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Actually student in my first year in a two-year post A-level course at Aurlom to become a sales
executive manager

Therefore, I must do two months placement from 23th april to 14 june 2018 in a suitable company.

And I would be very much interested in doing this placement in canada and with your esteemed
company ( nom de l’entreprise ? ) if of course it is possible.

I have some knowledge in marketing, sales field area and also import/ export trading business

I also, in middle time would like to learn more about canadian culture and civilization and way of life.

I am please to seek your patronage of the execution of this summer job in your company

I am looking for the best opportunity to enter the world of international businesses. I can assure you
that I will give the best of myself in this field and enable me to carry out this type of operation to
your entire satisfaction.

If you decide in favour of our cooperation, I would, of course, be pleased to provide any further
information you may require, and arrange all deatils for you, should you so wish

I look forward to hearing from you

Salumu-Yvon Ramazani

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