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Developing A Strategic Business Plan


2. 2. Strategic Planning …is the managerial process of developing and
maintaining a strategic fit between the organization's objectives and
resources and its changing market opportunities. Resources Strategic Fit
Org Objectives Changing Environment
3. 3. The Role of Strategy Strategy: Corporate •Corporate Operating Mission
& •Business Plans Objectives •Functional
4. 4. Vision and Strategy
5. 5. your victory will not be threatened. Know the terrain, know the weather,
and your victory will be complete.”Sun Tze on Strategy “Know your
enemy, know yourself, and
6. 6. Strategic Marketing ―Marketing Strategy is a series of integrated
actions leading to a sustainable competitive advantage.” John Scully
7. 7. Driven by heritage General criteria for assessing the long-term
organizational effectiveness  Corporate Mission Broad purposes of the
organization & Mission statements are increasingly being developed at
the SBU level as wellenvironment
8. 8. Examples of Corporate Mission SINGAPORE AIRLINES is engaged in air
transportation and related businesses. It operates world-wide as the flag
carrier of the Republic of Singapore, aiming to provide services of the
highest quality at reasonable prices for customers and a profit for the
9. 9. Examples of Corporate Mission (cont’d) MARRIOTT’S Mission Statement:
We are committed to being the best lodging and food service company in
the world, by treating employees in ways that create extraordinary
customer service and shareholder value
10. 10. How does marketing affect culture in the organization? What is the
significance of culture to an organization?  How do you define culture? 
thinking Corporate Culture The most abstract level of managerial
11. 11. Corporate Objectives & business ◦ Attainable at some specific future
date through planned actions ◦ E.g. 10% growth in the next two year  ◦ Not
quantified and not limited to a time period ◦ E.g. increasing the return on
shareholders’ equity A goal is a measurable objective of the Goals An
objective is a long-range purpose s
12. 12. Strategic planning Goals / Objectives SWOT Analysis Strategy
Implementation Measurement and Evaluation
13. 13. STRATEGIC PLAN DEVELOPMENT Environmental and internal
assessment Strategic definition and implications • What are the major •
What strategy will you Industry Strategy changes in industry pursue over
the next 3 dynamics and articulation dynamics and years? implications
resulting opportunities and risks? + + • What are your • What will be the
impact of Competitive Strategic competitive strengths major strategic
initiatives? assessment initiatives and weaknesses? + + • How does your
current • What are the expected Internal Financial business emphasis fit
financial returns of your assessment projections with industry strategy?
opportunity and competitive + landscape? • What strategic alternatives
Risk/contingen- have you considered? cies & strategic alternatives
14. 14. The Usual Business Planning Hierarchy Vision Mission Objectives
Strategies Tactics Plans
15. 15. Strategic Planning – Many Sub Plans Vision Mission Objectives
Strategies Tactics Plans Objectives Strategies Tactics Plans Objectives
Strategies Tactics Plans
16. 16. Framework of a Successful Organisation
17. 17. Business Planning and Delivery Strategic Plan New Information
Business Plan Feed Back Regional or Sales & Industry Marketing Sales
Plan Plan State Sales Plans
18. 18. business gives its energy. Expresses a Must be fully consumer ◦ It
helps motivate us. communicated benefit ◦ It helps set the direction of
corporate and marketing strategy. Is motivating Is realistic people perish‖
The vision of the  term, our business VISION needs a vision of how we will
change and Consistently Provides future improve in the future. followed
and direction measured ―without a vision, the Vision is a Critical Driver
To succeed in the long
19. 19. or complexity. Source: BT Group plc website one another and to a
world of knowledge, via a multiplicity of communications technologies
including voice, data, mobile, internet - regardless of nationality, culture,
class or education. Our job is to facilitate effective communication,
irrespective of geography, distance, time  everyone can benefit from the
power of communication skills and technology. A society in which
individuals, organisations and communities have unlimited access to 
respect: ◦ We put customers first ◦ We are professional ◦ We respect each
other ◦ We work as one team ◦ We are committed to continuous
improvement. These are supported by our vision of a communications-rich
world - a world in which  marketing decisions. An example is provided by
BT Group - defining its values: BT's activities are underpinned by a set of
values that all BT people are asked to Values underpin all we do Values
form the foundation of a business’ management style. Values provide the
justification of behaviour and, therefore, exert significant influence on
20.20. is important to our PURPOSE – why salesHas the Company got a
strong Clear Mission? The Business Mission & how the marketing plan
should seek to fulfil the mission STRATEGYmarketing the business exists
planning It provides an outline of & VALUES & business are we in
management evaluating and screening and how? believes in the marketing
plan; are marketing decisions consistent with the mission?
STANDARDSSCOPE – what CULTURE – what It provides a means of &
BEHAVIOUR – the rules that guide implement the marketing how we
operate planIt provides an incentive to
21.21. quot;Strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the
long-term: which achieves advantage for the organisation through its
configuration of resources within a challenging environment, to meet the
needs of markets and to fulfil stakeholder expectationsquot;.
22.22. Strategic Audit - ensuring that the Company resources and
competencies are understood and evaluated Resource Audit Value Chain
Analysis Core Competence Analysis Performance Analysis Portfolio
Analysis SWOT / PEST Analysis
23.23. Need to work within Company Resources & Constraints Financial •
Existing Funds • New Funds Physical • Production • Marketing • Sales •
R&D & Technical • Information Technology Human • Existing Staff • Future
Staff Requirements • Training & Development Intangible • Goodwill •
Reputation • Brands • Intellectual Property
24.24. Objectives - Corporate & Functional • Examples might include:
Corporate • We aim for a return on investment of at least 15% • We aim to
achieve an operating profit of over $10 million on sales of at least $100
million These are objectives that • We aim to increase earnings per share
by at concern the business or least 10% every year for the foreseeable
future organisation as a whole • Examples might include: • We aim to build
customer database of at least Functional 250,000 households within the
next 12 months • We aim to achieve a market share of 10% • We aim to
achieve 75% customer awareness of Specific objectives for sales & our
brand in our target markets • We aim to sell $2m of xyz product into ABC
marketing activities market over the next 6 months
25.25. reduction in the costs associated with the value chain activities, or a
reduction in the total amount of resources used. ourselves through higher
quality then we will have to perform our value chain activities better than
the opposition. But if we adopt a strategy based on seeking cost
leadership this will require a  advantage. For example, if we wish to
outperform our competitors through differentiating  What activities a
business undertakes is directly linked to achieving competitive  by our
business and which are best provided by others (quot;outsourcedquot;).
Linking Value Chain Analysis to Competitive Advantage  two headings: 1.
Primary Activities - those that are directly concerned with creating and
delivering a product (e.g. component assembly); and 2. Support Activities,
which whilst they are not directly involved in production, may increase
effectiveness or efficiency (e.g. human resource management). It is rare
for a business to undertake all primary and support activities. Value Chain
Analysis is one way of identifying which activities are best undertaken 
relates them to an analysis of the competitive strength of the business.
Michael Porter suggested that the activities of a business could be
grouped under Value Chain Analysis Value Chain Analysis describes the
activities that take place in a business and
26.26. Primary Activities Primary value chain activities include: Primary
Description Activity Inbound All those activities concerned with receiving
and storing externally sourced logistics materials Operations The
manufacture of products and services - the way in which resource inputs
(e.g. materials) are converted to outputs (e.g. products) Outbound All those
activities associated with getting finished goods and services to buyers
logistics Marketing and Essentially an information activity - informing
buyers and consumers about sales products and services (benefits, use,
price etc.) Service All those activities associated with maintaining product
performance after the product has been sold
27. 27. Support Activities Support activities include: Secondary Description
Activity Procurement This concerns how resources are acquired for a
business (e.g. sourcing and negotiating with materials suppliers) Human
Resource Those activities concerned with recruiting, developing,
motivating and Management rewarding the workforce of a business
Technology Activities concerned with managing information processing
and the Development development and protection of quot;knowledgequot;
in a business Infrastructure Concerned with a wide range of support
systems and functions such as finance, planning, quality control and
general senior management
28.28. Steps in a Value Chain Analysis Break down a market / organisation
into its key activities Assess the potential for adding value via cost
advantage or differentiation, or identify current activities where a
business appears to be at a competitive disadvantage; Determine
strategies built around focusing on activities where competitive advantage
can be sustained
29.29. hone these advantages and to develop new ones to underpin the
business strategy change in response to changes in the company's
environment. They are flexible and evolve over time. As a business evolves
and adapts to new circumstances and opportunities, so its Core
Competencies will have to adapt and change. We need to understand what
we are good and what makes us better and to  affect competitive
advantage. Core Competencies are not seen as being fixed. Core
Competencies should  competencies required to undertake them. So the
goal is for management to focus attention on competencies that really 
competition between businesses is as much a race for competence
mastery as it is for market position and market power. Senior management
cannot focus on all activities of a business and the  achieving
competitive advantage. The starting point for analysing core competencies
is recognising that Core competencies Core competencies are those
capabilities that are critical to a business
30.30. Identifying Core Competencies Prahalad and Hamel suggest three
factors to help identify core competencies in any business: What does the
Core Competence Comments Achieve? Provides potential The key core
competencies are those that enable the creation of new access to a wide
products and services. variety of markets Makes a significant Core
competencies are the skills that enable a business to deliver a
contribution to the fundamental customer benefit - in other words: what is
it that causes perceived customer customers to choose one product over
another? To identify core benefits of the end competencies in a particular
market, ask questions such as quot;why is the product customer willing to
pay more or less for one product or service than another?quot; quot;What
is a customer actually paying for? Difficult for A core competence should
be quot;competitively uniquequot;: In many competitors to industries, most
skills can be considered a prerequisite for participation imitate and do not
provide any significant competitor differentiation. To qualify as
quot;corequot;, a competence should be something that other competitors
wish they had within their own business.
31.31. advantage, don’t compete.” Jack Welch, GE company’s ability to
perform in one or more ways that competitors cannot or will not match.”
Philip Kotler “If you don’t have a competitive What is Competitive
Advantage? “Competitive advantage is a
32.32. Four Generic Strategies Lower Cost Differentiation Broad Cost Target
Differentiation Leadership Scope Differentiation Cost Focus Narrow Focus
33.33. business attributes that will influence customers (Source: Strategic
Marketing Management, Aakers) ◦ Can it be neutralized by competitors
quickly? Ability to be leveraged into visible  ◦ Is it substantial enough to
make a difference? Sustainability Other Characteristics of Competitive
Advantage Substantiality
34.34. ◦ Superior skills ◦ Customer satisfaction, Loyalty, Market Share, Profit
Sources of advantages  ◦ Superior customer value ◦ Lower relative total
cost Performance advantages Seeking Competitive Advantages Positions
of advantage & knowledge, Superior resources, Superior business process
35.35. WHERE TO COMPETE? Target customers and segments • Which
customers are you trying to target or attract? • Which are you willing to
serve, but will not spend resources to attract? • Which would you prefer
not to serve? Customers Geographical scope of business activities How
does the entity • Geographic limits to the reach its target business?
Geographic customers • Local, regional, multi- Channels • Which
distribution channels markets local, national, will you use? international,
or global • What customer segments player? can they reach? • If local,
which localities? Products Quality and breadth of the product line •
Breadth of the product line? • Quality of the product line? • Product
bundles or a series of unrelated products?
36.36. Capability platform: assessment of sources of competitive advantage
(1/2) Example • BHP’s low-cost mines Physical asset • Telecomm/media
company with rights Location/quot;spacequot; radio spectrum Privileged
assets • Avon’s representatives Distribution/sales network • Coca-Cola
Brand/reputation • Pharmaceutical company with a quot;wonder Patent
Necessary drug‖ capabilities in order to • quot;Favored nationquot; status
with a key Relationship with quot;licensequot; succeed in allocator
minister in liberalizing economy the industry • 3M with new products
Innovation • McDonald’s with QSC&V Cross-functional Distinctive
coordination competencies • J&J with branded consumer health products
Market positioning • Emerson Electric’s Best Cost Producer Cost/efficiency
program management • P&G brand management program Talent
37. 37. Extremely relevant Capability platform: assessment of Somewhat
relevant sources of competitive advantage (2/2) Irrelevant Segments BU
Overall A B C Physical asset Location/quot;spacequot; Privileged assets
Distribution/sales network Brand/reputation Necessary Patent capabilities
in order to Relationship with quot;licensequot; succeed in the allocator
industry Innovation Cross-functional coordination Distinctive
competencies Market positioning Cost/efficiency management Talent
development Step 2: Assess your overall position relative to Step 1: Ensure
that these are the the capabilities required to succeed in the industry.
capabilities required to succeed in the Also, determine if these capabilities
are relevant to industry. Use this list as a thought the segments you serve
starter, add and delete as you see appropriate
38.38. Competitor capability comparison Competitors BU Overall A B C •
Physical asset • Location/quot;spacequot; Privileged • assets
Distribution/sales network • Brand/reputation Necessary Patent
capabilities in order to Relationship with quot;licensequot; succeed in
allocator the Innovation industry Cross-functional coordination Distinctive
competencies Market positioning Cost/efficiency management Talent
development Step 3: Compare the strengths and weaknesses of your
competitive position vs. the necessary skills
39.39. Porter’s 5 Forces of Competitive Position Diagram New Market Entrants
Supplier Competitive Buyer Power Power Rivalry Product & Technology
40.40. Porter 5 Forces
41.41. Porter’s 5 Forces of Competitive Position version #2
42.42. Porter’s 5 Forces of Competitive Position #3 Entry Barriers Economies
of Scale Brand Identity Rivalry Determinants Capital Requirements
Industry Growth Fixed Costs New Product Differences Entrants
Determinants of Supplier Power Brand Identity Switching Costs Exit
Barriers Supplier Volume Impact Forward Integration Industry Competitors
Suppliers Buyers Intensity of Rivalry Determinants of Buyer Power Buyer
Concentration Determinants of Buyer Volume Substitution Threat
Backward Integration Relative Price Performance Substitutes Switching
43.43. Forces at work framework 2. Determinants of barriers to entry 1.
Determinants of supplier power • Economies of scale • Differentiation of
inputs • Proprietary product differences • Switching costs of suppliers and
firms in the • Brand identity industry • Switching costs • Presence of
substitute inputs • Capital requirements • Supplier concentration • Access
to distribution • Importance of volume to supplier • Absolute cost
advantages • Cost relative to total purchases in the industry 2. New
entrants – Proprietary learning curve • Impact of inputs on cost or
differentiation – Access to necessary inputs • Threat of forward integration
relative to threat – Proprietary, low-cost product design of backward
integration by firms in the industry • Government policy 5. Industry
competitors • Expected retaliation 1. Suppliers 3. Buyers Intensity of
rivalry 3. Determinants of buying power • Bargaining leverage 5. Rivalry
determinants – Buyer concentration vs. firm • Industry growth • Fixed (or
storage) cost/value added concentration 4. Substitutes – Buyer volume •
Intermittent overcapacity – Buyer switching costs relative to firm •
Product differences • Brand identity switching costs 4. Determinants of –
Buyer information • Switching costs substitution threat – Ability to
backward integrate • Concentration and balance • Relative price
performance of – Substitute products • Informational complexity
substitutes – Pull-through • Diversity of competitors • Switching costs •
Price sensitivity • Corporate stakes • Buyer propensity to substitute –
Price/total purchases • Exit barriers – Product differences – Brand Identity
– Impact on quality perception – Buyer profits – Decision makers'
44.44. Ninety ways to measure demand (6 x 5 x 3) World Geographical Level
Region Country Territory Client Total sales Sector sales Company’s sales
Product Product lines Level Product config Product items Short Medium
Long term term term Timing Level
45.45. They doStrategic Planning Link with Marketing Planning Businesses
that succeed do so by creating and keeping customers. planning. Key
Strategic Business Marketing Regional Industry Account Sales Plan State
Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan decisions about how to change the
marketing mix in order to succeed. This process of adapting and decision-
making is known as marketing  businesses operate is constantly
changing. So a business must adapt to reflect changes in the environment
and make  trying to reach and how they can design products and services
that provide better value (―competitive advantage‖). The main problem
with this process is that the ―environment‖ in which  Marketing
management constantly have to assess which customers they are this by
providing better value for the customer than the competition.
46.46. the job of marketing management to understand and manage the links
between the business and the ―environment‖. Sometimes this is quite a
straightforward task. ◦ For example, in many small businesses there is only
one geographical market and a limited number of products (perhaps only
one product!). ◦ However, consider the challenge faced by marketing
management in a multinational business, with hundreds of business units
located around the globe, producing a wide range of products. ◦ Keeping
control of marketing decision-making in such a complex situation calls for
well-organised marketing planning. business and create its shape so that
the products and services it provides meet the overall business objectives.
Marketing has a key role to play in strategic planning, because it is 
business. ◦ It is concerned with marketing, of course. ◦ But it also involves
decision-making about production and operations, finance, human
resource management and other business issues. The objective of a
strategic plan is to set the direction of a Strategic vs. Marketing Plans
Strategic planning is concerned about the overall direction of the
47. 47. ◦ The ability of a business to achieve profitable sales is impacted by
dozens of environmental factors, many of which are inter-connected ◦
Identify sources of competitive advantage ◦ Gain commitment to a strategy
◦ Get resources needed to invest in and build the business ◦ Inform
stakeholders in the business ◦ Set objectives and strategies ◦ Measure
performance planning process: ◦ Where are we now? ◦ How did we get
there? ◦ Where are we heading? ◦ Where would we like to be? ◦ How do we
get there? ◦ Are we on course? A marketing plan helps to: Key issues in
strategic and marketing planning? The following questions are key in the
marketing and strategic
48.48. ◦ Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities definition, industry structure
SWOT Analysis  External Analysis—customers, market Situation Analysis
Internal Analysis—company; capability etc. & Threats ◦ Identify &
competencies, decide on future optionsprioritize major problems and
opportunities: selection of key issues Based on the firm’s core
49.49. SWOT Internal Environment Strengths Weaknesses World class product
Technical support Financial resources Internal processes Know-how
Channels network External Environment Opportunities Threats Water &
Energy crises Competitors market share Environment awareness Euro X
Dollar Productivity improvement Technology development
50.50. SWOT ANALYSIS Opportunities/Threats • How are demand and supply
expected to NEUTRALIZE evolve? THREATS • How do you expect the
industry chain economics to evolve? • What are the potential major
industry discontinuities? YOUR • What competitor BUILD ON CONVERT
Strengths/ Weaknesses • What are your BU’s Surfaces potential
assets/competencies ADDRESS opportunities/threats arising that solidify
your WEAK- from factors external to the competitive position? NESSES
business • What are your BU’s assets/competencies that weaken your
competitive position? Can be used as a thought starter for competitive
analysis and internal assessment
51.51. SWOT Analysis is still a useful Tool
52.52. TOWS matrix Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities S-O strategies W-O
strategies Threats S-T strategies W-T strategies S-O strategies pursue
opportunities that are a good fit to the companies strengths. W-O
strategies overcome weaknesses to pursue opportunities. S-T strategies
identify ways that the firm can use its strengths to reduce its vulnerability
to external threats. W-T strategies establish a defensive plan to prevent
the firm's weaknesses from making it highly susceptible to external
53.53. environment in which the cPEST analysis A scan of the external
macro- ompany wants to operate (or operates) and can be expressed in
terms of the following factors: ◦ Political ◦ Economic ◦ Social ◦
54.54. PEST Analysis - market, business, proposition, etc. POLITICAL
ECONOMIC • • ecological/environmental issues home economy situation • •
current legislation home market home economy trends • • future
legislation overseas economies and trends • • European/international
legislation general taxation issues • • regulatory bodies and processes
taxation specific to product/services • • government policies
seasonality/weather issues • • government term and change market and
trade cycles • • trading policies specific industry factors • • funding, grants
and initiatives market routes and distribution trends • • home market
lobbying/pressure groups customer/end-user drivers • • international
pressure groups interest and exchange rates • • wars and conflict
international trade/monetary issues SOCIAL TECHNOLOGICAL • • lifestyle
trends competing technology development • • demographics research
funding • • consumer attitudes and opinions associated/dependent
technologies • • media views replacement technology/solutions • • law
changes affecting social factors maturity of technology • • brand,
company, technology image manufacturing maturity and capacity • •
consumer buying patterns information and communications • • fashion and
role models consumer buying mechanisms/technology • • major events and
influences technology legislation • • buying access and trends innovation
potential • • ethnic/religious factors technology access, licencing, patents
• • advertising and publicity intellectual property issues • • ethical issues
global communications
55.55. development assessment and decision-making, and the PEST template
encourages proactive thinking, rather than relying on habitual or
instinctive reactions. structure, in this case organized by the PEST
format, that helps understanding, presentation, discussion and decision-
making. PEST analysis can be used for marketing and business  unit or
proposition, whereas a PEST analysis measures the market potential and
situation, particularly indicating growth or decline, and thereby market
attractiveness, business potential, and suitability of access - market
potential and 'fit' in other words. PEST analysis uses four perspectives,
which give a logical  SWOT analysis measures a business unit, a
proposition or idea. Generally speaking a SWOT analysis measures a
business PEST or SWOT A PEST analysis most commonly measures a
market; a
56.56. Structure-conduct-performance (SCP) model Industry Producers
External S C P tructure onduct erformance shocks Feedback • Technology
Economics of demand Marketing Finance • Availability of substitutes •
Pricing • Profitability breakthroughs • Changes in • Differentiability of
products • Volume • Value creation • Rate of growth •
Advertising/promotion government Technological progress •
Volatility/cyclicality • New products/R&D policy/regulations Employment
objectives – Domestic • Distribution Economics of supply – International •
Concentration of producers Capacity change • Import competition •
Expansion/contraction • Diversity of producers • Entry/exit • Fixed/variable
cost structure • Acquisition/merger/ divestiture • Capacity utilization
Vertical integration • Entry/exit barriers • Forward/backward integration •
Vertical joint ventures Industry chain economics • Bargaining power of
input • Long-term contracts suppliers Internal efficiency • Bargaining
power of customers • Cost control • Logistics • Process R&D •
Organization effectiveness
57. 57. Definition of risks Definition • Risk of loss due to changes in industry
and competitive Business risk environment, as well as shifts in customer
preferences • Risk due to changes in regulatory environment (e.g.
Regulatory risk deregulation) • Risk due to major changes in technology
Technology risk • Risk of failures due to business processes and Integrity
risk operations or people’s behavior, either intentional (e.g. fraud) or
unintentional (e.g. errors) • Risk of loss due to changes in the political,
social, or Macroeconomic economic environments risk
58.58. Management Management, control and evaluation
59.59. ◦ Reflection and inquiry skills is focused around developing awareness
of the attitudes and perceptions that influence thought and interaction. ◦
By continually reflecting upon, talking about, and reconsidering these
internal pictures of the world, people can gain more capability in governing
their actions and decisions. ◦ Aspiration involves formulating a coherent
picture of the results people most desire to gain as individuals, alongside a
realistic assessment of the current state of their lives today. ◦ Learning to
cultivate the tension between vision and reality can expand people's
capacity to make better choices, and to achieve more of the results that
they have chosen. Mental Models: Five disciplines – Peter Senge Personal
60.60. ◦ Group interaction. ◦ Through techniques like dialogue and skillful
discussion, teams transform their collective thinking, learning to mobilize
their energies and actions to achieve common goals, and drawing forth an
intelligence and ability greater than the sum of individual members'
talents. ◦ Establishes a focus on mutual purpose. ◦ People learn to nourish
a sense of commitment in a group or organization by developing shared
images of the future they seek to create, and the principles and guiding
practices by which they hope to get there. Team Learning: Five disciplines
– Peter Senge Shared Vision:
61.61. ◦ People learn to better understand interdependency and change, and
thereby to deal more effectively with the forces that shape the
consequences of our actions. ◦ Systems thinking is based upon a growing
body of theory about the behavior of feedback and complexity - the innate
tendencies of a system that lead to growth or stability over time. ◦ To help
people see how to change systems more effectively and how to act more
in tune with the larger processes of the natural and economic world.Five
disciplines – Peter Senge Systems Thinking:
62.62. Project management - processes
63.63. Project management – a process
64.64. Project management – process chain
65.65. Project management – risk analysis
66.66. Success Keys - Deployment Deployment - Completing the Plan Success
Failure >Assign roles and responsibilities >No accountability for
deployment >Establish priorities >Too many goals, strategies, or objectives
- no apparent priority >Involve mid-level management as >Plan in a
vacuum-functional focus active participants >Think it through - decide how
to >No overall strategy to implement manage implementation >Charge mid-
level management with >Make no attempt to link with day-to-day aligning
lower-level plans operations >Make careful choices about the >Not being
thorough-glossing over the contents of the plan and form it will details
67. 67. Success Keys - Communication Deployment - Communicating Success
Failure Assign roles and responsibilities No accountability Communicate
the plan constantly Never talk about the plan and consistently Recognize
the change process Ignore the emotional impact of change Help people
through the change process Focus only on task accomplishment
68.68. Success Keys - Implementation Implementing - I Success Failure
Assign roles and responsibilities No accountability Involve senior leaders
Disengagement from process Define an infrastructure Unmanaged activity
Link goal groups Fragmented accomplishment of objectives leads to sub-
optimization Phase integration of Force people to choose between
implementation implementation and daily work; too actions with workload
many teams Involve everyone within the No alignment of strategies
69.69. Success Keys - Implementation Implementing - II Success Failure
Allocate resources for Focus only on short term need for implementation
resources Ignore or avoid change Manage the change process No
measurement system Evaluate results Hide mistakes/lay blame; Share
lessons learned; limited/no communication acknowledge successes
through open and frequent communication
70.70. Success Keys - Measurement Strategic Measurement - I Success
Failure Assign roles and responsibilities No accountability Use
measurement to understand Sub-optimization: focus only on the
organization efficiencies Use measurement to provide a Use measures
that provide no real consistent viewpoint from which to information on
performance; use gauge performance too many measures Use
measurement to provide an Use measurement to focus on the integrated,
focused view of the bottom-line only future
71.71. Success Keys - Measurement Strategic Measurement - II Success
Failure Use measurement to communicate Use measurement to control
policy (new strategic direction) Update the measurement system Never
review measures Use measurement to provide Fail to use measurement to
make quality feedback to the strategic strategic, fact-based decisions; use
management process only for control
72.72. Success Keys - Evaluation Evaluation Success Failure Assign roles and
responsibilities No accountability Recognize when to update the plan Poor
timing and not recognizing external forces Modify strategic planning
process to Rigid application of strategic accommodate the more mature
planning process; ignore lessons organization learned from previous
efforts Ignore impact of new leaders Incorporate new leaders into the
strategic planning process Don't use measurement Integrate measurement
with strategic information planning Shortcut the process Use experienced
strategic planning facilitators
73.73. Best Companies Spend more time on Forward Planning than Historical
Analysis Achieving Agility Through a New Approach to Forecasting In
today’s turbulent economy, rolling forecasts are proving to be an important
new tool in changing the way budgeting and planning has traditionally
been handled. Mary Brandel
74. 74. Benefits of Rolling Forecasts

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