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Occupancy Type Banking Office Space

Built up area 8000 sq. ft
Completed November 2007
Location Parimal gardens, Ahmedabad
Green consultant En3 Sustainability Solutions
Rating System LEED USGBC ID+C version 2.0
Rating Achieved PLATINUM

ABN AMRO is a highly respected and stable banking partner for retail, private, commercial, corporate and financial institution
clients. The aim of going green in construction is two-fold - to use resources like energy, water and materials more efficiently and
to reduce adverse impact on human health and environment. The ABN Amro Bank branch in Viva Complex Ahmedabad, has for its
8,000 square feet interiors state of the art energy saving and environmental friendly designs and is the first of its kind Interiors in
India. The two-storey banking space incorporates several green building features qualifying for a total of 44 LEED points to achieve
LEED Platinum certification.

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The project is in an ideal location with close proximity to public
transportation thereby minimizing transportation pollution and
strain on local infrastructure, protects greenfield sites and
preserves habitat and natural resources.
Provision of Bicycle and Shower facility for their staff thus
reducing pollution and land development impacts from
automobile use.
Carpooling spaces within the premises in an effort to promote
share rides to reduce transportation pollution as well as strain on
the local infrastructure.
Car parks in the basement to create more open spaces on the
ground and also reduce the local heat island effect.

Special efforts have been taken to minimize water use by installing water efficient fixtures.
Low flow dual-flush toilets, sensor based urinals and other low flow fixtures have been installed at site to reduce water
consumption by over 32.20%.


Energy efficiency measures such as efficient lighting design, efficient HVAC design and AHU's with VFD are proposed
and thereby energy savings is more than the
conventional building system.
The project has achieved a 36.80% reduction in
connected lighting power density over that allowed by
ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004.
Installation of daylight responsive control at regularly
occupied spaces.
Every effort has been made in the project to identify,
procure and use only Energy Star rated equipment.
Hence the project has achieved 95.94% of ENERGY STAR
Rated Power for equipment and appliances.

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Project ensures reuse of 75.95% of existing interior elements

(walls, ceiling, flooring etc,).
The project has achieved a combined recyclable content value of
23.20% and reuse of 7.98% of total material by cost thereby
reducing virgin material exploitation.
About 51.51% of the total material cost was manufactured and
44.61% extracted regionally thereby reducing the pollution due to
36.5% of the total materials by cost used in the project were from
rapidly renewable sources and 100% of the wood based materials
by cost used in the project were FSC certified products.


Installation of Co2 sensors in densely occupied space providing a

mechanically ventilated space.
Provision of more than 30% breathing zone outdoor ventilation
rate to all occupied spaces.
In addition, low emitting adhesives, paints and carpets have been
used to enhance the indoor environment and provide superior
workplace for all employees.
After completion of all interior activities, the project has done
proper building flush out in line with LEED requirement to enhance
their staff working spaces.
Products that contain no urea-formaldehyde resins are used.
Provision of a thermally comfortable environment that supports
productivity and well-being of all building occupants.
Provision of 90.6% direct line of sight to all the occupants.
Daylight reduction or glare control devices increases the daylight

Green house keeping program creates awareness and promotes the green concept. The building has been designed by En3 to
showcase various green and sustainability measures and practices and the effort is to use this building to create greater
awareness on green concepts and sustainability to all its visitors and occupants & spearhead the green movement in the state
and the country.

• ABN Amro Bank branch in Ahmedabad, India is the FIRST Commercial Interior project outside the United States to
achieve the LEED PLATINUM Certification.
• It is also the 8th in the world to achieve this certification in recognition of its sustainability initiatives.

En3 would be glad to answer any queries or questions you have on any green or sustainability related topics. Feel free to
contact us at and for more information visit us at

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