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2014+ Ford Fiesta ST Blow Off Valve (BOV)

Goal: ​To design a pull-style blow off valve that fits the stock BOV location of a 2014+ Ford Fiesta ST.

Description: ​The company where I am currently working wanted to start carrying a line of blow off valves. The first blow
off valve had to fit in the stock location on a 2014+ Ford Fiesta ST, as well as function under stock conditions, and have
the ability to function under modified pressure conditions.

The images above show the initial stages of the design process. In the first image to the left I wrote down what was known of the
product and what I learned from researching the competition. The image in the middle shows my preliminary sketches for a pull-style
BOV. The image on the right shows my initial force and pressure calculations for a pull-style BOV.
Initial Designs

Push-Pull BOV:​ The images below show the push-pull style BOV I designed. This design is similar to the competition BOV, and
therefore this design was not pursued further. In this design the valve opens based on the pressure in the pipe and the pressure in the
engine block.

Pull BOV:​ ​The images below show the pull style BOV. This is the design we decided to pursue because there aren’t any pull style
BOVs that fit in the stock location. In this design the valve is controlled only by the engine block pressure. It is designed to open when
the pressure in the engine block is vacuum at around -9 psi.

The image below shows the calculations done for the prototype. The final calculations were modeled in excel. The calculations also
represent the valve opening under different conditions, depending on the force you use to twist the cap.

The image below shows the machining assembly I created on SolidWorks to model the requested fixture to CNC mill the BOV on a
4-axis CNC Machine.

The image belows shows a rendering of the prototype parts based on the toolpaths I programmed.

Next Steps:​ At this time, I have only programmed the prototype in HSMWorks. The prototype still needs to be machined and tested.

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