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Airspy SDR as a Network Analyzer

using for Antenna Characterization

How to make cheap and yet very precise and quality enough Antenna Analyzer for 0.1 то
1800 MHz?

Airspy with Spectrum Spy software in addition with cheap Noise Generator and Directional
Coupler (SWR-Bridge) can be very useful like Antenna Analyzer (poor man`s Network
Analyzer) which means measuring the Return loss versus frequency and usable antenna
bandwidth like measuring with much, much more expensive, state of the art Network
Analyzers and similar measuring equipment.

The impedance of the Radio Station (transmitter or receiver) must be well matched to the
antenna`s impedance if we want maximum available power to be delivered to antenna.

The return loss and SWR measurements show us the match of the system.

A poorly matched antenna will reflect costly RF energy which will not be available for
transmission and will instead end up in the transmitter. This extra energy returned to the
transmitter will not only distort the signal but it will also affect the efficiency of the transmitted
power and the corresponding coverage area.
Return Loss and SWR both display the match of the system, but they show it in different ways.
The return loss displays the ratio of reflected power to reference power in dB.

The return loss view is usually preferred over the SWR linear scale, because is easier to
compare a small and large number on a logarithmic scale.

More than 20 dB system return loss is considered very efficient as only less than 1% of the
power is returned and more than 99% of the power is transmitted. In that case the SWR is
around 1.2
For radio amateur usage, Return loss more than 14 dB is acceptable. This is adequate to SWR of
1.5 which means that 4% of the power is returned and 96% of the power is transmitted.
0 dB Return loss represent an open or a short antenna terminal, while 45 or more dB Return
loss would be close to a perfect match.

Many different methods can be used to measure standing wave ratio.

Professionals usually use a vector network analyzer or frequency analyzer with sweep signal
generator and directional coupler.

I will show you very cheap and very good method for antenna characterizing which means
measuring the Return loss versus frequency and usable antenna bandwidth like measuring with
much, much more expensive, state of the art Network Analyzers and similar measuring

If you have Airspy SDR which is excellent SDR receiver with frequency coverage from 24 to 1800
MHz, You already have main part of the Scalar Network Analyzer I am talking about. Noise
source cost about 20 US dollars and SWR bridge cost about the same.

The Noise source I am using is by BG7TBL design. It is good up to 3 GHz. You can find in ebay:

BG7TBL Noise Source

The radio amateur from China, BG7TBL, designed SWR noise bridge also, which is excellent up
to 600 MHz:

BG7TBL SWR Noise Bridge

You can get some good Directional coupler instead of SWR Noise Bridge. When You choosing
which Directional coupler to buy for antenna analyzer, have to look for better directivity
Coupler. Directivity must be as high as possible. The Directivity limits the range of the Return
loss or SWR analyzer. If the Directivity of the directional coupler is 20 dB on some frequency, it
means that highest Return loss the analyzer can achieve on that frequency is 20 dB, or
minimum SWR can be measured is 1:1,22 If the Directivity of the directional coupler is 30 dB on
some frequency, it means that highest Return loss the analyzer can achieve on that frequency is
30 dB, or minimum SWR can be measured is 1:1,065 and so on... The second important thing
when you choosing Directional Coupler is Coupling loss. The more coupling loss - the more
power from noise generator needs to compensate coupling loss... And, of coarse, very
important thing is frequency range in which Directional coupler has those characteristics. At the
end, The Return loss directional coupler has on his ports has to be as high as possible.
Here is the link of my YouTube video where I describe this excellent cheap DIY Scalar Networ

Mile Kokotov, Z33T
Here are some comments:

David Inston Brilliant! Thanks for posting

1July 19 at 1:25pm

David Inston Hello Mile. I will try this on a multi-band HF antenna (Cushcraft R5) using
Spyverter and Airspy R2. Is the noise source you used ok for HF?
1July 19 at 1:39pm

Mile Kokotov Testing Multi-band HF antenna, you will see multiple "holes" on spectrum as the
antenna has multiple resonance... For HF scalar network analysis you don`t even need Spectrum
Spy. You can use only SDR# because 10 MHz span is enough for HF.
July 19 at 1:49pm

David Inston I have spectrum spy anyway, so I will use it. Do you have a link to the parts you
purchased on ebay?
July 19 at 2:05pm

Mile Kokotov Here is link for Noise Source: More

SMA noise source/Simple spectrum external tracking source DC 12V
July 19 at 2:50pm

Mile Kokotov Link for SMA 50 ohms Dummy Load :


1x SMA Male Plug RF Coaxial Termination Dummy Load 0.5watt…
July 19 at 2:56pm
William Dunn There is also an updated noise source from BG7TBL here

DC 12V Noise Source Simple Spectrum External Generator…
July 19 at 9:17pm

Mile Kokotov Yes David, with Spyverter it is possible to make HF analysis. Using Spectrum
Spy sowtware, you have to look from 120 MHz to 150 MHz for frequency from DC to 30 MHz
(Spyverter has 120 MHz Local oscillator)
July 19 at 1:43pm

William Dunn While I was sitting around waiting on some parts I made a conversion chart with a
note column for return loss\VSWR and uploaded it to the files section. It's a cross reference
between the converter freq shown in Spectrum Spy and the actual frequency.
(Upconverter_HF_conversion_FB.pdf) It might help when looking at HF frequencies.
July 24 at 2:32am

William Dunn Great video, I've been thinking about acquiring some sort of antenna analyzer to
check my receiving antennas and this is a great solution.
July 19 at 4:37pm

Mile Kokotov "Simplicity is the key to brilliance" It is good to know that Airspy SDR can be
very useful for other things besides using as excellent wideband receiver :-)
July 19 at 4:49pm

William Dunn I saw the link above for the Noise source and dummy load but where did you get
the swr bridge?
July 19 at 5:07pm

David Inston I looked hard for the BG7TBL swr bridge but couldn't find it. Maybe it's no longer
available? There are alternatives on ebay. Any comments Mile Kokotov?
July 19 at 5:55pm
David Inston I've already ordered the noise source, 14.59 from ebay.. pounds that is.
July 19 at 6:22pm

Mile Kokotov Instead of SWR Bridge it is even better to use some quality Directional Coupler
from Mini-circuits for example...
July 19 at 8:36pm

David Inston Thanks for the info William Dunn I've now ordered the one that Mile used.
July 21 at 8:29am

Mile Kokotov just order fro here:

6dB 40dB Attenuator & SWR Electronic Bridge 1M-500M Standing Wave Bridge
July 20 at 8:37pm

David Inston I also found it on Ebay uk. Also included is an attenuator board, all for $27. Thanks
again Mile Kokotov
July 20 at 8:48pm

Mile Kokotov David Inston I post the link in the previous comment together with links for Noise
Source and 50 ohm SMA Dummy Load. Here is again link for BG7TBL SWR Bridge:
July 19 at 8:49pm

William Dunn Mile Kokotov Thanks, I ordered a mini-circuits ZEDC-15-2B which is 1 to 1000

Mini Circuits ZEDC-15-2B Directional Coupler 1-1000Mhz,…
July 19 at 9:12pm
Mile Kokotov When You choosing which Directional coupler to buy for antenna analyzer, have
to look for better directivity Coupler.

Directivity must be as high as possible.

The Directivity limits the range of the Return loss or SWR analyzer.

If the Directivity of the directional coupler is 20 dB on some frequency, it means that minimum
Return loss the analyzer can achive on that frequency is 20 dB, or minimum SWR can be
measured is 1:1,22

If the Directivity of the directional coupler is 30 dB on some frequency, it means that minimum
Return loss the analyzer can achive on that frequency is 30 dB, or minimum SWR can be
measured is 1:1,065 and so on...

The second important thing when you choosing Directional Coupler is Coupling loss. The more
coupling loss - the more power from noise generator needs to compensate coupling loss...

And, of coarse, very important thing is frequency range in which Directional coupler has those
July 19 at 9:48pm

David Inston Many thanks Mile Kokotov

William Dunn Mile Kokotov Question, I rec'd the parts and tried it on a ADS-B spider antenna I
built. Obviously need to get this working better but with the 1.090 ghz antenna I was working
with today I found out that I needed to lengthen the antenna by 2 1\2 cm and raised the radials to
get a better return loss\swr. Great little project. Thx again Mile Kokotov.

August 5 at 10:36pm

William Dunn Oh, and this was the result, broke the 250 mile barrier for ADS-B using this
antenna. I can only see well to the NE\SE as I'm down in a bottom on a river about 30' above sea
August 5 at 10:32pm

Mile Kokotov Nice job

August 5 at 10:35pm

William Dunn Mile Kokotov Lower freqs work a lot better. This is the antenna that came with
the airspy.

August 6 at 3:41pm

Mile Kokotov Excellent ! Return loss of the antenna in this example is better than 25 dB on
about 153 MHz which means that SWR is lower than 1:1.1 on that frequency. No signs of
multiple dips like in your previous measurements with different antenna. So everything is OK
with your setup! :-)
August 6 at 3:52pm
Mile Kokotov Now you have excellent Scalar Network Analyzer for almost no extra money
spend, because you already have had Airspy SDR which you can still using as a excellent SDR-
August 6 at 3:59pm

Mile Kokotov No need to mention that with Airspy and noise source you can measure and
characterize (amplitude vs frequency characteristics) many RF stuffs like: RF filters, diplexers,
amplifiers, coaxial cables...
It is really great cheap tool for radio enthusiasts or engineers :-)
August 6 at 4:12pm

William Dunn It really is a great tool. I have several swr meters but they are no good for tuning
receive only antennas. Thanks again Mile Kokotov as I just could not justify the price for a good
antenna analyser.
August 6 at 4:19pm

Erki Ubina Hey. I have qfh antenna for 137,5mhz and see dip in 128 mhz. Does this mean that i
have antenna measures wrong or it is only impedance mismatch (balun, connections etc.. )
problem or both?
August 18 at 12:15pm

Mile Kokotov What is the dip on exactly 137.5 MHz? (how many dB ?
August 18 at 12:20pm

Mile Kokotov May be it is wideband antenna with wide dip?

August 18 at 12:21pm

Mile Kokotov Or the antenna is very close to some metal object and change the resonant
frequency to down? May be is someone close to antenna?
August 18 at 12:22pm

Erki Ubina antenna is not near any metal object, i am about 2 meters from antenna. the dip is not
on 137,5 but in 128 mhz. antenna is calculated for 137,5mhz
August 18 at 12:25pm
Mile Kokotov I understand that the deepest dip is on 128 MHz, but what is the return loss on
137.5 MHz? with other words, what is the SWR on 137.5 MHz?
August 18 at 12:33pm

Erki Ubina dip is ending up flat about 132 mhz. And about 137,5 mhz its stands flat. no
additional dip there and 137,5 not inisde dip.
August 18 at 12:56pm

Mile Kokotov Hmm... It means that the dimensions of your antenna is too long, and it resonates
on 128 MHz. Due to longer dimensions, it will be no problem to shorten the elements in order to
bring it resonate on desired 137.5 MHz...
August 18 at 1:33pm

Erki Ubina ok. thx, will try out to shorten elements and test again
August 18 at 1:50pm

Mile Kokotov Don`t forget to inform us about results! 

August 18 at 1:51pm

Erki Ubina I got my antenna dimensions from .

using 1mm diameter wire with bending radius 1,5mm... so this calculator is incorrect?

Quadrifilar helicoidal antenna - Javascript on-line calculator
August 18 at 1:52pm

Mile Kokotov I can`t say that calculator is incorrect!. Only you knows what you have done!
August 18 at 1:54pm

Erki Ubina :-)

August 18 at 2:00pm
Erki Ubina At last i got it run on 137mhz with 1.3 diameter wire. I needed to shorten both loops
(horisontal width remained same) and also shorten antenna height for that. Now i got around
15db dip in 138 mhz. (measured with rtl-sdr and mini circuits coupler). Calculated measures for
this thin wire was too large. Later wil try to receive meteor in urban area, can't go outside town
August 20 at 1:26pm

Mile Kokotov Great! I am curious about receiving improvement now...

August 20 at 3:15pm

Erki Ubina receiving improves.. at least at my balcony before i only barely seen signal, now on
similar pass i can get 15db signal with sdrplay... and picture from meteor 2. Now waiting to go
out to some higher clear area near city :)

August 20 at 7:38pm

Mile Kokotov Excellent improvement! I am proud that this "poor man`s Scalar Network
Analyzer" helps so much :-)
August 20 at 9:58pm

Here is the link of YouTube video posted by Roland, HB9VQQ. He has made great setup for HF
antenna analyzer with SDRplay and SDRuno software according to my suggestions, and tested
his Diamond CP-6R Antenna:
Nice and clear resonance but not very wideband as the antenna was claimed :-)

Mile Kokotov
Perfect ! Congratulations Roland. Now you have excellent HF antenna Analyzer better than
much more expensive analyzers on the market ! I am very happy that you have made great setup.
Do you using the SWR bridge and Noise generator I suggest (one from BG7TBK)? 73, MIle
Kokotov, Z33T

Joy Rider
Tnx Mile, your video inspired me to try to setup a similar test with SDRPlay. I am a bit
disappointed with my new Antenna the Diamond CP-6R. At least I can now prove and
characterize any Antenna in order to judge whether it is good or not :-) And yes I am using the
same Noise Generator and SWR Bridge from BG7TBK (ebay) as in your video ! 73 de

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