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Journal of South American Earth Sciences 18 (2005) 293–304

Isotope geochemistry of the mafic dikes from the Vazante nonsulfide

zinc deposit, Brazil
M. Babinskia,*, L.V.S. Monteirob, A.H. Fetterc, J.S. Bettencourta, T.F. Oliveirad
Centro de Pesquisas Geocronológicas, Instituto de Geociências, Universidade de São Paulo, Rua do Lago, 562, São Paulo, SP CEP 05508-080, Brazil
Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP, Rua João Pandiá Calógeras, 51, Campinas, SP CEP 13083-970, Brazil
Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas, Universidade Estadual Paulista, UNESP, Av. 24 A, 1515, Rio Claro, SP CEP 13506-900, Brazil
Companhia Mineira de Metais, Caixa Postal 3, Vazante, MG CEP 38780-000, Brazil
Received 1 August 2003; accepted 1 November 2004

The Vazante Group, located in the northwestern part of Minas Gerais, hosts the most important zinc mine in Brazil, the Vazante Mine,
which represents a major known example of a hypogene nonsulfide zinc deposit. The main zinc ore is represented by willemite and differs
substantially from other deposits of the Vazante-Paracatu region, which are sulfide-dominated zinc-lead ore. The age of the Vazante Group
and the hosted mineralization is disputable. Metamorphosed mafic dikes (metabasites) that cut the metasedimentary sequence and are
affected by hydrothermal processes recently were found and may shed light on the geochronology of this important geological unit. Zircon
crystals recovered from the metabasites are xenocrystic grains that yield U–Pb conventional ages ranging from 2.1 to 2.4 Ga, so the basement
of the Vazante Group is Paleoproterozoic or has metasedimentary rocks whose source area was Paleoproterozoic. Pb isotopes determined for
titanite separated from the metabasites have common, nonradiogenic Pb compositions, which prevents determination of their crystallization
age. However, the Pb signatures observed for the titanite crystals are in agreement with those determined for galena from the carbonate-
hosted Zn–Pb deposits hosted by the Vazante Group, including galena from minor sulfide ore bodies of the Vazante deposit. These
similarities suggest that the metalliferous fluids that affected the metabasites may have been those responsible for galena formation, which
could imply a similar lead source for both nonsulfide and sulfide zinc deposits in the Vazante–Paracatu district. This common source could be
related to deep-seated, basin-derived, metalliferous fluids associated with a long-lived hydrothermal system related to diagenesis and
deformation of the Vazante Group during the Neoproterozoic.
q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Isotope geochemistry; Mafic dikes; U–Pb geochronology; Vazante Group; Zn–Pb mineralization

1. Introduction The tectonic setting of this unit is controversial. Recent

studies indicate that the Vazante Group could represent
The Vazante Group (Dardenne et al., 1998), which sedimentation in a rapidly subsiding basin in the Brası́lia
occurs in the northwestern part of Minas Gerais, hosts the fold belt’s initial thrust fronts (Dardenne, 2000) in a setting
most important carbonate-hosted nonsulfide (Vazante) and similar to that of the Bambuı́ Group or correspond to the top
sulfide (Morro Agudo) zinc deposits known in Brazil. It also of the Meso-Neoproterozoic passive margin sequence,
represents one of the metasedimentary units of the southern represented mainly by the Paranoá Group (Pimentel et al.,
segment of the Brası́lia fold belt. 2001).
The Vazante Group is composed of a thick sedimentary
sequence whose depositional age remains disputable. The
* Corresponding author. Fax: C55 11 3091 3993. available geochronological data indicate that it was
E-mail addresses: (M. Babinski), (L.V.S. Monteiro),
metamorphosed during the Brasiliano orogeny. Recently,
(A.H. Fetter), (J.S. Bettencourt), metamorphosed mafic dikes (here, metabasites) intrusive in
(T.F. Oliveira). the metasedimentary sequence were found in drill cores in
0895-9811/$ - see front matter q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
294 M. Babinski et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 18 (2005) 293–304

the Vazante underground mine. The metabasites are oceanic basin during the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano orogeny
tectonically imbricated with hydraulic breccias in the (w600 Ma) (Pimentel et al., 2001). The Brası́lia fold belt
Vazante shear zone, which represents the main structural displays rock sequences thrust to the east with increasing
control of hypogene nonsulfide mineralization, and are deformation and metamorphism to the west (Marini et al.,
affected by hydrothermal alteration processes. Thus, their 1981), which reflect the vergence of the fold belt with
geologic relationship is promising for constraining the respect to the São Francisco craton (Dardenne, 2000).
minimum age of the sediment deposition and the hydro- The Vazante Group (Dardenne et al., 1998) represents
thermal processes linked to the hypogene nonsulfide zinc one of the metasedimentary units of the southern segment of
mineralization from Vazante. the Brası́lia fold belt involved in a complex imbricate
This article presents U–Pb, Pb–Pb, and Sm–Nd isotopic system of nappes and thrusts, with the main compressive
data along with petrological, geochemical, and C, O, and Sr trend from SW to NE. It is affected by sinistral transcurrent
isotopic studies on the mafic dikes and the metasedimentary shear zones with SE transport (Dardenne, 2000), as well
rocks of the Vazante Group. It also reports the isotopic as low greenschist facies metamorphism. It displays a
signatures of the metalliferous fluid responsible for the pervasive cleavage (S 1) related to regional folding,
hydrothermal alteration that affected the metabasites and its which is overprinted by S2 and S3 cleavages related
relationship with the hydrothermal system responsible for
to local D1 isoclinal and D2 open folds, respectively
the zinc mineralization hosted by the Vazante Group.
(Monteiro, 1997).
The Vazante Group is divided into the following seven
formations (Fig. 2) from base to top: Santo Antônio do
2. Geological setting Bonito, Rocinha, Lagamar, Serra do Garrote, Serra do
Poço Verde, Morro do Calcário, and Lapa. Metapelitic
The Vazante-Paracatu region is located in the eastern units with phosphorite occurrences compose the basal
part of the Brası́lia fold belt (Almeida, 1967), which extends Retiro and Rocinha Formations (Dardenne et al., 1998;
for more than 1000 km over a width of 300 km along the Dardenne, 2000). The Lagamar Formation represents a
western margin of the São Francisco craton (Fig. 1). The metapsamopelitic and carbonatic unit with basal meta-
fold belt represents an unstable crustal block whose final conglomerates, dolomitic breccia, dark gray limestone,
structural differentiation resulted from the closure of a wide and stromatolitic bioherm with columnar stromatolites of

Fig. 1. Geological map of the southern part of the Brası́lia fold belt (Dardenne, 2000).
M. Babinski et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 18 (2005) 293–304 295

Fig. 2. Lithostratigraphic column of the Vazante Group (Dardenne et al., 1998; Dardenne, 2000).

the Conophyton/Jacutophyton type (Cloud and Dardenne, the Vazante Group as a consequence of the Brasiliano
1973; Moeri, 1972). The Serra do Garrote Formation collisional event (w630 Ma; Dardenne, 2000).
consists of a thick sequence of gray slate, locally
carbonaceous and containing pyrite, with quartzite layers 2.1. Mafic rocks
(Madalosso and Valle, 1978).
The Serra do Poço Verde Formation is made up of gray to Minor magmatism associated with the Vazante Group is
pink algal-laminated dolomite, gray to green slates, sericite represented by small bodies of metabasic rocks, identified
phyllite, dark gray dolomite with birds’ eyes, marls, and mainly at the Vazante underground zinc mine (Fig. 3). In
pyrite-bearing carbonaceous shale. Stromatolitic bioherm this deposit, the metabasites (Fig. 3) occur in the Vazante
facies, breccias, dolarenite, and subordinate carbonaceous shear zone, tectonically imbricated with hydraulic breccias,
shale compose the Morro do Calcário Formation. These hydrothermally altered rocks, and nonsulfide zinc ore
formations are the dominantly dolomitic sequences (Fig. 2) composed mainly of willemite (Zn2SiO4). These mafic
that host the Zn–(Pb) deposits. lithotypes were described initially as diabase dikes of
The dolomitic sequence is overlain by the Lapa Cretaceous age (Rigobello et al., 1988). However, the
Formation, with black carbonaceous slate and phyllite presence of a metamorphic mineral assemblage (Fig. 4) and
(Serra do Velosinho member), and by phyllite, carbonate- mylonitic fabric, not recognized in the Brazilian Cretaceous
bearing metasiltstone, dolomite, and quartzite lenses of the rocks, indicates that the unit was affected by the regional
Serra da Lapa member (Madalosso and Valle, 1978). The Brasiliano deformation event (Monteiro, 1997).
Canastra Group (1.2–0.9 Ga; Pimentel et al., 2001) metase- The metabasites and ore bodies are offset by normal and
diments, which comprise the chlorite-rich calc-phyllite of reverse faults and cut by late hydrothermal veins, which
the Landim Formation, and carbonaceous phyllites and likely caused complex relationships between the ore bodies
quartzites of the Paracatu Formation overthrust the rocks of and the host sequence.
296 M. Babinski et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 18 (2005) 293–304

Fig. 3. Cross-section of the Vazante ore zone showing the spatial relationships among metabasites, the host sequence, willemitic ore, and the Vazante shear
zone (Monteiro, 1997; Monteiro et al., 1999).

2.2. Zinc mineralization hosted by the Vazante Group The Vazante main ore is made of willemite (Zn2SiO4),
dolomite, quartz, siderite, hematite, barite, franklinite,
The Zn–(Pb) deposits contained within the Vazante zincite, smithsonite, apatite, magnetite, and Zn-chlorite
Group metasedimentary sequence predominantly are fault- (Monteiro, 1997; Monteiro et al., 1999). Small sulfide
or shear zone-controlled and show distinct ore mineralogy bodies composed mainly of Cd-rich sphalerite and galena
(sulfide- or silicate-bearing) and mineralization styles (syn- occur tectonically imbricated with the willemitic ore and the
to tardidiagenetic and epigenetic), which are associated with intensely hydrothermalized host rocks in the Vazante shear
long-lived hydrothermal systems related to the diagenesis
and deformation of the Vazante Group during the Vazante Shear Zone development

Neoproterozoic (Monteiro, 2002; Monteiro and Bettencourt, Green schist facies Sn+1 Sn+2
metamorphism (Sn) (ductile-brittle (ductile-brittle to
2001; Monteiro et al., 2003, submitted). structures) brittle structures)
The Vazante deposit is a main example of a hypogene Chlorite
nonsulfide zinc deposit, as defined by Hitzman et al. (2003). Biotite
The zinc mineralization is epigenetic, linked to the Vazante Quartz
shear zone development (N50/60NW), which was sub- Clinozoisite
sequent to the low greenschist facies metamorphism of the Carbonates
Vazante Group. In the shear zone, the hydrothermal Chrysotile
alteration is largely fracture controlled and produced a Titanite
complex zone of net-veined breccia filled by dolomite, Leucoxene
ankerite, siderite, jasper, hematite, and chlorite (Monteiro, Lepidocrocite
1997; Monteiro et al., 1999). The ore bodies display pod Chlor itization Chloritization Carbonatization
Sericitization Serpentinization
morphology and are tectonically imbricated with small Epidotization Fe-oxides formation
metabasite bodies, brecciated metadolomites, and slates
(Monteiro et al., 1999). Fig. 4. Paragenetic associations of the metabasites (Monteiro, 1997).
M. Babinski et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 18 (2005) 293–304 297

zone. Sphalerite is coprecipited with willemite but com- the overlap of sources associated with the Paranoá (TDMZ
monly replaced by willemite due to fluctuations in the 2.0–2.3 Ga) and Bambuı́ (TDMZ1.4–1.9 Ga) Groups. This
fO2/fS2 conditions. Subsequent sulfide veinlets also cut the idea is compatible with the intermediate stratigraphic
willemitic ore (Monteiro, 1997; Monteiro et al., 1999). position of the Vazante Group between the Paranoá passive
Other carbonate-hosted Zn-(Pb) deposits in the Vazante margin and the Bambuı́ foreland sequences (Pimentel et al.,
Group, such as Morro Agudo, Ambrósia, and Fagundes, are 2001). Thus, the Vazante Group may correspond to the top
composed mainly of sphalerite, galena, pyrite, marcasite, of the passive margin sequence (Pimentel et al., 2001) or
dolomite, and quartz. The mineralization styles vary from represent sedimentation in a rapidly subsiding basin in the
predominantly syndiagenetic (Morro Agudo) to late diage- Brası́lia fold belt initial thrust fronts (Dardenne, 2000).
netic related to open-space filling (Fagundes) to epigenetic
(Ambrósia) (Monteiro, 2002; Monteiro et al., 2001, 2003,
submitted). Mobilization of preexisting ore is common in all 3. Analytical procedures
sulfide-rich deposits (Monteiro, 2002).
All analytical procedures—except the U–Pb chemical
2.3. Previous geochronological constraints preparation analyses conducted at the Isotope Lab of São
Paulo State University (UNESP)—were carried out at the
The age of the Vazante Group is controversial. Center of Geochronological Research of the University of
Stromatolites indicate relative age intervals of 1650– São Paulo.
950 Ma (Conophyton Cylindricus Maslov, Moeri, 1972) U–Pb isotopic analyses were carried out on zircon and
and 1350–950 Ma (Conophyton metula Kirichenko, Cloud titanite grains separated from metabasites collected in two
and Dardenne, 1973), a possible correlation with the 1200– different cores. The samples were crushed and sieved, and
900 Ma Paranoá Group (Dardenne et al., 1976), which has the !100 mesh heavy mineral fraction was concentrated.
been related to a passive margin setting. The diamictite units Sample VZ-1 yielded a reasonable quantity of small, pink,
at the base of the Vazante Group, similar to those at the base clear zircon grains. Another sample (VZ-2) had a very low
of the Bambuı́ Group (w740 Ma; Babinski and Kaufman, yield of zircon (also small, pink, clear crystals); however, a
2003), also suggest a correlation between these groups great amount of titanite was recovered from it. The titanite
(Dardenne, 2000). grains are creamy brown in color, have a sugary texture, and
An Rb–Sr whole-rock isochron for shales from the are opaque.
Vazante Group yields an age of 600G50 Ma (Amaral and Mineral fractions were prepared and dissolved, and Pb
Kawashita, 1967), which may represent the time of the and U were purified using procedures modified after Krogh
closure of the isotopic system during the Brasiliano (1973, 1982) and Parrish (1987). All samples were spiked
metamorphic event. Lead isotope analyses of galena with a 205Pb–235U tracer solution prior to dissolution.
collected from different locations within the Vazante and Isotopic ratios were measured using a Finnigan MAT 262
Morro Agudo deposits yield Pb model ages ranging from multicollector mass spectrometer equipped with an ion-
930 to 600 Ma (Amaral, 1968; Cassedane and Lasserre, counting system. Both Pb and U isotopic compositions were
1969; Iyer et al., 1992; 1993; Freitas-Silva and Dardenne, analyzed on single Re filaments using silica gel and
1997; Misi et al., 1997; Cunha et al., 2001, 2003), which phosphoric acid and corrected for average mass discrimi-
have been considered the time of mineralization or nation by a 0.12G0.05% per atomic mass unit factor for the
remobilization. These ages were calculated using different multicollector mode and a 0.18G0.05% per atomic mass
models (Cumming and Richards, 1975; Stacey and unit factor for the single-collector mode (based on replicate
Kramers, 1975; cf. Holmes, 1946; Houtermans, 1946), analyses of common Pb standard SRM 981). In the case of
which may influence the large range of age values. Older Pb titanite fractions, U and Pb contents were determined for
model ages (1000–1200 Ma) for galena from the Morro one sample; in the other fractions, only Pb isotopic ratios
Agudo deposit estimated from the plumbotectonic model were measured because of their dominant common Pb
(Zartman and Doe, 1981) have been interpreted as the age contents. Uranium fractionation was monitored by replicate
that lead was isolated from its source or of syndiagenetic analyses of the standard SRM U-500. Uncertainties in U/Pb
mineralization (Freitas-Silva and Dardenne, 1997). ratios due to uncertainties in fractionation and mass
According to Azmy et al. (2001), d13C, d34S, and spectrometry were approximately G0.5% (2s); in some
Sr/86Sr signatures for the Vazante Group are consistent cases, weak signals caused uncertainties up to 2% (2s).
with an early Neoproterozoic (Sturtian) age, but the Radiogenic Pb isotopes were calculated by correcting for
Precambrian baseline for isotope stratigraphy is poorly blank Pb and nonradiogenic original Pb, in line with Stacey
known, and additional studies are required to confirm this and Kramers’s (1975) model Pb, for the approximate age of
assertion. Sm–Nd analyses carried out on metasediments the sample. Uncertainties in radiogenic Pb ratios are
from the Vazante Group indicate a uniform distribution of typically G0.1% unless the sample has an unusually low
depleted mantle model ages (TDM) between 1.7 and 2.1 Ga, Pb/204Pb ratio, in which case uncertainties in the common
which, according to Pimentel et al. (2001), reflect Pb correction may be greater. Decay constants and isotopic
298 M. Babinski et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 18 (2005) 293–304

ratios used in the age calculations are those listed by Steiger model ages were calculated using the depleted mantle
and Jäger (1977). Total procedure blanks are 30 pg for lead model (TDM) of DePaolo (1981).
and 1 pg for uranium. The U–Pb data were regressed using Sr isotopic analyses were performed on dolomite
the ISOPLOT/EX program (Ludwig, 1999). The uncertainty samples dissolved with HCl 0.1 N. Strontium was isolated
in the concordia intercept age is given at the 2-sigma level. by standard ion exchange techniques, and isotopic compo-
Seven metabasite samples recovered from two drill cores sitions were determined on a VG 354 thermal ionization
were powdered and digested in acids. Ion exchange resin mass spectrometer. Multiple NBS 987 standards (nZ28)
was used for primary separation of the rare earth elements, analyzed during and prior to this work yielded an average
followed by a secondary HDEHP-coated Teflon powder value of 0.710241G8 (2s).
column for Sm and Nd separation. The isotope ratios were Carbon and oxygen isotope ratios were obtained after
measured on a Finnigan MAT 262 mass spectrometer, and reacting the powdered dolomites with 100% H3PO4 at 25 8C
the quoted errors are given at the 2-sigma level. Sm–Nd for 1–3 days (McCrea, 1950). The released CO2 was

Fig. 5. (a) Bleached dolomite showing S-C structures associated with the Vazante shear zone. (b) Hydrothermally altered metabasite with chrysotile, hematite,
and dolomite veins. (c) Least altered metabasite. (d) Tectonic contact between metabasite and brecciated dolostone from the Vazante zinc mine. (e) Metabasite
showing remains of subophitic igneous texture. Plagioclase is sericitized, and pyroxene is replaced by amphibole and chlorite (transmitted light, photo widthZ
3.2 mm). (f) Mylonitized metabasite cut by carbonate veins (transmitted light; photo widthZ3.2 mm). (g) Igneous ilmenite replaced by hydrothermal titanite
(SEM image).
M. Babinski et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 18 (2005) 293–304 299

analyzed by an Europa Geo 20–20 mass spectrometer. The Mass balance calculations (Monteiro, 1997) indicate that
CO2 oxygen isotopic compositions were corrected to calcite the mylonitized metabasite displays a mass increase (3%)
and dolomite by applying, respectively, the fractionation relative to the least mylonitized metabasite (Fig. 6a). This
factors of 1.01025 and 1.01111. The uncertainties of the mass increase is related mainly to MgO (w60%), CO2
isotope measurements were 0.1‰ (2s) during the period of (w60%), Pb (w174%), and Zn (w212%) enrichments.
analyses. Relative loss of Fe2O3 (w33%), Ba, and Sr (w60%) also
are observed (Fig. 6a). In contrast, the host bleached
dolostones exhibit a mass decrease of 6% relative to the
least altered dolostone (Fig. 6b).
4. Results and discussion
The zinc ore, in tectonic contact with metabasic rocks,
shows a different mineral association characterized by
4.1. Petrography and hydrothermal alteration Zn-rich chlorite, hematite, talc, and apatite associated with
of the mafic dikes willemite.
Within the shear zone, the hydrothermal alteration is
The metabasites exhibit relicts of subophitic igneous mainly fracture controlled, but the host dolostones are
texture and remnants of igneous minerals, such as affected by pervasive alteration characterized by color
plagioclase, pyroxene, and ilmenite, replaced by a typical alteration from gray or pinkish to red, which is associated
low greenschist facies assemblage composed of actinolite, with silicification, recrystallization, and replacement by
clinozoisite, epidote, chlorite, talc, sericite, quartz, calcite,
dolomite, siderite, jasper, hematite, and chlorite. Along the
rutile, leucoxene, and apatite. Sericite, clinozoisite, chlorite,
contact with the metabasites, however, the dolostones are
and carbonates replace plagioclase. Pyroxene exhibits
bleached and display a distinct mineral assemblage com-
strong chloritization, whereas ilmenite, initially zoned, is
pared with those of the hydrothermalized dolostones, which
replaced by leucoxene and rutile. Biotite remnants indicate
are composed of dolomite, chrysotile, chlorite, and quartz
early potassic alteration, possibly preceding the mylonitiza-
tion of this rock (Figs. 4 and 5). and thereby indicate metasomatic alteration. These rocks
In addition to the low greenschist facies metamorphism, also present great differences in their isotopic compositions
mylonitization and hydrothermal activity related to fluid (d18OVSMOWZC21.4 to C16.7‰, d13CPDBZK0.2 to
flow within the Vazante shear zone also affected the K1.5‰) relative to unaltered dolomites (d18OVSMOW
metabasites. Chlorite (penninite), apatite, and leucoxene ZC26.2 to C27.2‰, d13CPDBZK1.0 to C2.7‰).
formation, related to S–C structures, overprints the potassic The calculated 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios (tZ750 Ma) of the
alteration. Late dolomitization associated with the for- bleached rocks (87Sr/86SrZ0.7327) are more radiogenic
mation of talc, chrysotile, lepidocrocite, and hematite within than the unaltered ( 87 Sr/ 86SrZ0.7064–0.7081) and
ductile brittle and brittle structures accompanies the total hydrothermalized (87Sr/86SrZ0.7130–0.7160) dolomites
destruction of igneous textures and minerals (Fig. 4). (Monteiro, 2002). The calcite of the bleached metadolomite
Titanite occurs as fine-grained crystals on the chlorite vein has the most distinct d13CPDB value (K10.3‰) compared
borders and along S–C structures, thus representing a with the hydrothermal carbonates in the fault zone
hydrothermal phase associated with mylonitization. (d13CPDBZK5.9 to C1.7‰) (Monteiro et al., 1999).

(a) 45 (b) 180

Zn Zn
hydrothermalized metabasite

bleached dolostone
Mylonitized and

Mylonitized and

30 CA=1.06 C˚
Mass loss of 6% wt.
CA=0.97 C˚
Mass increase of 3% wt.
MgO Al2O3
15 LOI
Cr Zr Ba CaO
Co Cu Sr SiO2 MgO
CaO 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 20 40 60
Least-altered metabasite Least-altered dolostone

Fig. 6. Isocon diagrams (Grant, 1986). (a) Mass balance between least altered metabasite and mylonitized metabasite. Oxides in wt.%, and elements in
0.05 ppm. (b) Mass balance between least altered dolostone and bleached dolostone in contact with metabasite. Oxides in wt.%, and elements in 0.02 ppm
(Monteiro, 1997).
300 M. Babinski et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 18 (2005) 293–304

4.2. Relationships between the metabasites and zinc ore The zircon fractions yield 207Pb/206Pb minimum ages of
2096–2398 Ma; the oldest age was determined for euhedral
The metabasic rocks occur mainly within the Vazante acicular zircon. The single fraction of euhedral zircon
shear zone, juxtaposed with dolomites and slates of the recovered from sample VZ-2 yielded a 207Pb/206Pb
Vazante Group. Therefore, recognition of the relationship minimum age of 2092 Ma with a large error (110 Ma).
between the metabasites and the host sequence is difficult, However, this age is similar to ages obtained from two
but the strong metasomatic alteration of the bleached fractions of sample VZ-1 (Table 2, Fig. 7). The U–Pb ages
dolostone in contact with the metabasites—as evidenced by determined for zircon grains recovered from the metabasites
its distinct aspect, mineralogy, and isotopic signatures are too old and thereby indicate that zircon crystals were
compared with hydrothermalized dolostones in the shear assimilated by the magma from the basement rocks.
zone—may be related to alteration due to the dike Although the results show some scatter on the U–Pb
emplacement. Metasomatic processes also affected the diagram, fractions define a discordia that yields an upper
metabasites and nonsulfide zinc ore, which indicates that intercept age of 2100G25 Ma, which indicates the presence
strong fluid-rock interactions took place along the tectonic of a Paleoproterozoic basement for the Vazante Group.
contact zones. Furthermore, according to the older 207Pb/206Pb ages
Mass balance calculations and stable isotopic studies (2.2–2.4 Ga) determined through some fractions, the
(Monteiro, 1997; Monteiro et al., 1999) indicate that the magma may have passed through crust composed of rocks
metasomatic processes are related to Zn- and Pb-rich fluid older than 2.1 Ga. Another possibility is that the magma
circulation in the Vazante shear zone. Thus, metabasites assimilated detrital zircon from younger metasedimentary
were affected by hydrothermal processes similar to those rocks whose source rocks were Paleoproterozoic.
responsible for the epigenetic nonsulfide zinc ore formation, Seven single-crystal fractions of titanite separated
which is coeval with the Vazante shear zone development from a metamorphosed mafic dike (VZ-2) were analyzed
(Monteiro, 1997; Monteiro et al., 1999). for Pb isotopic compositions and U and Pb concen-
The low d 13C value of calcite in the bleached trations. Surprisingly, all the samples contained virtually
metadolomite could indicate a local carbon source, as all common Pb, as shown by the high Pb (878 ppm) and
represented by the metabasites. However, the predominance low U (1.2 ppm) concentrations determined from one
of positive d13C values in gangue carbonates of the zinc ore sample (Table 3; Fig. 8a,b). The isotopic ratios are
may reflect the minimal importance of this carbon source for uniform and do not present a large variation: 206Pb/204Pb
mineralization processes. values range from 17.68 to 17.85, 207Pb/204Pb from 15.66
to 15.76, and 208Pb/204Pb from 37.07 to 37.34. Despite
4.3. Geochronology and isotope geochemistry the large errors (Table 3), these isotopic ratios plot well
of the mafic dikes above the Pb evolution curve proposed by the two-stage
model of Stacey and Kramers (1975), which represents
Sm–Nd isotopic analyses were carried out on seven the average crustal Pb and has a m2 (238U/204Pb) value of
whole-rock samples from two mafic dikes (Table 1). The 9.74 and k2 (232Th/238U) value of 3.78 (Fig. 8a,b). Our
TDM model ages are 1.15–1.21 Ga, and the 3Nd(0) varies from Pb isotope results fit better on an evolution curve with a
C0.16 to K0.41. Because the Sm/Nd ratios are very m2 value of 10.4 (Fig. 8a) and k2 value of 3.58 (Fig. 8b),
fractionated (0.16), the TDM ages are overestimated and which suggests that the hydrothermal fluids originated
represent the maximum crystallization age of the dikes. In from a source with a U/Pb ratio higher than the average
addition, crustal contamination during magma ascent, which crustal value. 207Pb–206Pb model ages (Table 3) deter-
could increase the TDM ages, cannot be ruled out. mined through Stacey and Kramers’s (1975) evolution
Five small zircon fractions with different morphologies model range from 780 to 870 Ma. Although Pb–Pb
(from euhedral to rounded grains) of sample VZ-1 model ages are questionable (Faure, 1986), they could
were analyzed, and all are discordant (Table 2, Fig. 7). indicate the time when the Pb-rich fluids separated from

Table 1
Sm–Nd isotopic data for mafic dikes from the Vazante Group
Sample Sm (ppm) Nd (ppm) Sm/144Nd 143
Nd/144Nd Error (2s) TDM (Ga) 3(0)
VZ-1a 5.596 21.15 0.1600 0.512625 0.000015 1.19 K0.25
VZ-1b 5.399 20.37 0.1603 0.512617 0.000013 1.21 K0.41
VZ-1c 5.548 20.77 0.1615 0.512646 0.000022 1.16 C0.16
VZ-3a 4.355 16.45 0.1601 0.512632 0.000014 1.17 K0.12
VZ-3b 4.215 15.999 0.1593 0.512631 0.000016 1.15 K0.13
VZ-3c 4.406 16.78 0.1588 0.512620 0.000011 1.17 K0.35
VZ-3d 4.080 15.65 0.1576 0.512617 0.000007 1.16 K0.41
M. Babinski et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 18 (2005) 293–304 301

Error 2s
0.42 2250


VZ-1 & VZ-2 2150

0.38 2050



0.34 1850

0.30 1650 Model 1 Solution on 4 points
Lower intercept: 0 ± 30 Ma
Ages (Ma)

Upper intercept: 2100 ± 25 Ma

MSWD = 26, P = 0.000



3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5

2s (%)

Fig. 7. U-Pb concordia diagram of zircon from metabasites of the Vazante


Group. Analyses represented by filled ellipses were not used for the
regression. The analysis with the larger uncertainty is from sample VZ-2;
all the other points were obtained from zircon fractions separated from

sample VZ-1.

the source. If so, the maximum age for the mineralizing

event would be 870 Ma. However, it is worth noting that,
2s (%)


because our Pb data do not fulfill all the conditions of



Stacey and Kramers’s Pb model (i.e. the data plot above

the Pb growth curve), the ages presented here must be

considered with caution.

Zircon morphology: R, rounded; A, acicular (5:1); Eu, euhedral; SR, slightly rounded; and An, anhedral.

The Pb isotope compositions of titanite plot on the same

Radiogenic ratios

field defined by the Pb isotopic ratios reported for galena

from the Morro Agudo, carbonate-hosted Zn–Pb deposit
2s (%)

and minor sulfide ore bodies from the Vazante deposit (Misi

et al., 1999; Cunha et al., 2001, 2003). Thus, the

hydrothermal metalliferous fluids responsible for the sulfide
mineralization exhibit isotopic signatures similar to those


that affected the metabasites (Fig. 8). The presence of

common Pb in the titanite, with its unusually low U
(1.2 ppm) and high Pb (878 ppm) concentrations (U/PbZ
0.001), confirms petrographic observations that the mineral




is hydrothermal and coeval with the timing of the Pb-rich

U–Pb zircon data for mafic dikes from the Vazante Group

fluid percolation in the shear zone. Furthermore, compari-

Pb* (ppm)

son of the Pb isotopic compositions from the hydrothermal

mineral phases, such as titanite (Vazante mine) and galena



(Morro Agudo and Vazante mines), suggests similarities

between the metalliferous fluids that affected the metabasic
dikes and the fluids responsible for the galena formation.
U (ppm)


This finding reinforces that a similar lead source was

responsible for the genesis of both nonsulfide and sulfide
zinc deposits in the Vazante-Paracatu district. Furthermore,
Size (mg)

it may reflect the periodic expulsion of metalliferous fluids


related to a long-lived hydrothermal system or the

hydrothermal/metamorphic mobilization of common lead
from syn- to late-diagenetic Zn–Pb mineralization in the
VZ-1 An

VZ-1 An
VZ-1 Eu

VZ-2 Eu
VZ-1 R
Table 2


district and its subsequent deposition into the epigenetic

nonsulfide Zn mineralization.
302 M. Babinski et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 18 (2005) 293–304

T (Ma)a
U (ppm)


Pb (ppm)



Pb/206Pb model ages determined according to Stacey and Kramers’s (1975) two-stage Pb evolution model.

Isotopic compositions corrected for mass fractionation factor of 0.12 amu-1. Errors are 2 sigma (%).

Fig. 8. (a) 207Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb diagram and (b) 208Pb/204Pb

versus 206Pb/204Pb diagram showing isotopic compositions determined for
titanite from the metabasites from the Vazante Group. Ellipses represent

2-sigma errors. On the right side of (a), Pb isotope data of galena from the
Vazante-Paracatu area (Field I, galena from N ore-body from Morro Agudo
Pb isotope data determined for titanite from mafic dikes from the Vazante Group

district; Field II, galena from other ore bodies from Morro Agudo and
Vazante districts; Field III, galena from Ambrósia and Fagundes districts;
Cunha et al., 2003) are presented for comparison.

5. Conclusions

The U–Pb investigation of zircon of the mafic dikes

(metabasites) that cut the metasedimentary rocks of
the Vazante Group and are affected by hydrothermal
processes yields Paleoproterozoic ages (2.1–2.4 Ga),

which suggests that the zircon crystals are xenocrystic

grains. These zircon grains probably were assimilated by the
magma during ascent through the continental crust; thus, the
basement of the Vazante Group is either Paleoproterozoic or

contains metasedimentary rocks formed by 2.1 Ga or older


detrital sources.

Mass balance calculations indicate that the metabasites

were affected by hydrothermal processes responsible for the
relative Zn and Pb enrichments and that these metasomatic
processes are linked to Zn- and Pb-rich fluid circulation in the
Table 3





a 207



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