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Globalization breaks the boundaries of space and time.

What is Globalization? Globalization is argued as a multi-faceted rather than a singular condition that is
associated with various consequences at the economic, political and socio-cultural levels.

Years ago, at the beginning of the nuclear age, Einstein said that the world would be completely
changed by the atomic bomb. Currently, the same thing can be said about Globalization.

Accordingly, globalization has to be adapted by educational concepts. Globalization then pushes us to

ask: How can education be affected by globalization? We shall see.

Ladies and gentlemen, let us witness a showcase of educational systems from around the world, THIS IS
the search for Global Icon 2018!

(video on classrooms around the world)

To help up decide on our winning candidates, here is our panel of Judges (….imention ni mo ang names..
Mrs. Rivika Alda, our subject teacher,together Ms. Raisharen Moraca and Sarah Mae Tulod, pageant

The Criteria for Judging are the ones flashed on the screen (magppt ko ini, wshonw for about 30

And now, let’s give it up for the candidates on their educational costumes!

(all candidates will come out …..)

1. bangladesh
2. Denmark
3. canada
4. indonesia
5. Iraq
6. New Zealand
Ladies and Gentlemen, let us welcome our candidates again for the Question and answer portion. They
shall answer one question about the aspect of globalization that they have picked. To add jitters, they
shall pick a random word from this box and their chosen word must logically be incorporated in their

Let us Start with candidate no.1, from Bangladesh, please step forward …hello, how are you feeling?
**Routine words to say:

1. Please pick a word.

2. Okay, candidate no. X, your two minutes to answer starts after I read the question once. Ready?
What is the effect of “X aspect” in your country?

Thank you candidate no. 1. Candidate no. 2, (**repeat routines)

Candidate X X aspect of Globalization
1 Bangladesh Globalism
2. Denmark Industrial/ transnational globalization
3. Canada Informational globalization
4. indonesia Political Globalization
5. Iraq Cultural Globalization
6 New Zealand Financial Globalization
Wow, did you all just witness how witty our candidates are? They are not just amazing, they are also
beaming with intelligence!

While the judges can now deliberate who the winners are, let us take in a breath of fresh air from :
___(Intermission Number)…..

Now, for the moment you ‘ve all been waiting for. We will be heading to the announcement of winners.
Congratulations to all the candidates! We are so pround of you!

For the Best in EduCostume, our recipient is none other than, contestant no, _________!
Congratulations, here is your sash.

I feel nervous and at the same time excited! But the question is, are you guys excited to know the

And now for the major awards,

Our 2nd runner up is candidate no, ________ Congratulations!
Our 1st runner up is candidate no, ___________congratulations!

Ladies and gentlemen , our Global Icon 2018 is candidate number, _______________.congratulations
everyone! Again, we are do proud of you,, To everyone who cooperated in this activity, tthank you sso
This has been you host, GInalyn jarapan , and this is Global Icon 2018.

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