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"What I have learned this month"



After my first month at Lorma Medical Center, I have encountered a wide variety
of experiences. Working with not only my staff, but with other interns, and even pre-
interns allowed me to gauge my own abilities and observe how others perform different
tasks in order for me to adapt. Through the past month, I have been able to encounter
several diagnosis of patients, different types of patients, and see them progress as each
treatment session passes. It feels as though I can fully appreciate the profession I’ve
been working towards now that I have seen these patients that I’ve been working with
talk about how their pain has decreased or how their functional abilities have improved
over the completion of physical therapy sessions.
For the most part, I can say that my days as an intern so far have been
enjoyable. There is rarely enough time to think about things other than what to do the
next day, and although it can be stressful, now is the time to adapt. I feel more
comfortable now operating the different modalities and have, at times, been treating
patients myself when several patients are present at once, or if they come when during
my staff’s day off. These are the types of challenges that I feel help me grow as an
Intern and future physical therapist.

TROY VINCENT PATINO 1st month June 29, 2018 page 1 of 1

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