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1. “You are supposed to be here ten minutes ago, where were you? I ……. a place to park
a. am looking d. look
b. looked e. was looking
c. have looked
2. Because the river ……. steadily since Sunday, the resident of the area have advised to prepare for flood
a. is rising c. rose
b. has been rising d. had risen

3. “What a beautiful voice. She is a talented singer.” “She …….. since she was a child.
a. sang c. is singing
b. has been singing d. had been singing
4. I started school when I was five years old. I ……. a student for seventeen years now
a. have been c. am
b. am to be d. am being
5. A. “Can you pick me up at around 2.00 pm tomorrow?”
B. “I am sorry I can’t. I ……. then.”
a. am teaching d. have taught
b. will be teaching e. will teach
c. have been teaching
1. If I ……….
a. know your phone number, I would call you
b. know your phone number, I will call you
c. have known your phone number, I would have call you
d. had known your phone number, I would have called you
2. The man hit by a car yesterday would have dead if the doctors had not immediately operated on him. From
the above sentence we may conclude that ………..
a. the man will be immediately operated on b. the man is still alive
c. the man died after the operation d. the doctors did not operate on him
3. Nita ; “Will he pay all his debt?”
Dina : “Yes, if he ……… the inheritance.
a. got d. had got
b. gets e. would get
c. is got
4. If you ……., I shall be very angry
a. weren’t go d. haven’t been going
b. don’t go e. didn’t go
c. hadn’t been going
5. Andre : Did you join the trip last holiday?
Firdaus : If may father had given me permission, I would have joined it
From the dialogue we know that ……..
a. Firdaus joined the trip
b. Andre didn’t join the trip
c. Firdaus really wanted to join the trip but he didn’t
d. Andre wanted Firdaus to join the trip
e. Firdaus’s father permitted him to join the trip
1. Jupiter’s four moons ……….. through a telescope by Galileo
a. were first viewed c. were being first viewed
b. had been first viewed d. first being viewed
2. ‘How old is the mosque?’ ‘Well, it ……. in 1870’
a. built d. had built
b. to be built e. was produced
c. was built
3. The Amazone valley is extremely important to the ecology of the earth. Forty percent of the world’s oxygen
a. are being produced d. is produced
b. are produced e. was produced
c. is being produced
4. A. “I’m sure you love the dog offered to you by the veterinarian yesterday”
B. “Yes, I regret I refused it, but when I went back to him, it …….
a. had been taken d. had to be taken
b. had taken e. had to take
c. had to have taken
5. The author had died before his book ……..
a. has been published d. was being published
b. had been published e. was published
c. would be published
1. In Biology, a cell is defined as the smallest unit of life ……… all the components required for independent
a. contains d. containing
b. is containe e. to be containing
c. it contains
2. These norms are the ……. ways of behavior in the society based on the shared value – the purpose and
goals – of that society.
a. expecting d. expect
b. expected e. expectancy
c. expectance
3. They watched soldiers …….. down the street.
a. marched d. be marching
b. marching e. are marching
c. to march
4. When I mentioned her name, I noticed ……..
a. him smiling d. her smiling
b. him smiled e. he to smile
c. her to smile
5. Interested in developing tourism in Indonesia, ………
a. The Government cooperates with related education centres
b. There is a cooperation between the Government and related education centres
c. The establishment of cooperation between Government and related education centres has been realized.
d. Cooperation between Government and related education centres has been established
e. It is necessary to establish cooperation between the Government and related centres of education
1. He did not pass his oral examination because he was either nervous ……….
a. or he did not prepared himself well d. or not well prepared
b. and did not prepare well e. but he was not well prepared
c. also the preparation was not good
2. ‘How’s the new restaurant?’ ‘The food is good but ………
a. the atmosphere of the restaurant is very easy d. it is cheaper than any other restaurants
b. it can easily be reached e. its parking lot is considerably big
c. the service needs to be improved
3. A joke is trivial and nonsensical, ……..… it may express a profound truth
a. so d. because
b. yet e. while
c. for
4. Although there is a vacancy for an experienced receptionist at the Ratna Hotel, I am not interested in
applying for it because the pay is not so good ; more over …….…..
a. the working condition is quite good d. there are no job opening at all
b. it gives incentives to motivates workers e. the pay includes various allowances
c. there is no promise for advancement
5. Yesterday it was ……… that most of the trees flanking on both sides of the road were blown down,
a. windy enough d. very windy
b. as windy as e. too windy
c. so windy
1. Aziz wishes he ………. to Ikranegara’s play on the 30th of November last year
a. had gone c. has gone
b. went d. were going
2. I’m planning to go to a party tonight, but it’s raining very hard now. I wish ……….
a. it stops d. it has stopped
b. it will stop e. it had stopped
c. it would stop
3. I wish someone answer my call. It’s been raining for about five minutes.
The underline sentence means …………
a. Someone will answer the phone d. Nobody answers the phone
b. Someone had answer my call e. I would answer the phone
c. The phone has stopped ringing
4. Doni: I wish I had invested
The underline part of the sentence means ………..
a. Doni had invested his money d. Doni does not invest his money
b. Doni did not invest his money e. Doni wanted to invest his money
c. Doni did not invest my money
5. She went to the blackboard as if she knew how to solve the problem.
The underline words means ………
a. She actually couldn’t solve the problem d. She should know how to solve the problem
b. She ought to know how to solve the problem e. She succeeded in solving the problem
c. She definitely knew how to solve the problem
1. Armansyah seems ………. The point you were making
a. misunderstood c. having misunderstood
b. misunderstanding d. to have misunderstood
2. “Why don’t you want Amir to be the team leader?”
“Well, I don’t like ……… people around!”
a. his ordering d. he orders
b. why he orders e. with he ordering
c. he is ordering
3. Fast food restaurant have become popular because many working people want ………..
a. to eat quickly and cheaply c. eat quickly and cheaply
b. eating quickly and cheaply d. the eat quickly and cheaply
4. ………. clothes can often be very time consuming
a. they buy d. man buys
b. to be buying e. buying
c. in buying
5. Lafon’s reagent, a solution of ammonium or sodium selenite, finds use as test …… codeine
a. detection d. to detectable
b. to detect e. to be detected
c. to have detected

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