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Welcome to SOWK 201

Guiding you towards your first Discussion Forum post

Module One

•Hick Text
The profession of Social

•Hick Text
Learning about social work
 3 quizzes
 3 Written Discussions
Discussion Assignment
Although you are asked to create short posts,
these posts must indicate the complex task
of critical thinking.
Pause this slide and then review the following
5 minute video to further understand what
critical thinking is:
Click here for critical thinking video
Are there puzzles, tensions, themes or any
concerns that are emerging for you at any
moment in your review of the course?

 Preparing your Discussion Posts

“If we want to change the situation, we
first have to change ourselves.” Stephen Covey


Beliefs Attributes

the Social
What is one insight?

What is one learning?

What is one personal reflection?

“In our haste to change a person’s behaviour, we often overlook how their
current behaviours make sense to them. Try as we might as adults or
professionals to guide them, they will not heed our word’s of advice or
intervention until they are confident we understand they are already doing
the best they can with what they have.” Michael Ungar

"Your background and circumstances make you who you

are, but you are responsible for who you become."
Module One Main Post
Module One Main Post
Module One Main Post
Discussion Board-
Main Post
Questions to consider BEFORE you start to craft your
1. So far, if I were to reflect critically about
applying something I have read or reviewed from this
Module 1 in my social work practice, what would be
my most important reflection?
2. What have I thought about so far that I found most
relevant to my thinking about social work and what one
thing will I DO next in my social work practice because
of this?
R Your Replies in
E Discussion Forum #1
Review Module 1 …and then create your post

QUOTE Johann W. Goethe

If you treat an individual as he is,

he will try to stay as he is.

But if you treat the individual as if

he were what he ought to be

and could be, he will become what

he ought to be and could be.

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