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230 Sp18 PREP E2 p 1

Q 447
Refer to the data table to assist ΔHoc CH3CH2OH(l) = -1386 kJ/mol ΔHof CO2(g) = -393.51 kJ/mol
you with these problems. (assuming liquid water product) ΔHof H2O(l) = -285.83 kJ/mol
bond enthalpy O=O = 495 kJ/mol ΔHof C(g) = 716.58 kJ/mol

5 a) Write out the formation reaction for CO2(g). Include the value of ΔH. 2

b) Find the bond enthalpy for the C=O bond in CO2. C=O bond enthalpy: kJ


Q 448 a) Write out a balanced chemical equation that has a ΔHorxn = -1386 kJ 3

b) 50.0 mL CH3CH2OH(l) (d = 0.7893 g/mL, MW = 46.07) are added to a 50.0 L flexible container. The
rest of the container is filled with air at 298 K and 1 bar (assume the mole fraction of oxygen in air is
0.2 and the rest of air is nitrogen.) The container is sealed and a spark sets off the combustion
reaction. If all of the heat dissipates and the container remains at 298 K, how many moles of each of
the following are present after the reaction? (Write in 0 if there are none.)


mol N2(g):

mol O2(g):

mol CH3CH2OH(l):

mol H2O(l):
c) How much heat is produced by the reaction as described in part b?

heat : kJ

CHEM 230 Sp18 PREP E2 p 2


a) Write out the balanced thermochemical equation for the formation of NO(g). (Incude the value for
ΔH.) See data at bottom of page

b) An equal number of moles of oxygen and nitrogen are mixed in a rigid container that is insulated (no
heat enters or exits the container.) Compare the contents of the container before and after the
reaction you wrote out in part a takes place and thermal equilibrium is reached.
In each box, write < , >, =, or X (cannot be determined)

i) temperature before the reaction temperature after the reaction

ii) pressure before the reaction pressure after the reaction

iii) density before the reaction density after the reaction

iv) heat capacity of the gases before reaction heat capacity of the gases after reaction

v) collision frequency of particles before reaction collision frequency of particles after reaction

c) The molecule NO2 has two resonance structures (shown below), each showing a single NO bond
(bond order 1) and a double NO bond (bond order 2). Sometimes an average bond order of 1.5 is
used to describe the NO bonds in NO2. Is the bond enthalpy of the "average" NO bond (bond order
1.5) in NO2 equal to the average of the bond enthalpies of a single N-O bond (201 kJ/mol) and a
double N=O bond (607 kJ/mol)?
Circle one: Yes No
Use the chemical equation: 2 NO(g) + O2(g) --> 2 NO2(g)
and more than one calculation to explain your choice. N N



Data: O=O bond enthalpy: 498 kJ/mol ΔHof NO(g) = 90.25 kJ/mol; ΔHof NO2(g) = 33.18 kJ/mol

CHEM 230 Sp18 PREP E2 p 3

Q 469 for part b Data Table

Curl, Smalley, and Kroto won the Nobel Prize in 1996 for their kJ
ΔH coC60(s) = −25937
discovery of and work with soccer ball shaped allotropes of carbon, mol
a C60 molecules known as Buckminsterfullerene. kJ
for part c ΔH of CO2(g) = −393.51
a) Write out the balanced reaction for formation of C60(s). kJ
ΔH subC60(s) = 233
Include phases for all components. mol
ΔH of C(g) = 716.68
3 mol

b) Find the ΔHof C60(s) Hint: Use a thermochemical equation made for the first entry in the table.

ΔHof C60(s) = kJ/mol

c) Using a thermochemical equation made for your asnwer to part b and the data in the table, find the ΔHo
of the following reaction. 60 C --> C ΔH = kJ
(g) 60(g)

d) A Buckminsterfullerene has 90 bonds. 60 are C-C single bonds (bond enthalpy 348 kJ/mol) and 30
are C=C double bonds. Find the bond enthalpy of a C=C bond. You'll need your answer from part c.

C=C bond enthalpy kJ/mol

CHEM 230 Sp18 PREP E2 p 4

Q 422 (cont'd)
Given that: 2 NH3(g) --> N2(g) + 3 H2(g) ΔHo = 92.2 kJ
g) What is the ΔHof of NH3(g)?

include sign
ΔHof NH3(g) = kJ/mol

h) Given that ΔHof N(g) = 470.5 kJ/mol and the H-H bond enthalpy is 436 kJ/mol. Estimate the N-H
bond enthalpy. Show your work including any thermochemical reactions.

N-H bond enthalpy kJ/mol

22) Find the enthalpy of an S-F bond given the following information: ΔHosublimation S(s) = 277.36 kJ/mol

ΔHof SF6(g) = -1209 kJ/mol

F-F bond enthalpy = 158 kJ

S-F bond enthalpy: kJ

CHEM 230 Sp18 PREP E2 p 5

Q 395

a) What is the ΔHo of the following reaction? ΔHof (kJ/mol)

(Pay very careful attention to the phases of IF5.) I2(g) 151
IF(g) -95.4
IF7(g) + I2(g) --> IF5(g) + 2 IF(g) ΔHorxn = kJ IF5(l) -840.3
IF7(g) -961.1

ΔHvap IF5(l) = 39.3 kJ/mol

b) If we assume that all I-F bonds have the same bond enthalpy, and we calculate the ΔHorxn for
IF7(g) + I2(g) --> IF5(g) + 2IF(g), what would we predict the sign of the ΔHorxn to be?

Circle one: + - 0 Briefly explain or show how you arrived at your answer.



CHEM 230 Sp18 PREP E2 p 6

83) a) An oxygen-oxygen bond in O2 has a bond enthalpy of 498 kJ. What is the ΔHof of O(g) ?

b) The standard enthalpy of formation of Si(g) is 450 kJ. The bond enthalpy of an Si=O bond is 368 kJ.
What is the ΔHof of SiO2(g)?

include sign 8
ΔHo f (SiO2(g)) = kJ

CHEM 230 Sp18 PREP E2 p 7

Q 470

0.6192 g of sulfur is combusted in a calorimeter that has a heat capacity of 5.270 kJ/oC. (Note the
mass of the calorimeter is already incorporated into its heat capacity.) Both SO2(g) and SO3(g) are
formed (as shown in the thermochemical equations in the box below.) The temperature of the
calorimeter increases by 1.140 oC. What is the molar ratio of SO3(g)/SO2(g) in the calorimeter.

S(s) + O2(g) --> SO2(g) ΔHo = -296.83 kJ 12

S(s) + 3/2 O2(g) --> SO3(g) ΔHo = -395.72 kJ mol SO3(g)/mol SO2(g) =

CHEM 230 Sp18 PREP E2 p 8

230_F17_E1_p3 Name:___________________________________

3) Find the ΔHof of ClO(g) using the following information and Hess’ Law:
i) When one mole of oxygen atoms in the gas phase is added to one mole of ClO(g), one mole of
ClO2(g) is formed and 243 kJ of heat is released.
ii) O=O bond enthalpy is 498 kJ/mol
iii) ΔHof ClO2(g) = 102.5 kJ/mol

ΔHo f ClO(g) = kJ

4) Ethanol is used in a constant pressure calorimeter to measure the heat given off by a series of
exothermic reactions. Over the course of using the calorimeter, the temperature of the ethanol
increases from 0oC to 40 oC. (The heat capacity of ethanol at 0oC is 2.3 J/(g K) and at 40oC is
2.72 J/(g K). While doing data analysis and finding the ΔHrxn, you always use a heat capacity for
ethanol of 2.3 J/(g K).

a) The ΔHrxns calculated for the reactions carried out with warmer ethanol in the calorimeter are:

(Circle one) more negative, the same as, more positive than the actual values.
b) Briefly explain your choice:

CHEM 230 Sp18 PREP E2 p 9

5) A partial heating curve for a fictitious substance called Hokium is shown below. 1 mole of Hokium is
heated under constant pressure from its melting point of 200K to its boiling point of 250K, vaporized
and then heated to 300K. Answer the questions about Hokium below. (Note that the numbers on the
graph show the x-axis values for those points on the curve.)


250# 21000#


0# 5000# 10000# 15000# 20000# 25000#

a) What is the ΔHovap Hokium in kJ/mol?

ΔHovap Hokium = kJ/mol

b) Assume that Hokium acts as an ideal gas. It is a
(Circle one): monoatomic linear or nonlinear

Show your work to support your answer to b.

c) What is the change in entropy for last two steps shown on the graph (vaporization of 1 mole of Hokium
@ 250K and heating of the resulting gas to 300 K)?

ΔS = J/K

CHEM 230 Sp18 PREP E2 p 10

15) A 64.1 g ice cube at -12.40°C is placed inside a chamber of steam at 365.0°C. Later, you notice that
the ice cube has completely melted into a puddle of water. If the chamber initially contained 12.2 g of
steam (water) molecules before the ice is added, calculate the final temperature of the puddle once it
reaches thermal equilibrium. (Assume the chamber walls are sufficiently flexible to allow the system
to remain isobaric and consider thermal losses/gains from the chamber walls as negligible.)

ΔHofus (H2O) = 333.6 J/g

ΔHovap (H2O) = 2257 J/g
Cs (H2O(s)) = 2.087 J/(g·°C)
Cs (H2O(l)) = 4.184 J/(g·°C)
Cs (H2O(g)) = 2.000 J/(g·°C)

Tf = oC

Q 367

In 1750, Joseph Black discovered what we call enthalpy of fusion (ΔHfus). He placed 150.0 g of liquid
water at 0oC and 150.0 g of solid water at 0oC in a chamber that was held constant at 5oC. It took
the liquid water 30 minutes to reach 5oC. It took the solid water 10.5 hours to melt and reach 5oC.
Black proposed that the difference in time that it took for these samples to reach 5oC was proportional
to the difference in heat absorbed. Using this data find the ΔHfus of water in J/g.
Cs H2O(l) = 4.184 J/(g oC)

ΔHfus = J/g

CHEM 230 Sp18 PREP E2 p 11

9) Consider the following reaction: PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) --> PCl5(g) Δ îHof (kJ/mol)

a) Rank the three reactants and products in order of increasing molar entropy PCl3(g) -287.0
@ 298K. Write the formula for each reactant in the appropriate box below.
PCl5(g) -374.9
< <
highest Som 4
b) What is the ΔHo rxn?

(include sign) 4
ΔHo rxn = kJ

c) The reaction is spontaneous d) On the diagram, sketch relative energy levels for the reactants
(Circle the one correct answer.) and products clearly illustrating the ΔH and ΔS for the reaction.
A) at all temperatures
B) at low temperatures

C) at high temperatures
D) at no temperatures
reactants products

e) If 15.0 g of PCl3 and 10.0 g Cl2 react to completion, what is ΔH for this reaction?

(include sign) 4
ΔH = kJ

f) If the bond enthalpy of a Cl-Cl bond is 328 kJ/mol, estimate the bond enthalpy of a P-Cl bond?
(Hint: Do NOT use a bond formation reaction, but rather the reaction given at the top of the page.)

(include sign) 6
P-Cl bond enthalpy: kJ/mol

CHEM 230 Sp18 PREP E2 p 12

52) Consider the two systems, A and B. Each system has a total energy of 12 J. Each system contains
four particles. The two systems differ in the spacing of their energy levels as shown below.
System B
System A
24 J

12 J 12 J


0J 0J

a) How many configurations are there in System A? (Write the answer in the box)

b) How many microstates are there in System A? (Write the answer in the box)
c) Sketch ALL possible configurations on the diagram for System B. Use an "x" to represent each
particle. One configuration should be illustrated between each set of vertical lines.
You may or may not use all of the spaces. 6

d) Which system has the higher residual entropy? (Circle one)

System A System B A and B have the same residual entropy cannot be determined

164) Write =, <, >, or X (for cannot be determined) in each box. Assume that all samples contain equal
moles and act ideally.
O Br Br
a) Sformaldehyde @ 0K Sboron tribromide @ 0K B
H H Br
formaldehyde boron tribromide
b) Sformaldehyde @ 298K Sboron tribromide @ 298K
mp 181 K mp 227 K
bp 254 K bp 364 K
c) Sformaldehyde @ 398K Sboron tribromide @ 398K

d) ΔS for heating 1 mol of ΔS for heating 1 mol of boron

formaldehyde from 100 K to 150 K tribromide from 100 K to 150 K

e) ΔS for heating 1 mol of ΔS for heating 1 mol of boron

formaldehyde from 375 K to tribromide from 400 K to 425 K under
400 K under constant pressure constant pressure

CHEM 230 Sp18 PREP E2 p 13

56) ΔHof (ozone, O3) = 142.7 kJ/mol
a) Write out the formation reaction for ozone (O3(g)) b) What is the sign of ΔSo for the formation of ozone?
Include phases in the balanced equation. (Circle one) positive negative 0

e) Illustrate the dependence of

spontaneity of the reaction on ΔH
c) Which has a highest standard molar entropy (Som) :
and ΔS by drawing the relative
(Circle one) O(g) O2(g) O3(g) they are all the same energy levels of the reactants
d) The formation of ozone is spontaneous at: and products of the formation
reaction of ozone.
(Circle one)
i) All temperatures
ii) No temperatures

iii) High temperatures
iv) Low temperatures

reactants products

62) 1.00 mole of methane (CH4) at 298K and 24.5 atm in a 1.00 L closed, flexible container undergoes
expansion to 2.0L. In order to keep the change in entropy (ΔS) for the expansion equal to 0, what
would the final temperature and pressure of the sample have to be?


Tfinal K

Pfinal = atm

CHEM 230 Sp18 PREP E2 p 14

73) Given two distinguishable particles (x and o) with a total energy of 4 and energy levels quantized as
shown below.

a) On the energy level diagrams below, draw out all of the possible microstates using "x" to represent
particle x and "o" to represent patricle o. (Note, you may or may not use all of the energy level diagrams.)

5 5 5 5 5 5 5
4 4 4 4 4 4 4

3 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

b) How many configurations are there? (Circle one): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


118) Consider four rigid containers of identical volumes (D, E, F, and G.) Each container starts at the same
temperature and is heated so that it reaches the same final temperature. Rank the systems in order of
increasing ΔS. Place a < or a = in each of the smaller boxes and a letter in each of the larger, grey
boxes. Assume that all gases act ideally.

D: Contains 1 mole of Ar(g)

E: Contains 1 mole BF3(g)
F: Contains 1 mole CO2(g)
G: Contains 1 mole F2(g) smallest ΔS largest ΔS

63) Rank the following molecules in order of increasing residual entropy. (Write the formula of one
molecule in each box.) HF H C C H H C N

< <
lowest highest
residual residual
entropy entropy

Q 370
Circle ALL correct answers in each box.

a) A bond-making reaction will ALWAYS have a positive: ΔHo ΔSo ΔGo none

b) A formation reaction will ALWAYS have a positive: ΔHo ΔSo ΔGo none

CHEM 230 Sp18 PREP E2 p 15

119) A closed, rigid 2.5 L flask contains a mixture of Ne(g) and F2(g) with a total pressure of 3.32 atm at 0oC.
The system is heated to 15oC. The change in entropy for this process was 0.345 J/K. What is the
XNe in the flask?

XNe =

159) Assume that the entropy of mercury at 1K is ~ 0 J/K. What is the entropy ΔHfus = 2.292 kJ/mol
of 1 mole of liquid mercury at 234.3 K? Tm = 234.3 K
CpHg(s) = 27.7 J/(K mol)

S 1mol Hg(l) @ 234.3 K = J/K

CHEM 230 Sp18 PREP E2 p 16

Q 371

Use the data in the boxes to the right to answer the questions. ! J $ " kJ %
Smo # & ΔH of $ '
a) Find the bond enthalpy for an H-H bond. " mol K % # mol &
N2(g) 191.6
H2(g) 130.7
NH3(g) 192.5
H(g) 218.0

8 N(g) 472.7

H-H bond enthalpy: kJ/mol bond enthalpy (kJ/mol)

c) Is ammonia (NH3(g)) a thermodynamically stable compound? N N 945
(Circle one): Yes No N-H 435

b) Calculate the ΔGof of NH3(g) to support your answer to part c.

ΔGof NH3(g) = kJ

d) The formation of NH3(g) is thermodynamically favored at:

(Circle one) ALL NO HIGH LOW temperatures 4

CHEM 230 Sp18 PREP E2 p 17

Q 397) 0.10 moles of nitrogen gas initially with a volume of 1.0 L and a temperature of 298K is compressed
to a volume of 0.25 L. The process is carried out isentropically (constant entropy.)

a) The pressure of the system (circle one) increases decreases stays constant cannot determine

b) What is the final temperature of the system? 3

Tfinal = K

Q398 Which graph below illustrates a 399 Rank the Som of the pairs of substances below.
substance with residual entropy? Place <, >, =, or X (for cannot be determined) in
each box.
(Circle one): A B neither NaCl(s) He(g)

Graph A Graph B
N2(g) at 0.2 atm N2(g) at 1.0 atm same T and V
S S O2(g) O3(g)

0 2 mol N2(g) 1 mol O2(g)

0 T 0 T
3 4

400) 0.54 moles of steam initially at 350oC and 2.4 atm undergoes a cyclic process (returning to the initial
conditions) for which q = -745 J. What is the ΔS for the process?

ΔS = J/K

CHEM 230 Sp18 PREP E2 p 18

Q 423) A system with 5 particles has a total energy of 5 and energies of (0, 1, 2.5, and 5) available to it (as
indicated by the lines in the drawings below. a) Sketch ALL of the possible configurations that fit these
criteria. You may or may not use all of the energy level diagrams. Use dots or x's to represent particles.

5 5 5 5 5

2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 6

b) Choose 2 of your configurations and indicate the total number of possible microstates with
that configuration in the box below it.

# microstates # microstates # microstates # microstates # microstates


c) The next possible energy level in this system with an energy higher than 5 could have an energy of:
(Circle ALL that could theoretically be possible.) 5.5, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8

Q 451
a) On the energy level b) Circle the configuration that has 5 microstates.
diagrams, draw all possible
16 16 16 16 16
configurations for a system
with 5 particles and a total
energy of 20, assuming that 9 9 9 9 9
the available energy levels
are those shown. You may 4 4 4 4 4
or may not use all of the 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0

Q 472) Rank the top four elements in the halogen group in order of increasing Som at SATP. Write one
halogen in each box.
< < <
lowest Som highest Som

47) Cisplatin is a planar molecule used in cancer therapy. Its isomer transplatin is toxic. Which species
cis- or transplatin has the highest residual entropy. (You do NOT need to consider dipoles as you
evaluate residual entropy in this problem.)
Cl NH3 Cl NH3
Pt Pt
Place, <, >, or ~ = in the box. Cl NH3 H 3N Cl
cisplatin transplatin

CHEM 230 Sp18 PREP E2 p 19

Q 450
Refer to the data table when answering question 1.
Data for water
a) What is the residual entropy of 2 moles of water?
phase ToC Sm (J/(K mol))
S= J/K
solid -273 3.4
0 43.2
b) What is the ΔSfus for water?
liquid 0 65.2
20 69.6
50 75.3
100 86.8
3 gas 100 196.9
So fus,m = J/(K mol) 200 204.1

c) 1 mole of gaseous water is heated from 100 oC to 200 oC under constant pressure. What is the
actual (not ideal) constant volume heat molar capacity (Cv,m) of water in the gas phase?

Cv,m H2O(g) = J/(K mol)

Q 473) Which of the following could cause the change in enegy levels of a substace illustrated below?

Circle ALL that apply:

i) increasing the volume of a closed system at constant T


ii) increasing the temperature of a closed system in a rigid container

iii) increaing the pressure in a closed system in a rigid container

iv) adding more moles of the gas to a rigid container at constant T

before after

CHEM 230 Sp18 PREP E2 p 20

1) The Som of acetone (C3H6O)(g) is missing from the data table on Cp acetone(l) = 125.5 J/(K mol)
Wikipedia. You need to calculate it in part d; your answers to parts a, Cp acetone(g) = 75 J/(K mol)
b, and c will help you do so. (Assume constant pressure throughout.) ΔHo*vap (acetone) = 29.1 kJ/mol
Som acetone (l) = 200 J/(K mol)
a) Find the ΔS for heating 1 mol of liquid acetone from 298 K to 329.4 K.
Tm acetone = 178 K
Tb acetone = 329.4 K

*remember that 298 K is not

the standard temperature for
phase changes
include the sign
ΔS = J/K 6
b) Find the ΔS for 1 mol of liquid acetone vaporizing to gaseous acetone at 329.4 K.

include the sign

ΔS = J/K
c) Find the ΔS for 1 mol of gaseous acetone at 329.5 K cooling to gaseous acetone at 298 K.

include the sign

ΔS = J/K

d) Write out the equation corresponding to step iv (the squiggly line) going from point h to point i on 7
the graph. Use this equation to find the Som of acetone(g).
Temperature (K)

acetone (g)
329.4 K
h iv
298 K i

include the sign

Som of acetone (C3H6O)(g) = J/(K mol)

CHEM 230 Sp18 PREP E2 p 21

2) Write <, >, =, or X (for cannot be determined in each box.)

a) residual entropy B B residual entropy
trans-MA2B4 B B cis-MA2B4 M

b) the spacing/difference between allowable the spacing/difference between allowable energies

energies of a system at a lower energy range of the same system at a higher energy range

c) the spacing/difference between allowable the spacing/difference between allowable

energies of a system with a small volume energies of the same system with a larger volume

3) Considering the following equlibrium and the data provided. ΔHof (kJ/mol) ΔGof (kJ/mol)
SO2(g) + NO2(g) <—> SO3(g) + NO(g) NO(g) 90.25 85.66
NO2(g) 33.18 51.31
a) Circle ALL of the thermodynamically stable compounds:
SO2(g) -296.83 -300.19
SO2(g) NO2(g) SO3(g) NO(g) 4 SO3(g) -395.72 -371.06

b) Rank the Som of SO2(g), NO2(g), SO3(g), and NO(g) by writing each one in one of the boxes. 6

lowest Som < < < highest Som

c) Find the ΔSorxn

SO2(g) + NO2(g) <—> SO3(g) + NO(g) ΔSo = J/K

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