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Medication Card

Generic name of medication Brand/trade name of medication

cholecalciferol, TAB vitamin D3 (inactive)

Drug classification (i.e. beta blocker, etc) 1. Patient dose

4000 unit, PO
2. Safe dose ranges

PO: (Adults) 400–1000 IU daily.

PO: Infants Exclusively or partially-

breastfed- 400 IU daily.

3. Is the dose safe


Therapeutic effect (i.e. decreased heart rate, Indication in this patient

etc) and when it should develop
Vitamin D deficiency
 Requires activation in the liver and
kidneys to create the active form of
vitamin D3 (calcitriol).
 Promotes the intestinal absorption of
dietary calcium.

Therapeutic Effect(s):

Treatment and prevention of deficiency states,

particularly bone manifestations.

Pre and post administration assessment Unique nursing considerations

Assess vitamin deficiency before and during

Contraindicated in:
therapy. Assess patient for bone pain and
weakness before and during therapy. Observe  Hypersensitivity
patient carefully for evidence of hypocalcemia  Hypercalcemia
(paresthesia, muscle twitching, laryngospasm,  Vitamin D toxicity
colic, cardiac arrhythmias, and Chvostek's or  Concurrent use of magnesium-
Trousseau's sign). Protect symptomatic patient containing antacids or other vitamin D
by raising and padding side rails; keep bed in supplements
low position. Monitor serum calcium,  Malabsorption problems.
phosphorus, and alkaline phosphatase Use Cautiously in:
OB: Safety not established.

Adverse effects/minimizing discomfort and Key patient teaching points

 Advise patient to take medication as
Seen primarily as manifestations of toxicity directed. Take missed doses as soon
(hypercalcemia) as remembered that day, unless
almost time for next dose; do not
CNS: headache, irritability, somnolence, double up on doses. Advise parents to
weakness use calibrated measuring device or
dropper with oral solution.
EENT: conjunctivitis, photophobia  Review diet modifications with
patient. See food sources for specific
CV: arrhythmias, hypertension nutrients for foods high in calcium
and vitamin D.
GI: anorexia, constipation, dry mouth, ↑ liver  Encourage patient to comply with
enzymes, metallic taste, nausea, dietary recommendations of health
PANCREATITIS, polydipsia, vomiting, care professional. Explain that the
weight loss best source of vitamins is a well-
balanced diet with foods from the 4
GU: albuminuria, azotemia, polyuria basic food groups and the importance
of sunlight exposure.
Derm: pruritus  Patients self-medicating with vitamin
supplements should be cautioned not
F and E: hypercalcemia to exceed RDA. The effectiveness of
megadoses for treatment of various
MS: bone pain, muscle pain medical conditions is unproved and
may cause side effects.
* CAPITALS indicate life-threatening.  Advise patient to avoid concurrent
use of antacids containing
 Review symptoms of overdose and
instruct patient to report these
promptly to health care professional.
 Emphasize the importance of follow-
up exams to evaluate progress.

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