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Full Name: Child C

Date of Birth: 17/2/14

Siblings: Yes (5)

Family Structure: Mum, Dad, Nathaniel, Elijah, Imogen, Tobias, Delilah, Child C and Grandma

Custody Arrangements: N/A

Cultural Heritage: Anglo

First/Home Language: English

Allergies/Relevant Medical Information:

 Childhood Apraxia of Speech  characterised by severe expressive and receptive language
 Delay toilet training  possibly caused by motor dyspraxia

Previous Intervention:
 Extensive speech and language therapy from 24 months
 OT assessment pending
 Paediatrician assessment pending

Any Special Needs:

 See above
 Uses AACD (Augmented assisted Communication Device)
 Uses PEC (Picture Exchange Communication)
 Uses KeyWord Sign

Information gained through parent discussions:

18/6/18 Just introduced social story for toileting 
mum has asked if we can remind Child C to go
to the toilet often (or even physically take him
to the toilet) and read the social story daily

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