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Aleksandr Dugin

Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin (7 January 1962) is the Russian political scientist and Satanist behind
the National Bolshevik (Nazbol) movement in which Nina and Richard participate. Aleksandr has
influenced several world governments and is even known as “Putin’s Rasputin.” He has met with
everyone from Dr. David Duke to Steve Bannon and has played an enormous role in shaping the
philosophy of the Alt-Right.
Dugin is arguably the leading figure within the Neo-Nazbol cult, having written it’s Bible, The Fourth
Political Theory. The 4PT is pseudo-intellectual Anti-Cosmic Satanism dressed in the garbs of Russian
Nationalism which seeks to unite Russia, Europe and parts of Asia for the purpose of destroying
America and the “Old World Order.”
“The end times and the eschatological meaning of politics will not realize themselves on
their own. We will wait for the end in vain. The end will never come if we wait for it, and it
will never come if we do not. . . . If the Fourth Political Practice is not able to realize the
end of times, then it would be invalid. The end of days should come, but it will not come by
itself. This is a task, it is not a certainty. It is an active metaphysics. It is a practice.” – The
Fourth Political Theory
Dugin leading the NazBol movement
America should be destroyed!
Dugin appears to practice a form of Satanism called Chaos-Gnosticism and also Anti-Cosmic Satanism.
Among practitioners it is simply known as the Current 218. Although this theistic style of practice is
less known than LaVeyan or atheistic Satanism, the Current 218 may hold more influence.
Founded in 1995 and based in Sweden, the Temple of the Black Light is responsible for promotion of
Anti-Cosmic Satanism. First gaining ground in Sweden it spread with the black metal scene throughout
Scandinavia and eventually to Russia where Dugin, already practicing “chaos magick,” likely picked it
up. Its now becoming popular among edgy teens throughout Europe and America. The system is based
on the Kabbalah and makes use of the demonic forces found upon the Tree of Life: a glyph used for
meditation and ritual. Kabbalah, being a Jewish mystical tradition, basically teaches that man can re-
unite with God by exploring his own inner consciousness through meditation and ritual based upon the
Tree of Life glyph. However, they also believe demons lurk on the Tree and a person may descend into
wickedness if selfish or corrupt of mind. When this happens, the person becomes a fallen creation: a
Satanist (or “Black Brother – Magick Without Tears, Chapter XII, Aleister Crowley) who now works
with the demonic forces to corrupt and destroy the whole of creation for the purpose of returning
everything to primordial chaos, or as Dugin puts it, to “uproot the accursed Tree of Knowledge.”
And Dugin express these beliefs often.

Anti-Cosmic Satanism is based in both Lurianic Kabbalah and Sabbateanism. Sabbateanism promotes
the belief that the Jewish Messiah will come either when the world is entirely peaceful or entirely
chaotic, thus sin which results in chaos should be embraced because world peace is impossible without
Messiah. Pornography, warfare, pedophilia, degeneracy of every type should be embraced, they
believe, until the Messiah is forced to appear and save the world. This is the belief system of the Elites.
And this is the root of #PizzaGate. They’re bringing the world to the edge of annihilation before
offering their solution.
Dugin writes on the Jewish Kabbalah
Dugin endorsing cannibalism

Dugin with Geydar Dzhahidovich Dzhemal – founder and chairman of the Islamic Committee of
Why is this guy involved in the Alt-Right again?

Dugin (right) with leading White Nationalist Dr. David Duke (left)

My opinion:
Aleksandr Dugin is a Satanic Communist who hates America
and Putin should feel embarrassed for having anything to do
with him!

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