Set Latihan Berfokus Upsr 2016: Sulit

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SULIT NAMA : _________________________________ TAHUN 6 ___________

1jam 15 minit



1 jam 15 minit


1 Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 2 bahagian. Bahagian A dan Bahagian B.

2 Kamu dikehendaki menjawab semua soalan dalam kedua-dua bahagian ini.

3 Tiap-tiap soalan dalam Bahagian A diikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan,iaitu A, B, C dan
D. Bagi setiap soalan, pilih satu jawapan sahaja. Hitamkan jawapan kamu pada kertas
jawapan objektif yang disediakan. Jika kamu hendak menukar jawapan, padamkan tanda
yang telah dibuat. Kemudian, hitamkan jawapan yang baharu.

4 Ceraikan Bahagian B daripada kertas soalan ini.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 12 halaman bercetak

[ Lihat sebelah


SECTION A (20 marks)
Choose the best answer from the answers to complete the sentences.

1. Ishak __________ made mistakes during the examination. He was able to

score an A for his examination.
A. generally
B. sometimes
C. often
D. seldom

2. “Be quiet and _________ not make noise in the library, students”, ordered
Ms Keng.
A. do
B. please
C. could
D. kindly

3. “__________ are you going to invite for the prom next week?” asked Peter.
A. Who
B. Whom
C. Whose
D. Where

4. Ali tells Ah Nee to bring her umbrella as it _________ rain tomorrow

A. shall
B. will
C. won’t
D. should

5. Shalini put the piano __________ the wall and it was just perfect.
A. next
B. above
C. across
D. against

Choose the most suitable idiom.

6. The team was _____________ after winning the championship.

A. open-handed
B. on cloud nine
C. break the ice
D.see eye to eye

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Mr Lee wants to buy _________ (7) books for his sons. He is __________ (8)

for the books at the cash desk. His son asks him to buy colour pencils for him

___________ (9) he already has four boxes of them.

7. A. an
B. much
C.a few
D. a little

8. A. pay
B. paid
D. paying

9. A. so
B. but
C. and
D. although

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.

10. There are many monuments in Greece which were built in ancient times.
A. new
B. near
C. olden
D. modern

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence below.

11. Mrs Pheah seldom buys vegetables from Mak Jening because they are

A. fresh
B. bitter
C. expensive
D. good

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Jamal is in the hospital with a broken _________(12). He is lying on the bed.

The_______ _______ (13) is talking to his father. They Jamal’s mother is sitting on a

chair __________ (14) the bed. His sister is arranging the flowers in the vase. Jamal

is glad _________(15) he will be discharged the next day.

12.A. leg 14. A. above

B. arm B. beside

C. wrist C. behind

D. ankle D. between

13. A. nurse 15. A. so

B. doctor B. since

C. dentist C. because

D. surgeon D. although

Question 16 to 20
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

Once, there was a poor girl named Judy who lived with her mother in a village.
Judy collected firewood to sell in the market.
One day, while she was in the jungle, she saw a pretty peacock. The peacock
was lying on the ground. Its leg was broken.
Judy, who had a heart of gold, took pity on the peacock. She carried it home.
When she reached home, she bandaged its leg. Judy fed the peacock and took good
care of it. After a few weeks, the peacock recovered. It danced in front of Judy. Judy
was very surprised because it could dance gracefully.
The next day, Judy brought the peacock to the market. Many people watched
the graceful performance by the peacock. They gave money to Judy. Judy could
earn money by herself.

16. Why did Judy go into the jungle?

A. To find a peacock
B. To feed a peacock
C. To collect firewood
D. To live with her mother

17. The peacock needed help because ________________________.

A. it was sick
B. its leg was injured
C. it wanted to go home
D. it wished to make friends with Judy

18. A heart of gold in the passage means ________________________.

A. kind
B. honest
C. selfless
D. friendly

19. How could the peacock recover?

A. Judy danced with it.
B. Judy fed it medicine.
C. Judy took good care of it.
D. Judy brought it to the market.

20. If Judy did not help the peacock, it would probably _________________.
A. fly away
B. die of hunger
C. recover very soon
D. killed by the people

[ 30marks ]

Question 21
Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences.
Write your answers in the space provided.

(a) Answer :

[ 2 marks ]

(b) Answer :

[ 2 marks ]

(c) Answer :

[ 2 marks ]

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

Many accidents happen at home. Did you know a kitchen can be a dangerous
place if you are not careful?
You can keep your kitchen safe by following these tips. First, never let children
play with electric sockets or live wires. All switches should be turned off to avoid
electrical shock. Never overload an electric socket. This may cause a short circuit
leading to a fire.
Next, pull all dangerous items like knives, matches, forks and any sharp objects
on high shelves, out of reach of children. Never allow children to play with these
objects. This is to prevent them from cutting or hurting themselves. Keep them locked
up. Furthermore, keep pan handles turned inwards so that children cannot reach them.
Do not try to catch a knife if it falls. It is better for it to hit the floor.
When you have pants and pots cooking on the stove, do not let them
unattended. Besides, avoid wearing inappropriate clothing such as loose sleeves and
sweaters while cooking. Keep matches and lighters away from the stove. Make sure to
keep oven mitts, pot holders and dish towels away from the stove too. A fire
extinguisher should not be kept too close to the stove or heater.
Finally, make sure to clean up spills immediately as wet floors are slippery. Keep
the kitchen floor clear of toys and other objects.

Question 22

Tick ( √ ) the correct answer.

a) Never overload on an electric socket as it may cause…

a short circuit.
a flood.
a haze. (1

b) The most suitable saying for the passage is …

the blind leading the blind.

prevention is better than cure.
you reap what you sow.
( 1 mark)
Write your answer in the spaces provided.

c) Why should you not wear clothes with loose sleeves when cooking?

(2 marks)

d) List two things you should not put near the stove.


(2 marks)

e) What should you do if a knife falls? Why?


(2 marks)

Read the poster below and answer the questions that follow.

JJ Cream Crackers
Added with 10 Vitamins and 6 Minerals to give you more energy!

Ingredients: Suitable for

Wheat flour, vegetable oil, glucose syrup,
tapioca starch, salt vegetarians!
Manufacturing date: 1 January 2016
Best before: 31 December 2017
 No colouring
 No flavouring
 No preservatives

Only RM 5.50
(Promotion price,
until 1 May 2016)

Manufactured by: Best Food Manufacturing

1248, Jalan Perindustrian, Kawasan Perindustrian, 35500 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.

Question 23

Tick ( √ ) the correct answer.

a) The label can be found on a ____________________

packet of candies.
packet of energy bars.
packet of biscuits.

(1 mark)

b) The contents of a packet of JJ Cream Crackers weigh…

exactly 200g.
more than 200g.
between 80g and 100g.

(1 mark)

c) Tick (√) the correct statements..

(i) JJ Cream Crackers expires after 30 December 2016. …………( )

(ii) These crackers are made locally. …………………………… ….( )

(iii) The price of JJ Cream Crackers will increase after 1 May 2016 ( )

(iv) JJ Cream Crackers only suitable for vegetarians. ………………( )

(2 marks)

Write your answer in the spaces provided.

d) Do you agree that JJ Cream Crackers are good for us? Give reasons.



(2 marks)

e) You found a packet of your favourite cream crackers which has expired in

yourkitchen. Would you eat them? Why?



(2 marks)

Study the advertisement and answer the questions that follow.

15thMarch 2016
All items will be sold at a discount of between 20%
- 70%

Rainbow Plaza is having a fashion show at 8.00 p.m. Join

us and do not miss the chance
to pick great bargains on the way!

Questions 24 and 25
Tick () the correct answer.

24 (a) The advertisement above is about ...

a fashion show.
a shopping mall.
a sale in a shopping mall.

[ 1 mark ]

(b) The word bargains in the last linerefers to ...

attractive items.
discounted prices.
good buys

[ 1 mark ]

SULIT 12 013

25 (a) Based on the advertisement, state TWO departments that offer the
most discount.

[ 2 marks ]

(b) Fara and her mother love fashion. If they don’t want to miss the
show, suggest the time they should go to the event.

[ 2 marks ]

(c) You want to buy a present for your mother. Name the floor you
should go to and give a reason.

[ 2 marks ]



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