMELEC to a mere body that enforces the disqualification issue decided
upon by a separate tribunal.

Contrary, to the constitutional mandate that says that the

COMELEC has quasi-judicial powers but of course, the COMELEC is
sometimes stubborn, despite the SC ruling in Grace Poe that says that
the COMELEC is without jurisdiction to disqualify candidates without a
prior ruling from a competent tribunal, still I suspect, the COMELEC is
still going to disqualify candidates.

If you are confronted with that problem, you can cite the
Grace Poe case. What I am talking about is practicality. Remember the
Diocese of Bacolod case, the SC said that size limitations do not apply to
campaign materials inside private property. Despite that ruling, the
COMELEC in the 2016 elections still resolved to say that private or ublic
property, size limitations apply. The COMELEC might not follow the
Grace Poe case because it is not too categorical


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