Jive Turkey Quotes

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-Jive Turkey Quotes-

July 4

 I am not into anime, because I am a dude.

 It’s a lot of work, and I am really lazy.
 I am not playing with my food.
 Get in Nerds, we're going to War
 The red zone don’t hurt
 What am I drinking? It is Vodka. No, I am kidding. (It was water)
 I am big on not creating trash. I recycle anything.
 Anyone who knows about this, enlighten the Jive.
 Happy Treason Day, oh, that is political too!
 Shot tube two. *Game shots tube 3*
 Oh shot, I overrode my save file!
 Oh, we did not delete the saved game.
 Wow he is close, so close to us.
 If we so much as sneeze, he will find us
 Sometimes I talk too much.
 “Conn, we already shot Leeroy out a tube a few mins ago.. thought you should know.’ -Gareth
 If he does not go active, we will be fine.
 ‘That kilo captain is probably telling his crew "No one move, its vision is based on movement."’ –
Kabuki Kitsine
 “Evasion plan: shoot, panic, and profit?”- Kabuki Kitsune
 that Virginia has a bigger chin than Bruce Campbell – JonBloor
 Let’s see what kind of torpedo beats he has.
 “what do you call a navigation error at sea? A Sierror”- NJP695
 “I wonder how much explosives it would take to sink a Russian sub my guess a kilo gram”- Covert
 ^^^ Now that boys is the sigh of defeat.
 “What's a message from a Kilo called? (Say it with me folks) A Kilo-gram....”- Gareth Fairclough
 “how much vodka could a Russian submariner drink after a long mission underway? A kilo-liter”-
 “"Flood everything, but not the toilet"”- Gareth Fairclough
 More torpedoes, wonderful!
 “they’re so....... PUNishing!”- NJP695
 Oh O. that is really, really close.
 “how much hull pressure can a Russian submarine withstand? A Kilo-Pascal.”- Thewaltham
 We are flirting with crush-depth
 “Who ordered the RBU platter with a side of depth bombs?”- Trent Hauge
 I would stick around to take photos, but, I do not like the helicopters.
 I will replace my water bottle with a vodka bottle.
 Diversity in puns.
 “what does a Russian navy Able Rate say when salary week comes? “Time to Kashin my hard
work~””- NJP695
 “How do the Russians clean out their subs? With a Krivakuum cleaner. “-Thewaltham
 ” one of the spec ops guys is down here in the torpedo room swearing up and down that some
guy named Leeroy claims you're going to get everyone killed”- Kabuki Kitsune
 “If we turned these puns into reactor fuel, we'd never have to refuel”- Kendall Scott
 “What does a Russian sailor wish for in the tropics? Akula climate”- Austin Van Wyk
 I feel like I have done something here, but I like it! (About the puns)
 “in the modern Russian navy, lower ranks don’t reply to their superiors like they used to: now
they just say “Yasen!””- NJP695
 “you know your Riga when you Kashin at the casino every kilogram of chips you’ve earned”-
 “get in, losers, we’re going Punning”- NJP695
 Careful about shooting that Riga. Your missile might get caught in the Riga-ing.-???
 “Cooked me a gorgeous steak today. And know what goes great with steak? Andizhan mustard”-
 “Daggo Active”-Many People
 “potimouths are kept in czech by the mods”- tirepo
 “These puns are hreat like Russian cheese, there Gouda…that’s from Cailin’-Cailin
 “How do you survive Navy life, @Jive Turkey ? By Skate-ing. That's how.”- Gareth Fairclough
 “I wonder if @Jive Turkey realizes his crew is too busy punning themselves to death instead of
paying attention to the critical mission at hand”- Thunderpawz
 ^^^Puns are an important part of a critical mission.
 “Russian dictators are the best. They’re the crème de la Kremlin.” AlexWaltham
 “"Ivan? Did you just hear that loud noise?" "Oleg, I told you, it was the Kasha from last night!"”-
Brent Keller
 “Which Red Army Orchestra son was named after a soviet warship? Kaninka.Kanin kakanin
kakanin kamoya!”-Thunderpawnz

July 6, 2018

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