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Musical Values Competition Rubric

Exemplary Meets Approaching Does Not Meet

Performance Expectations Expectations Expectations

Technicality Rhythm, pitch, Rhythm, pitch, Rhythm, pitch, Rhythm, pitch,

diction, and diction, and diction, and dictions, and
dynamics are dynamics are dynamics are dynamics are
apparent and mostly accurate/ often inaccurate/ completely
accurate apparent. unapparent. inaccurate and
throughout the unapparent.

Introduction The video The introduction The introduction The performing

submission did not meet all isn’t relevant to group did not
includes a brief the criteria. the competition. include an
summary of introduction.
what the
selection is
about and how it
aligns with the
yearly theme of
the competition.

Performance The performers The performers The message of The message of

expertly successfully the selection is the selection is
captivate their convey the lost. not accurately
audience and message of the conveyed and
convey the selection. the performance
message of the is difficult to
selection. watch.

Understanding* Ensemble Ensemble Ensemble Ensemble has

understands shows a basic shows some no
what value is understanding of understanding of understanding of
represented, the prompt. the prompt. the prompt or
why it’s didn’t include
important, the this portion.
impact it has
had on them,
and how they
will use it.
*​Denotes that this standard is judged from the short paragraph the ensemble members write.

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