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1 Management summary.............................................................................................................3

2 Sub Modules in Sales and Distribution .................................................................................3

2.1 Sales Documents...........................................................................................................3
2.2 Shipping and Transportation (delivery)...........................................................---…….3
2.3 Billing..............................................................................................................4………3
2.4 Credit Management......................................................................................................3
2.5 Sales Information System.............................................................................................3

3 Organization Structure in SD ................................................................................5………..3

3.1 Sales Organization.......................................................................................................3
3.2 Distribution Channel....................................................................................................3
3.3 Sales Division...............................................................................................................3
3.4 Sales Area.......................................................................................................6……….3
3.5 Sales Offices.................................................................................................................3
3.6 Sales Group....................................................................................................7………..3
3.7 Delivery Plant...............................................................................................................3
3.8 Shipping Point..............................................................................................................3
3.9 Storage Location........................................................................................8…………..3

4 Business Processes ............................................................................................9…………3

4.1 Inquiry..........................................................................................................................3
4.2 Quotation......................................................................................................................3
4.3 Sales Orders............................................................................................10……………3
4.4 Outbound Delivery..................................................................................12. 3
4.5 Billing.....................................................................................................13……………3
4.6 Excise Invoice...............................................................................................................3

5 Flow Diagram in Integration with other Modules ........................................15……………..3

6 Sales Scenarios in UISL ...........................................................................16………………3

6.1 Standard Domestic Sales..............................................................................................3
6.2 Sale to Export oriented units........................................................................................3
6.3 Free of charge..............................................................................................................3
6.4 Sale of Raw material – Scrap.......................................................................................3
6.5 Service provided – Conversion / Job work...................................................................3


6.6 Exports..........................................................................................................................3
6.7 Sales to Railways..........................................................................................................3
6.8 Customer Sales Returns................................................................................................3
6.9 Stock Transfer to Depots..............................................................................................3
6.10 Customer Complaint (Refer to QM BBP).....................................................................3
6.11 Credit management.......................................................................... 23………………..3
6.12 S&D Excise processes & Taxes applicable..................................................................3

7 Master Data: .................................................................................................26…………….3

7.1 Customer Master...........................................................................................................3
7.2 Material Master.................................................................................. 28………………3
7.3 Pricing.......................................................................................... 30………………3
8 Output Formats .....................................................................................................................3

9 Reports..................................................................................................................................3

10 Authorization: ........................................................................................................................3

11 GAP Analysis .......................................................................................................................36


1 Management summary
The purpose of this document is to present a comprehensive To-Be Business Blueprint document for
Sales and Distribution (SD) Module for UISL. The document will act as a single source material for all
future SD related design in SAP in remaining phases of this project.

The document provides an insight into all major components of a functional module design viz Business
Processes and Master Data Elements.

The document is based on the following:

 Business Process Master list from As-Is (for Process Tree in this document)
 Customer Inputs from the TO-BE Discussions
 Discussions with Core team (UISL)

About the company

Upper India Steel Limited, Ludhiana is one of the oldest steel plants in India equipped with the latest steel
making facilities. Established in 1965, UISL presently has a steel manufacturing capacity of around
60,000 Metric Tons per Annum, to cater the needed to their clients. Most of the steel is made according to
the clients needs.
The following are some of the grades groups UISL manufactures to give the final product as Rounds,
Flats, RCS or Special Profile in specific grades.
 Spring Steel
 Carbon Steel
 Alloy steel
 Boron Steel
 File Steel

The company’s manufacturing facility is located at Ludhiana with Depots at Ambala, Delhi, Faridabad and
Pune to cater to the needs of their clients.

2 Sub Modules in Sales and Distribution

2.1 Sales Documents.
The sales documents represent the different business transactions in Sales and perform
a central controlling function for the entire sales order process. These documents control
the processes to be handled in different ways for different business transactions.
Examples of sales documents are

 Customer inquiries
 Quotations
 Sales Orders.

2.2 Shipping and Transportation (delivery).

This module handles the process of making deliveries. Once the sales order is created
and the corresponding processes to produce goods are carried out, finished goods come
to the FG store. The delivery can be then created and executed over here, which
provides information for billing.


Business transactions in shipping include:

 Picking
 Packing
 Post Goods Issue.

At UISL the weighing bridge would be integrated to SAP to capture the weight of the
material delivered and further invoicing would be carried out on this dispatched quantity.

2.3 Billing.
This module handles the process for billing. Most of the data in at this stage flows from
the sales documents and the Delivery document. Once the billing document is saved
and accounting entries are automatically posted to update the respective GL accounts.

Some of the Billing transactions include:

 Invoices based on deliveries
 Credit and Debit Notes
 Canceling Billing documents
 Revenue & cost recognition
 Transfer of billing data to Financial Accounting (FI)

2.4 Credit Management.

Credit Management enables to minimize the credit risk by specifying a specific credit
limit for the customers. Depending on the financial pulse of a customer or group of
customers, the system is able to give the necessary warnings or block the sales
transactions for the customer and enhance the organizations credit-related decision-

2.5 Sales Information System

Sales Information system (SIS) takes care of the reporting requirements of an
organization. The standard reports in SAP cover most of the requirements related to the
information required by the Sales Departments.
In addition to those reports we will need to arrive at a consensus to freeze on the types
of reports that would be required and not covered in the standard Sales Information


3 Organization Structure in SD
3.1 Sales Organization
Sales organization is an organizational unit in Logistics that structures the company
according to its sales requirements and is responsible for selling materials and services
to the Business partners.
Each business transaction is processed within a sales organization. The sales
organization must be specified in all sales documents, as well as the Customer masters
and the material masters for salable products. It is therefore available for all basic
functions of SD (such as pricing, availability, etc.).
Distribution channel and division is assigned to a sales organization.

The following Sales Organization would be created for UISL.

Name Description
UIS1 UISL Sales organization

3.2 Distribution Channel

Distribution Channel refers to the method in which saleable materials or services reach
the customers. Looking at the present structure and future aspects the following
distribution channels are identified in UISL.

Name Description
DI Direct
SY Depot / Stock yard
CA Consignment agent

3.3 Sales Division

Divisions are areas within the Sales Organization that are responsible for a Particular
business or Product group.
In UISL, The products are categorized on the following basis:
a) Shape / Profile
b) Grade / Grade groups
c) End Use
d) Processes like Annealing, Peeling & Drawing (APG)
The above data would not form the basis of Divisions, and will be captured in Material Master
or customer master as mentioned below.
a) Shape / Profile - This data would be captured in the material master in the Material
Group field.
b) Grade / Grade groups – The same will be captured in material master


c) End use – This is customer specific and will be captured in Customer master Industry
Groups or customer groups
d) APG - Processes will also be captured in Material Master, Material Grouping

As any sales document is created for a sales area, which includes a Division which is an header level
assignment, an order can be created for materials lying in one division only.
Looking at all the above requirements and constrains; only one division would be created as mentioned

Name Description
ST Steel

3.4 Sales Area

A Sales Area is a combination of Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and
Division. Sales areas appear in all the main sales and distribution documents,
including customer inquiries, customer quotations, sales orders, and deliveries
and billing documents. Customer is also created in an sales area.
Sales areas are used for updating the Sales Information System

Sales Organization Distribution channel Division


3.5 Sales Offices

Sales Office represents a geographical region that has separate reporting of Sales & Orders.
The following sales offices will be defined in Company code UISL.

Name Description
LDH Ludhiana
DEL Delhi
AMB Ambala
PNE Pune
FBD Faridabad


3.6 Sales Group

Employees or group of employees responsible for sale within a sales Office. All the below
mentioned employees would be assigned to all the sales offices.

Name Description
HSP H.S.Puri
SSP S.S.Puri
MG Manoj Gupta
AS Anupam Sheel
SG Saminder Grewal

3.7 Delivery Plant

Plant is an operating unit, where materials are stocked and valued. It can subdivide an enterprise
according to procurement, maintenance and materials planning. In SD Context, it is basically a
delivering plant from which the goods are shipped.

The following plants are defined for UISL.

Name Description
LDH Ludhiana
DEL Delhi Depot
AMB Ambala Depot
PNE Pune Depot
FBD Faridabad Depot

3.8 Shipping Point

A delivery is always carried out by one shipping point only. The shipping point depends
on the following criteria:
 Delivering plant
 Type of shipping (for example, train, truck)
 Loading equipment necessary
The shipping point is the highest level of the shipping organization within Sales and
Distribution. Shipping points are used to define independent organizational entities within
a plant which are responsible for scheduling and processing deliveries to customers, as
well as replenishment deliveries to the company’s own warehouses. Each shipping
point is linked to one or several plants.

The shipping point is reflected in the SAP system by a four-digit numeric code.
Shipping point will be either a physically point for shipping as well as a logical point for
The following shipping points will be defined in the system and attached to the respective
Plant Shipping Point Description
LDH LDH Ludhiana
AMB AMB Ambala
FBD FBD Faridabad

3.9 Storage Location

A list of the Storage Location at which a material is stored. In the case of a goods issue,
for example, the Storage Location selection list provides you with a choice of Storage
Location from which to withdraw a material.

Below is the list of storage locations for Finished Products at UISL, Ludhiana. All the
other storage locations are covered in MM Business Blueprint

Name Description
FG20 Finished Goods Store 20” Rolling Mill
FG12 Finished Goods Store 12” Rolling Mill
FG10 Finished Goods Store 10” Rolling Mill
FG09 Finished Goods Store 09” Rolling Mill
FGF1 Finished Goods Fin. Div Shed 1
FGF2 Finished Goods Fin. Div Shed 2
FGF3 Finished Goods Fin. Div Shed 3
FGF4 Finished Goods Fin. Div Shed 4


4 Business Processes
4.1 Inquiry
 An Inquiry is a customer’s request to a company to provide a quotation.
 Inquiries and quotations form the pre-sales business processes in the system. Customer
inquiries and quotations to the customer can be entered and monitored. The data you store in
sales queries forms the basis of subsequent documents and, if you wish, sales analysis.
 Inquiries can be entered for regular customers as well as provision would be made to enter the
inquiries for new customers. (For entering the inquiries for new customers a Dummy customer
will be created in one-time-customer account group. After entering this customer No in an inquiry
the system will ask to enter the Customer name, address and contact details of the customer
whose inquiry is received.)
 Order Reasons can be used to enter reasons for inquiry.
 The reason master will contain reasons for inquiry like advertisements, television, hoardings,
exhibition, sales calls etc.
 If the inquiry customer is getting converted, or a quotation has to be sent to the customer, then
the customer has to be created in the customer master. If the master is created for the customer
the same can be copied from the inquiry to the quotation and then to the order. An provision will
be made to create an customer master with bare minimum details like Customer Name and
address which will be entered in the inquiry. If the customer raises an P.O. the customer has to
be changed to Sold–to-Party account group from the one time account group which can be
referenced in the sales order
 System will give information on list of inquiries for a specified period
 Inquiries can be converted into quotation as well as directly to sales orders.
 While entry of inquiry, the sales office and sales group maintained in the customer master would
be picked up.
 A list of inquiries pertaining to sales office / sales group is received.

4.2 Quotation
 A quotation presents the customer with a legally binding offer for delivering a product or providing
a service within certain fixed conditions.
 Quotation can be directly entered in the system without a reference or can be created with
reference to an inquiry.
 If the inquiry customer is converted, then a new customer master can be created and the inquiry
can be converted to a quotation
 A Quotation has a validity period
 A quotation can be converted into a sales order
 The price can get copied to sales order from the quotation
 Quotation can be converted into sales order even after validity period. The system gives an
information message if the quotation has been expired but will allow the user to enter the
quotation into the sap system.
 Texts pertaining to quotation can be entered in the texts provided at the quotation header
 System will give a list of all open quotations for a specified period.

Sub Process SAP Process Benefit

A comprehensive list of pending / Better management of inquiries.

1. closed inquiry & quotations


Inquiry reasons can be entered at Information available through this can be

2. the time of inquiry. analyzed and shall be helpful in defining
market strategy
Standard format for quotation Standardized format
3. shall be made and put into the
Price and validity period can be Reports available on list of quotations in
4. entered. specified date range

5 Order can be generated w.r.t. the Reduced data entry


4.3 Sales Orders

Sales order entry in a system represents the acceptance of the clients P.O. along with the
functionality of passing the information to production planning.

During sales order the following steps are carried out.

 A sales order can be directly entered in the system or can be created with the reference to an
preceding document like an Inquiry or a Quotation.
 Sales order is created in a sales Area.
 A sales order has two types of data, viz. Header Data and Item Data
 The header data is applicable for the entire sales order whereas item data is applicable for the
particular line item (material)
 The examples of header data are Payment Terms, Inco terms, Pricing Date, Delivery Block,
Billing Block, and Sold to Party. UISL needs a requirement that a customer may have more than
one payment term, with an provision that only the payment terms maintained in the customer
master should be allowed in the order.
 The examples for item data are Material No, Customer material no. if any, Pricing conditions,
Schedule lines, delivery block for the item, i.e. when the item is due for delivery and whether item
is relevant for MRP or not. System can propose more than one schedule line if different
quantities are to be delivered at different dates.
 Basic data like, Sold-to party, P.O. No. Material nos. and required quantities are entered.
 If there is different ship to party for a single sold to party, then a list for ship to parties relevant for
that sold to party will be displayed during entry and relevant ship to party can be selected.
 Incoterms, payment terms will be copied from the customer master.
 Respective Sales office and sales group is picked up from customer master. Provision that these
fields are not editable in sales order would be done.
 The prices for the Customer / Material combination will be determined in the sales order if the
condition records are maintained for the same. The same is explained in Pricing. The user will
not be able to change the prices in the order and any change required will be have to be done in
the condition master by an authorized person. For the change to be effective in an already
created order the Pricing will have to be carried out again in the order.
 Shipping related data such as required delivery date could be manually entered in the order at
the header level (which applies to all the items in the order) or at the item level.
 The system proposes a possible delivery date if any planned orders already exist in the system.
 A delivery block can be put if the order is to be blocked for delivery creation. In case for certain
reasons for which you would want to enter the order in the system but would not want to create a
delivery then you can put a delivery block so that the order is captured but the delivery is
blocked. The user can any time remove the delivery block and process the delivery.


 A billing block can be put if the order is to be blocked for billing. Like the delivery block indicator,
this billing block indicator can be used to block the billing to happen for certain reasons. This is
mostly applicable in returns order and credit memos and debit memos.
 Order reasons can be put if you want to capture the reasons for the order receipt. E.g. Sales
Call, Good Prices, other reasons. Etc.
 Delivering plant gets defaulted from the customer master but can be changed if the customer is
to be supplied from a specific plant. Normally a customer is supplied material from a default
plant but can be delivered from any plant.
 The payment terms e.g. 30days, 60 days, immediate etc. gets defaulted from the customer
 The system proposes a pricing date which is by default the system date (today’s date). Based
on this indicator the relevant prices applicable as on date are picked up by the system.
 Inco terms (Shipping conditions) indicator with Description is proposed from customer master
like. The Inco terms - To Pay, Freight Paid and Billed and Freight Company Account will be
maintained. Inco terms should not be allowed to change in the sales order.
 System carries out an availability check and checks whether material is available on the due date
or not. In case material cannot be made available on the due date, system proposes an alternate
delivery schedule. Option is available to check other plants where material is available. This is
based on settings made in material master.
 Schedule lines can be entered for an item if the customer has mentioned different delivery dates
and has given a schedule to deliver.
 For the items already in stock, system carries out a material availability check and can confirm
the availability of the material from the stock.
 Incompletion Log for Order Entry ensures that the required necessary data in the order is
entered. Order would be incomplete if certain data is not complete like payment terms, pricing,

Sub Process SAP Process Benefit

 Order entry will be done  Real time information on pending orders.
1 for all items irrespective Information can be passed on to PP for
of item availability planning.
 Delivery proposals shall  The system proposes the accurate
be available. Delivery information regarding delivery dates
2 due date shall be depending on the material availability.
proposed by system  Better planning of material availability based
based upon required upon order data can be done.
 Availability check can be
 Different schedule lines  Various delivery dates based upon material
3 can be entered availability / customer request can be
adhered to.
 Order entry is linked to  Materials requirement planning is triggered
4 PP. from sales orders.

 Order is entered for a  Sales analysis up to the level of sales

5 sales area while the groups is possible.
sales group and sales
office will be picked from


customer master.

 Order reason can be  Analysis of various order reasons can be

6 entered done.

A New Sales order type will be maintained for entering the orders received fro the first time, which a
different number range so that from the Sales order Number itself the Production person can come to
know that the customer has placed the order for the first time. Any extra precautions to be take can be
entered in Header Texts in sales order.

4.4 Outbound Delivery

As soon as the material availability date for a schedule line is reached, the schedule line becomes due
for shipping. When an outbound delivery is created, the shipping activities such as picking, packing are
A delivery is processed through one shipping point. Which shipping point carries out the processing for a
delivery is determined automatically or can be manually entered during sales order entry.
The system carries out the following activities when an outbound delivery is created.
 Checks the order and materials to make sure the outbound delivery is possible (for example, it
checks for delivery blocks or incompleteness)
 Determines the delivery quantity of an item and checks the availability of the material.
 Checks the delivery situation of the order and any partial delivery agreements.
 Updates sales order data and changes order status
 Changes can be made in the delivery after it is created if the delivery situation changes in any
way. In addition, picked quantities can be confirmed by changing the delivery.
 Order items or schedule lines that have identical shipping criteria can be combined in one
delivery. If data varies between items, for example, if a different ship-to party is defined for each
item; two deliveries must be created for the order.

At UISL, once the delivery is created w.r.t. Sales order, the quantify of material which is not yet delivered
from an order will be copied depending on the status of the confirmed schedule lines in the sales order. If
partial delivery has to be made, the delivery quantity has to be changed in the Delivery document.

The dispatch department will then select the required delivery document to further process the delivery.

Enhancement: Provision to capture the weight of the material / items in delivery document from the
weighing bridge and further invoicing to be carried out on the basis of this captured quantity.

When the truck enters the company premises, the truck no will be entered in the SAP
system which will be assigned to the delivery, delivery Item and delivery Quantity created
by the Sales department.
The truck will then weighed for its ‘Tare weight’, the same will be captured in the system.
Truck will go to the loading station and the material will be loaded in the truck. This Truck
will then again be weighed to get the weight of the material + truck. The difference
between the previous weight of this truck (tare weight in this case) and the present weight
would be the material weight.
Present weight captured – previous weight = material weight.
The same is repeated to get the weight of all the items, loaded in that truck.


For the truck, the allowed materials to be loaded would only be those for which an delivery
document is created and which are not dispatched.
The entry time of truck, the tare weight time, the loading slip time, the last weight time, the
bill time and the exit time would be captured in an report.
When the Invoice is handed over to the truck driver with all the necessary documents the
dispatch person will give the clearance for the truck which can be seen at the entry gate for
further action to be taken.
(Gap : Functionality required that the dispatch person can give the clearance only if the
weights at loading point and Weighing bridge tally)
Approved Transporters for destination would be maintained in a master, while that of
customer approved transporters will have to be maintained in customer master which
would be copied during delivery or billing. The freight charges would be then captured
according to the freight terms with customer and the freight charges maintained in the
Report will be developed to get the company account / paid bill freight on every 5 th & 20th
date of every month.

4.5 Billing
Billing represents the final processing stage for a business transaction in Sales and Distribution.
The billing component includes creation of invoices, pro-forma invoice, credit memos, debit memos, as
well as cancellations of Billing documents, etc.
A billing document is also made with reference to a preceding document like delivery or a sales order.

The following options are available for billing document creation:

 Explicit invoice for a delivery or an order. A bill can be created for an entire document, individual
items or partial quantities of items.
 While creation of billing relevant text can be entered if it has to be printed on the output.
 Pricing would be copied from the sales order and would not be allowed to change at the billing
 The freight charges will be picked from the freight master that will be maintained in the system.
 An accounting document is generated once a billing document is created
 Billing document no. range would be continuous numbering which is internally generated.
 Wherever excise is applicable, excise invoice has to be created. An excise invoice is created with
the reference of the commercial bill.
 Pricing cannot be changed once billing document is generated and released to accounting
 Document flow from order to billing to accounting document can be seen.

Sub SAP Process Benefit

 Delivery has to be created for  Allocation of stocks to orders.
1 orders.
 Only items in stock shall be
picked up in delivery
2  Stock reservation done after  Stock reservation helps in committing
delivery delivery quantities to customer.


 Standardized processes using  Enhanced Controls at billing level.

3 various billing types are used
for different processes i.e.
normal billing, returns etc
 Accounting document is  List of open items is available.
4 generated as soon as billing  Pricing cannot be changed once billing
document is saved. document is released to accounting. This
 Excise invoice can be printed ensures control.
as soon as billing document is  Less transaction processing time.
saved  Chances of error in documentation are

The billing document types that will be used in UISL are Invoices, credit memos, debit memos, Invoice

4.6 Excise Invoice

In SAP system an Excise invoice is created with the reference of Commercial Bill. The Excise accounts
are determined in this step and this document is maintained with a Number range declared to the Excise


5 Flow Diagram in Integration with other Modules

The following diagram shows the interlinking of Sales and Distribution module with other modules at
different stages.

Pre Sales (Inquiry & Quotation)

Pre Sales (Inquiry & Quotation)

Revenue Transfer
Planning Sales agreements
of Requirements Production
Planning Sales agreements of Requirements
& Production
& Planning

Sales Order / Billing Request

Sales Order / Billing Request
Finish Goods Transfer
Finish Goods Transfer

Purchase Requisition

Materials Management
Materials Management

Finish Goods Issue

Finish Goods Issue


to Finance
to Finance

and Controlling
and Controlling


6 Sales Scenarios in UISL

Following Sales order types will be maintained in SAP. All Order number ranges will be Internal
assignments. Separate number ranges can be maintained for each order type.

 Standard Sales
 Sale to Export oriented units
 Free of Charge (FOC) Sales.
 Sale of Raw material – Scrap
 Services provided – Conversion / Job work
 Exports
 Sales to Railways
 Return Orders
 Supplementary Bill Invoice / Invoices

Following Billing documents will be maintained in the SAP system.

 Standard Invoice
 Proforma Invoice
 Cancellation document
 Credit memo
 Excise Invoice


6.1 Standard Domestic Sales

Create Inquiry

Create Quotation (with / without ref.)

Create Sales Order (with / without ref.)

Create outbound delivery and Batch assignment by QCD


Post Goods Issue

Create Billing

Create factory Invoice

 The above flow diagram gives the flow in Sales & distribution, which will be followed in UISL.
 For inquiries given by regular customers the customer Number applicable in Master will be
selected. For inquiries received from New customers either the customer master would be
created for the same or the inquiry can be entered for the dummy customer made in One-time-
customer account group. Here the Customer name, Address and communication derails of the
customer would be entered in the inquiry itself, which will be applicable only for that inquiry and
would not form the par of the masters.
 If an inquiry is received for a new material, the same will be taken care through Notification so
that the information of the inquiry can be passed to QCD department, which can further take the
action and give their recommendations on the notification itself. If the material can be produced,
and the Quote for the material has to be given, the Material Master for the same has to be
 Inco terms, negotiated payment terms defaulted from customer master.
 If the Customer specification sheet is relevant, the same has to be attached to the order as a
document. The specification sheet can be scanned and uploaded in SAP through Document
Management System. This document number would be then selected in the order and attached
to the sales order for further reference. Provision to capture the specifications from the customer
specification sheet in the system also needs to be developed so that the same may also be
attached to the sales order.


 After saving the sales order the Order Acknowledgement letter would be the output, the print of
which will be in the form of Hard copy. The required output types to send E-mail to the customer
would also be maintained.

6.2 Sale to Export oriented units

 In Deemed Exports the Sales order, Delivery and Billing is done as per standard sales cycle.
 The customer sends the required form CT1, CT2 or CT3 which will be tracked in the system.
 Excise duty is exempt but will be determined at the time of creating the excise Invoice. (Refer the
CIN BBP – Deemed Exports).
 CST (2%) or VAT(4%) which ever is applicable has to be paid and is calculated on in the bill.
 An ARE3 document is then created with the reference of the Excise Invoice.

6.3 Free of charge

 Order for sample.
 Order will be created as free of cost order; however excise conditions will be picked up in order
as excise is chargeable. Other processes will remain same.
 The Customer account will not be debited at the time of creating the Billing document.

6.4 Sale of Raw material – Scrap

 The document flow in case of scrap sale will be similar to that of standard Sales.
 The sales views have to be extended for the raw material if it has to be sold to the customer.
 Excise duty on the scrap invoice is equal to the duty that is paid during the purchase of the scrap,
and not necessarily 16 % of the material valu3. Hence provision will be made to manually enter
the duty while creating the excise invoice.

6.5 Service provided – Conversion / Job work.

 The Sales material for the same will be the final product being manufactured for the customer but
the pricing will be carried out only for the service charges.
 Excise duty may be charged depending on the type of service provided (e.g. excise duty charged
for conversion from scrap to billets but not when converting billets to bars.)

6.6 Exports
 Exports sales order would be similar to a standard sales order with the only difference that excise
duty and Sales tax will not be determined as it is not applicable on Exports.
 Pricing would be in the currency maintained in the customer master.
 Separate records of the exchange rates are to be maintained in exchange rates tables to carry
out the conversion from the customer’s currency to Indian Rupees.
 Commercial Invoice will also be in the Currency of the customer.
 Excise Invoice will be created in Indian Rupees; the conversion of foreign currency to Indian
rupees will be according to the exchange rates maintained in the exchange rate table.
 During creation of an Excise Invoice, whether the supply is Duty paid, under Bond or under Letter
of undertaking is to be selected, according to which the postings to the accounts would be
 An ARE1 document will be created in the system with reference to the Excise Invoice. Excise
duty will appear on the ARE1.


6.7 Sales to Railways

 Railway sales would be tracked separately.
 Inquiry is received from the Railways department / Tenders are opened
 An offer is send to the department through a Quotation or Tender No. (Tender No, Tender date
and the Due date of the tender should be tracked against the Quotation).
 Competitors names and offers are required to be tracked against the tender UISL has submitted,
to get an Comparative statement.

Rpt for comparative statements

Company Basic Price ED CST Frt Total (Rs) Status
1 XXX L1
2 XXX L3
3 XXX L2

 The railway department sends the advance acceptance of the Tender, which ensures that a P.O.
will be send by the department. The Number of the Advance acceptance of the Tender and its
date will be tracked needed to be tracked.
 The P.O. is send by the railway department, which forms the input to the Sales Order in SAP
system. Output of the Sales order would be in the form of the Acknowledgement Letter. In the
sales order the required delivery Schedules dates and quantities would be entered.
 Once the material is produced an Inspection call letter is send to the RDSO.
 Delivery Memo (DM) is issued by the Quality Inspector on clearance of the material. Track of the
Dispatch Memo No. and date along with the Tendered quantity, Accepted quantity, Rejected
quantity and the No of Bars to be dispatched needed to be tracked in the system. Material to be
dispatched against this Dispatch Memo.
 The material is dispatched to the consignee against the Excise Invoice.
 An Inspection certificate (IC) is received from director, RDSO, against the material inspected by
the inspector. The track of the IC received with its Number, date and accepted quantity to be in
the system.
 A Railway Bill is raised for 95% of the amount for the consignments for which Goods receipt
challan is received. This is the Bill according to which the payment follow-up is made and the
railway department gives the payment.
 The receipt challan at the clients end is then received which is signed by an Authorized / Non-
authorized Signatory. The Goods Receipt Number and whether the signatory is authorized / Non-
authorized needs to be feed in the system on the basis of which the remaining 5 % bill is send.
 A Railway Bill is again raised for the remaining 5% or 100% depending on the payment terms,
after the receipt note is received.
 The payments received from the railway are to be entered according to the railway bills to identify
the payment shortages and the reason for the same. For short payments the action taken would
be in by an authorized person.
 Commissions payable to the commission agent after the receipt of the order, after receipt of 95%
payment and after receipt of 5% payment for the railway department.

The processes in case of Sales to Railways are somewhat different from the Standard Sales cycle
covered in SAP, requiring additional functionality to track some data at every stage and development of
different formats (e.g. railway bills).
The required data will be tracked in SAP to give the necessary reports.


 Tracking of the payment received from the Railways according to the Railway Bill, the
reasons code for short payment and further action to be taken.
 Report informing the Commission payable to the agent after the payments are received from
the railways.

6.8 Customer Sales Returns

Returns can be understood as any sold material returned by the customer due to transit damages or

Material Return / Invoice

Create Returns Order (with ref. to Invoice)

Create Returns delivery

Post Goods Receipt

Inspect Goods Receipt

Create Usage decision

Create Credit memo

 Returns process starts from the entry of returns order in the system. The returns order is usually
made with reference to the Billing document against which the material was dispatched.
 If the return is with reference to invoice, price will be copied from the invoice it is referenced to.
 The reason for returns will have to be entered in the returns order.
 With the reference of the returns order, the material will be received through an inbound delivery
by ‘Post goods receipt’. The goods will be posted in quality inspection stock, decision for which
can be Quality Control department.
 Then depending on the scenario an credit memo can be created or an subsequent order will be
created to give replacement of the material to the customer.


Sub Process SAP Process Benefit

 Returns are taken with  Better control and trace ability of returns
1. reference to billing
 At time of returns PGI, both  Accurate valuation data is available.
2. stocks and valuation
details are updated

 Report will be developed to inform the due date within which the material has to be send back to
the customer to get the excise exemption.


6.9 Stock Transfer to Depots

Stock Transfer order from depot

Create outbound delivery

Change Outbound delivery

Post Goods Issue

Create Proforma Invoice

Create Excise Invoice

Goods Receipt against P. O. at Depot

 This scenario is of transferring the stock to the Depots created in the system.
 The supplying plant is defined as vendor and the receiving depots as customer in the system.
 A stock transfer P.O. has to be created in the receiving plant, and the delivery of the material will
be with reference to the stock transfer order.
 A Proforma invoice will be created instead of normal billing document.
 The Excise Invoice will be created with reference of the Proforma Invoice.
 This Excise invoice is captured at the Depot to update the RG23D register.
 The Depot in turn raises an Invoice on the customer, which updates the Account receivables for
the customer.
 In depot one invoice can be created with reference to the material received from one or more
invoices and the opposite is also possible.

6.10 Customer Complaint (Refer to QM BBP)

In SAP, quality notification for customer complaints will be raised whenever a complaint is received from
the customer.
Quality Notifications are structured documents that capture the non-conformities observed and recorded
and allows users to record the subsequent corrective/preventive actions required to solve the problem. It
captures the related information on cause of defect, the probable actions that are to be taken for
disposal, responsible agency/personnel, the activities that are to performed. It also keeps a track of the
status of the problem solving process like the Notification is only generated and released for action or
released but not processed yet, in-process, completed, successfully completed. Multiple problems can be
assigned in one notification. Generally all defects observed in one inspection lot is captured in one single
notification because the agency involved is the same.


For UISL, following type of notifications will be used for customer complaint handling:
1. Notification type Q1 = Customer complaint (This is a general complaint not specific to any sales order)
2. Notification type F1 = Customer defect related (This will be specific to Sales order)

When a complaint is received, user will create a notification (type Q1/F1) in SAP, following details can be
entered there:

1. Sales Order/Delivery
2. Customer details- can be either directly entered or copied w.r.t. a sales order/delivery
3. Material details and reference quantity

User will also put the subject details in descriptive form in notification.

Tasks can be assigned to the notification for someone to act on it.

After completion of the task, the initiator may close the notification.

6.11 Credit management

Credit Management enables you to minimize the credit risk yourself by specifying a specific credit limit for
the customers. This process enables you to monitor credit when processing customer orders and

While entering a sales order, if the credit limit has exceed the specified limit the system now responds in
one of two ways
 It outputs an error message, but prevents you from saving the order.
 It outputs a warning message, but does not prevent you from saving the order. It blocks the

If the order is blocked, the credit representative processes the blocked order from a list of blocked sales
and distribution documents.

The credit representative now decides how to proceed with this order. From the list of blocked documents
he can use the Information Functions in Credit Management to help make the decision.

Once the credit representative releases the order, a delivery can be created and a billing document

Similar blocks can be applied at the time of delivery and Post Goods Issue (PGI).

Once you have saved the Invoice document, the system automatically creates a financial accounting
The customer pays the invoice that you created in the previous step. You then post the incoming

Requirement regarding Credit Management:

UISL needs the credit blocking on the basis of Credit limits fixed for each customer, and the Number of
days of due amounts.


UISL has a requirement that the authorizations for releasing the blocked document would be in 3 stages
as per the percentage of the amounts, which have crossed the credit limits. e.g the value of the material
to be dispatched is within the credit limit the user will give the clearance for dispatch. If the value of is 5-
10% more than the credit limit then some other authorized person can give the dispatch clearance. If the
value is more that 10% than the highest authority can only give the dispatch clearance.

The configuration / customization required in credit management functionality so that authorizations to

different persons based on the percentage of the credit limit crossed by a document can be given will be
looked into during realisation stage.

Rest of the Process for Credit Management at UISL, Ludhiana would be as follows.

One credit control area will be created for UISL, which is assigned to Company Code UISL

Name Description
UIS1 UISL Credit Control Area
Master data has to be maintained for Credit Management as follows:

To maintain a Credit Control Area in the customer master under sales area data
To define credit limits for customers wherever applicable
To maintain a risk category for the customer under credit control
To maintain credit representative for release of blocked orders etc.

Credit Limits would be defined for the customers as they are in the Present system.
The system will prompt this message while saving the order if the Billed amount of the customer exceeds
the credit limit maintained for the customer.
If the customer is in overdue then the system would give a warning about the overdue, overdue days for
which will be maintained in the system.
Delivery would not be possible as a result of order block due to credit control check.
Order will be released by the relevant Credit Control authorized person

After the order has been released, delivery would be possible and hence billing can be done

Blocking and Mark for Deletion is possible for customers as per requirements, depending on there
payment history.

The system will also give a list of orders, which were released due to credit limits & overdue. An
authorized person can change the credit limits of customers at any point of time.

In the similar way the orders can e blocked at delivery stage and can be released by an authorized

6.12 S&D Excise processes & Taxes applicable

This is covered in the Business Blue Print Document for India Localization and Business Blueprint for
Value Added tax submitted to UISL on 16/12/2005.

Excise duty will be calculated on the basis of Chapter ID in which the material lies and the country.


CST or VAT applicable will be determined on the basis of the Country, Plant region, Customer region,
Customer tax classification, Material tax classification.

Report to keep the track of C forms would be developed.


7 Master Data:
Masters: - Master data forms the basis of sales and distribution processing. Precisely
maintained and well-classified master data considerably simplifies and accelerates the
operative processing in daily business. Since other modules like PP, MM and FI and SD
use Master Data, it forms the core of SAP R/3 system.
Master in S&D Module: - For the Sales and Distribution module mainly two kinds of
masters have to be maintained.

7.1 Customer Master.

The Customer Master Record is the basis for all Sales Orders, deliveries and billing. It
represents data relevant to the entity being dealt with. Customer master records will be
created for the following parties:
 Sold-to-party
Account Groups
 Ship-to-party  Domestic Customers
 Bill-to-party  Export Customers
 One Time customer
 Payer  Consignment Agents
 One Time Customer
 Consignment Agent
These are generally referred to as customer partners. When a Sold-to-party record is
created, a Ship-to, Bill-to & Payer are created with the same record number. If a
customer has a number of Ship-to addresses, these Ship-to addresses can be assigned
to the Sold-to party. When an order is processed against this customer the system will
prompt the user to choose from a list of Ship-to parties.
Internal number assignment will be there for customers.
The number range for the customers will be Numeric and generated by the system. The
system does not allow creating a customer with same number twice, but cannot control
creation of same customer under different numbers, and user needs to verify critically
whether it is already created with any other number, but an warning message will be
given by the system if two addresses are identical.

Critical data such as Tax code, Price group, Terms of payment, credit control area,
Shipping conditions, delivering plant etc are to be entered carefully as this has impact on
other transactions

The list of payment terms has to be given by UISL, the same will be maintained in the
The Key user will be responsible to create the Customer Master Record. Authorization
for that Customer and its details will be given by the Identified Power User. Both the
Sales & Distribution and Financial Accounting views should be created simultaneously.
 Tax details


The tax classification indicators of the customer along with the region of ship to
party is responsible for determining the Sales tax or VAT applicable and has to
be chosen carefully while maintaining the customer master.
Sub Process SAP Process Benefit
 Customer no generation will be given
 Data redundancy is avoided
1 by the system sequentially and
duplication of data is not possible
 Default delivering plant can be  This is useful in sales
mentioned transactions like order processing.
 Payment terms fields related data Data gets copied from the master
such as overdue, due date etc. which can be edited if required
 Single customer can be treated as  Redundancy of data is
Sold to party, ship to party, bill to avoided. Data from the master
party and payer and is relevant for gets copied into the order that can
other Concerned Departments be edited.
 Customer master utilizes both state
 Enhanced accuracy in tax
4 field and tax code field to determine
 Order combination indicator is  Order combination indicator
5 available control whether more than one
 Partial delivery indicator is available order can be combined into a
single delivery
 Partial delivery settings control
whether customer is to be
delivered in full or part quantities
can be delivered
 Apart from VAT/CST /Pan Excise  This would be useful for
6 related data like excise registration statutory compliance purposes.
no., excise division can be
maintained. Vat regn no. is also

In SAP the customer will be created for a company code and a sales area. A customer can be
extended to more than one sales area in one company code. The customer Master is broadly
divided as mentioned below.

1) General Data

Customer number (Customer code of the customer, internally generated by the system)
Customer Name
Address with city, pin-code, region, and country.
Telephone/ Fax Number/Email ID
Industry Sector
Customer Class
Contact Person details (contact person at the customer location)

2) Company Code Data


Reconciliation Account (for accounting e.g. Domestic Receivables, Export etc)

Payment Terms (Terms of payment e.g. 30days, 60 days, immediate)

3) Sales Area Data

Sales Office (Branch Offices)

Sales Group (Sales Persons in a branch office)
Customer Group
Tax Classification Indicator
Shipping data like shipping conditions, delivering Plant.
Billing data like Inco-terms, Payment Terms, Taxable Indicator
Partner Function data (Sold to Party, Ship to, Bill To, Payer etc)

4) CIN Details
Excise Registration range/ Division
Pan No

7.2 Material Master.

The material master is essential for the creation of a Sales Order in Sales & Distribution.
The Material Master is used by the system to represent the product or service being sold
or produced. Material Master contains important fields which will be centrally created and
used by all agencies involved in Logistics system.

Material Master will have following Sales & Distribution related key data –

Material Type i.e. whether it is a finished good, Semi finished good, etc
Material groups
Delivering plant
Pricing Indicator
Material pricing group
Acct assignment group
Item category groups
Tax classification Indicator for the material
Loading group

All Sales & Distribution sales documents, (with the possible exception of inquiries for a new product) will
reference a material.
The material records in scope for Sales and distribution may represent a:
 Finished Products
 Semi finished

The user needs to clearly identify Material Types, Unit of Measurement, and all other parameters while
entering the material master as this has impact on all the transactions being carried out for that material.


Sub Process SAP Process Benefit

 Data will be created centrally  Real time updating of data

1. and extended to all the plants.  Visibility of stocks at all plant in real
 A plant can be blocked from time.
selling certain material if
 Stocks kept under unrestricted  Stock can be seen in each of the
2. use can be seen in material storage location and hence better
master inventory planning is possible.
 Minimum order quantity and  It can be ensured that minimum order
3. minimum delivery quantity qty of material has to be ordered to
can be specified create a sales order.

 Extra unit of measure if any  Order entry can be done in any unit of
4. shall be specified in material measure specified in material master

At UISL, a finished product has to be defined for a plant, sales organization and distribution channel and
it will contain a division. It has to extend to all plants in the system. Also it has to be extended to the
respective sales organization & distribution channel combinations wherever applicable. This means that
a material has to be defined for all plants and depots and it has to be extended to respective sales
organization & distribution channel combination. The following fields will be needed to be maintained in
UISL, Ludhiana

The basic data view of the material would be used to define the following
Unit of Measure -Ton etc.
Net Weight
Gross Weight

The Sales Org –1 view would contain the following fields

Delivering Plant
Material Group
Taxable Indicator e.g. 1=Taxable material, 0= Non taxable material

The Sales Org-2 view would contain the following fields

a) Material Statistics Group - whether material is relevant for statistics or not
Material Pricing Group (for pricing)
Account Assignment Group (for revenues)
Item Category Group. It is a grouping of materials that the system uses to determine item categories
during the processing of sales documents.

Material Group 1 to 5 (to define the grouping of material)

The Sales / General Plant view would contain the following fields
Availability Check (for transfer of requirements)
Loading Group (to determine shipping point)


7.3 Pricing
The term pricing is used broadly to describe the calculation of prices (for external use by customers or
vendors) and costs (for internal purposes, such as cost accounting). Conditions represent a set of
circumstances that apply when a price is calculated. For example, a particular customer orders a certain
quantity of a particular product on a certain day. The variable factors here – the customer, the product,
the order quantity, and the date – determine the final price the customer gets. The information about each
of these factors can be stored in the system as master data. This master data is stored in the form of
condition records.

Pricing in UISL will be based on following criteria for each customer.

1) Product Group: All the finished materials lie in the 18 product groups, which are
identified. The same product groups would be maintained in the Sales org 2 screen in Material
pricing group field, which will be the first criteria for pricing (All the grades lying in one product
group have the same price), subject to the size group.
Product Groups – C steel, C-Mn steel, Cr Steel, Cr-Mo steel, Cr-V steel, Bsteel, Spring steel, Cr-
Mn steel, Ni-Cr-Mo steel, Mn-Mo steel, Cr-Si steel, S steel, Cr-Ni steel, 18 Ni-Cr-Mo55, 15 Cr-Ni6,
2) Shapes: Rounds, Flats, Square, Profiles(Triangle, Half rounds, Trapezium) The
shape on the
3) Sizes:
a) Rounds: 8-11.9, 12-14.5, 14.6-19.9, 20-27.9, 28-40.9, 41-75
b) Flats: Prices maintained for each profile
c) Profiles – Prices maintained for each profile.
4) Inco terms: To Pay, Freight Paid and Billed, Company Account.
5) Length type: Normal, Short Length, Rejected Short Length, Multiple Lenght
6) Material.

Condition tables will be maintained with the following fields: Sales organization / Distribution channel /
Customer / Freight terms / Product Group / Shape / Size / Material Code.
The prices, which are the condition records, will then be entered in the required Condition tables.

The system will first look that if an record exists for the customer / material combination. If found the
system will access the same and consider the prices for the same. If material specific record does not
exists the sytem will look for whether the material price if found for the combination of Customer/grade
group/ shape / size group / length type / and the process. If the prices are maintained for the same the
same will get picked in the order. If the material does not lie in that combination also then the system will
give an error and the masters have to be maintained for the same. These records are valid for defined

The user would not be able to modify any price determined by the system, and any change in the price
will have to be done in the master records, authorization for the same will be given to the Power users.
Prices are determined by the system by referring to Pricing Condition Master Records.


Pricing Procedure
Pricing procedure will be maintained for Product Sales. The pricing procedure will include the following
 Customer specific price
 Excise Duty
 Sales Tax / VAT
 Freight if applicable

Sub Process SAP Process Benefit

 Prices will be captured from  Enhanced system performance

1 minimal necessary master
 Validity date will be  Enhanced control over prices
2 maintained in the master.
Future prices can also be
set based upon validity


8 Output Formats
The following output types will be designed for Sales:
No Document Remarks
1 Inquiry for New Products As per the format finalised with UISL
2 Quotation As per the format finalised with UISL
3 Railway Quotation Format not yet finalised
4 The same Order Acknowledgment output type will be used
Order acknowledgment
across all company codes and for all types of sale
5 The same Delivery Document output type will be used across
Delivery documents
the company code.
6 Billing VAT / Excise Invoice creation

7 Railway Bill Commercial Bill for Railway

8 Inspection Call Inspection call to the RDSO inspector in case of Railway sales.

9 Pending order status. As per the format that will be finalised with UISL

10 Covering Letter for Invoice Format not yet received


9 Reports
The following Reports will be provided in Sales
Report Selection Options Key Fields
Customer Analysis Sold-to party Sold-to party / Incoming orders / Invoiced Sales
Material Credit Memo / Billing qty / Total order qty
Sales Organization
Distribution Channel
Material Analysis Material Material / Incoming orders / Invoiced Sales
Sales Organization Open orders qty / Billing qty / Tot.order qty /
Order items
Distribution Channel
Sales Organisation Sales Organization Sales Org. / Incoming orders / Tot.order qty
wise Analysis Distribution Channel Invoiced Sales
Sales district
Sold-to party
Shipping Point wise Shipping Point/Receiving P Material / Sold Quantity
Destination country
Sales office wise Sales Organization Sales Office / Incoming orders / Orders: cost
Sales Group Invoiced Sales /Inv.sales: cost
Sales Office
Distribution Channel
Credit master Sheet Customer Customer / Name / City / Credit limit / Credit limit
Credit control area used / Over/under Cred.lim.used / Total limit /
Last payment / Cust.cred.grp


Report Selection Options Key Fields

List of Sales orders Sold-to party Sales order, Item, Schedlue line, Material, Descp,
All / Open Material Doc Date, Sold to Party, Order Qty., Net Price,
Net Value, Sls order status, Sls org, Dist
Purchase order no. Channel, Division.
Doc Date
List of Inquiries Sold-to party Inquiry No, Date, Customer, Material, Sles off,
All / Open Material Sls grp, Division.
Valid from
Doc Date
List of Quotations Sold-to party Quotation No., Date, Customer, Material, Sles
All / Open Material off, Sls grp, Division
Valid from
Doc Date
Blocked orders Sales organization Doc. / ItmNo / GIDate / Ship to party No. / Name
Distribution cha
Sales office
Sales group
Delivery List Sales Organization Delivery / Ship-to / Name of the ship-to party /
Distribution Channel Pick Date / TrpPlanDt / GI date /
Shipping Point/Receiving Pt
Sold-to party
Ship-to party
Status decntrl wrhs
Packing status
Overall pick.status
Pick confirmation
Billing status
Total gds mvt stat.
Overall WM status
List of Billing Payer Billing Document No, Date, Sls org, Name of
Documents Material Sold to party, Payer, Net Value, Material, Quantity

Customer Balance Customer Period, Debit, Credit, Balance, Cum Balance,

Display Company code Doc. Date, Net due dt. Clearing Amt in loc.cur.,


Report Selection Options Key Fields

Fiscal year Payment reference


10 Authorization:
Access to master records and transactions in order to prevent unauthorized changes can be restricted
through authorizations. Depending on how the master data is organized and on how the access should
be controlled, authorization profiles can be created. These authorization profiles are attached to roles,
which are used to describe job responsibility. Roles created will be assigned to the users.
Authorizations can also be assigned for different types of processing.

All users could have authorization to display master records while only a limited group of users may be
able to create and change master data. Only those transactions and menu paths that a person is
authorized to use will be shown on the screen to improve user data processing efficiency.
Authorization profiles and the access levels for the users shall be discussed in detail during the
Realization Phase.

Authorization control for the following objects will be considered:

 Customer Master
 Material Master
 Condition Record / Pricing Records
 Sales Inquiry
 Sales Quotation
 Sales Order
 Delivery
 Billing
 Excise Invoice creation
 Credit Management


11 GAP Analysis
The Blueprint document for sales and distribution describes the process that would be carried out by the
R/3 system. The following aspects could be addressed only at the time of realisation.
 Tracking of the payment received from the Railways according to the Railway Bill, the
reasons code for short payment and further action to be taken.
 Report informing the Commission payable to the agent after the payments are received from
the railways
 Provision to enter the tentative delivery dates in the Report of Pending Customer order
 The Sales orders for which production has already started, the system should allow the
cancellation of the order by an authorized person only.
 If excess material is produced against an order, within an tolerance range, the system should
automatically pick the excess material
 Intimation to the production department to hold the production of the material for which the
order is cancelled at the 11th hour.
 The requirement in credit management functionality for percentage/amount-based
authorizations, for releasing blocked delivery documents.
 The functionality to maintain two or more payment terms for one customer in the customer
master and only that those payment terms could be selected in Sales order.
 The functionality to intimate that the customer has notified a complaint for the last supply
during the creation of the sales order.
 Short-closing the orders without manually changing the quantities in the order.
 Allowing the Delivery / PGI by an authorized person, with the payment mode as Letter of
Credit even when the financial document is not created in the system. Functionality that the
LOC can be attached to an invoice after dispatch.
 Size group in which the material lies should be selected form the size selected in the material


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