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"My Learning Objectives"



What I already know:

After completing my first month of internship of Lorma, I feel as though I know how to
perform the standard treatment for certain cases which have been presented for the
most part and a better understanding on how to perform the given duties in the clinical

What I already know but need to learn more about:

I would say that I need to learn more about the different cases which present themself,
as there are times where I find myself at a loss on what I would do for treating rare

What I need to learn this month:

This month I need to learn how to treat different types of patients, especially those that
speak Ilocano, or have a different mindset towards being treated by an intern.

1. To learn the physical presentation of neurologic medical conditions.
2. To understand the appropriate treatment for specific conditions.
3. To absorb as much information as possible.

1. To maintain an attitude that is willing to learn.
2. To uphold a conduct befitting of a clinical intern.
3. To not be discouraged and maintain a good attitude.

1. To apply the different attitudes of treatment for different patients.
2. To maintain proper body mechanics when giving different types of treatment.
3. To maintain proper aftercare.

TROY VINCENT PATINO 2nd month July 6, 2018 page 1 of 1

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