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Action Plan – Craig Thomas – Bilingual Leadership Course

Stage 1 – Desired Results

Established Goals:

To implement a whole school reading scheme in Primary School in order to improve reading skills and
reading comprehension.

To share the love of reading and the importance of reading Primary School students.

To engage the students in reading activities.

Understandings: Essential Questions:

The importance of reading for increasing What resources have we got in terms of reading
comprehension, vocabulary knowledge, spelling and books?
reading for enjoyment.
What resources will be required to make and/or
The books should be: buy?

 literature What reading scheme will be used?

rich Or should we use a selection of schemes/certain
authors etc?
 fun and
fulfilling for the students differentiated by level – How will we implement this scheme?
with extra resources for SEN and gifted and talented
When will we implement this?
 a
selection of fiction and non-fiction books should be How will the Language Assistants be involved
available in this scheme?

 CD How will this be assessed or will there be

recordings of books (if available) assessment of this scheme?

 there
should be an availability of resources to be used as a
follow up to the reading.

The bilingual department should be willing to

implement the reading scheme throughout the school

Parents should be informed and trained (teacher

parent meetings/workshops) in order to support the
students’ learning.

The scheme should be evaluated at the end of school

year and improvements be implemented when

The home reading will be organised by the language

assistant in each year. They will make sure all reading
records are up to date and children from years 3 – 6
are reading regularly at home.

A positive reading culture should be implemented in

the school by using posters throughout the communal
areas, working in collaboration with the librarian,
including English reading in the whole school “Book
Week”, inviting book fairs to come to the school,
inviting storytellers to visit all classes.

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Reading records.

Shared reading (big books) – Story time.

Paired and peer reading in the classroom.

Teacher led, whole class, reading (set text).

One to one reading with the language Assistant.

Classroom corner library.

Home reading library.

Engaging follow up activities.

Stage 3 – Action Plan


Reading will be an integral part of the teaching week with time dedicated for reading depending on the
year group. An allocated time slot will be given to the Language Assistant in oder to carry out and
organise the home reading library. Graded books will be used to complement the students’ abilities.

Reading Skills in class will be implemented as follows:

Year 1 - Daily storytime (led by Language Assistant and/or Class teachers)

Year 2 - Daily storytime, one to one reading with Language Assistant, home reading from the 3rd term.
Year 3 - Storytime, one to one reading with Language Assistant, home reading all the school year,
paired reading in class.
Year 4 – Storytime (set text), one to one reading with Language Assistant, home reading all the school
year, paired reading in class.
Year 5 - Storytime (set text), one to one reading with Language Assistant, home reading all the school
year, paired reading in class
Year 6 - Storytime (set text), one to one reading with Language Assistant, home reading all the school
year, paired reading in class

Reading Comprehension
The following activities should be implemented in each year group as follow up activities for set texts,
storybooks and home reading (all activities can be used in each year depending on level):

Year 1 – Drawing a picture of their favourite character from a book they have read in class with the
teacher/assistant. Books should be repetitive.

Year 2 – Making a portfolio of drawings from books they have read in class, labeled drawings and
guided writing sentences based on the book. Basic comprehension questions. One to one reading with
the language assistant.

Year 3 – Comic strip of the story (only pictures for lower ability), reflections on how characters feel
(writing or drawing). Labelled pictures from Non-fiction books.

Year 4 – Short letter to the author (what did you like, what would you change etc), 5 facts from a non-
fiction book, setting drawing and labelling.

Year 5 – Twitter account of a character from a book (what would they tweet?), facebook profile, 10 facts
from a non-fiction book.

Year 6 – Alternative ending to the story, character report, author appreciation letter, setting explanation,
newspaper report, role plays between characters.

Students can organise their activities into a reading portfolio which can be evaluated by the class teacher
throughout the school year.

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