Case Study of Differential-GPS Safety Integrity Performance On Qinghai-Tibet Railway Line

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Case Study of Differential-GPS Safety Integrity

Performance on Qinghai-Tibet Railway Line

Debiao Lu Baigen Cai

School of Electrical and School of Computer and
Information Engineering Information Technology
EMC and GNSS Technology State Key Lab of Rail
for Rail Transportation Traffic Control and Safety
Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing Jiaotong University
Beijing, China 100044 Beijing, China 100044
Email: Email:

Abstract-At the design stage of GPS (Global Positioning investigated by many researchers in order to improve the
System), there is no provision of real-time integrity information localisation performance. The localisation function delivers the
for the standard positioning service (SPS). Meanwhile the precise train location as real time as possible for further services, as
positioning service (PPS) provides signal in space (SIS) integrity safety-related services for example the train control system,
as " lower than 1 x 10- 5 probability per hour". Because automatic train protection, fault identification and so on. The
PPS access to WAGE (Wide Area GPS Enhancements) rapid
locations are also used for non safety-related services as
ephemeris updates and corrections. But only SPS is available for
civilian applications. passenger information.
However, safety-related applications like train localisation, strin-
The traditional train localisation approaches uses the track
gent integrity performance requirements must be fulfilled. Loca-
tion integrity is the measurement of qualitative and quantitative circuit [1], axel counter[2], Euro-balises [3] and so on. These
trust to be placed on the correctness of the location measurement above mentioned "sensors" are track side sensors or equip-
result. The integrity of GNSS is affected by the healthy status ments.A track circuit is a simple electrical device used to detect
of the satellites, the environment along the signal transmission the absence of a train on rail tracks, used to inform signallers
path from the satellite to the receiver (including atmospheric and and control relevant signals. A track circuit typically has power
ionospheric delays etc. ), the satellite geometry at the point of the applied to each rail and a relay coil wired across them. So the
GNSS receiver. From the GNSS receiver side, the implemented tracks need to be digged for splitting the whole track into
RAIM (Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring) is the most different sections. This makes the measurement accuracy of
cost effective method to check the data consistency based on the train locations into sections but continuously delivering
the redundant information from the satellites. But the RAIM
train locations. The Euro-balises delivers the pre-stored train
algorithms are traditionally designed for the situations when
there is only one failure occurs at a time. From the augmentation location when the train is passing by. Both sensors can only
system side, the WAAS, like EGNOS, can also providing integrity deliver either section information or discrete train location.
information for GPS currently. For more specific application
orientated investigation, the user side safety integrity monitoring
The emerging techniques using Global Navigation Satel-
is the most efficient and specific for the required localisation lite Systems (GNSS) and train-borne sensors to deliver train
service. locations both continuously and accurately is the trend of
This paper investigated the train-borne GPS receiver installed on the future train localisation function. Since GNSS can deliver
the locomotive running regularly on the Qinghai-Tibet railway locations anywhere the signal is sufficient to calculate the user
line at the west most part in China. The train control system on position. It can also be applied in the railway applications for
this line is called Incremental Train Control System (ITCS), it the appropriate applications. In many research projects, GNSS
consists of two GNSS receivers, two wheel sensors, and a safety has been investigated a lot for the means of application and
verified digital track map on both train side and radio block how the performance will be [4][5][6]. These are using either
centre (RBC) side. All these forms the localisation unit of the
simulated data or collected data in different railway lines to
ITCS which performs train location for train control purpose.
The GPS data are collected and analysed for both accuracy show the performance of GNSS alone or fusion results by other
and safety integrity analysis. The safety integrity performance sensors.
evaluation method is proposed and the conclusion of the accuracy
According to the railway application, especially the safety-
and safety performance is determined. Finally the foregoing
required safety integrity level by the EN 50129 standard is related applications, there are existing standards requesting
compared and analysed for further improvement of the receiver for the demonstration of reliability, availability, maintainability
selection and design. and safety (RAMS) properties by EN 50126 [7]. The safety
performance is the key to be allowed in the railway safety-
related applications. For GNSS, when it is allowed for train
control purposes, the safety issues need to be quantitatively
Train self perception and train localisation by means of demonstrated. According to this, there are currently several
various sensors on the track side or train-borne side has been methods trying to demonstrate the safety performance of the

978-1-5090-5275-2117/$31.00 ©20 17 IEEE

locaisation unit properly by combining the different sensors.
But the GNSS alone performance also need to be investigated
in order to understand the gap between GNSS and the require- 1)
ment. 2-



The GNSS performance for train localisation can be in- Repeatable
Relati ve
Accuracy Accuracy
terpreted from the requirement of the railway operation sce-
narios. According to U.S. Global Positioning Service (GPS) U'"
..c (Trueness) (Precision)

r r r
standard [8], the GPS performance should be demonstrated
through accuracy, continuity, availability and integrity. All the
properties in this standard are analysed from the SPS SIS level. .~ Mean Deviation Confidence Bias of the
The application of GPS is not regarded. In that the accuracy § of Measured Level Measuremet
analyses the accuracy from the following four aspects: 0 Position (95%) System

• the pseudorange data set accuracy (user range error,

Fig. 1. Measurement Accuracy in Attribute Hierarchy
• the time derivative of the URE (user range rate error,
by errors caused by instability of the transmitted signal , effects
• the second time derivative URE (user range accelera- of the weather, physical changes in the propagation medium,
tion error, URAE) errors in the receiver, and the errors made by the user. They
• the UTC offset error (UTCOE) are categorised into random errors and system error. Further
applications of GNSS into railway converts the navigation
They are all analysed from the system level of the GNSS, system measurements into one-dimensional along the track and
in order to apply GNSS into railway or other transportation cross track errors.
applications, the signal on the ground accuracy need to be
analysed. The standard published by the department of defence When specifying linear accuracy, or when it is necessary
proposed the requirements of the four performance properties to specify requirements in terms of orthogonal axles, normally
from the user side [9]. The accuracy is described as "the the 95 % confidence interval is used. This paper also adopts
accuracy of an estimated or measured position of a receiver the general use of the 95 % confidence internal to represent
(handheld, vehicle, aircraft, or vessel) at a given time is the the measurement accuracy of the dynamic train locations.
degree of conformance of that position with the true position And the specification of the measurement accuracy can be
of the receiver at that time". The accuracy performance of answered as predictable accuracy, repeatable accuracy and
the train localisation results using GNSS should be analysed relative accuracy.
according to this definition. According to the definition expressions in DoD federal
Among the GNSS performance, the accuracy is the base- radionavigation plan and the ISO 5725:1997 [10], the pre-
ment for other performance properties. The continuity and dictable accuracy is actually the measurement trueness, the
availability is not going to be analysed in this paper. Further the repeatable accuracy is actually the measurement precision, and
safety showing another aspect of the system will be regarded the relative accuracy is the reproducibility of the measurements
as the safety integrity monitoring techniques in this paper. by different persons.
To make clear of the representation for the raised accuracy,
A. Accuracy Analysis Characteristics an attribute hierarchy structure is used as a summary of the
Accuracy is the statistical measurement of the performance, properties to be quantitatively analysed. The measurement
accuracy can be regarded as the concept to illustrate, using
a statement of the PNT system accuracy is meaningless unless
a attribute hierarchy based on UML (unified modelling lan-
it includes a statement of the uncertainty in position that
guage). The attribute hierarchy structure is interpreted from
applies. The train is moving dynamically on the railway track
under the permitted velocity. The statistical measurement of top to down as -+ concept -+ property -+ characteristic -+
the train locations acquired by the receiver includes both static quantity -+ value & unit. This structure is developed by iVA
and dynamic measurements, the measurements should be split at Technische Univeritat Braunschweig [11]. The structure en-
into both static and dynamic measurements. ables clearly controlled definition of terms with exact relation
between each other, thus reduce ambiguity and complexity for
Normally the PNT system location measurements have understanding a large number of terms possibly causing wide
errors, or deviation between the measured value and the range of understandings. The relation between the accuracy
true value. The statistical measurement of the performance description terms in this section can be shown as in Fig.
derives a error distribution for each series of measurement. The 1. The measurement accuracy is regarded as the concept,
uncertainty in location measurement can be expressed as the measurement trueness and measurement precision of the tests
probability that the error will not exceed a certain threshold. are regarded as the property, under precision the repeatability
The error of the GNSS, according to GNSS SIS, is comprised and reproducibility characteristics are represented together,

.if Measured Location

Fig. 4. Map Tool Editor for Surveyed GNSS Data

Fig. 2. Cross and Along Track Errors of the Measured Location surveyed data are recorded and analysed in a map editor tool as
shown in Fig. 4. The collected data is processed for track line
inspection, abnormal point elimination, extra data reduction
and so on. The data are represented digitally in various way
by different models, for example the entity-relation model, the
top down model etc[13]. The data is normally stored in XML
format for easy fetching and data analysis.
After the digital track map is made, the validation of the
Fig. 3. A Short Clip of One Train Station Typology map should also be executed to get a safety proof for further
daily use and performance evaluation.

both of them are represented as using standard deviation to C. Accuracy Evaluation Method
illustrate its value and unit.
The digital track map enables the evaluation of the GNSS
Normally the measured location in railway is projected to receiver performance not relying on external reference system
the corresponding track as the true location by the help of the using pre-surveyed digital track map. So the GNSS receiver
digital track map. This process is called map-matching. Then delivers location at the measurement time t namely G t . The
the errors are divided into cross track error <SeT and along map-matched location also at time t , namely M t . The distance
track error <SAT . The decomposition of the error is shown in between the two points C'fJIJ t is the cross track error for the
Fig. 2. measurement at time t. The traditional map matching is using
the nearest distance method to estimate the point projection
B. Digital Track Map for Accuracy Analysis of the measurement. Take the nearest two point stored in the
Normally to evaluate the performance of the localisation digital track map as POli and POIH 1 . The estimation of the
system, a reference system with higher measurement accuracy M t by the known G t is estimated according to the following
level should be established [12]. The reference system needs equation:
a lot of time to build and the accuracy or other performance
indicators should all be analysed before it is put in use as ~
GtMt . POliPOIH 1
= 0 (1)
the reference. So a more convenient and useful reference
is the digital track map. The digital track map is a pre-
surveyed track data, composed by the track line data, point Equation 1 shows the adjacent POls and the GNSS receiver
of interests (POI) including switches, signals etc. The making at the time t should meet orthogonally.
of the digital track map starts from the CAD sketch of the
train station with the topological connections of the signalling, (2)
turnouts, passenger platforms and also the switches. This kind
of map is primary for construction purpose for infrastructure Equation 2 shows the projection of the GNSS receiver
and electronic device installations. A short clip of one of the measurement G t should be on the line of the corresponding
train station is shown in Fig. 3. adjacent POls.
In order to generate the map for performance evaluation, The two equatio~ether determines the projection of
the topological structure of the map should be converted G t , that is M t . The GtM can be regarded as the cross track
digitally with latitude and longitude information. The structure
is cut into the necessary map elements same as mentioned
POls and also track pieces. Then the each piece of the track is Meanwhile, there are two GNSS receivers mounted on
surveyed one by one by high precision GNSS receivers. The the roof the locomotive, so there are two GNSS receiver

Tolerable Hazard Rate Safety Integrity m m

:r- JL t ,
THR per Level T,.l.Ul.L"N~N ~~=-
hour and per function I

.A/\ .tVV ':1-

10" ~ THR < 10~ 4
l\ ,/

/ ~
10~ ~ THR < 10" 3

10" ~ THR < 10~ 2

10~ ~ THR < 10~ 1

:1 GOli O

Fig. 5. SIL Table ·

Fig. 6. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway Line with Altitude
measurements at the same time t , the mean along track error
can be calculated through two projections.
B. Integrity of GNSS

III. SAFETY INTEGRITY EVALUATION METHOD The integrity of GNSS is different from the safety integrity
of railway. As defined in the U.S. Federal Radionavigation Plan
In EN 50126, safety integrity is defined as "the likelihood (FRP), from the transportation side, integrity is "the measure of
of a system satisfactorily performing the required safety func- the trust that can be placed in the trueness of the information
tions under all the sated conditions within a stated period of supplied by a PNT system."[91. The integrity is estimated
time"[7]. This means the possibility of the safety function quantitatively using the probability of hazardously misleading
to perform the required function. For the train localisation information. The three characteristics are:
function, the required safety function is to give alarm and
further safety reaction when the measurement accuracy is • probability of hazardously misleading information: the
lower than the required safety level. probability that the SPS SIS's instantaneous URE
exceeds the not-to-exceed tolerance.
• time to alarm: Time from the onset of MSI until an
A. Safety Integrity in Railway
alarm indication arrives at the receiver's antenna.
The safety integrity as described before has been defined. • alarm limit: the maximum allowance for the applica-
But the quantification of the safety integrity is described by tion is applicable
the safety integrity level (SIL). It means "One of a number of
defined discrete levels for specifying the safety functions to be The alarm limit is the max (not - to - exceed tolerance).
allocated to the safety related systems"[7]. In that the system The integrity risk is estimated according to the alarm limit. For
should meet the SIL requirements. This guides the system the train localisation function, the both along track and cross
design, so SIL is represented by tolerable hazard rate (THR). track data need to be analysed to show the different safety
The THR is used in the form of quantified safety targets for purposes.
each particular railway application.
Similar to measurement accuracy, the safety integrity com-
prises two parts: This paper uses in operation data recorded by the GNSS
receivers mounted on the roof of the locomotive running on the
• systematic failure integrity Qinghai-Tibet railway line. The Qinghai-Tibet railway line is
1142 kilometres long between Golmud and Lhasa. The running
• random failure integrity
altitude is minimun 2828 metres, maximum 5072 meters. The
altitude information and tunnels can be shown in Fig. 6.
It is the task to satisfy both systematic failure integrity and
random failure integrity requirements if the adequate safety The whole structure of the differential-GPS is shown in Fig.
integrity is to be achieved. The systematic failure integrity is 7 (Thi s figure belongs to Alstom). At each train station, there is
normally non-quantifiable part of the whole safety integrity and a so called "GPSRIM" having pre-surveyed accurate location.
relates to hazardous systematic faults, may caused by human The receiver mounted there also receives the GPS signal and
errors. Normally systematic failure integrity is controlled by broadcast the information to the GNSS receiver installed on
quality management and safety management. the locomotive through WAN and GSM-R network. The GPS
receiver received data is basically differential-GPS data. The
Random failure integrity is related to hazardous random following data shown in this paper are all differential-GPS
faults, normally the quantification of the random failure in- data.
tegrity shall be carried out by means of probabilistic calcula-
tions. These are based on known data for hardware component
A. Localisation Unit on ITCS
failure rates and failure modes. The SIL table is applicable
to safety-related functions which consists of actually 5 levels The in operation GNSS receiver installed on the roof of
from 0 to 4. This can be shown in Fig. 5 [14]. This table is the locomotive collects differential-GPS data in 1Hz. There are
used as a means of quantitative approach to control random two GPS receivers, two odometers together forming the voting
failures. scheme at two layers and finally delivering the train location

X 104 Digital Track Map Trajectory of Yangbajing Station

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000

UTM Easting (m)

Fig. 9. Digital Track Map Trajectory of Yangbajing Station (with offset)

Fig. 7. ITCS Differential-GPS Structure

Measurement oltha Two Receivers (clip)

o dlfferentlal-GPSrecelverl
o ditferenl ial-GPSreceiver2



Fig. 8. The Train Location Determination Process


and train speed. This is shown in Fig. 8. In this paper, since 7200 '<00 7600 7800 8000 8200 '<00 8600 '000 9000

only the GPS safety integrity performance is analysed, so the UTM Easting(m)

odometer data is not included.

Fig. 10. Comparison of the Receiver Accuracy
B. Data Collection and Scenario Selection
The differential-GPS receivers are sending data when the
whole system is powered on. The collected data is logged on The data used in this paper is the data logged by N h34
the On-board computer. After each operation (from Golmud to locomotive, the date is 12th of October in 2016. The two GNSS
Lhasa, or backwards), the logged data is downloaded for fur- receivers are collected. In the selection station environment,
ther investigation. This enables the analysis of the differential- there are 2 tunnels, one is approximately 3.4 km long, the
GPS data. other is approximately 1.6 km long. The distance between the
The selected data is a run in the station boundary of two tunnels is about 650 meters. So there are several signal
Yangbajing. This is a 18.2 km long station track including loss and big deviation before entering and leaving the tunnels.
train station and the outside sections between the adjacent
train stations. The time for going through the boundaries of In this 18.2 km long track, only 471 acceptable mea-
the station is 15 minutes. surements are collected for differential-GPS receiver 1, 701
acceptable measurements are collected for differential-GPS
V. DATA ANALYSIS receiver 2. After a comparison of the measurement at the same
time, the accuracy is analysed.
The data analysis consists of two parts, the accuracy
analysis and the safety integrity performance.
The mean cross track projection of the differential-GPS
receiver 1 is 0.27 m, the standard deviation is 0.17 m. And the
A. Accuracy of the Measurements
mean cross track projection of the differential-GPS receiver 2
The digital track map as the foundation of the accuracy is 0.22 m, the standard deviation is 0.23m. This showed the
performance evaluation, the digital track map of the main line cross track project of the both receivers are quite precise and
of the station is shown in Fig. 9. The track map is used later capable of delivering track selection in good signal reception
in this paper for the analysis. environments.

B. Safety Integrity of the Measurements [9] United States Department of Defense and United States Department of
Transportation, "2014 federal radionavigation plan: Dot-vntsc-ost-r-15-
The safety integrity of the measurements is basically the 01," 2014.
along track deviation, the uncertainty of the along track devi- [10] International Organization for Standardization, "Iso 5725-\: Accuracy
ation enables the estimation of the safety margin of the train. (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - part \:
The mean distance between the two map-matched locations General principles and definitions," 1997.
on the track is 1.91 m, the standard deviation for the measure- [II] L. Schnieder, "Formalisierte terminologien technischer systeme und
ihrer zuverlassigkeit," Dissertation, Technische Universitat Braun-
ments is 0.60 m. According to the estimation, using 20" as the schweig, Braunschweig, 2010.
threshold, among the 471 measurements of both differential-
[12] A. Resch, R. Pfeil, M. Wegener, and A. Stelzer, "Review of the
GPS receiver, the amount of data still cannot determine the Ipm local positioning measurement system;' in 2012 International
hazardous rate of the measurements along the track. Conference on Localization and eNSS (ICL-eNSS) , Starnberg, 2012.
[13] F. Bohringer and A. Geistler, "Location in railway traffic: Generation
of a digital map for secure applications;' in Computers in Railways X,
VI. CONCLUSION J. Allan, C. A. Brebbia, A. F. Rumsey, G. Sciutto, S. Sone, and C. J.
Goodman , Eds. Southampton , UK: WIT Press, 2006, pp. 459-468.
This paper shows a case study of the collected differential-
[14] Deutsche Institut fiir Normung, "En 50129 railway applications -
GPS data in the Yangbajing station boundary. One operation communications, signalling and processing systems - safety related
run was analysed for both accuracy and safety integrity anal- electronic systems for signalling."
ysis. The analysis results showed the cross track measurement
of differential-GPS is capable of track selection in good signal
reception conditions. The along track difference between two
GNSS receiver measurements is much lager comparing to cross
track error. The along track difference can be used as the
foundation for safety margin estimation.
More operation data should be collected, processed and
analysed to show the conclusion in larger scale. The signal
constrained environments also need to be studied to com-
pare the performance in different scenarios thus showing
the differential-GPS performance in various operation and
environment scenarios.


This research was supported by the International Science &

Technology Cooperation Program of China (2014DFA80260),
National Natural Science Foundation of China (61603027,
UI334211), Technological Research and Development Pro-
gram of China Railway Corporation (2015XOlO-B, 2016X001-
A) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
Universities (WI5RC00090).


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[7] European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization , "Cenelec
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