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Practice Workbook

This workbook is designed for use in Live instructor-led training and for OnDemand selfstudy.
The explanations and demonstrations are provided by the instructor in the classroom, or in the OnDemand
eLectures of this course available on the Bentley LEARN Server (

This practice workbook is formatted for on-screen viewing using a PDF reader.
It is also available as a PDF document in the dataset for this course.

Modeling a Fire Using SCADAConnect

This workbook contains exercises to learn how to use SCADAConnect Simulator to analyze the effect of a fire
on a distribution system. You will load the initial condition from a SCADA data source and simulate response of
the operator to the fire.

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Description and Objectives

Course Description
In this workbook you will be given a working hydraulic model of a water distribution system. You will also be provided
with an excel spreadsheet which contains field data for the previous 24 hours. The field data includes tank levels,
individual pump flows and pump station flows, and is already imported into the model. You will use the field data to
import initial conditions into the model and then perform three runs: 1-Normal day simulation; 2- 3hour fire with normal
operating conditions and 3- 3hour fire turning on a standby pump, PU3.

Skills Taught
 Viewing mappings between historical SCADA data and model elements using SCADA Signal Elements

 Importing initial conditions into model with SCADAConnect Simulator

 Running a historical day model and comparing it with the SCADA data

 Running a future day without a fire

 Running a future day with a fire

 Modifying pump controls and rerunning the fire

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Raw SCADA Data
In a real system, you may load the initial conditions for the model run from Live SCADA data from an OPC server although you may also use
the most recent value from a historical data file. For the workshop, you will use a historical file.

1. The historical data is stored in the file RawSCADA.xlsx in the Starter folder. Navigate to the file and briefly view the contents. It should look
like this:

2. The data covers the period from 18:00 (6 pm) 21 Nov 2015 to 18:00 (6 pm) 22 Nov 15. The columns with names starting with T are tank
levels, those with S are pump station flows and those with PU and individual pump flows.

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The System

1. Start WaterGEMS. Open the file Fire-SCADASimStart.wtg located in the Starter folder.
2. The system consists of a large pressure zone (in green below) and multiple small zones at higher elevations fed by pumps. The model
with the pressure zones designated by different colors is shown below.

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3. Select File > Save As and name your file Fire-SCADASimSolution.
4. To observe system operation, select scenario EPS24 and click Analysis > Compute.
5. Color code pipes by Flow (Absolute) (already set up in element symbology). The results for time step 11/21/2015 8:00PM should look like
this which shows the typical path of water through the system:

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6. You can get a feeling for tank level fluctuations by selecting View > Graphs > All Tanks. (Time labels removed in this picture for easier

The EPS-24 simulation coincides with the timing of the field data: from Nov 21 2015 6:00pm to Nov 22 2015 6:00pm. Notice that tank levels
fluctuate between 1m and 5.5m

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Review SCADA Signal Setup

1. SCADA elements have already been placed in the model corresponding to every signal in the historical data file. For example, pump
station PS-1 has three pump signals and one for the station.

2. To view the signal mappings between the data file and WaterGEMS, select Analysis > Down arrow besides SCADAConnect Simulator >
SCADA Signals.
3. Double click SCADA Datasource -1 to open the Database Source dialog
4. If you see a red warning balloon to the right of the Connection field, you need to change the path to the Excel file located in the Starter
folder on your computer. Select Edit and under Data Source, click the ellipsis to navigate to the file RawSCADA.xlsx on your computer.
Click Open.

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5. To check the connection, select Test Connection and you should see:

Note: If you received a message stating that Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 64-bit is required, save your work, close the
software, then browse to and open WaterGEMS.exe in the root of your installation folder, which is the 32-bit version. By default
this will be located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\WaterGEMS\. Lastly, reopen your project to continue the workshop.

6. Click OK three times to return to the SCADA Signals manager. You are ready to review the SCADA data.

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Reviewing SCADA data

1. Back in the SCADA Signals dialog. Click on one of the signals (e.g. T4). On the right panel, check that the start and end date and time
agree with what is shown below. Make sure to check the Auto-refresh box, then click the Refresh button. When you click Refresh, the
following graph and table should appear.

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2. You may want to review a few other SCADA signals. Click on any signal and it will display its signal values.

Notice that all PU signals have a flow value. For this exercise however, we will use the flow signal to indicate pump status (On/Off).

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3. Double click on SCADA Datasource -1. Click on the Signal Value Mappings tab.

Notice that Pump Status (On/Off) is set based on the signal flow value. If flow is greater than 0.01 L/s, the pump status will be On. If flow
is less than 0.01 L/s pump status will be Off.

4. When done reviewing, click OK twice to leave the SCADA Signals dialog.

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Mapping SCADA Signals to Model Elements
Review the mappings between the SCADA signals and the model elements. These have been set up beforehand. They can be viewed by
clicking on individual SCADA Elements or opening the SCADA Element FlexTable.

1. Select View > Flex Tables > SCADA Element Table.

Because the data in the Excel file is considered Historical data, anything referring to real time signals is not applicable.

2. Close the SCADA Element flex table.

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Starting SCADAConnect Simulator

1. Start SCADAConnect Simulator by selecting Analysis > SCADAConnect Simulator. The main SCADAConnect Simulator manager should
open as shown below

There are two Baseline scenarios that have been defined, EPS24-21Nov and EPS24-22Nov. Each starts at 6:00 pm (18:00 hours) and each
covers a 24 hour period. The first corresponds to the day for which SCADA data are available while the second covers conditions on the
following day. This workshop assumes the user is sitting at 6:00 pm on Nov 22 and wants to use historical SCADA data (from the past 24
hours) to serve as initial conditions for a run into the future 24 hours.

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2. First, import the Initial Settings for the previous day by going to the Configure tab and selecting Import initial settings. It should show the
time for which you are importing:

3. Select OK and the Initial Settings in the model will be based on the SCADA data. Click Yes to continue importing the Initial Settings. The
summary will appear. There are 5 values which are not imported from the raw data because pump station and pipe flows do not have
initial settings.

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4. Run the EPS24-21Nov scenario by selecting that scenario in Baseline Scenario, checking that the Simulation Model is Historical and
selecting Compute. This will run the previous day's scenario and make it possible to compare what the model would have done on the
previous day with what actually occurred.

5. Close the Calculation Summary that comes up.

6. Check how well the EPS24-21Nov model matched what occurred by right clicking SCADA element SE-T1 (near T-1), which compares the
model and the SCADA data, and picking Graph from the menu. Leave the default graph settings and click OK. It should look like this:

7. Feel free to review other SCADA signals.

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Run for Fire with Normal Controls
You have been notified at 6:00 pm on 22 Nov that a fire is being fought at node FireNode and the fire fighters will need 100 L/s for three hours
to fight the fire. You want to see how that will affect the system.

1. First find the fire node in the model. (In a real system, you will most likely be given a street address and you will need to find the nearest
node.) Select Home > Find Element (binoculars). Enter Fire Node and pick the zoom button. The model will zoom to that element. You
may need to zoom away to see where it is. Draw a small box around it so you can find it easily using Layout > Border and draw a small

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2. Before running a fire flow, you need to import initial settings for the Nov 22 scenario. Go to Analysis > SCADAConnect Simulator.
3. Set the Baseline scenario to EPS24-22Nov, import the Initial settings at time 6:00 pm on 22 Nov by going to Configure > Import Initial
Settings, and importing the values.

4. Once the initial settings have been imported, go to the Home tab in SCADAConnect Simulator.

5. Run the EPS24-22Nov scenario with no fire by clicking Compute . Close the Calculation Summary that comes up.

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6. After the run, graph the pressure at the Fire Node and Level at T-1 to see what the pressure should be without a fire. A graph with this
information has already been created. Select Graphs (located in the Home tab of SCADAConnect SImulator) and from the list of available
graphs, choose Fire+T1. The graph should look like this:

7. In the graph, switch to the Data tab to find the minimum level at T-1 and minimum pressure at Fire Node and enter into results table at the
end of workshop.

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Fire Simulation with Normal Pump Operations
Next, you will simulate the system hydraulics for a 100 L/s fire at Fire Node starting at 6:00 pm on 22 Nov and continuing for 3 hours.

1. Back in the SCADAConnect Simulator. Click the Emergency Response Tab and select Fire Response

2. When the Select Dialog comes up, click on junction Fire Node in the drawing to select it. The New Fire Response dialog will come up.Set
the Start of the Fire to Nov 22 at 6 pm, Duration to 3 hours and Demand to 100 L/s as shown:

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3. Click OK. The new Fire Response will be listed in the SCADA Connect Simulator and the junction’s icon on the map will indicate the
location of the fire response simulation:

4. Click the Compute button in SCADAConnect Simulator to run the simulation.

5. Close the Calculation Summary that comes up.

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6. After the run, click on Home > Graphs again and select the Fire+T1 graph. It should look like this.

7. Read the minimum tank level and pressure and enter into results table.
Pressure at Fire Node dropped significantly during the simulation of the Fire (first three hours of the run). The water level in T-1 also dropped
to less than 1 meter and it took a while for T-1 to recover from the fire.

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Fire Simulation with Control Overrides
During the fire simulation you noticed that the tank level in T-1 dropped significantly during the fire but the standby pump PU3 did not run. You
want to look at the effect of overriding the controls and running that pump as soon as the fire is reported.

1. Back in SCADAConnect Simulator, double click on Control Overrides

2. In the Active Control Overrides dialog, click New.

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3. Select PU3 from the drawing. Set the Attribute to Pump Status Value On for the 3 hours of duration. Your screen should look like this:

4. Select OK and Compute the model. Close the Calculation Summary that comes up.

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5. Reopen the graph (Home > Graphs > Fire+T1), which should look like this:

By running the standby pump, the level at T-1 did not drop as much and the pressure at the fire node was marginally higher.

6. Complete the results table.

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This workshop demonstrated:

1. Viewing mappings between historical SCADA data and model elements using SCADA Signal Elements,

2. Importing initial conditions into model with SCADAConnect Simulator,

3. Running a historical day model and comparing it with the SCADA data,

4. Running a future day without a fire,

5. Running a future day with a fire,

6. Modifying pump controls and re-running the fire

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Results Tables

Minimum Level at T1 Minimum Pressure at Fire Node

(m) (m)
Normal Day
Fire, Normal Controls
Fire, run pump PU3

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Workshop Review

Now that you have completed this workshop, let’s measure what you have learned.

1. Why did the pressure not change much when PU3 was run?

2. What other steps could have been taken to improve pressure and tank level during the fire?

3. What was your impression of the agreement between the model and the historical data on 21 Nov?

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Results Tables

Minimum Level at T1 Minimum Pressure at Fire Node

(m) (m)
Normal Day 1.91 56.5
Fire, Normal Controls 0.98 43.3
Fire, run pump PU3 2.09 45.5

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1. Why did the pressure not change much when PU3 was run?

The pressure was controlled primarily by head loss in the system such that the only improvement was due to the slightly higher tank water

2. What other steps could have been taken to improve pressure and tank level during the fire?

Since there was storage available in the upper pressure zones, pumps to those zones could have been turned off to keep more water in
the zone that experienced the fire.

3. What was your impression of the agreement between the model and the historical data on 21 Nov?

Given the variations of actual water use between that day and the use of a typical day in the model used to calibrate the model, the
agreement was quite good.

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