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Rankine Cycle
A steam power plant operates on an ideal Rankine cycle. Superheated steam flows into the turbine at 2 MPa and 500 oC
with a flow rate of 100 kg/s and exits the condenser at 50oC as saturated water. Determine (a) the net power output, (b)
the thermal efficiency, and (c) the quality of steam at the turbine exit.

Reheat Cycle
Steam power plant is operating on a reheat Rankine cycle with 80 MW of net output. Steam enters the HP turbine at 10
MPa and 500 °C and expands to 1000 KPa and is reheated at constant pressure to a temperature of 500 °C and re-expand
to LP turbine. Steam leaves the condenser as a saturated liquid at 10 kPa. Isentropic efficiencies of the turbine and pump
are 80 percent and 95 percent, respectively. Find:
a) quality or temperature of steam at turbine exit
b) thermal efficiency of the cycle
c) mass flow rate of the steam
d) condenser cooling water flow rate allowing a water temperature rise of 15C
e) cycle steam rate kg/KW-hr
f} cycle heat rate KJ/KW - hr

1 kg

ms 1 3
Turbine Wt

Boiler 4'

mw t  t  15C
QA wB wA

mw QR


Wp1 Condensate
T 1
P1  P6
6' 2'
6 P2  P3

P4  P5
5 4'
(1 - m1 – m2)

Reheat – Regenerative Cycle
Ideal reheat-regenerative Rankine cycle with one open feedwater heater. The boiler pressure is 10 MPa, condenser
pressure is 15 kPa, reheater pressure is 1 MPa, and feedwater pressure is 0.6 MPa. Steam enters the high and low
pressure turbines at 500 °C. Find:
a) fraction of steam extracted for regeneration
b) thermal efficiency of the cycle.

Simple Cycle
Calculate the power plant efficiency and the net work for a steam power plant that has turbine inlet conditions of 6 MPa and
500C, bleed steam to the heater occurring at 800 KPa and exhausted to the condenser at 15 KPa. The turbine and pump
have an internal efficiencies of 90%. The flow rate is 63 kg/sec. (e = 35.6% ; W = 60,511 KW)

Reheat Cycle
A steam power plant operates using the reheat Rankine cycle. Steam enters the high pressure turbine at 12.5 MPa and
550ºC at a rate of 7.7 kg/s and leaves at 2 MPa. Steam is then reheated at a constant pressure to 450ºC before it expands
in the low pressure turbine. The isentropic efficiencies of the turbine and the pump are 85% and 90%, respectively. Steam
leaves the condenser as a saturated liquid at 150 KPa. Determine
(a) the net power output, and
(b) the thermal efficiency.
1 (ms-m)
ms 8
7 m 2


5 4

Steam Generator
A coal fired steam power plant produces 150 MW of electric power with a thermal efficiency of 35%. If the energetic efficiency
of the boiler is 75%, heating value of coal is 30 MJ/kg, and the temperature rise of the cooling water in the condenser is
10oC, determine (a) the fuel consumption rate in kg/h, and (b) mass flow rate of cooling water.

Actual Cycle
A power plant operates on a simple Rankine cycle producing a net power of 100 MW. The turbine inlet conditions are 15
MPa and 600oC and the condenser pressure is 10 kPa. If the turbine and pump each has an isentropic efficiency of 85%
and there is a 5% pressure drop in the boiler, determine (a) the thermal efficiency, (b) the mass flow rate of steam in kg/h.

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