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Geometric Dimensioning

Internal Diameter of Tank 35 m

Height of Tank 95.0 m
Variable Wall Thickness 2.90 m
Base condition Fixed Base
Exposure Conditions Severe
Concrete cover to normal reinforcement 50 mm

Layout of circular prestressed concrete tank

2.900 m

7.50 m

35.00 m

Assumed wall thickness: t = 30h+50

@ 95.0 = 2900 mm
@ 85.0 = 2600 mm
@ 75.0 = 2300 mm
@ 65.0 = 2000 mm
@ 55.0 = 1700 mm
@ 45.0 = 1400 mm
@ 35.0 = 1100 mm
@ 25.0 = 800 mm
Material properties
Concrete Grade M50
Permissible compressive stress under transfer 13 Mpa
Minimum compressive stress under working pressure 1 Mpa
Prestressing Steel
High strength Low relaxation prestressing strands BS:5896:1980
7 wire standard strand
Reinforcement steel
High Yield Deformed Bars
Grade of steel 460

Hydraulic Particulars
Height of water
Maximum Upsurge Level
Minimum Downsurge Level

Maximum water Pressure = 950 kN/m2

= 0.95 Mpa
Maximum circumferential tension due to water pressure

T = 16625 kN/m

Extra force required to provide net circumferential compressive stress in the concrete of 1 Mpa is

T1 = Stress x Area
= 2900 kN/m

Total force required at bottom o= T + T1

= 19525 kN/m

Total force required at top of the tank

= 800 (since water pressure at top of tank is zero)

Theoretical Minimum circumferential force required

800 800

19525 19525

@ 95.0 = 19525 kN/m

@ 85.0 = 17475 kN/m
@ 75.0 = 15425 kN/m
@ 65.0 = 13375 kN/m
@ 55.0 = 11325 kN/m
@ 45.0 = 9275 kN/m
@ 35.0 = 7225 kN/m
@ 25.0 = 5175 kN/m
@ 0.0 = 800 kN/m
Prestressing Cables

use 12.5 mm 7 wire low relaxation strand

Area = 93 mm2 140

Characteristic Load = 164 kN 260

Characteristic Strength = 1763 Mpa 1857

Initial jacking Force Po = 114.8 kN

Initial stress = 1234 Mpa

Stressing Sequences

The prestressing strands are anchored on concrete projections (pilasters) at the quarter points of the circu
Each cable extends half-way round the the circumference and is stressed from both ends.
Both cables at each level are stressed simultaneously and four jacks are required.
The jacking points for alternate cables (in elevation) are at A and then B etc.,
The maximum friction loss is half-way between jacking points for each cable and by averaging for two
consecutive cables AA and BB, the point of average maximum loss will be at a point defined by
x = 16.02 m



Loss of prestressing force due to friction

Assume constant for friction due to irregularities in ducts: k = 3.30E-04

Coefficient of friction between tendon and duct μ = 0.3

Radius of curvature of tendons R = 20.4

Point of average maxm. Loss of stress factor k x + μ x/R = 0.241

If the initial prestressing force is Po, the force after friction loss at x is

Px = Po e -0.262
= 0.77
= 88.2
Stress in strand after friction losses = 948

Prestressing Losses

1 Loss due to creep of Low relaxation Strand = 2.0 %

(from manufacturer's Catalogue)

2 Loss due to Elastic Contraction of concrete

Modulus of Elasticity of concrete = 4E+04

Modulus of Elasticity of Steel = 2.0E+05
Modular Ratio = 5.52

Maximum Elastic Stress in concrete with tank Empty after losses

= 0.327
Assuming 10.0 % total losses, concrete stress at transfer = 0.363

Elastic Strain in concrete = 1.03E-05

which is equal to loss of strain in steel

Loss of stress in steel = 1.803

As the tank will be post-tensioned, the final strands will be tensioned after nearly all the
elastic shortening in the concrete has taken place, therefore the average loss may be taken as
half the value calculated above i.e loss = 0.901

Initial Stress in strand (after friction losses) = 948

% loss = 0.095

3 Loss due to Shrinkage of concrete

Shrinkage strain in concrete = 2.0E-04

Loss of strain in strands = 2.0E-04

Loss of stress in strands = 39.00

4 Loss of stress due to creep of concrete

Stress in concrete at transfer = 0.363

Proportion of cube strength = 0.01

As this is less than 1/3rd, the creep values need not be increased

Creep Strain

Loss of stress in strand

Total Losses =

This is less than the value of 10 % which was assumed and is satisfactory

Stress in strand after friction losses =

Final effective stress =

Vertical Design

Tank Empty

When the tank is empty, moments will be induced in the vertical direction by the larger prestressing
forces near the foot of the wall, as compared with the smaller prestressing forces near to the top of the

The maximum moment induced may be assessed as being numerically equal to half of the moment
induced by a pinned base condition.

Radial pressure due to prestressing = ring force/radius

At top of ring, ring force =

At bottom of ring, ring force =

Radial Pressure at top = 0.000

Radial Pressure at bottom = 0.000


Moment (Hinged Condition)

Design Moment

Partially Prestressed Condition:

During the prestressing operations the tank will be compressed non-uniformly at each level.

Design of Reinforcement

Use normal reinforcement ( i.e not prestressing)

Minimum reinforcement may be assumed to be as there is no restraint in the vertical

direction except for friction at the base which causes some tension in the partially cast condition

Equal Horizontal reinforcement is necessary to control cracking before prestressing, and is used to
support the vertical steel

Vertical Prestress
Circular Prestress

Vertical Prestress

Weight Calculations

Weight of Tank Wall = kN

Mass of Tank Wall = 0 kg

Weight of Base Slab = kN

Mass of Base Slab = 0 kg

Weight of water = kN

Mass of water = 0 kg

Sliding Base (Type 2.3 from ACI 350.3)

Impulsive Period TI (Circular Sliding Base Circular Prestressed Tanks)

T1 = 8πWT WT = WW+WR+WI

WW = Weight of tank wall

WR = Weight of Roof

WI = Weight of Impulsive Component

Ka = 144 As Es cos2θ + 2 Gp Wp Lp For anchored flexible tanks

Ls Sb tp Sp

Ka = 144 2 Gp Wp Lp
tp Sp For Unanchored flexible Tank


As = Cross sectional area of base cable/stran (sq mm)

Es = Modulus of Elasticity of cable/Strand (Mpa)

θ = Angle of Cable/Strand with horizontal

Ls = Effective length of cable/Strand taken as sleeve length + 35*Dia(mm)

Sb = Spacing between cable sets (mm)

Sp = Spacing of elastomeric pads (mm)

Gp = Shear modulus of elastomeric pads (Mpa)

tp = Thickness of elastomeric bearing pad (mm)

Lp = Length of individual elastomeric pad (mm)

Wp = width of elastomeric pad in radial direction (mm)


ACI 350.3 sets an upper limit of 1.25 secs on the period T I

Tc (Time period for convective mode of vibration)

ωc = λ/D

λ = 3.68g tanh[3.68 (HL/D)]

Tc = 2π/ωc = 2π/λ * D

2π/λ from fig 9.3.4 (b)

Tc = Cc D/g

Cc = 2π/ 3.68 tanh (3.68h/D)

Convective mode time period are unaffected by the wall flexibility,elastic pads, and soil

Tv = Natural Period of vibration of vertical liquid motion, S

= 2π * YL D HL / 2 g tw Ec

Modified proposed provisions for aseismic design of liquid storage tanks:- Part II- commentary and exam

In case of Tanks with variable wall thickness (particularly steel tanks), the thickness at tank wall at one-thi

Pressure due to wall inertia, which is constant along the wall height for walls of uniform thickness, should

Anchorage Requirement

Mtot = Total mass of the tank-liquid system

D = Tank Diameter
(Ah)i = Peak response acceleration
(Design horizontal seismic coefficient for impulsive modMtot (An)i g
Taking moments about an edge

Mtot (Ah)i g h/2 = Mtot g D/2

h/D = 1/(Ah)i

Modified provisions for aseismic design of liquid storage tanks:- Part I- codal provisions

Tank Full Condition

Tank Empty Condition

BS:8007 2.7.3

BS:8007 4.3

Prestressed Concrete
By N. Rajagopalan

Circular Storage Tanks and Silos, Third Edition

By Amin Ghali
35.00 m

e concrete of 1 Mpa is


e at top of tank is zero)

BS 5896

the quarter points of the circumference

om both ends.

e and by averaging for two

a point defined by

m 127

Mpa 853 Mpa
79 kN




nearly all the

s may be taken as



by the larger prestressing

forces near to the top of the

al to half of the moment

ring force/radius



mly at each level.

s no restraint in the vertical

artially cast condition

ressing, and is used to


For anchored flexible tanks

For Unanchored flexible Tanks

+ 35*Dia(mm)
ds, and soil

Part II- commentary and examples

ickness at tank wall at one-third height from the base should be used in the expression of impulsive mode time period

s of uniform thickness, should be added to impulsive hydrodynamic pressure.

Mtot (An)i g

Mtot g

dal provisions

Geometric Dimensioning
Internal Diameter of Tank 35 m
Height of Tank 95.0 m
Variable Wall Thickness 2.90 m
Base condition Fixed Base
Exposure Conditions Severe
Concrete cover to normal reinforcement 50 mm

Layout of circular prestressed concrete tank

2.900 m

7.50 m

35.00 m

Assumed wall thickness: t = 30h+50

@ 95.0 = 2900 mm
@ 85.0 = 2600 mm
@ 75.0 = 2300 mm
@ 65.0 = 2000 mm
@ 55.0 = 1700 mm
@ 45.0 = 1400 mm
@ 35.0 = 1100 mm
@ 25.0 = 800 mm
Material properties
Concrete Grade M50
Permissible compressive stress under transfer 13 Mpa
Minimum compressive stress under working pressure 1 Mpa
Prestressing Steel
High strength Low relaxation prestressing strands BS:5896:1980
7 wire standard strand
Reinforcement steel
High Yield Deformed Bars
Grade of steel 460

Hydraulic Particulars
Height of water
Maximum Upsurge Level
Minimum Downsurge Level

Maximum water Pressure = 950 kN/m2

= 0.95 Mpa
Maximum circumferential tension due to water pressure

T = 16625 kN/m

Extra force required to provide net circumferential compressive stress in the concrete of 1 Mpa is

T1 = Stress x Area
= 2900 kN/m

Total force required at bottom o= T + T1

= 19525 kN/m

Total force required at top of the tank

= 2900 (since water pressure at top of tank is zero)

Theoretical Minimum circumferential force required

800 800

19525 19525

@ 95.0 = 19525 kN/m

@ 85.0 = 17475 kN/m
@ 75.0 = 15425 kN/m
@ 65.0 = 13375 kN/m
@ 55.0 = 11325 kN/m
@ 45.0 = 9275 kN/m
@ 35.0 = 7225 kN/m
@ 25.0 = 5175 kN/m
@ 0.0 = 800 kN/m
Prestressing Cables
use 12.5 mm 7 wire low relaxation strand

Area = 140 mm2 140

Characteristic Load = 260 kN 260

Characteristic Strength = 1857 Mpa 1857

Initial jacking Force Po = 182 kN

Initial stress = 1300 Mpa

Stressing Sequences

The prestressing strands are anchored on concrete projections (pilasters) at the quarter points of the circu
Each cable extends half-way round the the circumference and is stressed from both ends.
Both cables at each level are stressed simultaneously and four jacks are required.
The jacking points for alternate cables (in elevation) are at A and then B etc.,
The maximum friction loss is half-way between jacking points for each cable and by averaging for two
consecutive cables AA and BB, the point of average maximum loss will be at a point defined by
x = 16.02 m



Loss of prestressing force due to friction

Assume constant for friction due to irregularities in ducts: k = 3.30E-04

Coefficient of friction between tendon and duct μ = 0.3

Radius of curvature of tendons R = 20.4

Point of average maxm. Loss of stress factor k x + μ x/R = 0.241

If the initial prestressing force is Po, the force after friction loss at x is
Px = Po e -0.262
= 0.77
= 139.8
Stress in strand after friction losses = 998

Prestressing Losses

1 Loss due to creep of Low relaxation Strand = 2.0 %

(from manufacturer's Catalogue)

2 Loss due to Elastic Contraction of concrete

Modulus of Elasticity of concrete = 4E+04

Modulus of Elasticity of Steel = 2.0E+05
Modular Ratio = 5.52

Maximum Elastic Stress in concrete with tank Empty after losses

= 0.344
Assuming 10.0 % total losses, concrete stress at transfer = 0.382

Elastic Strain in concrete = 1.08E-05

which is equal to loss of strain in steel

Loss of stress in steel = 1.899

As the tank will be post-tensioned, the final strands will be tensioned after nearly all the
elastic shortening in the concrete has taken place, therefore the average loss may be taken as
half the value calculated above i.e loss = 0.949

Initial Stress in strand (after friction losses) = 998

% loss = 0.095

3 Loss due to Shrinkage of concrete

Shrinkage strain in concrete = 2.0E-04

Loss of strain in strands = 2.0E-04

Loss of stress in strands = 39.00

4 Loss of stress due to creep of concrete

Stress in concrete at transfer = 0.382

Proportion of cube strength = 0.01

As this is less than 1/3rd, the creep values need not be increased

Creep Strain

Loss of stress in strand

Total Losses =

This is less than the value of 10 % which was assumed and is satisfactory

Stress in strand after friction losses =

Final effective stress =

Vertical Design

Tank Empty

When the tank is empty, moments will be induced in the vertical direction by the larger prestressing
forces near the foot of the wall, as compared with the smaller prestressing forces near to the top of the

The maximum moment induced may be assessed as being numerically equal to half of the moment
induced by a pinned base condition.

Radial pressure due to prestressing = ring force/radius

At top of ring, ring force =

At bottom of ring, ring force =

Radial Pressure at top = 0.000

Radial Pressure at bottom = 0.000

Moment (Hinged Condition)

Design Moment

Partially Prestressed Condition:

During the prestressing operations the tank will be compressed non-uniformly at each level.

Design of Reinforcement

Use normal reinforcement ( i.e not prestressing)

Minimum reinforcement may be assumed to be as there is no restraint in the vertical

direction except for friction at the base which causes some tension in the partially cast condition

Equal Horizontal reinforcement is necessary to control cracking before prestressing, and is used to
support the vertical steel

Vertical Prestress
Circular Prestress

Vertical Prestress

Weight Calculations

Weight of Tank Wall = kN

Mass of Tank Wall = 0 kg

Weight of Base Slab = kN

Mass of Base Slab = 0 kg

Weight of water = kN

Mass of water = 0 kg

Sliding Base (Type 2.3 from ACI 350.3)

Impulsive Period TI (Circular Sliding Base Circular Prestressed Tanks)

T1 = 8πWT WT = WW+WR+WI

WW = Weight of tank wall

WR = Weight of Roof

WI = Weight of Impulsive Component

Ka = 144 As Es cos2θ + 2 Gp Wp Lp For anchored flexible tanks

Ls Sb tp Sp

Ka = 144 2 Gp Wp Lp
tp Sp For Unanchored flexible Tank


As = Cross sectional area of base cable/stran (sq mm)

Es = Modulus of Elasticity of cable/Strand (Mpa)

θ = Angle of Cable/Strand with horizontal

Ls = Effective length of cable/Strand taken as sleeve length + 35*Dia(mm)

Sb = Spacing between cable sets (mm)

Sp = Spacing of elastomeric pads (mm)

Gp = Shear modulus of elastomeric pads (Mpa)

tp = Thickness of elastomeric bearing pad (mm)

Lp = Length of individual elastomeric pad (mm)

Wp = width of elastomeric pad in radial direction (mm)


ACI 350.3 sets an upper limit of 1.25 secs on the period T I

Tc (Time period for convective mode of vibration)

ωc = λ/D

λ = 3.68g tanh[3.68 (HL/D)]

Tc = 2π/ωc = 2π/λ * D

2π/λ from fig 9.3.4 (b)

Tc = Cc D/g

Cc = 2π/ 3.68 tanh (3.68h/D)

Convective mode time period are unaffected by the wall flexibility,elastic pads, and soil

Tv = Natural Period of vibration of vertical liquid motion, S

= 2π * YL D HL / 2 g tw Ec

Modified proposed provisions for aseismic design of liquid storage tanks:- Part II- commentary and exam

In case of Tanks with variable wall thickness (particularly steel tanks), the thickness at tank wall at one-thi

Pressure due to wall inertia, which is constant along the wall height for walls of uniform thickness, should

Anchorage Requirement

Mtot = Total mass of the tank-liquid system

D = Tank Diameter
(Ah)i = Peak response acceleration
(Design horizontal seismic coefficient for impulsive modMtot (An)i g
Taking moments about an edge

Mtot (Ah)i g h/2 = Mtot g D/2

h/D = 1/(Ah)i

Modified provisions for aseismic design of liquid storage tanks:- Part I- codal provisions

Base Shear (@ the bottom of the tank wall)

Vi = (Ah)i (mi+mw+mt)g (Impulsive Mode)

Vc = (Ah)c mc g (Convective Mode)

Total Base shear V, shall be obtained by combining the base shear in impulsive and convective modes through SRSS

V = Vi2 + Vc2

Bending moment (@ the bottom of the tank wall)

Vi = (Ah)i (mi+mw+mt)g (Impulsive Mode)

Vc = (Ah)c mc g (Convective Mode)


Tank Full Condition

Tank Empty Condition

BS:8007 2.7.3

BS:8007 4.3

Prestressed Concrete
By N. Rajagopalan

Circular Storage Tanks and Silos, Third Edition

By Amin Ghali
35.00 m

e concrete of 1 Mpa is


e at top of tank is zero)

BS 5896

the quarter points of the circumference

om both ends.

e and by averaging for two

a point defined by

m 127

Mpa 1797 Mpa
252 kN




nearly all the

s may be taken as



by the larger prestressing

forces near to the top of the

al to half of the moment

ring force/radius


mly at each level.

s no restraint in the vertical

artially cast condition

ressing, and is used to


For anchored flexible tanks

For Unanchored flexible Tanks

+ 35*Dia(mm)
ds, and soil

Part II- commentary and examples

ickness at tank wall at one-third height from the base should be used in the expression of impulsive mode time period

s of uniform thickness, should be added to impulsive hydrodynamic pressure.

Mtot (An)i g

Mtot g

dal provisions

nvective modes through SRSS rule and is given as follows



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