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Blue Coat Reporter 9.5.

x Release Notes

Release Date: 03/25/2015
Document Revision: 2.0 on 06/27/2016

Release Note Directory

These release notes present information organized by each release in the Reporter 9.5.x
software line. Each section provides feature descriptions, fixes, known issues, and
compatibility notes.
❐ Section A: "Reporter 9.5 Overview" on page 2—Provides information about all of
Reporter 9.5.x.
❐ Section B: "Reporter Contents" on page 9—Provides information about
features and fixes in the v9.5.1.1 release.

Blue Coat Reporter 9.5.x Release Notes

Section A: Reporter 9.5 Overview

This section provides information that applies to all Reporter 9.5.x releases.

Before beginning the installation process, review the following sections.
❐ "Reporter 9.5.x Features" on page 3—Provides a quick reference for features
introduced in each release, with links to full feature descriptions.
❐ "Important Notes" on page 3—Information about running this version of Reporter.
❐ "Installing/Upgrading Information" on page 3—Provides a quick reference that links
to descriptions of customer-reported Service Requests (SRs).
❐ "About Licensing" on page 4—Provides information about the various Reporter
❐ "System Compatibilities" on page 4—Lists which versions of various third-party
products are compatible with Reporter 9.x.
❐ "Global Reporter Limitations" on page 6—Provides any limitations that apply to all
Reporter 9.x releases.
❐ "Reporter Documentation" on page 7—Lists and describes the Reporter
documentation suite.
Direct support questions regarding this release to:
For questions or comments related to these Release Notes or any Reporter documentation,
send an e-mail to:

Blue Coat Reporter 9.5.x Release Notes

Reporter 9.5.x Features

The following section lists the features introduced in Reporter 9.5.x releases, with cross-
reference links to feature descriptions.
❐ Reporter is largely a fixed issue release and plus several enhancements.
"New Features in" on page 9.

Document Errata
Because this is a release that contains only minor enhancements, the online help, the
Initial Configuration Guide, and the Administration Guide were not updated. The
functionality remains the same as Reporter 9.4. The following link provides the latest

Important Notes
Reporter 9.5.x does not support the following.
❐ Windows 2003 server.
❐ 32-bit operating systems.
If you attempt to install Reporter 9.5 on one of these, the InstallShield halts and displays a
message describing the incompatibility.
For those who currently run Reporter 9.4.x, Blue Coat recommends performing a new
installation of Reporter 9.5 and build new databases with new and/or previous log files.

Installing/Upgrading Information
This section discusses upgrading to Reporter 9.5.x from previous releases.

Sizing Information
Blue Coat strongly recommends that you consult the Blue Coat Reporter 9.x Sizing Guide
to verify that your Reporter system allotment is adequate.
❐ 9.x

Upgrading from Reporter 9.4.x

If you a currently running Reporter 9.4.x, you can upgrade to Reporter 9.5.x without any
issues or database rebuild.

Blue Coat Reporter 9.5.x Release Notes

Upgrading from Reporter 9.2.x, 9.3.x, or Previous

Because of some changes to database architecture, you must rebuild databases following
the upgrade to v9.5. For guidance on how to upgrade from 9.2.x or 9.3.x to 9.5.x, see
Reporter 9.5.x features an architecture that is not compatible with Reporter 7.x or 8.x
versions. Therefore, you can perform an upgrade to Reporter 9.5.x from previous Reporter
9.x versions only. To view reports that contain older data, you must reprocess legacy/
archived log files into Reporter 9.5.x databases. You can, however, run these previous
Reporter versions on the same server as Reporter 9.5.x. This enables you to create new
databases for data going forward and transition legacy data into new databases at your
own pace.

About Licensing
Reporter 9.5.x features three available licenses:
❐ Standard (default)—Installing and running Reporter requires no license; however, the
default mode (also known as Standard License) limits log processing to 50 million
concurrent log lines. If log processing reaches this limit, Reporter halts processing
until lines are removed from databases or you install a higher level license
❐ Enterprise—Purchasing and installing an Enterprise License enables Reporter to
process up to 2.5 billion concurrent log lines.
❐ Premium—Purchasing and installing a Premium License enables Reporter to process
up to 20 billion concurrent log lines.
After purchasing an Enterprise or Premium license, refer to the installation procedure in
the Blue Coat Reporter 9.4 Initial Configuration Guide.

System Compatibilities
Reporter 9.5.x supports the following 3rd party systems and products.

Note: Blue Coat Reporter 9.x can run on VMware systems. To be precise, Reporter runs
on supported Windows or Linux platforms, which might themselves be running on
VMware systems.

❐ 64-bit operating systems

Important: 64-bit databases are not compatible with 32-bit databases. Therefore, if
you processed logs on a 32-bit system and migrate to a 64-bit system, you must
reprocess all of your logs to generate new compatible databases.

Blue Coat Reporter 9.5.x Release Notes

FTP Servers
❐ Windows FTP (through IIS)
❐ Linux: VSFTPD

Note: These are the FTP server types with which Blue Coat has tested Reporter.
Other FTP servers might function correctly, but they are not officially supported by
Blue Coat.

❐ Windows Server 2008 (64-bit)
❐ Windows Server 2012 (64-bit)

• Reporter supports Intel x86 and AMD64 processor architectures; Reporter does
not support Intel RISC processors (IA64).

❐ Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).
• 5.8 (64-bit)
• 5.9 (64-bit)
• 6.3 (64-bit)
• 6.4 (64-bit)
As supported Linux versions change from time to time, refer to the following Blue Coat
Knowledge Base article (—FAQ1697—What versions of Red Hat
Linux are officially supported by Reporter 9.x versions?) for the most current information:
The following are the Linux Reporter Binary Library Dependencies:
ldd bcreporter => /lib64/ (0x00002ba56fc38000) => /lib64/ (0x00002ba56fe52000) => /usr/lib64/ (0x00002ba570056000) => /lib64/ (0x00002ba570357000) => /lib64/ (0x00002ba5705da000) => /lib64/ (0x00002ba5707e8000)
/lib64/ (0x00002ba56fa1c000)

Windows versions of Reporter have the OpenSSL library built into the binary executable.
No external OpenSSL library is required. Linux versions of Reporter require an external
OpenSSL package to be installed on the system. For the highest security, Blue Coat
recommends OpenSSL 1.0.1.h.
Linux only: If you are using an older version of OpenSSL, work with your system
administrator to update your version of OpenSSL.

Blue Coat Reporter 9.5.x Release Notes

Blue Coat recommends the following browsers for Reporter access.

❐ Firefox (5.x through the most current)

❐ Internet Explorer (8.x through the most current)
❐ Chrome (10.x through the most current)
❐ Safari (5.x through the most current)
Other browsers might function, but Reporter users might experience slower performance
with older browsers.

Reporter 9.5.x supports English, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, and Japanese.
While you might run Reporter on a system that supports user interfaces in your language,
Reporter is able to support only the specified languages.

Global Reporter Limitations

This section provides known Reporter system operational limits that apply to all Reporter
9.x releases.
Reporter 9.x supports only whole-hour time zone offsets. Reporter does not support time
zone offsets of 30 minutes, or any other non-whole-hour offsets.
A maximum of ten filters may be specified when using the WebAPI to create a report.
❐ KB5436 – The limit on the count of Reporter WebAPI Filter
❐ Reports are different depending on the order in which the filters are specified
(B#184060, SR# 2-526895112)

Recommended Limits
Do not exceed the following recommended limits in Reporter 9.5.x.

Feature Recommended Limit

Realms 10

Users 100

Roles 100

Groups 100

Databases 50

Log Sources 150

Custom Reports (per user) 250

Templates/Named Filters (per user) 25

Panes (per user) 25

Blue Coat Reporter 9.5.x Release Notes

Feature Recommended Limit

Scheduled Events 5000

Rows in Report 25000

Archived Reports No limit; based on disk space capacity.

Concurrent Users 50

Pending ProxySG appliances 150

PDF exports • Dashboard/Overview Charts: 10 entries +

an others entry for pie charts.
• Summary Charts: 25 entries, plus an
others entry for pie charts.

On some Windows servers, the firewall might prohibit large FTP file transfers. This
causes FTP Log Sources to abort log processing and unload because of the fatal error.
Disabling the FTP firewall, or possibly increasing a restrictive custom timeout, allows the
Log Source to download the entire log file.
For more information, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base Article ID:
931130 "Error message when you use and FTP client to download a large
file from an FTP server: "Connection closed by remote host"

Double-byte Characters
Double-byte characters in access logs are currently not supported in Reporter 9.x.

Note: The Reporter Management Console supports Chinese/Japanese Operating Systems

and also supports Chinese/Japanese display in the Reporter user interface, but the required
double-byte characters are not stored or processed.

Limitation: Exported PDF Report

Applies to Japanese Windows OS plus Internet Explorer 9 or later versions (10, 11, Edge).
In the generated PDF, Reporter replaces characters with???? characters.
You can perform a workaround procedure. See the following Blue Coat Knowledge Base

Reporter Documentation
This section lists the current Blue Coat Reporter 9.x Documentation Suite.
❐ Blue Coat Reporter 9.x Sizing Guide—Use this reference to determine asset
requirements for your particular Reporter deployment.

Blue Coat Reporter 9.5.x Release Notes

❐ Blue Coat Reporter 9.x Initial Configuration Guide—Describes how to install

Reporter, how to configure the ProxySG appliance to upload access logs to a
dedicated server, and how to create a profile and user role. Also includes installation
best practices and troubleshooting.
❐ Blue Coat Reporter 9.x Administrator’s Guide—Provides tasks and best practices for
Blue Coat Reporter administrators. Tasks include policy for backing up access logs,
alternative methods, and troubleshooting.
❐ Online Help System—The Reporter 9.x user interface features a context-sensitive
Online Help System. An administrator logging into Reporter has access to all topics.
Non-admin users have access only to topics that are related to the Report Dashboard
and general report information.
PDF versions of these manuals are available on the Blue Coat resource sites.

Reporter Releases Directory

These release notes present information organized by each release in the Reporter 9.5.x
software line.
❐ Section B: "Reporter Contents" on page 9

Blue Coat Reporter 9.5.x Release Notes

Section B: Reporter Contents

Release Date: 03/25/2015
Compatible with: SGOS 4.2.x, 4.3.x, 5.3.x, 5.4.x, 5.5.x, 6.1.x, 6.2.x, 6.3.x,
6.4.x, 6.5.x
Build: 155397
This section contains the following v9.5.1.1 topics.
❐ "New Features in" on page 9
❐ "Fixes in" on page 10
❐ "Known Issues in" on page 11

New Features in

Reporter is largely a fixed issue release plus the following enhancements.
❐ Increased database loading performance.
❐ With older versions of Windows, services were killed after a certain amount of time,
which then corrupted the Reporter database; this required a database rebuild.
Beginning with Reporter, Windows waits for the service to complete its
shutdown before completing its own shutdown process.
❐ To avoid exceeding licensed line max, an Admin can now mark a database as
purgeable. Historically, log readers shut down when the number of stored log lines
reached the licensed maximum. To avoid this, the added option checks daily for this
condition and purges the oldest lines in the databases—even though they have not
aged past expiration. The feature is enabled per-database by selecting Automatically
delete oldest data when log license limit is exceeded on the Set Expiration page during
database creation/configuration. By default, this box is not selected, which protects
the database from early expiration. If the total number of stored lines bumps into the
licensed maximum, Reporter expires a day's worth of the oldest lines in an
unprotected database. This process might repeat nightly until manual or scheduled
expiration remedies the situation.
❐ Enhanced Security Configuration—Reporter 9.5.1.x introduces two new SSL
connection settings for TLS versions 1.1 and 1.2, which are available options that
eliminate SSL vulnerabilities (such as POODLE) on Reporter connections yet provide
backward compatibility for older, required browsers (if necessary).
These options exist in the /settings/preferences.cfg file.
tls_v1_1="true" [NEW]
tls_v1_2="true" [NEW]

Be advised, if you are upgrading from 9.4.x (that is, installing Reporter 9.5.x to
replace the current 9.4.x version), some Reporter users might experience connection
failures with certain older browsers. If use of the older browser is required, change the
ssl_v3 value to true, which should mitigate the issue.

Blue Coat Reporter 9.4.x Release Notes

Note: Some Firefox browsers experience a known behavior where the following
error message accompanies a connection failure.
Firefox cannot guarantee the safety of your data on <host>.
because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
This is a misleading message because it indicates that the browser is not compatible
with the TLS level of underlying Reporter OpenSSL library. You can mitigate this by
enabling ssl_v3, as described above, but the side effect is that other SSL
vulnerabilities might be exposed.

For more information about the POODLE vulnerability, see—


Fixes in
Some fixes were brought in from the v9.4.2.7 patch release.

❐ The following discovered security issues were resolved (May, 2013). ProxySG
appliances that provide the cloud services at datacenters received fixes to address the
vulnerabilities from the SSL v3 POODLE attack. For more information, refer to the
following vendor page.
• Blue Coat—

❐ Reporter logged out despite the Session Timeout set to Never. (B#200493)

❐ Reporter failed when mismatched OpenSSL and Crypto libs were loaded. (B#201437)

❐ (Partial Fix) Allow user to specify sort order for bar graph entries. Introduces a new
report_generation_settings.reverse_graph_sort setting in the
preferences.cfg file. If this setting is set TRUE, bar graph entries sort vertically to
match the order of the entries in the table below the graph. This applies to PDF
exporting only; you cannot yet change the order on the Management Console (UI)

Blue Coat Reporter 9.5.x Release Notes

❐ On three-level reports with the sub-criteria Hour, Site, and Client IP, the values for Site
data were random numbers, not the site name. (B#206160)
❐ The Total Bytes value in the Summary Report did not match the Full Log Details report.

❐ Extend web API to generate reports in JSON format.

Known Issues in

None reported at this time.

Blue Coat Reporter 9.5.x Release Notes


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