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8 Characteristics Of Virgo

1. Perfectionism

Virgo is the perfectionist of the zodiac. All Virgos have an idea of the "perfect them". They are
perfectionists by nature. They are very hard and critical on themselves just like they are on
everything around them, whether they express it outwardly or not. One of the biggest advantage
of being a perfectionist is that their methods of achieving perfectionist actually calms them.
Virgo sets high standards for themselves and when Virgo pushes to have things done a particular
way it’s because they want to see the vision carried out effectively. Virgos don’t suffer from an
obsessive-compulsive disorder; they like order and they see things in black & white. A Virgo’s
pursuit of perfection is done with joy and pleasure. They don’t do anything half-assed. Do things
the right way or don’t do them at all. They don’t have time to waste in this world. Virgo is very
aware of this.

2. Faithfulness and Dedication.

A man born in the sign of Virgo is one of the most faithful husbands of the zodiac. Virgo takes
love seriously. Virgo compatibility is all about trust and sincerity rather than passion and noise.
It takes a long time for a Virgo to fall in love but when they do, it is with great intensity. They
are not true romantics but they take their feelings seriously and expect the same from their
partners. That’s why Virgos when with the right partner are very dedicated, caring and faithful.
Virgos are capable of incredible feelings and emotions, but they need to find a person who can
make them open their hearts. It’s tough to win over a Virgo, but if you use the right words and
actions, they might end up loving you forever. The Virgo dedication to a cause is remarkable.
Their example is an inspiration for everyone to follow. Doing someone a good turn comes
naturally to Virgo. Being a perfectionist drives Virgo to give the intense dedication to his work,
relationship as well as their sex life.

3. Gentle man & Mellow woman.

The Virgo man is unassuming, but an all round good guy. He is a gentle man, doesn’t draw
attention to himself and often prefers to stay in the background, but he is a rock to those who
know him and is usually universally liked. The gentleman-ness show itself by the facts that
Virgo men are very methodical, generally nice and manners come natural to them. He will not
draw attention to himself, always on pursuit of perfectionism and never beats around the bushes
or being aggressive over nothing.

Where a Virgo woman is concerned, she may seem quiet and reserved. You might come across
Virgo ladies being independent thinkers, feminine, tactful, high class, and impressionable. On
the other hands, they have a soft romantic core, quiet disposition, and shy while being in a large
party. The virgin is often considered a shy, naive personality. A Virgo enjoys the status quo.
They pretty much like enjoying their own world than participating in social events.

4. Sensitivity.

Virgo’s the sign of sensitive soul. You might never see a Virgo comes off weak. What you can
see on the surface and learn from a Virgo is how strong, independent, self sufficient they are.
However, deep inside, Virgo is very sensitive and they need to be appreciated for all the things
they do. When is Virgo is offended or hurt, show it. Virgo’s are people of the Earth, they are
grounded and many of them work with their hands. Many Virgo’s are sensitive and require you
to approach them first. They are kind, often well spoken and knowledgeable but are known to be
critical of themselves and those around them. Virgo men often struggle to be tough, cool and in
control. Virgos hate having their privacy invaded without an invitation (and that means
emotional as well as physical). If you want to live comfortably with such firm boundaries, you
need a sense of humor and some boundaries of your own. It’s not really about keeping you out.
It’s about keeping his own emotions in.

5. Creativity.

Virgos are by definition very creative, imaginative, intuitive, thoughtful, and empathetic people.
More or less, you can’t find a lack of creativity Virgo. For many, art is their forte. Creativity runs
in their blood. It is a fundamental characteristic. You may see a Virgo sketching intently or
deeply engrossed in writing. They are good artists, writers and actors. Walt Disney, Michael
Jackson was a Virgo too. Beyonce Knowles, Adam Sandler are also Virgos. Many of them shine
in music and dance, have motivated and inspired you in your life also. They prefer to work alone,
as it is conducive to bring out their creativity. Their beautiful thinking minds give way to this

6. Introvert.

Virgo people are thinkers and they enjoy having time to themselves. In some people's eyes,
Virgos may appear introvert. In fact, they like to choose their words carefully before speaking.
They prefer to think and analyze life. Most of the time, Virgos aren’t comfortable with all their
emotions. Showing their feelings threatens the image they love to portray of being calm, cool
and collected at all times. That’s why they choose to be introverts and lock their hidden feelings
inside. That’s also an act of protecting themselves from getting hurt. A Virgo will do anything to
make their partner feel special but feel hurt when it is not returned.

7. Intelligence

Virgo’s the sign of intelligence. All thanks to Mercury, the supporter of extraordinary intellect,
intelligence is by far the most envied trait of Virgo. Virgos are extremely intelligent and always
eager to expand their knowledge reserves. No one can ever give them tough competition when it
comes to sharing general knowledge. Better watch out for some Virgo classmates in case you are
facing any difficulty in studies. Virgo’s are very analytical, practical, methodology and have
extremely good memory and are blessed with an amazing ability to see through person’s words
and facade and pick up real intentions and ulterior motives. Their mind works like a finely tuned
Swiss clock, processing an incredible amount of data and presenting a detailed solution for the

8. Independence.

Mercury, ruler of Virgo, enhances mind power, empowering both intuition and logical thought.
Sun signs ruled by this energy usually have staggering intellectual capacity.

That’s the reason why Virgos have a strong sense of individuality and independence; being
different comes naturally. Do not misinterpret this trait. Their self-sufficiency does not make
them self-obsessed creatures in any way. Their need to envelop themselves with perfection
makes them want to perfect everything in the vicinity and beyond. They go out of their way to
make the world a better place for everybody else. In relationship, Virgo men do not run after
girls and romance. In fact, they do not mind being single at all. So, you will have to make a
Virgo realize that he has fallen in love and needs to form a relationship. Remember, subtlety is
the key to all this. If he wants, he can seduce you very easily, while being subtle all the time.
Sometimes their independence combined with a thinking mind may lead to bigotry; however at
the same time they have a loving and caring heart for all.

Images credit: Tumblr.

My partner is a Virgo, we are 18 years apart in age. He told me he waited his entire life for
me. This article is spot on in describing a Virgo. They are very critical of themselves almost too
critical and they see the potential in their partners and get upset when we don’t try. I’m a Leon
and very different from him but I’m very fortunate to have him. He is the hardest working person
I know and would move heaven and earth to please me.



Nov 01, 2016

Most of it is true for me.. hmnn..



Oct 23, 2016

Virgo 2

September 3rd through September 10th brings forth individuals who appear enigmatic and
unfathomable. Virgo 2s are expert at hiding their true feelings. They rarely reveal what they are
thinking and construct effective barriers against anyone who would try to analyze them. Virgo 2s
believe that revelations of an inner nature opens them up to vulnerability. They value personal
privacy above all.

Their positive Virgo characteristics include a gift for communication – they seem to be able to
convey information so that others are able to understand complexities easily. Therefore they
make excellent teachers and trainers. Virgo 2s have extremely high standards both in others and
in themselves. They consider themselves to be arbiters of good taste and adore neatness. Slightly
at odds with this is the fact that many have an amazing sense of humor and are able to laugh at
themselves and their own idiosyncrasies. Occasionally, they will veer into sarcasm and

no crystal balls 728x90

Despite the barriers and complex defense systems, Virgo 2s love to love. This may not always
express itself in marriage or a romantic relationship. Sometimes Virgo 2s are emotionally
satisfied by a deep and rewarding friendship. Should they become sexually involved with a
partner, then they are likely to have unusual preferences. They can maintain a healthy family life
as long as they get plenty of time to themselves. Often Virgo 2s will forgo the whole relationship
and family lifestyle in order to maintain their need for solitude.

10 Unique Character Traits of A Virgo


Only a Virgo can understand just how simple, yet complex our personalities are. No wonder we
are often misunderstood and withdraw from people who just don’t get us. But, Virgos know that
they are pretty amazing people and are able to find a select few trustworthy friends to have
around who appreciate them.

Astrology is often thought of as having more entertainment value than science, but psychologists
are now looking at astrology as a way to understand people, just like personality theories seek to
understand them in the social sciences. There are four elemental groups of astrological signs, of
which Virgo is an Earth sign. Many personality theories also group types into four main
Earthy Virgo is the altruistic, other-centered personality type of the zodiac. Virgo wants to
connect to others and, according to a review in Correlation: Journal of Research in Astrology,
Virgo as a personality ‘values his or her membership within a family or community group above
all else.’

10 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re A Virgo


Our modern astrology system has ancient roots, going all the way back to the time of the ancient
Sumerians and may be as old as 7000 B.C.E. In ancient Turkey, Iraq, and Syria, the earliest
known image of Virgo was discovered pictured as a woman holding a sheaf of corn. This image
dates back to around 6000 B.C.E. In Egypt, Virgo was represented by an upright Isis-type figure.

1. You won’t like a Virgo when we’re angry

Only a Virgo can understand the intense grudge that we can hold, which is the seed for a
growing sense of righteousness and vindictiveness, and is eventually harvested by writing you
out of our lives completely. And, as the excellent communicators that Virgos are, you also
should understand that everyone will know the reason that we curse the day we met you.

2. Virgo is not naive

The pictorial representation of Virgo may be a virgin, but the people who were born under her
sign possess a deep wisdom beyond their years on this planet. Virgos are smart, have many
talents, and they can and prefer to do just about anything on their own without help.

3. Virgo loves to talk

Virgo is the chatty friend you have who you have to actually tell to stop talking so you can break
off the conversation after you dropped 4 hints about needing to get going already.

4. People see Virgos as obsessive, but they aren’t

Only a Virgo would know the difference between being tidy, organized, punctual, methodical,
and a perfectionist versus being obsessive about something. Virgos do not think they are
obsessed with anything, except for paying all of the bills early.

5. Virgos are always right

Only a Virgo could understand that there’s really nothing amazing to how often you are right,
which is all of the time. Virgo is very good at analyzing data and the tiniest details, and if you
have happened to bring up a subject that we are passionate about, we will recite all of the
knowledge stored in our vast brains.

6. Virgos are never wrong

See above, but if, on the off chance a Virgo is actually proven to be wrong by actual verifiable
evidence, they will hate you for pointing it out. Virgos are sore losers and being right is like a
game to them, and they like to win.

7. People think you don’t care, but you do, deeply

Virgos tend to withhold their emotional expression so they can be hard to read. Or rather, people
tend to think that a Virgo is mad at them by the blank expressions on our faces.

8. Loyalty is the core of a Virgo’s being

When a Virgo loves you, they are loyal to the death. Even a betrayal from a beloved might not be
enough to shake off the loyalty of a Virgo. Unfortunately, this also means that the Virgo is one of
the only zodiac signs to understand immense heartache, especially early in their young love lives.
If a Virgo has experienced loss, they will work to make sure that it never happens again.

Related article: The Best Three Types of Partners (According To The Zodiac Signs)

9. A Virgo gives their whole heart

If you are lucky enough to earn the love and loyalty of a Virgo, you should count yourself among
the very lucky. Virgo never does anything halfway, which includes loving someone else. Virgo
jumps into love with both feet, submerging themselves into nurturing the object of their

Related article: 10 Signs You’ve Met An Old Soul

10. The life of a Virgo is lived intentionally

Some people may still be struggling with what they want in life, but only a Virgo could
understand that your life goals have been the same since you were very young. As earth signs,
Virgos are very rooted in the material world, which means that they value financial security,
home, and the people there. Only a Virgo could understand how fun it is to save for the future.

9 Things You Need To Know If You Love A Virgo


Yes, you can consider yourself a lucky person indeed if you love a Virgo, but there are at least 9
things you need to know about if you plan to keep them a happy partner in your relationship.

Let’s explore the unique traits of a Virgo partner and your role in making them a very happy
earth sign.

9 Things You Need To Know About If You Love A Virgo

If your partner was born between August 22 and September 22, they were born under the
astrological sign of Virgo. Virgo is a sign that may require extra special care in a relationship
because they can tend to be emotional, but also one of the most memorable partners you will
ever get to experience. Here are the 9 things you need to do if you love a Virgo.

1. Be patient about their rants

A Virgo can be very passionate about many things, both good and bad, and as the lucky person
who loves a Virgo, you get to be the ear for all of their excitement, frustration, and grief. Virgo is
ruled by the planet Mercury, and the winged messenger of the Gods is quick to spirit away
Virgo’s messages of unhappiness so they will quickly change back to a smiling state. In the
meantime, listen patiently if you love your Virgo partner.

2. Be respectful of the unique traits of Virgo

The same research team also found that ‘Awareness of one’s own and one’s spouses’ sun sign
will significantly interact with astrological compatibility to predict marital satisfaction such that
those who report awareness of both signs will be most strongly influenced by astrological
compatibility.’ So, knowledge of your own astrology plus that of Virgo’s is helpful for
relationship health, and that is going to be good for both you and the Virgo that you love.

3. Learn to love being organized

If you are not a neat freak, find something that you can enjoy organizing so that your Virgo can
see you are making an effort. Of course, you’re probably doing it wrong and the Virgo that you
love will just have to come and do it over again, but even that will give them great pleasure.

4. One wrong word can kill a Virgo

As a very sensitive sign, you must watch every word out of your mouth if you love a Virgo.
Virgo picks up on your subtle body language and knows you are upset before you have had a
chance to even recognize your own emotional state. Virgo has a good memory too and they will
remember the words that you say in anger and bring them up six years later when you hurt them
again. Best to avoid that in the first place by watching your sharp tongue.

5. Try to be a little more like Virgo

If you love a Virgo, it might be best for both of you if you can see your way to being just a little
more Virgo-like for the harmony of your relationship. Researchers at Northern Illinois
University tested astrological compatibility as it relates to marital satisfaction. The research
showed that couples were more satisfied in astrologically compatible relationships than in those
with lower astrological compatibility.

6. Never try to cheat on a Virgo

If your relationship carries the expectation of monogamy, you need to stick to that or get out of
the relationship because Virgo is an excellent deception detector. This is because Virgo is highly
sensitive to their partner’s every movement, tone, habits, patterns and changes.

Research on how horoscopes affect women’s relationships conducted by the University of West
England says that there was very little effect on horoscopes affecting the relationship decisions
that women make. However, the same research also found that 85% of the women surveyed
think that the description of their sun sign accurately reflect their personality. This means that
85% of Virgo women believe themselves to be highly sensitive to cues by their partner. You
can’t get away with anything, even if you try.

7. Virgo has a healthy sensual appetite

The sign of Virgo may be depicted by the virgin holding corn, but he/she is definitely more
experienced in the art of making love. Virgo loves sensual things and has a sensitive manner.
Make the love environment pleasing to the eye, ear, and nose in order to arouse the Virgo lover.

Related article: How Do You Show Anger According To Your Zodiac Sign?

8. Virgo doesn’t do anything halfway

As the perfectionist of the zodiac, your Virgo lover is more likely to spend a good deal of time
finishing things rather than leaving anything undone. If you love a Virgo, you may need to use
your skills in patience because otherwise, you may get frustrated by the amount of time that they
spend on making the bed, folding laundry, or anything else that they do.

Related article: How Does The Moon Affect Your Zodiac Sign?

9. Virgos need alone time

Virgo is sort of the introvert of the zodiac, except when it comes to you, their partner. But if you
love a Virgo, be sure to respect their need for alone time. Some of this time may be spent doing
methodical Virgo things, but some may be spent reading or on hobbies that you don’t share in.
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

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