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Volume 1, Issue 3 June 2008

If I then, your
Lord and Teacher,
have washed your

John 13:14-15
feet, you also ought
to wash one an-
other’s feet. For I
Lutheran Bible Translators have given you an
example, that you
also should do just

Where are you going?! as I have done to

This is, by far, the question we get asked
most often. We do not have an official
assignment, but we are considering Cameroon,
West Africa. We thought we’d share with you • Praise that Kory has finished
some of what we have learned about Cameroon his classes and for a wonderful
thus far. It is a little larger than year of training at GIAL!
California in size but is home to
• Praise for a blessed first year
280 different languages. It has
with Sam
two official languages: English
and French. We will most likely • Pray for us as we say goodbye
be placed in the French speaking to the many friends we have

Pray For Us...

portion, which means it is impor- made
tant to be fluent in French. We
• Pray for our speaking schedule
would first spend a year or so in a
to fill up and that many would
European French school before moving to Cameroon. It is commonly be moved to join with us in
called “Africa in miniature” because of cultural and geographical diver- this ministry
sity matching that of Africa. More to come in future newsletters!
• Pray for us as we travel, that
On the road again… As many of you know, we will be visit- we would be patient with one
ing many churches in many states in the coming months. First to Indiana/ another and that we would be
Michigan/Illinois, then off to Kansas, and we’ve recently added Florida to the joyful and open to serving
mix (see our calendar on our website for details). Our speaking schedule is still Him even when we are weary
very open so please contact us if you’d like us to come and talk with your
church, school, Bible study, or simply your family. While we’re on the topic of
partnership development, we’d like to thank those who have already donated to longer-term commitment, please consider
our ministry and committed to praying for us! We wanted to highlight some- giving to our ministry fund. For informa-
thing for those who want to give but don’t want to make a regular monthly tion on how to give, see the bottom of the
commitment: we need $10,000 to set-up our house overseas. This would be an next page or visit our new website:
excellent option for one-time gifts! For those who want to make a

In His Time...
Partnership Development
Attend IDIOM Appointment as LBT (Prayer and Financial support)
(orientation to LBT) in missionaries (Jan ‘08) July ‘08-???
May ‘06

Classes at GIAL in TX
LBT application (‘06-’07) (July ‘07—June ‘08) Depart for field assignment
about himself. We translate the Bible
LBT 102 so that God can speak to people in their
own language, the language of their
How (do you translate a Bible)? This heart. Why not just hand out transla-
needs several books to be thoroughly tions in the languages of wider commu-
answered but, in a nutshell, here's what nication (languages used by larger num-
happens: LBT missionaries are invited bers of people to buy and sell and com-
to come and live in a new community, municate with surrounding people
to join with the local people to learn and groups)? There are many answers to
participate in God’s mission together. this, but let me leave you with a quote
Missionaries begin by learning to speak from a graduate student whose first lan-
and communicate in the local language guage is Hawaiian pidgin but who also
At the Dallas World Aquarium with Grandma
which is no easy process since, most of- speaks English. This is what he said
and Grandpa
ten, there are no written materials to after receiving the Hawaiian Pidgin Bi-
use. Friendships and working relation- ble: “The English Bible speaks to my -Cara’s busy being master menu planner
ships are established during this time. head, but the Pidgin Bible speaks to my as she concocts ways to use up all the
The missionaries analyze the grammar heart.” God wants all the nations of food we’ve collected in our pantry be-
of the language and consulting with the the world to know Him in their hearts, fore we move on June 28.
host community leaders, an acceptable not just in their heads.
writing system is established. With the -Sam is keeping his parents busy as he
guidance of church and community has learned to walk. He’s not quite an
leaders, individuals are selected to be expert at it, but every day he gets faster
part of the Bible translation team along (if that’s even possible…). He has
with the LBT missionary. Together, learned several more words and a few
they strive to find words and phrases in signs, including one Aunt Jenna taught
the host language that most accurately him. He was shaking his head furiously
reflect the original Greek or Hebrew. back and forth (as he loves to do) while
Translation drafts are checked multiple we ate lunch one day and Jenna put
times by multiple people within the both hands on either side of his head
community. After checking and revis- saying, “Stop!” He thought that was
ing, more checking and revising and hilarious and will now put his own
checking again (I think you get it), the Sam signing “Stop!” hands on the sides of his head (or over
translation is published. The whole his eyes) whenever anyone says stop.
process usually takes 12-20 years to Following the As a final note, he would like everyone
complete a New Testament including to know that birthday cake is best en-
some selections from the Old Testa- Family joyed when it is up your arms, all over
ment. -Kory is looking forward to taking a your face, and in your hair.
hands-on class at the end of June which
Why go to all of that trouble? First of will teach him how to do small engine The mission of
all, we are commanded in the famous repairs and set-up/maintain solar power LBT is to help
Great Commission to “go and make dis- in our home overseas. Until then, he’s
ciples of all nations…” The Bible is one busy setting up our speaking schedule bring people to
of the primary ways God teaches us for the coming year. faith in Jesus
Christ by making
the Word of God
Write to us at: Send financial support to: available to those
Kory, Cara, and Samuel Fay Lutheran Bible Translators who do not yet
707 Johnson Drive #101 P.O. Box 2050 have it in the lan-
Duncanville, TX 75116 Aurora, IL 60507-2050 guage of their
or as of June 27: (Make checks out to Lutheran hearts. For more
848 Balroyal Ct.
Bible Translators and designate information on
Indianapolis, IN 46234
Fay ministry or Fay Household LBT go to

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