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Nama Kelompok

Aulia Beta. S (155061107111002) Laras Rahma. H (155061101111014)

Indah Sakina. P (155061101111032) Karima Umar Al-jufri (155061101111006)

PFD Ethylene Oxide

Merina Yusfira (155061100111008) Deo Puttanara (155061107111012)
Stefanus X'mas Dei (15506110011102Miftah Hifzuddin (155061101111022)

PFD Ethylene Oxide

Stream Data
Utility Summary
Major Equipment Summary

no Equipment kode Type Material

1 C-701 Air, Centrifugal Carbon Steel
2 C-702 Air, Centrifugal Carbon Steel
3 compressor C-703 Air, Centrifugal Carbon Steel
4 C-704 Centrifugal Carbon Steel
5 C-705 Centrifugal Carbon Steel
6 E-701 Floating Head Carbon Steel
7 E-702 Floating Head Carbon Steel
8 E-703 Floating Head Carbon Steel
9 E-704 Floating Head Carbon Steel
10 1-2 Heat Exchanger E-705 Floating Head Carbon Steel
11 E-706 Floating Head Carbon Steel
12 E-707 Floating Head Carbon Steel
13 E-708 Floating Head Stainless Steel
14 E-709 Floating Head Stainless Steel
15 Pump P-701 A/B Centrifugal/Electric Drive Stainless Steel
16 R-701 Packed Bed Carbon Steel
17 R-702 Packed Bed Carbon Steel
18 T-701 Sieve Trays Carbon Steel
19 Tower T-702 Sieve Trays Carbon Steel
20 T-703 Sieve Trays + Boiler & Condenser Stainless Steel
21 Vessel V-701 Horizontal Stainless Steel

equipment cost ( Basic F.O.B Gulf Coast U.S.A 2014 & ( Basic Index 2002
installation cost Basic Timmerhaus (171) Table 6

Tahun Index
2006 499.6 600
2007 525.4 580
2008 575.4 f(x) = 4.261563986x - 8016.7055
560 R² = 0.2989876116
2009 521.9
2010 550.8
2011 585.7
2012 584.6 500
2013 567.3 480
2014 576.1 460
2015 556.8 440
2016 541.7 2004 2006 2008
2017 579.8643
2018 584.2622 didapatkan persamaan dari grafik
Cost Index (CEPCI, source: y = 4,3979x - 8290,7 persamaan tersebut dapat digunakan untuk

harga tahun 2014 harga tahun 2018 persentase instalation Installation Cost
$ 7,275,000.00 $ 7,378,072.39 45% $ 3,320,132.58
$ 8,921,400.00 $ 9,047,798.63 45% $ 4,071,509.38
$ 8,301,300.00 $ 8,418,913.04 45% $ 3,788,510.87
$ 2,461,100.00 $ 2,495,968.93 45% $ 1,123,186.02
$ 2,461,100.00 $ 2,495,968.93 45% $ 1,123,186.02
$ 710,600.00 $ 720,667.80 45% $ 324,300.51
$ 770,500.00 $ 781,416.46 45% $ 351,637.41
$ 1,505,200.00 $ 1,526,525.71 45% $ 686,936.57
$ 1,674,600.00 $ 1,698,325.78 45% $ 764,246.60
$ 1,669,900.00 $ 1,693,559.19 45% $ 762,101.63
$ 1,661,200.00 $ 1,684,735.93 45% $ 758,131.17
$ 361,100.00 $ 366,216.07 45% $ 164,797.23
$ 484,100.00 $ 490,958.74 45% $ 220,931.43
$ 168,700.00 $ 171,090.15 45% $ 76,990.57
$ 16,400.00 $ 16,632.36 37.5% $ 6,237.13
$ 465,400.00 $ 471,993.80 40% $ 188,797.52
$ 465,400.00 $ 471,993.80 40% $ 188,797.52
$ 34,936.00 $ 35,430.97 60% $ 21,258.58
$ 34,936.00 $ 35,430.97 60% $ 21,258.58
$ 3,572,500.00 $ 3,623,115.27 60% $ 2,173,869.16
$ 58,529.00 $ 59,358.24 35% $ 20,775.38
$ 43,073,901.00 $ 43,684,173.17 $ 20,157,591.88

Chart Title

f(x) = 4.261563986x - 8016.7055995337

R² = 0.2989876116

2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018

persamaan dari grafik

tersebut dapat digunakan untuk mencari index tahun berikutnya

450 psi

steel 150

pada tekanan 600psi (pada

teknan 26,5 bar = 380 psi)

Cost Index (CEPCI, source:
Total Capital Investm

Direct Plant Cost (biaya lang

no. Item
1 purchased equipment tahun 2017
2 installation + delivery alat (instal setiap alat pada sheet equipment)
3 instrumentation dan controls (installed)
4 piping (installed)
5 electrical (installed)
6 buildings
7 service facilities dan yard improvement
8 land

Indirect Plant Cost (biaya tidak

no. item
1 Engineering and supervision
2 Construction expense dan contractor's fee
3 contingency

total direct plant cost + total indirect plant cost

fixed capital investment =

total capital investment

working capital

TCI = $ 228,909,178.12
85% TCI
Total Capital Investment

Direct Plant Cost (biaya langsung)

Item persentase
19% fixed capital investment
a sheet equipment) 46% purchased equipment th 2018
18% purchased equipment th 2019
45% purchased equipment th 2020
25% purchased equipment th 2021
70% purchased equipment th 2022
50% purchased equipment th 2023
6% purchased equipment th 2024

Indirect Plant Cost (biaya tidak langsung)

item persentase
18% direct cost
18% direct cost
10% fixed capital investment

st + total indirect plant cost =

= total direct plant cost + total indirect plant cost

ital investment
king capital
15% TCI

+ WC
+ 15%TCI
= $ 228,909,178.12
= $ 269,304,915.44
$ 43,684,173.17
$ 20,157,591.88
$ 7,863,151.17
$ 19,657,877.92
$ 10,921,043.29
$ 30,578,921.22
$ 21,842,086.58
$ 2,621,050.39
$ 157,325,895.62

$ 27,532,031.73
$ 28,318,661.21
$ 15,732,589.56
$ 71,583,282.51

$ 228,909,178.12
$ 228,909,178.12

$ 269,304,915.44
$ 40,395,737.32 terbukti sama
$ 40,395,737.32 terbukti sama
Total Production Cost
Location = everywhere
Product = Ethylene Oxide
Total Capital investment = $ 269,304,915.44
production capacity = 122870.88 ton/year
operating days = 330 days
main product revenue = $ 221,167,584.00

direct production cost

(raw materials + utilities + operating lab. + supervisory + maintenance & repairs + lab. C

raw materials
item unit
ethylene metric ton / h
* Asumsi : nitrogen,oksigen dari udara bebas (not shown in the PFD of Ethylene Oxide)

item unit
cooling water metric ton /h
high pressure steam (41 barg) metric lb / h
process water metric ton / h
boiling feed water metric ton / h
electricity KWh

operating labors orang/shift

direct supervisory & clerical labor 15% of operating labors (Timmerhaus Table.27)
maintenance & repairs 5% of FCI (Timmerhaus Table.27)
laboratory charges 20% of operating labors (Timmerhaus Table.27)
operating supplies 0,7% of FCI (Timmerhaus Table.27)
direct production cost

fixed charges
insurance 0,5% of FCI (Timmerhaus Table.27)
local taxes 2% of FCI (Timmerhaus Table.27)

plant overhead costs 70% of cost for operating labor, supervisory & maintenanc
manufacturing cost = direct production cost + fixed charges + plant overhead

general expense
administrative cost 15% of cost for operating labor, supervisory & maintenanc
distribution & selling price 10% of TPC (Timmerhaus Table.27)
R&D 5% of TPC (Timmerhaus Table.27)

TPC = manufacturing cost + general expense

TPC = manufacturing cost + administrative cost +
85% TPC = $ 167,569,375.86 + $ 1,807,144.54 +
TPC = $ 169,376,520.40
TPC = $ 199,266,494.59

Ethylene price source:

Ethylene oxide price source :

Cooling water cost source: Turton, et al. Analysis, synthesis, and design of chemical process. Hal 241
High pressure steam cost source: Turton, et al. Analysis, synthesis, and design of chemical process. Hal 241
Process water cost source: Turton, et al. Analysis, synthesis, and design of chemical process. Hal 241
Boiling feed water (at 115 deg.C) cost source: Turton, et al. Analysis, synthesis, and design of chemical process. Ha
Electricity cost source: Turton, et al. Analysis, synthesis, and design of chemical process. Halaman 241

Timmerhaus Table.27
kebutuhan utitas
Production Cost

1 day = 24 jam

ct production cost
ory + maintenance & repairs + lab. Charges + operating supplies)

raw materials
price / unit quantity quantity/year price/year
$ 644.00 20 158400 $ 102,009,600.00
$ 102,009,600.00

price / unit quantity quantity/year price/year utilitas
$ 0.0148 13890.341 110011500.72 $ 1,628,170.21 boiled feed water to R-701
$ 0.013 1062.45406 8414636.152032 $ 109,390.27 boiled feed water to R-702
$ 0.07 60.3 477576 $ 31,997.59 total boiled feed w
$ 2.45 24.486 193929.12 $ 475,126.34 cooling water to E-701
$ 0.06 74504 590071680 $ 35,404,300.80 cooling water to E-702
$ 37,648,985.22 cooling water to E-704
cooling water to E-706
$ 42,745.80 3.3346664 12.2497949392 $ 523,627.28 cooling water to E-707
ors (Timmerhaus Table.27) $ 78,544.09 cooling water to E-709
us Table.27) $ 11,445,458.91 total cooling wa
ors (Timmerhaus Table.27) $ 104,725.46
aus Table.27) $ 1,602,364.25 high pressure steam to E-703
$ 13,754,719.99 high pressure steam to E-705
cost $ 153,413,305.20 high pressure steam to E-708
total high pressure
fixed charges
aus Table.27) $ 1,144,545.89
us Table.27) $ 4,578,183.56
$ 5,722,729.45

ting labor, supervisory & maintenance $ 8,433,341.20

ost + fixed charges + plant overhead cost $ 167,569,375.86

eneral expense
ting labor, supervisory & maintenance (Timmerhaus Table.27) $ 1,807,144.54
haus Table.27) $ 19,926,649.46
us Table.27) $ 9,963,324.73
$ 31,697,118.73

distribution & selling price + R&D cost

10%TPC + 5%TPC


mical process. Hal 241

of chemical process. Hal 241
mical process. Hal 241
and design of chemical process. Halaman 241
l process. Halaman 241
ethylene production per year

cost water & steam

utilitas quantity, kg/hour
boiled feed water to R-701 13673
boiled feed water to R-702 10813
total boiled feed water
cooling water to E-701 1397870
cooling water to E-702 1988578
cooling water to E-704 5009727
cooling water to E-706 4950860
cooling water to E-707 513697
cooling water to E-709 29609
total cooling water

high pressure steam to E-703 87162

high pressure steam to E-705 135789
high pressure steam to E-708 258975
total high pressure steam
total cost
cost water & steam
quantity, kg/day quantity, ton/year cost/ton
328152 108290.16
259512 85638.96
193929.12 $ 2.45
33548880 11071130.4
47725872 15749537.76
120233448 39677037.84
118820640 39210811.2
12328728 4068480.24
710616 234503.28
110011500.72 $ 0.01
quantity, lb/year
2091888 1521886.173984
3258936 2370934.600848
6215400 4521815.3772
8414636.152032 $ 29.29
total cost
operating labors
cost Labor Shift : 3shift/day*300 day/years =
Jumlah tenaga kerja yang dibutuhkan per shift :
Single operator works: 49 weeks/y * 5 shift/week =
$ 475,126.34 Number of operators needed to provide shifts =

ket :

$ 1,628,170.21
*Labor cost in 2010: Turton, et al. Analysis, synthesis, and design of chemi

$ 246,464,692.9 2
$ 248,567,989 3
total payment employee/month
total payment employee/year
perating labors
Labor Shift : 3shift/day*300 day/years = 900 Shift/years
Jumlah tenaga kerja yang dibutuhkan per shift :
Single operator works: 49 weeks/y * 5 shift/week = 245 shift/operator/year
Number of operators needed to provide shifts = 3.673469388 operator

P = number of processing steps involving the handling of particulate solids

Nnp = number of nonparticulate processing steps

*Labor cost in 2010: Turton, et al. Analysis, synthesis, and design of chemical process. (hal 237)

position employee payment/month total

Direktur utama 1 $ 1,480.71 $ 1,480.71
sekretaris presiden direktur 2 $ 1,110.54 $ 2,221.08
plant coordinator 1 $ 740.36 $ 740.36
finance coordinator 1 $ 666.32 $ 666.32
general manager 1 $ 1,110.54 $ 1,110.54
sekretaris general manager 1 $ 666.32 $ 666.32
manufacturing manager 1 $ 666.32 $ 666.32
karyawan manufacturing division 36 $ 518.25 $ 18,657.00
administration manager 1 $ 370.18 $ 370.18
karyawan administration division 3 $ 333.16 $ 999.48
develop management 4 $ 370.18 $ 1,480.72
karyawan finance and accounting 5 $ 333.16 $ 1,665.80
internal audit manager 1 $ 370.18 $ 370.18
karyawan internal audit 4 $ 333.16 $ 1,332.64
SHE-Q Manager 1 $ 666.32 $ 666.32
karyawan SHE-Q 5 $ 518.25 $ 2,591.25
Strategic planning manager 1 $ 518.25 $ 518.25
karyawan strategic planning 4 $ 370.18 $ 1,480.72
security manager 1 $ 250.00 $ 250.00
karyawan security 5 $ 182.87 $ 914.35
dokter 1 $ 1,036.50 $ 1,036.50
perawat 2 $ 333.16 $ 666.32
karyawan kebersihan taman 5 $ 182.87 $ 914.35
karyawan parkir 2 $ 182.87 $ 365.74
sopir 5 $ 182.87 $ 914.35
total payment employee/month $ 42,745.80
total payment employee/year $ 512,949.60
cash flow analysis (based on towler & sinnot. 2008. chemical engineering design handbook & turton, et al. 2012

location : Indonesia
product : Ethylene Oxide
capital cost basic year : 2016
operating days : 330

revenues & production cost

main product revenue $ 221,167,584.00
raw materials cost $ 102,009,600.00
utilities cost $ 37,648,985.22
variable cost of production (VCOP) $ 139,658,585.22
salary and overheads $ 9,035,512.58
maintenance & repairs $ 11,445,458.91
laboratory charges $ 104,725.46
insurances $ 1,144,545.89
administrative costs $ 1,807,144.54
distribution & selling prices $ 19,926,649.46
R&D $ 9,963,324.73
fixed cost of production (FCOP) $ 53,427,361.56

capital costs
contingency $ 15,732,589.56
FCI $ 228,909,178.12
WCI $ 40,395,737.32
TCI $ 269,304,915.44

year %FCI %WCI %FCOP
0 30 0 0
1 70 0 0
2 0 100 100
3 0 0 100
4 0 0 100
5 0 0 100
6 0 0 100
7 0 0 100
8 0 0 100
9 0 0 100
10 0 0 100
11 0 0 100

economic assumption
discount rate assumption : 15%
interest rate minimum : 10%
inflation rate : 3.58%
tax rate : 31.2%
depreciation : 10%
depreciation period : 5

No Description

1 Etilen oxide price
4 Etilen oxide sale
5 Total Income

6 ethylene Price
8 ethylene Cost
10 Production Cost and Maintenance
11 Total Outcome

12 Operational Profit
13 Depreciation
14 Revenue Before Tax

15 Income Tax Percentage

16 Income Tax
17 Revenue After Tax

18 After-Tax Cash flow


Average Annual Net Profit $ 79,753,615.32

Fixed Capital Investment $ 228,909,178.12
Rate of Return on Investment 35%

Cumulative Cash Position $ 813,324,796.76

Cumulative Cash Ratio 4.0200889405
Payback Period 3.6 years

Discount 0.65%
DPBP 5.00 years

End of Year Nondiscounted Cash Cumulative Discounted

Discounted Cash Flow
Flow Cash Flow
0 $ (269,304,915.44) $ (269,304,915.44) $ (269,304,915.44)
1 $ 64,477,498.59 $ 56,067,390.08 $ (213,237,525.36)
2 $ 72,828,089.14 $ 55,068,498.40 $ (158,169,026.96)
3 $ 81,651,047.35 $ 53,686,889.03 $ (104,482,137.93)
4 $ 90,970,539.99 $ 52,012,701.49 $ (52,469,436.44)
5 $ 100,811,947.65 $ 50,121,355.01 $ (2,348,081.43)
6 $ 111,201,925.48 $ 48,075,661.10 $ 45,727,579.67
7 $ 122,168,466.99 $ 45,927,651.85 $ 91,655,231.52
8 $ 133,740,971.01 $ 43,720,160.66 $ 135,375,392.18
9 $ 145,950,312.02 $ 41,488,187.73 $ 176,863,579.92
10 $ 158,828,913.99 $ 39,260,078.43 $ 216,123,658.34
ign handbook & turton, et al. 2012. analysis, synthesis, and design of chemical processes


139,658,585.22 variable cost of production (VCOP) = raw materials cost + utilities cost

construction schedule
%VCOP %production statement
0 0 the plant is being constructed
0 0 the plant is being constructed
50 50 the plant is started up by 50% of production
100 100 operating at 100% of production capacity
100 100 operating at 100% of production capacity
100 100 operating at 100% of production capacity
100 100 operating at 100% of production capacity
100 100 operating at 100% of production capacity
100 100 operating at 100% of production capacity
100 100 operating at 100% of production capacity
100 100 operating at 100% of production capacity
100 100 operating at 100% of production capacity
of taxbl. Income
of FCI with straight line method

0 1

$/ton $ 2,300.00
$ $ 282,603,024.00
$ $ 282,603,024.00

$/ton $ 644.00
$ $ 102,009,600.00
$ $ 97,256,894.59
$ $ 199,266,494.59

$ $ 83,336,529.41
$ $ 22,890,917.81
$ $ 60,445,611.60

% $ 31.20
$ $ 18,859,030.82
$ $ 41,586,580.78

$ $ -269,304,915.44 $ 64,477,498.59
$ $ -269,304,915.44 $ -204,827,416.85

Discount Rate 115%

Net Present Value $ 216,123,658.34
Present Value Ratio 1.8025240014
IRR = 30%
economic analysis project of ethylene oxide plant

P) = raw materials cost + utilities cost

2 3 4 5

$ 2,415.00 $ 2,535.75 $ 2,662.54 $ 2,795.66

$ 296,733,175.20 $ 311,569,833.96 $ 327,148,325.66 $ 343,505,741.94
$ 296,733,175.20 $ 311,569,833.96 $ 327,148,325.66 $ 343,505,741.94

$ 650.44 $ 656.94 $ 663.51 $ 670.15

$ 103,029,696.00 $ 104,059,992.96 $ 105,100,592.89 $ 106,151,598.82
$ 98,229,463.53 $ 99,211,758.17 $ 100,203,875.75 $ 101,205,914.51
$ 201,259,159.53 $ 203,271,751.13 $ 205,304,468.64 $ 207,357,513.32

$ 95,474,015.67 $ 108,298,082.83 $ 121,843,857.02 $ 136,148,228.62

$ 22,890,917.81 $ 22,890,917.81 $ 22,890,917.81 $ 22,890,917.81
$ 72,583,097.86 $ 85,407,165.02 $ 98,952,939.21 $ 113,257,310.80

$ 31.20 $ 31.20 $ 31.20 $ 31.20

$ 22,645,926.53 $ 26,647,035.49 $ 30,873,317.03 $ 35,336,280.97
$ 49,937,171.32 $ 58,760,129.53 $ 68,079,622.17 $ 77,921,029.83

$ 72,828,089.14 $ 81,651,047.35 $ 90,970,539.99 $ 100,811,947.65

$ -131,999,327.71 $ -50,348,280.36 $ 40,622,259.63 $ 141,434,207.27
6 7 8

$ 2,935.45 $ 3,082.22 $ 3,236.33

$ 360,681,029.04 $ 378,715,080.49 $ 397,650,834.51
$ 360,681,029.04 $ 378,715,080.49 $ 397,650,834.51

$ 676.85 $ 683.62 $ 690.46

$ 107,213,114.81 $ 108,285,245.95 $ 109,368,098.41
$ 102,217,973.65 $ 103,240,153.39 $ 104,272,554.92
$ 209,431,088.46 $ 211,525,399.34 $ 213,640,653.34

$ 151,249,940.58 $ 167,189,681.15 $ 184,010,181.18

$ 22,890,917.81 $ 22,890,917.81 $ 22,890,917.81
$ 128,359,022.77 $ 144,298,763.34 $ 161,119,263.37

$ 31.20 $ 31.20 $ 31.20

$ 40,048,015.10 $ 45,021,214.16 $ 50,269,210.17
$ 88,311,007.66 $ 99,277,549.17 $ 110,850,053.20

$ 111,201,925.48 $ 122,168,466.99 $ 133,740,971.01

$ 252,636,132.75 $ 374,804,599.73 $ 508,545,570.74
9 10

$ 3,398.15 $ 3,568.05
$ 417,533,376.24 $ 438,410,045.05
$ 417,533,376.24 $ 438,410,045.05

$ 697.36 $ 704.33
$ 110,461,779.40 $ 111,566,397.19
$ 105,315,280.47 $ 106,368,433.28
$ 215,777,059.87 $ 217,934,830.47

$ 201,756,316.37 $ 220,475,214.58
$ 22,890,917.81 $ 22,890,917.81
$ 178,865,398.56 $ 197,584,296.77

$ 31.20 $ 31.20
$ 55,806,004.35 $ 61,646,300.59
$ 123,059,394.21 $ 135,937,996.18

$ 145,950,312.02 $ 158,828,913.99
$ 654,495,882.76 $ 813,324,796.76

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